Group 1 – Getting clarity with Your Beliefs, Your Values and Your Goals

Group 1 for Your Advancement are Memos for your Advancement.

     This group of Reminder Memos are for helping with remembering some of those little things that can help go towards your life advancing in the directions that you choose – to help with you Taking Charge of your life and stepping more and more into your own authority with the directions your life is moving towards. 

     With Taking Charge of your life, try to not offend anyone in the process.  We are told that every individualised Soul is a sovereign being, an extension of and always connected to Our Creator, The Source of All that is – and as such, each and every Soul is Its own authority as a divine heritage, yet each of us are still subservient to Spiritual Laws with consequences for violations of such. – as we discover and learn about from experiences over lifetimes of developing our own personal moral compass.  

      f the term Spiritual Law is new or concerning to you, then you can find many, many pointers towards understanding what these are and how they function – try first by reading the various religious bibles going back 5,000 years or more – however, do realise that all the pointers you will read on this physical dimension will be words recorded as individual perceptions or even limited interpretations made at those times and places across the Globe- and we are told, sometimes as memory penned even decades after the actual events

      These Memos for Advancement are to do with the more simple earthly ways that each of us living in these times can use for our own advancement.  Read through these and discover if anything here can support you with where you are and your situation or circumstances here Now, and the directions you seek your life moving towards.


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      You can also send any of these to a friend
  (but never ever as a judgemental ” ÿou need to change “ message – for that is not so nice karmic energy when it returns its harvest from such sowing and reaping with judgements upon others)  …… can send off any one individual Good Seed as an attachment to an email, the Adobe Acrobat PDF Viewer toolbar has an icon to do this in one step.   Or you can just copy and paste any bits within an email or Facebook or Your web site blog.

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