Group 4 – Choosing Self Supporting Attitudes for Your Advantage

Group 4 for Your Advancement;  are lots of Encouragement as    Pep-Talks for Your Advancement.

Here we have lots of mainly short Pep Talks on Encouraging those Attitudes that will give You an Advantage. Imagine that these are from Your Life Coach or Personal Trainer who is seeking to bring out the more of the latent and hidden potential within you.  

     With attitudes, do yourself a favour and Do Not look upon these as either ‘good’ or ”bad’ – for attitudes are simply mind sets that have consequences – and those linked consequences would be experienced as either pleasure or pain – (and such you might then label as either good or not so good.)  

      So the considerations with reading through these Life Enhancement Coaching PepTalks, is to consider which, if any will serve you best – and which might be worth you adopting as an addendum to your personality expression.  

      Please do not use any of these, or anything else on our web site to become as a self-judgement upon yourself, or a “Should” or a Should-not” to beat yourself over the head with. – for that would be the very opposite of what we seek to foster. 

      Do come back in a few months and see if any other Pep Talks are then appropriate or fitting for you – why? – because we are in a time period of rapid personal growth, – so, by just being at this web site, you will surely be involved in your own process of actualization towards your greater potentials.

       The best suggestion we offer, is to slowly read and contemplate each Pep Talk at least 3 times, and preferably do so over 3 days – this method will more likely result in you gaining even those subtle messages as extra insights hidden between the lines.  Mmmm !


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      You can send any of these to a friend (but never ever as a judgemental ” ÿou need to change “ message – for that is not so nice karmic energy when it returns its harvest from such sowing and reaping with judgements upon others)  …….

   Y.ou can send off any one individual Good Seed as an attachment to an email, the Adobe Acrobat PDF Viewer toolbar has an icon to do this in one step. Or you can just copy anything specific and paste those bits within an email or Facebook or Your website blog


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