You can make a difference towards establishing your location to become known as a City of Goodwill.
Here we have a few different groups of Seeds that can Transform the atmosphere in and around your City, or town, or suburb (or even your workplace) into feeling more Harmonious and more Friendly…..and just a nice place to be. Select from these groups of Good Seeds on this page;
Group 1 For establishing and or declaring Zones of Goodwill – even for your own personal living space; –
Group 2 For Promoting more Harmony within the community; –
Group 3 For Promoting more Understandings that can bring the Acceptance that shows as Respectful Friendliness within the community; –
Here is Group 1 – For establishing and or declaring Zones of Goodwil ;
These first Seeds are designed as stop and think messages asking the folks to co-operate together with promoting some basics for building a City of Goodwill. You can create dedicated Zones of Goodwill within a home, an office, a factory, Parliament House or Council Chambers (no that is not a joke) to show at childrens playgrounds, school yards (help to reduce bullying) at community venues, in shops, or wherever you decide is appropriate (even your front gate)…
A Zone of Goodwill, large or small can be established in any location. A Goodwill Zone could be as small as inside a motor vehicle, or a private living space, or a back yard, or a coffee shop, an office – or even the whole building, or any public area. With these seeds, you need to be sensitive to others in shared spaces.
Perhaps the City Mayor will dedicate a local park as a Zone of Goodwill, and make a nicely worded plaque to remind all visitors at that location. It is strongly recommended to seek out permission and agreement for pinning up these Goodwill Zone Seeds in public places, such as playgrounds There needs to be general agreement and eagerness for stating that a specific area has now become dedicated as a Zone of Goodwill – for the very last thing we want happening is to unintentionally promote any local agro. You may even be fortunate to live in an area where outwardly encouraging expressions of Goodwill are welcomed by all – If so go for it, yet keep in mind these are only Seeds, and any Seed needs it’s own time to grow and to blossom for then enjoying the harvest of its fruits. If any unenlightened ones tear down or damage your message seeking co-operation with promoting a Zone of Goodwill, do not get upset, simply just replace it from printing out another,
You can print these directly from Adobe Acrobat PDF Viewer – the toolbar has an icon to do this.
This Seed is for establishing your own personal Zone of Goodwill. This is for establishing some groundrules of how you seek others to show Respect to you whilst in your private space. You can copy and past this to another program for printing. You may want to add, or change or delete some of these groundrules so that you feel really good about the levels of respect that you consider you are worthy off demanding in a non offensive and silent way. Ask yourself this most important question – If you are not going to stand up for respecting yourself, then who will ? Giving respect is another form of nurturing, something every person needs to the max,
Here is Group 2 – For Promoting more Harmony within the community; –
This group of seeds are for increasing Peaceful Harmony. These Seeds encourage and promote the positive expressions of our higher nature – including acceptance, respect, tolerance, patience, kindness, caring, etc. etc. These seeds are to print out and pin up firstly in your living space – to treat yourself with the honour you deserve as Soul, plus they will speak to visitors as well – also you might pin these up in your cubicle at the office, on notice boards, shop windows, the rear window of your vehicle, etc. Pin up these seeds wherever you seek to encourage others to treat you better and or, to build a more harmonious atmosphere of Goodwill.
Just allow these seeds to be as silent reminders wherever the preference is to have more kindly considerate expressions for an atmosphere of Mutually Respectful and Peaceful Harmony to flourish. These seeds will blossom over and over as they silently remind people to choose the attitudes that foster Goodwill and increase Peaceful Harmony.
*** For promoting more Harmony in your personal environment, select those Seeds of Harmony with the expressions you prefer to encourage.
This next few Seeds of Harmony are for pinning up in public places and can help to assist others to be involved with promoting Harmony – these have our web address for folks to tear off and take for later use. They need few minutes of your time. |
Print out as many as you want to, and let these Seeds of Harmony add more peaceful, positive vibrations to your personal inner world, and to the outer world at large. You can send any of these as an attachment to an email, the Adobe Acrobat PDF Viewer toolbar has an icon to do this in one step.
Here is Group 3 – For Promoting more Understandings for Building Peaceful Harmony in your City …
This group of Seeds are for building Peaceful Harmony by increasing our individual and collective Understandings of ourselves. Understanding oneself, and others does bring out more feelings of Acceptance, more Respect for all, more Tolerance and more Compassion towards all …….and these are the cornerstone virtues that will increase the Peaceful Harmony in the very atmosphere of any City or Town.
These Seeds have selections of teachings from a whole variety of sources. Each extract has been selected for its potential to increase our understandings of oneself and of others, and of all living beings ……for this is the way for bringing forth more of our higher nature qualities that will increase Peaceful Harmonious interactions in any home, office, workplace, and City or Town.
With the bigger Global picture, increasing understandings about ourselves, about others and all living beings – of who we really are – will also bring more Respect, more Acceptance, more Tolerance and more Caring Compassion (expressions of love) for helping our global family to live with more co-operation for Peaceful Harmony. Yes, expanding understandings of oneself, of who we are as our true self. soul, will reflect more of our higher nature.
Leaders of Nations and Industry with greater levels of understanding will then refuse to cause, or promote, or continue to allow harming our Planet’s eco systems, or continue other lower nature values such as warring, exploiting, oppressions and the myriads of troubles plaguing our world as is our collective past history.
History does not need to repeat itself again – history can change directions with increasing the levels of more widespread enlightened understanding, with higher, grander perceptions of ourselves and all living things ……..thus we can get excited with visions of a better future by just imagining how Global Harmony and Goodwill can flourish with increasing understandings gained with those in positions of power.
The key for Global Harmony and Goodwill is found with increasing our individual and collective understanding of who we really are, and thus who others really are – and Yes, we can do it. We especially promote he collection of Points of View – all linked together on one page for building to an overall picture. You will probably have many differing points of view than this mix….however, remember that points of view will change as perceptions change – AND, the only thing permanent on this planet is Change !
You can send any of these as an attachment to an email, the Adobe Acrobat PDF Viewer toolbar has an icon to do this in one step.
These are to share and to print out and contemplate on during your quiet times.
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