Seeds for self Nurturing.
Self Nurturing is giving your Loving energy to Your own self, and to do so with unconditional acceptance – that means totally accepting everything about yourself, warts and all – that includes everything labelled as unlikeable, or negative and also everything labelled as likeable, or positive Unconditional acceptance = Love. So just love it all. Here, we are told is the greatest lack of love in western society –
YES, Loving ourselves is our first responsibility because our relationship with our own self is our prime and most important relaionship – this we commonly call Self-Nurturing It is very true that Learning To Love Yourself, to nurture oneself with Unconditional Acceptance, Is The Greatest Love of all – for we seem to share our love with others to the same levels as we unconditionally accept and love ourselves. So if anyone who is still living in the old Piscean Age mind sets (now past their use by dates) tells you that loving yourself is not such a good thing to do, then kindly and sweetly suggest that they go away and enjoy their self caused pain and sufferings – until eventually they get sick and tired of being sick and tired – and question why !
Also, consider this ; now that we know that our ongoing subjective broadcasting of our inner story – this is all of our information about us as an individual that we each are radiating out into the world as our energy field (known as our aura) Our life as our message is continuously being subconsciously picked up by all, – no matter what masks we might use to hide or repress anything that we ourself, or others may have judged as something to hide.
Our informational field, thats all the information within our aura, is continuously radiating out, and does become reflected back in ways the world at large will generally treat each of us. We also will discover to our joy, that as we show more loving towards ourselves, we naturally show more love, as loving to others and, surprise, surprise, in return, generally speaking, the world does show more loving to us in return. So here you can grasp why learning to love yourself actually has far reaching affects and is great value as the foundation pillars for having a good and happy life.
From the recent discoveries by leading mind /body health researchers it has been said that there is often a childhood time or period that becomes a genesis of teenage or later life mind-sets, or troubles and issues. It is said that even serious health challenges can often be traced back to not feeling adequately or unconditionally loved in early childhood years. So what you will be doing is giving your inner child the love it may have missed out on and has yearned for during the very early years – (if that was the case) – doing this will fill any voids and help to heal old hurts that may have been held down for years on end. The new Aquarian Age has brought changes in that folks are now shifting into taking more care of themselves, in all sorts of ways.
We now see a greater realisation to do with the need to give Nurturing to oneself, and to the child within. With little understandings, this at first was labelled as the Me Generation, as a negative, a bad or wrong indulgence of selfishness. But now the experts know better and are quick to tell of the value from taking care of oneself with Self Nurturing – for after all, if you are not for yourself, then who will be.
Self Nurturing, for nourishing your inner world can be achieved with unconditionally accepting and even loving every last thing about ourselves. Doing this means changing our self talk to end any self judgements or criticisms, end any self comparisons with others, and only use words that and praise to then strengthen the positive qualities about ourselves – never ever self criticise, but only use words about and to yourself as self talk that is inspiring and uplifting and encouraging, and especially lots and lots of praise and acknowledgement – dont worry about having tickets on yourself – in a way, thats good for you – others will always have an over supply of the negatives to keep you grounded If you are not for yourself, then who will be…? Do not worry about having a big strong ego, for sometimes this is the very aspect that helps us to get up out of bed and face the world again. And sometimes it can be the ego that will give the boost to stretch ourselves in ways that otherwise one would not normally dare. So be slow to criticise the ego identity unless the false self is blocking you from discoveribg who you really are in essence..
To help develop the good and beneficial habit that will transform your self talk to be only for your own advancement, and in a positive way, you can print out these Self Nurturing Seeds and cut them into single Seeds. We suggest that you stick one to your bathroom mirror and sincerely speak it out loud to yourself every morning for at least one week – as you do so try to engender up feelings to match the words, so that by the weeks end it will feel as though it really fits you – you feel fully comfortable with such Self Talk as self nurturing. Then the next week do the same with a different singular Self Nurturing Seed.. Notice how your levels of Self Respect will blossom.
Do not be concerned if any of those positive qualities are not obvious to your friends to start with, for all are present within your higher nature and this process with be bringing them more so into your day to day life expressions – just allow the process to take its own time without pushing or any self judgements or denials of you positives even if they are slow to blossom fully. Inner harmony says to allow everything it’s own time.
Your Self Belief and Confidence in yourself, plus your Self Respect, plus your Inner Strengths, your inner calm and Love for yourself will grow in leaps and bounds if you set the intentions for such positive changes and give a high value to dedicating just 3 or 4 minutes every morning to your own life journey with your highest priority relationship (also do the same thing at night if you have the opportunity.) Know, that you can never give yourself too much Self Nurturing, for individually this is what can help to pass through any tough times.
To LOVE YOURSELF WITH SELF NURTURING, YOU CAN start today by using these seeds.
Self nurturing is saying I love you to your inner child. – for this is the key message to absorb, over and over and over- and DAILY. This can never be stated too much – so long as you really, really mean it – you may need to pretend at first, that’s O K too. Stick one on your bathroom mirror, or even the same one all around your living space, or work area or maybe in your car. If you have no concerns about others opinions of you, (if not now, then this gain will surely happen) then you could stick one up anywhere others will be reminded to get active with their own Self Nurturing self talk, and focusing their indwelling power upon their goodness for having a better life.
Please, only use one Seed at a time – little tiny steps are better than trying wholesale changes overnight. You can even copy and paste these Seeds to an email and send it to yourself as a reminder of what actually matters during challenging times.
Loving yourself, does start from developing the habit of sincerity with daily Self Nurturing Self Talk. This will bring increasing inner harmony and tranquillity. We consider these Seeds as our most valuable – we hope that in time you will also. – for by then you will be increasingly allowing yourself to become closer and closer to the Pearl of Great Price, the worthy life goal as we can read about. Then to continue on with taking care of your inner state for living as the peace we are taught is beyond the minds level of understanding. Another group of Good Seeds to consider would be those for enhancing one’s Self Esteem. but for now, it will be better to start here. Know that your inner peace does become the peace of our world.
Your virtues as listed with these Self Nurturing Seeds will be within every person, even though some may not be so evident or even perceivable – and, every one of these has a very important and life changing similarity. Below you can select from the groups of four to print out for your starting off messages, – then cut into four small pin ups for silent reminders to take a minute or so each morning and evening to stop and give some needed and well deserved loving acceptance and gratitude to your inner child. – and watch as a glow starts to become shining out from under your face as you look into the mirror and speak from the heart.
The whole world will notice, but don’t be embarrassed, for that will become the norm as the Aquarian Age moves us all to new levels of enlightened thinking. Start a new level of self nurturing with these pin-ups. A Seeds will only be fulfilled when it blooms with it’s inherent potential ! If you have to, for starters, you could cut theses small Seeds in half and just use the left side, and then later on ue the full potential – Why, you might ask …… BECAUSE YOU ARE WORTH IT. – Why, you might ask again ……….. BECAUSE OF WHO YOU REALLY ARE !
These Seeds are in sets of fours;
You can download these 4 Seeds on one page below – this is a print-friendly PDF document CLICK HERE:
AND another set for Self nurturing by saying I love you to your inner child. Stick these all around your living space, work area or cars, …or even anywhere others will be reminded to self nurture by focusing on their goodness for our Global Revolution of the Heart.
You can Download these 4 Seeds on one page below – this is a print-friendly PDF document CLICK HERE:
AND another set for Self nurturing by saying I love you to your inner child. Stick these all around your living space, work area or cars, …or anywhere others will be reminded to self nurture by focusing on their goodness for our Global Revolution of the Heart.
You can Download these 4 Seeds on one page below – this is a print-friendly PDF document CLICK HERE:
AND another set for Self nurturing by saying I love you to your inner child. Stick these all around your living space, work area or cars, …or even anywhere others will be reminded to self nurture by focusing on their goodness for our Global Revolution of the Heart.
You can Download these 4 Seeds on one page below – this is a print-friendly PDF document CLICK HERE:
AND another set for Self nurturing by saying I love you to your inner child. Stick these all around your living space, work area or cars, …or even anywhere others will be reminded to self nurture by focusing on their goodness for our Global Revolution of the Heart.
You can download these 4 Seeds below on one page – this is a print-friendly PDF document CLICK HERE:
Yes, it is true ! – Discover for yourself that ; Learning to Love yourself, is the greatest love of all
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