I am the 2nd in a group of circulating Seeds for Upliftment. From a whole variety of sources we include selected bits and pieces that can be as catalysts to have you feeling more of the joyful happy presence of your higher nature, this makes for a better day.
Use these Seeds to help you feel connected to the peace and goodness of your higher nature. This can bring more acceptance and understandings of oneself, of others and how best to deal with the problems of life. You can use the insights of others to help bring more tolerance and more caring compassion (love) as the primary components for enhancing the friendships and goodwill around your space. Use common sense, do not blindly believe any of these statements. Use anything new or challenging as questions to ponder over and test things out to see what works for you – if something is too far out then just let it go for now.
When acceptance and upliftment are present the rewards and benefits will be as blessings for all of humanity, for being all connected as one, any person’s upliftment is an upliftment for the whole human family. If there is anything here that has you feeling good, then consider writing it in a little book to carry and read often – keep adding to it. Re-read bits when you want to feel your inner strengths, your own joyful happy essence of peaceful goodness.
The loving heart only wants to participate and be with
people. The loving heart isn’t interested in how you
comb your hair or what you’re wearing. The loving
heart just wants to know and love the person who is
present. It’s a beautiful way to live. John Roger
Here’s recipe for happiness found in an old magazine:
Do you want to be happy?
Expect good everywhere.
Live in constant anticipation that something wonderful
is about to happen.
Turn your thoughts toward those things which
produce happiness.
Avoid dwelling upon trouble, conflict and ugliness.
Do those things which produce happiness for others.
Give of yourself. Expect people to be good to you.
Expect to have a good time living.
These are the seeds of happiness. And who ever
planted a good seed without expecting to reap a good
Sam is fifty-six years old. All his life he has –
sometimes mildly, sometimes
severely – hated himself.
Why? Listen as he sits in my study and pours out his
“All my life I’ve tried to be somebody else. I never
dared to be me. I didn’t think I was good enough. So
I’ve been a phoney for
over half a century. “
That’s the trouble with people – they’re all trying to
be somebody else, and that’s impossible!
Robert Schuller
Be thou the rainbow to the storms of life – the
evening beam that smiles the clouds away and tints
tomorrow with prophetic ray. Byron
No man or woman you may know
Has reached perfection yet,
And that is true of me AND you –
A point not to forget.
If you look for another’s faults,
You’re sure to find a few;
But if you seek their virtues, why,
You’re sure to find them too!
Expect the best from folk you meet –
It helps to keep life rich and sweet.
To wake each morning with a smile brightening my face;
To greet the day with reverence for the opportunities it
contains; To approach my work
a clean mind; To hold ever
before me, even in the doing of little things, the ultimate
purpose toward which I am working; To meet men and
women with laughter on my lips and love in my heart; To be
gentle, kind, and courteous through all the hours; To
approach the night with weariness that ever woos sleep and
the joy that comes from work well done – This is how desire
to waste wisely my days.
Thomas Dreier
Have you had your share, of troubles? Some bumps along
the way, maybe at times more than you felt needed ?
What if it all has been valuable beyond measure? Ponder
this thought of Confucius : “The gem cannot be polished
without friction, nor man Perfected without trials.” –
What if our trials are our stepping stones…
Are you in earnest? Seize this very minute;
What you can do, or dream you can, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it,
Only engage, and then the mind grows heated;
Begin, and then the work will be completed.
I hope you have found something uplifting here. Now I want the chance to uplift as many other people as I can reach to. I want to travel on and on all over the world because uplifting thoughts can shift ones attention to their higher nature and this is the human dimension where we feel the presence of joy, the happy feelings that make life seem better. If you believe that this is something to support, then you can help me to achieve my potential. Please keep me circulating by passing me onto someone else, anywhere in the world. I hope that on every stopover I can bring some encouragement and nice uplifting feelings of the inner peace and goodness and to leave each location better off from my being there. Print out more like me and a whole bunch of other good seeds at
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