To promote using the power of Love

You can make lots of Waves of more Love and more Peace for our troubled world.

To-promote-using-the-power-of-LoveGreetings, I am a Seed of Love and Peace. I hope to travel from place to place, to encourage more love and more peace wherever I stop over… please allow me to inspire you to this advantage. The way for bringing love and peace that I bring is a simple method used by the world’s most unusual living therapist. He is a native of Hawaii, his name is Dr Hew Len, PhD.  He helped to heal an entire ward of mentally ill criminals…. And he did this without even seeing any of them professionally.  He was trained by a master healer who lived by the adage  Peace begins with me.  You can read his story in the book Zerolimits by Joe Vitale, published by John Wiley….  This book is a must read for every caring parent, teacher, every health worker, every politician, policeman, councillor, every bureaucrat, in fact everyone who contributes or seeks to bring healings and dissolve causes of personal conflicts and troubles in communities.

This method is using the power of love and forgiveness to release and clear energy blocks, to dissolve and clear upsets in relationships, and also for transmuting negative vibration forms – as this happens we allow more healing energy of love and peace to be present as our natural normal state. To fully see and understand why this method is so effective, you will need to look at the bigger picture from your higher nature, your dimension where the limitations from feeling isolated separateness no longer restrict greater awareness of the whole, of the oneness we all reflect – some speak of this as our divine nature. Though we might live as seemingly individual and unconnected with each other, we share a oneness as our higher nature dimension, as is demonstrated by those who have learned to function from multi levels of consciousness.

To see the results for yourself, you may need to allow yourself to go along with the concept of being part of the whole and from this expanded reference you can dissolve the energy forms of whatever conflict you become aware of. I urge you to give this a fair trial, even if you have to tell yourself to pretend to start with. From a comprehensive perspective of being connected to all of life, (just do a pretend if you have to) you speak the four statements of the Hawaiian healing method. Do this either silently or out loud when you are aware of a conflict or need for healing with any person or situation, anywhere. Yes, use this method even where those involved are people you will never know. The method is to say these four simple declarations … “ I love you – I’m sorry – Please forgive me – Thank you.”  Then know that the power of love will transmute the negativity or whatever, and the healings will happen from the increasing inflow of love. With love comes peace…..and this is how you can sit in your arm chair to watch the news and at the same time make healing waves of love and peace.

Here are a few suggestions to try for your own healing.  Let your memory drift back over the years and each time you recall conflict with others or in any place or situation, (especially in childhood and teen years) just say the name or the person, place or situation and with sincerity from the heart, simply make the Hawaiian healing declaration to that person, or place, or situation – and let it go – finished.  (repeat, over and over) All you need is the four declarations ; I love you ; I’m sorry ; Please forgive me ; Thankyou… the thankyou is to the divine power, as activated when the heart speaks.  If the words divine power are not easily accepted, simply think of the presence of life itself, for you will know how intelligent and all powerful this is. When you follow as set out here, you will be doing the same Hawaiian healing method that brought the miracle like healings as recorded fact….and peace will become present.

And there is the most important relationship you will ever have, your relationship with yourself.  Recall back over the past for all those times you made any sort of critical statement about yourself, like about your body shape or weight, or about your appearance, or comparisons with others, or whatever.  We mostly considered such statements as innocuous words, but the subconscious faithfully records everything as is stated and accept such as fact.  All such statements are recorded as judgement made against yourself, (and no different to the hurt you felt when others spoke judgements about you).  If you can image every judgement having a form or substance, and these forms being held inside, you can see how they could become little energy road blocks that restrict the free flowing of energy within – nothing much to worry about with just a few, yet when they built up in quantity, one on top of another lodged in the body year after year, the problems can start to show up – well this is what the experts are saying. So be smart, take care of yourself by using this method for your own wellbeing.  If you are still young, then this is healing future potential problems before they actually show up.

If you want to make a contribution for making a better world to pass onto the children. you can use this Hawaiian healing method lots of times every day.  As part of the whole you can use it for any person or situation where there are conflicts, or troubles, or anti social behaviour or disturbances of the peace. The daily world news and local papers show lots and lots of opportunities for healing. If you do this service to life, you will find why it is said that virtue is its own reward – because you will start to feel a goodness, more quiet inner peace and more joyful happiness bubbling to the surface from within.  This will be the signs of more love present – because when giving love, the life energy presence of pure love also stays with the one whom it flows out from. Your peace becomes peace for all. So all I can say is for you to then enjoy the good life you will be causing for yourself. Please pass me onto someone else, even dropped in a strangers letter box gives me a chance to bring more love and peace into our world as our Revolution of the Heart makes a better world for our children’s children.  May your Seeds of Love and Peace bring you a hundred fold returning harvest.

 As a Seed of Love and Peace, I am from   Here you can print lots of Good Seeds.


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To promote using the power of Love
To promote using the power of Love

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