To promote Love Showers in your City

To promote Love Showers in your City

Greetings, I am a circulating Seed of Goodwill.  My job is to continuously travel from person to person, all across the world with my invitation for creating lots and lots of Love Showers upon our Global Family. Love is the only way to heal the troubles of our world, because love uplifts to bring out more of one’s Higher Nature. Love inspires the higher spiritual expressions of caring and compassion for all living beings. When love is in the air, everyone feels good. When feeling the presence of love, goodwill is the motivating force and conflict causing differences quickly dissolve back to nothingness. Love dissolves old hatreds. Love softens hardened hearts. Love turns attitudes from exploiting to supporting. Love turns mind sets of harming or unjust repressions to caring and sharing. Love turns abuse of power to fairness, respect, human rights and dignity. When the heart is filled with love the world is full of beauty and showing higher ethics, higher standards is normal. Enough love will transform every problem back to harmony. With love comes peace and goodwill.

If you choose to take up my invitation, then acknowledge yourself as an Armchair Activist for a more Loving and Caring World – for you will be contributing to a better world for everyone in our global family. Here is how you can join with others in showering our world with love. Firstly, realise that every individual being is of the Living Light in Its myriad of forms, we speak of it as love. This is more obvious in some than in others, yet the more highly enlightened see nothing else but the Light of Love manifesting as the spiritual essence in all life. Realise also that the life essence, the spiritual being, or what we call consciousness of every human being has access to and can be as an out-flowing river of the seemingly endless ocean of love surrounding us all – even when simply just ‘Being’ and not doing anything.  It’s that something special that some people just seem to radiate out to all life forms..

If you want to be more of an open channel for love then please understand the Spiritual Laws that have their consequences if they are violated – in this case you need to respect the Law of Non-interference. This means to respect the sovereignty of every Soul so much so that you do not attempt to control or interfere without their permission. If you interfere or try to control another Soul without permission then pure love will not be present – so instead of Joy, your returning harvest may be unwanted.  This Love Shower is not about taking away freedom with shoulds or should-nots, rather it is about increasing the presence of love in the air – for the presence of love in the atmosphere will bring forth the higher ethics, reflecting the love within those who are open to receive.  Love always brings out the best in those it touches to – notice how every Soul shows more of their higher nature, their True Self when that person is “in love.”  Being in Love with who you are, and every last little thing about you is the key for transforming you life experience into a life of pleasure !

So, ….. with a clear intention of wanting only whatever is ‘ for the highest good of all concerned ’  ( that’s non-interference ) imagine or pretend that you are high above your home and village, and from there imagine you see a soft rain of pure sparkling golden or rose pink love flowing out from your heart or youe eyes – imagine the pure golden or rose pink love streaming out and gently falling and blending into the atmosphere over your home and village… this as long as you like. Then imagine that there are no boundaries, that you can be wherever you want to be, or even imagine yourself as everywhere present all around the planet, and ask the Higher Angelic Beings caring for each area to direct the love flowing through you to the homes and villages of those who have included their names below so that it is a Shower of Love gently  falling and filling the atmosphere around them – imagine peaceful harmony filling the air. You can do this giving as often as you care to…… you will find that after this you will feel wonderfully uplifted and peaceful inside – because as you give out to life, you also have the same.

As you shower the world with love, know that when love is in the air, and when people breathe in the loving vibrations in the atmosphere, the presence of love will uplift and inspire more expressions of their higher nature – just like what happens at Christmas time when hearts are open and self interests turn to giving for the sake of love. You can choose to be an open channel for pure love any time and in any place – walking down the street, in shops, at work, in prisons, at school, on the train, even when paying a parking fine. You always benefit, because love fills and blesses the one it flows out through. The more love you allow to flow out through you will mean more feelings of love in your daily life. What you focus on, you get more of.  Focus on love and you get to experience more love. It’s that easy.

If you shower the world with love, then know that you have made the world a better place….. And that is the most one can ever do – for all the great teachers and founders of religions tell us that there is no higher giving than to give love.  If you want others to give love showers over your home and village then ask by including yourself below. Then give or post me to someone else, even a stranger, anywhere in the world so that I may continue my journey of bringing love showers to our world.  You can join us and print more copies of me plus some others for encouraging and fostering more love and goodwill at ;   May you be showered with lots of love.

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To promote Love Showers in your City
To promote Love Showers in your City

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