To promote lots of Wonderful Days

To promote lots of Wonderful Days

To-promote-lots-of-Wonderful-DaysGreetings …May you have a Wonderful Day.  This is the wish I carry to you from someone you may know, or perhaps from a total stranger who selected you from a telephone book. This way of people sending thoughts of goodwill is my way for building bridges of goodwill between people all over the world…. So I do hope that you join in and keep me going. It is nice to feel the support of others for having a wonderful day and I hope to encourage more of that. Having lots of wonderful days is what makes a wonderful life. I also want to promote the idea of how everyone can cause lots of wonderful days for themselves, if that is the choice. It is really very simple and probably nothing new to you. I hope to leave you with more understandings of how you can have lots and lots of wonderful days.

If you are observant you will see The Law of Attraction happening in lots of ways. Someone recently made a fortune by making this into a book called “The Secret.” There are various ways of describing the same principle, here are a few; What you resist or focus on is what you get to have more of; Birds of a feather flock together; What goes round, comes round; Whatever a person gives out, they receive back; As one sows, so also does one reap; Like attracts like, kindness begets kindness, the rich get richer, etc. etc. If you use this simple understanding for your own advantage, then I guarantee that you can have a wonderful, wonderful life ….that’s a promise.

To collect on my promise, you need to understand how a person’s life will reflect or mirror back their attitudes, beliefs, imaginings, etc. what is termed as one’s state of consciousness – keeping in mind that consciousness permeates every cell and dimension of you.  Paul Twitchell is recorded as saying that you will only have the key to life when you understand that nothing can happen to you, nothing can ever come to you, or be kept from you except in accord with your state of consciousness.  You can translate this to say that you will only experience whatever corresponds in harmony with the same frequency vibrations as you hold around yourself.  When you realise this principle, you can use the understanding for your own advancement by focusing your attention on whatever you want more of, or your life experiences.

If you decide to have an intention of setting wonderful things in motion as seeding, or sowing, remembering that all the thoughts, words, imaginings and feelings are added to your state of consciousness for attracting likewise vibrations to you – then a little effort for a few days will form habits that use the like attract like principle for you to have lots of wonderful days. Here are some ideas to try. To achieve such a good habit goal you simply need to primarily focus your attention on whatever has you feeling wonderful. Rose coloured glasses and interpreting a Pollyanna like world would do it. This is because however you interpret and label your perceptions will translate to feelings that correspond, and as advertisers know, your feelings stimulate likewise thoughts and likewise words and can even motivate linked actions – and thus the seeding or sowing is always happening based on the original interpretation labels given to your perceptions.

The trick to having lots of wonderful days, is to not set things in motion that will return as the opposite. Don’t sabotage your happiness by opposite choices – try this. At night when you turn off the light look back over your day of giving to life and ask yourself : ” Will the consequential impact of my choices today in my thoughts, words, imaginings, and actions, cause pain or pleasure – will it be anger or gratitude with those affected. Will fear or love…. will conflict or peace result from my choices. Did my choices consider what was for the highest good of all concerned – or was it self interest at the expense of others. Did I plant seeds of discord, or seeds of harmony and goodwill. if I want to live in a better world, was I part of the problem or part of the solution. Will the cause and affect fruits of today’s seeding bring me wonderful days, or will their fruits be not what I want. ”   It pays to remember that every seed can only reproduce more like itself.

Get your own evidence of how what you see, what you hear, and what thoughts / imaginings you dwell on, and the intent behind your words, all go into the mix as your energy fields, your state of consciousness. Every thought, word and imaging transforms pure energy to its own frequency of vibration. Other than what you accept / absorb from others, your energy fields become coloured by the forms of your own creations. When you understand that you constantly generate the different frequencies of vibration with the pure energy of life (the sea of consciousness) flowing through you, then you will understand how you can have as many wonderful days as you choose to.  Enjoy.  Start right now.  To each person who has included themselves below, please send your kind thoughts for each to have a wonderful day. And if you want to, add your identity for others to send you their similar thoughts of goodwill in the days ahead. Then please send me onto a friend, foe or stranger, so that I can continue my journey of spreading goodwill. Thank you.  Join us at ;

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To promote lots of Wonderful Days
To promote lots of Wonderful Days

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