To promote lots of Feeling Good

To promote lots of Feeling Good

To-promote-lots-of-Feeling-GoodGreetings …..May you have a day of Feeling Good.  Someone who you may know or not know is sending you kind wishes of goodwill, that you have a day of feeling good. I am on an endless journey of fostering more good feelings. Feeling good shows up as a positive influence with everything you say and do. When you feel good, your very presence is a blessing to the world around you, so I hope I can leave you feeling good from my journey. Its nice to have others wish you good feelings, yet feeling good is natural and normal. You can increase your good feelings by clearing away the causes that stop the normal natural presence of good feelings. It’s a matter of being free inside. To clear the way for more good feelings and as a show of goodwill towards yourself, consider making new choices that will allow more good feelings more often – try something like this ; I now declare an amnesty on all and every past conflict, past hurt, past unfairness, every wrong done to me, and every past injustice through my whole personal history.  This will only work if you really, really mean every word as you slowly speak it out loud. I promise that if you are genuine with this letting go, the rewards will be more than worth the effort.

Modem hypnosis demonstrates how every experience is recorded in full detail. Research shows that until an unpleasant, or high stress, or painful memory is neutralised or healed with forgiveness, it can unknowingly be a cause of disturbing one’s inner peace and harmony – even decades after the event. Just seeing, or hearing, or feeling something with similarities to old memories can trigger off unexplained unpleasant, or disturbing, or just uncomfortable bad feelings without knowing why or what they are about. Sometimes the past will surface, usually it goes on without a person knowing what is happening to cause the dark clouds over naturally feeling good. This subconscious affect from old memories can rob a person of feeling good in the present moment. You can use such understandings to turn a disadvan-tage to your advantage, especially for increasing goodwill towards yourself. Holding onto old hurts is not worth the loss of inner peace and harmony, of reduced good feelings and the decreased goodwill they cause. Letting go can seem like a miracle. Inner freedom feels good.

Here is how you can use this information to be more kinder to yourself.  For increasing your inner harmony and peace so as to have more feeling good and more goodwill outflowing, you can use your own authority to make a comprehensive new choice, something like this ;  As of this moment I wipe the slate clean….. I declare that everything I have experienced in the past has directly or indirectly contributed to my strengths, my understandings and my positive qualities as my blessings to life….. I now re-classify old interpretations with today’s level of awareness, I cancel all and every old resentment or grudge and any old scores waiting to be settled.   This letting go is a big choice ….but its worth it. If you need a little coaxing to help make this choice to be free of the past residues, look at other’s lives to see how sooner or later the wheels turn to show how no one is exempt from reaping as has been sown by them. The other party will have probably suffered enough already, therefore getting even as the eye for an eye mentality is unnecessary… besides, do you really want to harvest unpleasant karma. As a plus factor, notice how aches and pains disappear when you let go of the blocks to life energy flowing more freely within.

Another way of letting go and to neutralise the harming effects of yesterday’s hurts and injustices (to increase today’s good feelings and allow yourself to experience more goodwill)….. is to repeat something like this with full meaning and sincerity for a few minutes for each person or situation.  Say it out loud for every cell to hear ; i.e.  ” I release the past….I now allow divine love, peace and harmony to be present between me and ….x….. I wish the highest good for….x…. ” ( x = name of the person or situation )  Do this until you can bring the person or situation to mind and there is no sting. When this is achieved your times of feeling good inside will be increased with improve-ments to health and relationships, because you will have just cleared more blockages ……and you created good karma to come your way.

Whatever you focus on you get more of, or, as you sow, so you reap (this is a way to explain the term ‘karma’) …with this in mind, please consider sending your goodwill wishes for feeling good to those who have included themselves below. Do this for each one. If you want those I will reach to on my journey to send you their goodwill wishes, for you to have lots of feeling good days, then include your identity below. Notice how in the days ahead you may suddenly feel uplifting good feelings flowing through you for no reason … except you will know that someone out there in the world will be sending you good wishes as I ask of you to do for others. Wishing good feelings is a sure way to build bridges of peace and goodwill. You can print more of me at ;    May you have more good feelings.

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To promote lots of Feeling Good
To promote lots of Feeling Good

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