Group 3 for Your Advancement; Is about choosing those Perspectives that will support You Having a Good Life..
Here are a number of Perspectives as potential Mind Sets, as used with Life Enhancement Coaching (priced at X dollars per session – and mostly paid with pleasure for the outcomes they bring for clients) Consider which Perspective, or Mind Set could potentially advance your prospects for a more satisfying life journey.
These are actually Challenges for change. This is because each new Mind Set you choose for a personality upgrade can become a challenge – especially if there is any resistance to change. So be kind to yourself in so far as to go easy with demanding any high speed with changes – allow every level enough time to co-operate in harmony, (cause no inner conflicts) for then changes can be achieved with ease and grace. If you read through each Challenge you will surely find that some have the potential to give you an extra something that has you feeling better about yourself at the end of each day – and this leads to having a Good Life.
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You can also send any of these to a friend (but never ever as a judgemental ” ÿou need to change “ message – for that is not so nice karmic energy when it returns its harvest from such sowing and reaping with judgements upon others) …… can send off any one individual Good Seed as an attachment to an email, the Adobe Acrobat PDF Viewer toolbar has an icon to do this in one step. Or you can just copy and paste any bits within an email or Facebook or Your website blog.
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