Self Advancement



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Seeds for Self Advancement – for you having a good life.

You can use these Seeds for filling your own cup until it is running over, for then you will feel more inclined to give to others of your overflow.  Self Nurturing with these Seeds for your Self Advancement are for you to stop for a few minutes every day and simply acknowledge yourself, and to appreciate yourself, and give a little more Love unto yourself (yes, warts and all) and most importantly to fully accept your uniqueness.  There is no one else exactly like you, and will never be – this means there is no common sense and no value for making any comparisons or being fake with attempting to imitate anyone else.  And there will be no need to hold others as more special or more worthy than your own self.

All of these more positive Self Image mind sets or attitudes will radiate out from your inner state with the outcome of you discovering that others will also start to have similar thoughts of you as they are unconsciously picking up from your radiating messages.  As we love our own self, others will also love us. You may sense/feel how others start to reflect back your enhanced levels of yourself.   Your Self Respect, your Sense of whorthyness, more Self confidence, and a greatly enhanced Self Image will be mirror reflected back from others – you will find that this is the easier road to travel for a Good and Satisfying Life as you journey along the highways and byways of learning and growing experiences.

Pick out what can support you and print it out to pin up where you will either absorb or actually read it out loud to yourself every day as supportive self talk.  Support yourself by doing this until the new program overwrites any lesser (false) self images that have been adopted since your first breath.  Use these Seeds as reminders to always choose positive self talk. The reason why it is valuable to only think / feel positive self talk is that there is an ever listening part of each human that believes and records everything we say to ourselves, everything – this dimension does not decide if it is fact or fiction – and then goes about seeking to bring about those images we form about ourselves in consciousness.  Thus you can see why it is so valuable to only say things about yourself that you actually want to experience as part of your life.  So, YOUR PERSONAL GOLDEN RULE is no more self put downs, no more self criticisms and no more self judgements from doing silly, silly comparisons.

Why are comparisons silly, you might ask……… this is because you will never fully know all about that other person’s own past experiences, their past lives and other issues (unless you have the 6th sense active and they give you specific permission by opening up for you to perceive) plus you will never know what has been gifted down from all of their ancestors from all those life experiences that may show as abilities or natural skills or inheritances from those hard lives, of personal struggles and painful episodes that would have contributed to a more expanded awareness, inner strengths, and inner knowing common sense gained the hard way in previous times  (The School of Hard Knocks)  This is why comparisons are silly and of no value for your own advancement – aspirations to aim for are fine, but never load the burdens of self judgement comparisons upon yourself.  That is silly, silly, silly, for surely we each are dealing with enough personal challenges and demands upon ourselves already – enough already !.

The next Golden Rule is to be sure that your mind sets are supporting your own Advancement in life – for if they are, they then will be supporting all others as well.  As you realise this, you will know that you have achieved a level of enlightenment.

These Seeds are to support you with Advancing your lot in life.  This always starts as an inside job.  There are different groups of seeds and each is intended for achieving various outcomes that can bring some Advancement towards having a Good and satisfying Life.  Try to remember that what you focus on is what you get to have more of as your life experiences – be they inner or outer.  Have a good look through these Good Seeds and decide if an any of these Seeds will support your self advancement. If any groups seems appealing, then browse through their intro and select anything that has the potential to leave you feeling better off with your own Self Advancement and a good life.  Look at the different groups – they are as follows ;

Group 1 for Your Advancement;  are a set of Reminder Memos for your Advancement CLICK HERE

Group 2 for Your Advancement;  are about choosing Self Image Beliefs to best serve you. CLICK HERE

Group 3 for Your Advancement;  are some Challenging Perspectives for Your Advancement. CLICK HERE

Group 4 for Your Advancement;  are lots of Encouraging Pep Talks for Your Advancement. CLICK HERE

Group 5 for Your Advancement;  are some Gems that can be worth more than Gold. CLICK HERE


Be sure to share anything you find to be useful for yourself – because other might also. .  We want to reach out to all the folks who are seeking any Self Advancement tips and tricks for improving their lot in life – perhaps they will make use of our Good Seeds.  Our Global Family does need all the help it can get for turning around the tides towards Global Harmony and Peaceful Co-existence for all to enjoy – and to fully heal the eco-systems of our Planet. Enough of the old Piscean mind sets and their consequences – this is The Aquarian Age where we are moving into a new Moral Compass Setting.  The changes begin from within each heart.

 Letting others know about our Good Seeds may start a local Revolution of The Heart – read this example !

This the true story about what has been termed The Hundredth Monkey, as written by Ken Keyes Jr.  This was documented as evidence for helping folks grasp the significance of how actions and thoughts can become copied by others.  This shows  how, when there becomes a level of critical mass influence established in the atmosphere, others start mimicking the same.  This very principle also applies to giving your focused attention to the Seeds and the Posters – Remember, that as you do so, create your feelings and thoughts you will have when we hear of the successful results of your chosen cause for a Better World – for it really, really is Imagination that rules the world.

This is an excerpt from the book….” The Hundredth Monkey,”  by Ken Keys Jr.
Ken Keyes was one of the first voices of change at the beginning times of The Global Revolution of The Heart

  “…The Japanese monkey, Macca Fuscata, has been observed in the wild for a period of over 20 years. In 1952, on the Island of Koshima scientists were providing monkeys with sweet potatoes dropped in the sand. The monkeys liked the taste of the raw sweet potatoes, but they found the dirt unpleasant. An 18 month old female named Imo found she could solve the problem by washing the potatoes in a nearby stream. She taught this trick to her mother. Her playmates also learned this new way, and they taught their mothers too. This cultural innovation was gradually picked up by various monkeys before the eyes of the scientists — Between 1952 and 1958, all the young monkeys learned to wash the sandy sweet potatoes to make them more palatable. Only the adults who imitated their children learned this social improvement — Other adults kept eating the dirty sweet potatoes. Then something startling took place. In the autumn of 1958, a certain number of Koshima monkeys were washing sweet potatoes, the exact number is not known. Let us suppose that when the sun rose one morning there were 99 monkeys on Koshima Island who had learned to wash their sweet potatoes. Let’s further suppose that later that morning, the hundredth monkey learned to wash potatoes before eating them. The added energy of this hundredth monkey somehow created an ideological breakthrough! BUT NOTICE…. The most surprising thing observed by these scientists was that the habit of washing sweet potatoes then spontaneously jumped over the sea. Colonies of monkeys on other islands, and the mainland troop of monkeys began washing their sweet potatoes! Thus, when a critical number achieves an awareness, this awareness may be communicated from mind to mind. Although the exact number may vary, the Hundredth Monkey Phenomena means that when only a limited number of people know of a new way, it may remain the consciousness property of these people. But there is a point at which if only one more person tunes into a new awareness, a field is strengthened so that this awareness reaches almost everyone. The experiments of Dr J.B. Rhine at Duke University repeatedly demonstrated that individuals can communicate private information to each other even though located in different places. We now know that the strength of this extrasensory communication can be amplified to a powerful effective level when the consciousness of the hundredth person is added ..”

If you know of others who may be interested in supporting a specific cause as another Armchair Activist, then this Hundredth Monkey story shows the reason for emailing them our web page link or even sending some Good Seeds as email attachments for encouraging the choice to join in with us all.  Our target is Millions of Armchair Activists all across Our Planetary Home.   Yes, we can do it !


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