Seeds with Understandings for Building Peaceful Harmony in your City …
This group of Seeds are for building Peaceful Harmony by increasing our individual and collective Understandings of ourselves. Understanding oneself, and others does bring out more feelings of Acceptance, more Respect for all, more Tolerance and more Compassion towards all …….and these are the cornerstone virtues that will increase the Peaceful Harmony in the very atmosphere of any City or Town.
These Seeds have selections of teachings from a whole variety of sources. Each extract has been selected for its potential to increase our understandings of oneself and of others, and of all living beings ……for this is the way for bringing forth more of our higher nature qualities that will increase Peaceful Harmonious interactions in any home, office, workplace, and City or Town.
With the bigger Global picture, increasing understandings about ourselves, about others and all living beings – of who we really are – will also bring more Respect, more Acceptance, more Tolerance and more Caring Compassion (expressions of love) for helping our global family to live with more co-operation for Peaceful Harmony. Yes, expanding understandings of oneself, of who we are as our true self. soul, will reflect more of our higher nature.
Leaders of Nations and Industry with greater levels of understanding will then refuse to cause, or promote, or continue to allow harming our Planet’s eco systems, or continue other lower nature values such as warring, exploiting, oppressions and the myriads of troubles plaguing our world as is our collective past history.
History does not need to repeat itself again – history can change directions with increasing the levels of more widespread enlightened understanding, with higher, grander perceptions of ourselves and all living things ……..thus we can get excited with visions of a better future by just imagining how Global Harmony and Goodwill can flourish with increasing understandings gained with those in positions of power.
The key for Global Harmony and Goodwill is found with increasing our individual and collective understanding of who we really are, and thus who others really are – and Yes, we can do it.
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These are to share and to print out and contemplate on during your quiet times.
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