How the Universe works – and by extension, why our Good Seeds work.
Having trust in our Seeds is good, yet a little science to support the trusting will give a foundation for confidence from some basic understandings about Vibrations and Energy – and their affects upon what we perceive as Solids Forms. Popular beliefs about reality and the nature of the universe are being turned upside down by the science of Quantum Physics.
Game changing discoveries to do with our health and wellbeing has recently been revealed by leading edge Quantum Biologists such as Bruce Lipton. His You Tube talk on The Biology of Belief is a must see for anyone wanting to keep up with new knowledge that radically changes old ways of thinking for curing illnesses. Everything we can see and touch is more than what it seem to be.
Below is a collection of writings from such esteemed folks to give you a beginning grasp of the invisible. For as Spiritual Beings (Souls) having this human experience, here we can start to understand the secrets of the world we live in.
Firstly, The key for thinking outside of the box from the visionary mystic, William Blake;
” If the doors of perception were cleansed, every thing would appear to man as it is, Infinite.
And two messages from the Genius, Albert Einstein;
” Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy, this is physics.
Future medicine will be the medicine of frequency’’
And from the genius who delivered electricity without using wires, Nicola Tesla;
” If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration’’
And from the Mystic who introduced higher eastern teachings to the west , Paul Twitchell;
“Until you can understand that nothing can happen to you, nothing can ever come to you or be kept from you, except in accord with your state of consciousness, you do not have the key to life.”
And from the Leading Edge Cell Biologist; Dr Bruce Lipton; a string of his findings;-
” The moment you change your perception is the moment you rewrite the chemistry of your body.
Our thoughts are mainly controlled by our subconscious, which is largely formed before the age of 6, and you cannot change the subconscious mind by just thinking about.
Your own beliefs are selecting your genes, and if you don’t have the right genes to handle the stress that you are in, your belief will rewrite your genes in an effort to do so.
I was exhilarated by the new realization that I could change the character of my life by changing my beliefs. I was instantly energized because I realized that there was a science-based path that would take me from my job as a perennial “victim” to my new position as “co-creator” of my destiny.
You may consider yourself an individual, but as a cell biologist, I can tell you that you are in truth a cooperative community of approximately fifty trillion single-celled citizens.
What quantum physics teaches us is that everything we thought was physical is not physical.
A renaissance in cellular biology has recently revealed the molecular mechanisms by which thoughts and perceptions directly influence gene activity and cell behaviour. Energy psychology through its ability to rapidly identify and reprogram limiting misconceptions, represents the most powerful and effective process to enhance physical and emotional well being.
People need to realize that their thoughts are more primary than their genes, because the environment, which is influenced by our thoughts, controls the genes.
Through consciousness, our minds have the power to change our planet and ourselves. It is time we heed the wisdom of the ancient indigenous people and channel our consciousness and spirit to tend the garden and not destroy it.
And some deeper, lengthy insights from the Shaolin Kung-Fu Grand Master, Dr Kam Yuen who shows how to delete Pain and Stress on the Spot, ;
” Everything is energy, including you. All that you are is energy. One way of looking at it is that solid matter as we conventionally understand it does not exist in the universe – for all particles are merely vibrations of energy. IT’S all energy and energy vibrates. A table may look solid and motionless, but within the table are millions of millions of subatomic particles “running around” and “popping” with energy. At the atomic, sub-atomic and quantum levels, the table is pure energy that vibrates.
We are made up of literally nothing more than vibrating energy. Humans are made of cells, which are made of atoms, which are made of particles, and those so-called particles are actually just vibrating energy. So what exactly is a vibration? In simple words, a vibration is a motion that repeats itself – picture a pendulum moving back and forth over a fixed point.
Vibrations Create Waves. All vibrations generate WAVES as a means of transporting their energy. Since everything in the Universe vibrates and vibrations create waves, then, from this point of view, the entire universe, and everything physical and non-physical and anything in between can be seen as a wave. *(Actually according to wave/particle duality, everything in existence is actually both a wave and a particle, but things are always observed as either one or the other. Here we are examining everything as vibrations and therefore as waves).
There are many different kinds of waves. You are probably familiar with the electromagnetic spectrum, which is comprised of radio waves, microwaves, infrared waves, light waves, ultraviolet rays, x-rays and gamma rays.
There are sonar waves, shock waves, brain waves, square waves and sine waves, water waves and waves of probability. There are gravity waves, standing waves, waves of change and an infinite number of others. Each wave has its own individual properties and is in some way different from every other wave, even those in the same category.
Everything In This Universe Has Its Own Vibrational Frequency. Consider sound and light. If a frequency is vibrating fast enough, it’s emitted as a Sound and if it is vibrating much faster, it is emitted as a colour of Light. If we wanted to convert Sound to Light, we would simply raise the frequency by forty octaves. This change in frequency equals an increase of trillions more wave cycles per second.
Everything living also vibrates at certain frequencies. This is true not only for molecules, cells, tissues, and organs, but also for parasites, bacterium, viruses, etc.
Each category of waves has a frequency spectrum. For example, let’s look at the frequency spectrum for visible light. At the top of the visible spectrum is violet, which has the highest frequency. At the bottom of visible light spectrum is red, which has the lowest frequency. If waves have frequencies higher than violet, we can’t see them. If they have frequencies lower than red, we can’t see them. The waves we can’t see are called non-physical. They’re real, just not visible to the eye.
Similarly, the Emotional and Thought Wave Spectrums contain all levels of emotional and thought frequencies from the lowest frequency level to the highest, none of which are visible. When we say a person has bad vibes, we really mean their emotional and/or thought waves have a low frequency. When people who meditate say they want to raise their vibration to a higher level, they are actually conveying that they want to increase their thought and emotional wave frequencies.
Also, remember your brains are the receivers of thoughts, ideas and expertise from the Universal Intelligence – the source of true knowing in the Universe. The quality of information and knowledge that you tap into from this Universal Source is determined by the habitual frequency of your thoughts and emotions.
There Is Nothing in the Universe That Can Hold You Back
Everything Is Energy
Energy Vibrates
Vibrations Produce Waves
You Are Energy
Your Energy Vibrates
Your Vibrations Produce Waves
These Waves Include Thought Waves and Emotional Waves
Change These Waves from Low Energy, Low Frequency to High Energy, High Frequency and
You Will Change Your Finances, Your Careers, Your Relationships Your Life, And The World.
And from David Bourke, a founding member of the Global collaboration team project of the budget priced remote and home use frequency healing system with free software, the amazing Spooky2, here included to show the practical use of this new and not so new Aquarian Age knowledge for the betterment of humanity;
” For Understanding Energy, Frequencies and Vibrations you have to be prepared to completely discard your present beliefs about reality and the nature of the universe. Because things are not what they seem to be. Right now, you probably believe that the world you live in is solid. And it certainly seems that way – if you bump into a coffee table, you’ll hurt your shin and hop around the room in pain. The coffee table is matter, and so are you.
But what is matter? Matter is made up of molecules. And molecules are made up of elemental atoms. The nature of those elemental atoms, and the way they’re joined together, determines the type of matter you’re dealing with.
Here’s an illustration of the difference between atoms and molecules.
The top row of spheres are single atoms of oxygen, carbon, and hydrogen. Single atoms are called elements.
Below them are simple molecules that are made up from those atoms: O2 is the type of oxygen we need to breathe, and it’s made from two single oxygen atoms.
Next is carbon dixoide, which we exhale. That’s made from two atoms of oxygen that have bonded with one atom of carbon.
The final molecule is water, made from two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen. These are all very simple molecules. Two are gases, and the third is a liquid. Now lets’s look at a more complex molecule.
This is a molecule of heroin. It’s made from atoms of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen.
The solid links between the atoms in the illustration don’t actually exist – they’re simply used in models of molecules to show how each atom is bound to its neighbours. This method of modelling is called stick-and-ball.
As molecules go, heroin is fairly straightforward. But there are a great many others that are far more complex than this. When you look at this molecule, you can see that it actually consists of one other thing besides its constituent atoms. Empty space.
In fact, it’s more empty space than it is atoms. Yet heroin isn’t a gas, and it isn’t a liquid – it’s a solid. A solid that’s mostly made up of empty space.
OK, but it’s still got a whole bunch of atoms in there, and they must be what give heroin its apparent solidity. So let’s examine a single atom and see what it’s made from. We’ll pick carbon, since diamonds are made from this, and they’re one of the hardest and most solid things on Earth.
The nucleus in the centre is composed of neutrons and protons that are tightly packed together. The rest of our carbon atom is six electrons, all orbiting the nucleus very rapidly.
Every type of elemental atom has a different number of protons, neutrons, and orbiting electrons.
You’ll notice that protons all have a positive electrical charge, and electrons all have a negative charge. Neutrons, as their name suggests, carry no electrical charge, and are neutral.
But, just like a molecule, an atom is once again mostly empty space. And when you start to probe even deeper into the structure of neutrons, protons, and electrons, you find that they’re composed of even smaller sub-atomic particles. Interesting, but not terribly exciting so far.
Now let me show you something that will shock you – it certainly shocked me when I first found it out. Let’s gather together every single molecule that exists in the observable universe. We’ll split all those molecules into their constituent atoms, removing all the empty space.
Now we’ll make a necklace of all those single atoms end to end. How long do you think that necklace would be? It would be the same length as the Earth’s orbit around the Sun – 600 million miles.
Speed, space & time; Speed is a function of space and time. When you take a leisurely stroll, you’re moving through five miles of space in one hour of time – 5mph. When light takes a stroll, it moves through almost 671 million miles of space in one hour of time – 670,616,629mph.
When something vibrates, or oscillates, it’s energy moving through space and time. The difference is that the distance through space is almost infinitesimally small, and the time taken for the journey varies with whatever’s doing the vibrating.
Another difference is that vibration is always a journey from A to Z and back again – it’s never in one single direction. To simplify things, let’s call this journey from A to Z and back again a “state change.” Where energy is concerned, this state change is from positive to negative and back again, and as energy undergoes it, its amplitude, or power, changes.
The speed at which this state change happens isn’t measured in miles per hour – instead, we measure it by finding out how often it happens in a given time. This is called “frequency.”
Everything in the universe, from an elemental atom to a star, has its own unique frequency. And the reason for this is the different number of protons, neutrons, and electrons that make up each elemental atom.
But there’s more. When you take elemental atoms and make a molecule from them, that molecule now assumes its own unique frequency. This happens every time you move one level up the scale of complexity. So the frequency of an elemental atom of oxygen is different from the frequency of the oxygen you can breathe (two atoms making up a molecule), and both are also different from the frequency of water (two elemental atoms of hydrogen bonded with one elemental atom of oxygen).
So frequency is a measurement of how fast energy moves through one single state change in a given time. This used to be called Cycles Per Second (CPS), but it’s now called Hertz (Hz).
But there’s another very important attribute of energy we haven’t looked at yet. Amplitude is a measure of how strong or powerful the energy is, and it changes throughout every state change. The change can be orderly or chaotic. Chaotic energy change is called “noise.” For now, we will only deal with orderly change through entrainment.
Entrainment is the basis of healings where re-establishing harmony and balance is gained by the principle of frequency entrainment with the desired outcome. As an example, take two grandfather clocks and stand them against the same wall.
Now set their pendulums swinging out of sync with each other. Within a few days, both pendulums will have come back into perfect sync with each other, and will remain that way until they’re disturbed again. That’s entrainment.
Another example is a little more mysterious and is seen only in girls’ boarding schools and university dorms. At the start of the term, the girls’ natural cycles are all out of sync with each other. Within a few months, they will all have synchronized to within a couple of days of each other. That’s also entrainment.
So if you take the frequencies of a healthy liver, or a robust immune system, and you transmit them into a body where these are not so wonderful, within a few days frequency entrainment will have taken place, and things will start looking much better.
Some experienced Rife researchers also maintain that since life itself is frequency, the simple act of transmitting beneficial frequencies into the body – any beneficial frequencies – will act to “wake up” the immune system, “remind” it of its function, and set it to work again properly.
And to cap it all off,…. from the Underground Health Reporter newsletter by Danica Collins; with this ground-breaking news that validates the reasons of why our Self Talk Seeds can work for you. **
** Russian Scientists Reprogram Human DNA Using Words and Frequencies
The discoveries are to the credit of Russian researchers, who ventured into DNA territory Western researchers have failed to consider. Western scientists have limited their studies to the 10% of our DNA responsible for building proteins. That means they have dismissed the other 90% of DNA as “junk.”
In contrast, an innovative Russian team, led by biophysicist and molecular biologist Pjotr Garjajev, refused to accept that such a huge majority of DNA could hold no research value. To probe the mysteries of this uncharted terrain, they paired linguists with geneticists in an unconventional study to test impact of vibration and language on human DNA. What they found was completely unexpected — our DNA stores data like a computer’s memory system. Not only that, but our genetic code uses grammar rules and syntax in a way that closely mirrors human language!
They also found that even the structuring of DNA-alkaline pairs follows a regular grammar and has set rules. It appears that all human languages are simply verbalizations of our DNA.
Most astounding of all, the team discovered that living human DNA can be changed and rearranged with spoken words and phrases.
The key to changing DNA with words and phrases is in using the right frequency. Through the application of modulated radio and light frequencies, the Russians were able to influence cellular metabolism and even remedy genetic defects.
The team achieved incredible results using vibration and language. For instance, they successfully transmitted information patterns from one set of DNA to another. Eventually, they were even able to reprogram cells to another genome — they transformed frog embryos into salamander embryos without lifting a single scalpel or making one incision.
The Russians’ work provides scientific proof of why affirmations and hypnosis have such powerful effects on human beings. Our DNA is inherently programmed to respond to language. Esoteric and spiritual teachers have known this for ages. All forms of affirmations and “thought power” derive in part from this underlying principle.
DNA territory Western researchers have failed to consider. Western scientists have limited their studies to the 10% of our DNA responsible for building proteins. That means they have dismissed the other 90% of DNA as “junk.”
Our Conclusions;
The Law of Resonance states that all energy fields resonate at their own specific vibrational frequency, and only the harmonious frequency will be enabled to become attached to it. The Law of Resonance is quite literally the governing rule that determines how anything and everything reacts and manifests with ourselves, especially with feelings and as our life experiences. Some call this the Law of Attraction and use it to attract wealth and wellbeing.
We trust that with this basic level of understandings for knowing how the world works and by extension, how and why our Good Seeds actually will and do work for changes made simple, that you will select and use any Good Seeds that have the potential to leave you better off in one way or another, we say ‘potential’ because deep level resistances to change can loom as unseen handicaps – However we are told that with strong desires plus heartfelt intentions, we can counter inherited subjective information that could be acting like handicaps for gaining the preferred outcomes. So, now it is over to you to discover any Good Seeds that can serve your needs.
We say – Listen only to those who say that Global Peace is possible.
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