Greetings…….I am one of many circulating tips with simple things anyone can do for having a good day. Maybe this tip is for you and maybe not. I do hope you at least experiment to see if this shifts you to feeling good, even just a little, for then we all benefit ….because your energy is one with all of life….then pass me on to friend or stranger….because the atmosphere we all breathe is a more uplifting influence as more people attune with their inner goodness. I say inner goodness as a reference to the higher nature of humans, our higher dimension spiritual bodies our attention shifts into when we are feeling good. When someone wishes you a good day, they are wishing you the blessings of your higher nature, the human spirit, the heart ….we call this presence love, our Treasure of Treasures.
Tips for Having a Good Day #21
To have a good day, give this a sincere try; The game of life has a number of rules that you can use for your benefit. One of these is that as we give to life, life does give back to us, sometimes even multiplied….for in many ways, life is very much like a returning boomerang. You can use this to your advantage by deciding to be friendly, considerate, patient and understanding for a full day…..and you will feel good inside. You will find many, many ways of how you can share your heart with other beings. Even though I promote trying this experiment for the returning harvest of reaping as you sow, the real benefit is how you will feel good within yourself as you choose to give of yourself in ways that have others feeling a little less of their burdens. As you do this you will discover how living through the heart (of love) can bring you a good day…..and if you choose to keep it up, then surely as night follows day, life will present you with many beautiful roses along the way….enjoy.
Tips for Having a Good Day #22
To have a good day, give this a sincere try; The game of life has a number of rules that you can use for your benefit. One of these is that as we give to life, life does give back to us, sometimes even multiplied….as each of us sows, so we do reap. Use this to your advantage by first thinking of consequences, then treating all living beings how you would like to be treated by others……and notice how you have good days. You will find many, many ways of how you can share your heart with other beings. Even though I promote trying this experiment for the returning harvest of reaping as you sow, the real benefit is how you will feel good within yourself as you choose to give of yourself in ways that leaves others better off from your presence. As you do this you will discover how living through the heart (of love) can bring you a life of good days…..and if you choose to keep it up, then surely as night follows day, life will also present you with many beautiful roses along the way…..enjoy
Tips for Having a Good Day #23
To have a good day, give this a sincere try; Use the Power of One… That’s your power to influence the world around you….to promote harmony and goodwill where you are… can do this by choosing to make any differences with others to be O.K. & By agreeing to disagree in agreeable ways. & As tempting as it may be. try to simply refuse to criticize or gossip. & Try looking for even the hidden good in others. You will find many, many ways of how you can share your heart with other beings. Even though I promote trying this experiment for building harmony and goodwill around you, the returning harvest of reaping as you sow, the real benefit is how you will feel good within yourself as you choose to live from your higher nature and allow others to feel less conflict in the air. As you do this you will discover how living from your higher nature can bring you a good day…if you choose to keep it up, then enjoy life presenting you with many beautiful roses along the way.
Tips for Having a Good Day #24
To have a good day, give this a sincere try; Try being the first to let go of any hurt feelings or any resentments and choose forgiveness in your heart….remembering that self forgiveness for any self judgements placed upon oneself, is always needed for feeling good inside. Hurt feelings and resentments are often based on simple misunderstandings. Self judgements will often cloud over feeling good…so why not free yourself. You will find many, many insignificant things where forgiveness can release stuck energy and give more feeling good with inner freedom. Even though I promote trying this experiment for the returning harvest of reaping as you sow, the real benefit is how you will feel good within yourself as you choose to give yourself more inner peace and allow others to feel a little less of the heavy burdens of life. Forgiveness is really looking through the eyes of love and this will bring you a good day with more roses along the way. You deserve forgiveness, so always give it to yourself.
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