Greetings…….I am one of many circulating tips with simple things anyone can do for having a good day. Maybe this tip is for you and maybe not. I do hope you at least experiment to see if this shifts you to feeling good, even just a little, for then we all benefit ….because your energy is one with all of life….then pass me on to friend or stranger….because the atmosphere we all breathe is a more uplifting influence as more people attune with their inner goodness. I say inner goodness as a reference to the higher nature of humans, our higher dimension spiritual bodies our attention shifts into when we are feeling good. When someone wishes you a good day, they are wishing you the blessings of your higher nature, the human spirit, the heart ….we call this presence love, our Treasure of Treasures.
Tips for Having a Good Day #17
Its good to acknowledge your own authority; Think of this; You need not be affected by the opinions and remarks of others, for no one has the power or authority over how anyone chooses to think about themselves. & No one can hurt you or make you feel inferior without your consent. & You are not your actions, thus you are not ’bad ‘ if you act ‘bad’. & All value judging of yourself and of other people is totally unjustified. As you do this you will discover how using hindsight wisdom can dissolve negative false self images. You are in charge and you can use your wisdom to support yourself. You always have this choice. Realise that no matter what anyone says or does to you, you have the authority to use your inner wisdom to rewrite your own history for yourself, because how you think about yourself attracts outcomes in life. Remember, what others say or think of you most often is a self reflection, for humanity is like a mirror. Rebuild a high opinion of yourself to have a good day.
Tips for Having a Good Day #18
To have a good day, just love yourself; To learn how to be good to yourself is often more difficult than to learn how to be good to others…..everybody has faults and weaknesses, to recognise and accept them dissolves their power to take away your feeling good….its OK not to be perfect, no one else is either…..what you think of yourself is much more important than what others think of you… kind to yourself. Discover how these truths can shift your attitude to the level that results in good days. You are in charge, you can make choices to direct your focus of attention on either the positive or the negative….each has different results. Notice how whatever you dwell on attracts more of the same frequencies into your world. Everyone can use the law of attraction / cause and affect to cause lots of good days for themself. Discover how your attention focus is a powerful magnet, and of how your good feelings become waves of uplifting vibrations, blessing all forms of life.
Tips for Having a Good Day #19
To have a good day, consider this wisdom; Eleanor Roosevelt is recorded as saying ; To be nobody but yourself in a world that is doing its best to make you like everybody else, means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight, and never stop fighting. & If you are not for yourself, then who will be. & It is important to like yourself because wherever you go, you will be taking yourself along with you. To use this advice is to discover how showing your true self without any masks can bring out your authentic nature, letting your inner beauty shine. Others respond more genuinely and in positive ways when you show your true self. Show compassion towards those who do not feel safe to show their true inner beauty as yet, for many carry scars from inconsiderate expressions. Remember, what others say or think of you will be their own self reflections that the mirror of life is showing them as the next level for evolution. Be your true self to feel the goodness with you.
Tips for Having a Good Day #20
To have a good day, give this a sincere try; The game of life has a number of rules that we all can use for our benefit. One of these is the leaning set up that in essence is that as we give to life, life does give back to us, sometimes even via strangers. Use this principle to have a good day by making a choice to see how many others you can leave feeling better, try giving smiles, kindness, tolerance or heartfelt listening. You will find many, many ways of how you can share your heart with others. Even though I promote trying this experiment for the returning harvest of reaping as you sow, the first real benefit is how you will feel good within yourself as you choose to give of yourself in ways that have others feeling a little less of their burdens. As you do this you will discover how living through the heart (of love) can bring you a good day…..and if you choose to keep it up, then surely as night follows day, life will present you with many beautiful roses along the way…enjoy.
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