Good Day Tips #2

Good Day Tips #2

Greetings…….I am one of many circulating tips with simple things anyone can do for having a good day. Maybe this tip is for you and maybe not. I do hope you at least experiment to see if this shifts you to feeling good, even just a little, for then we all benefit ….because your energy is one with all of life….then pass me on to friend or stranger….because the atmosphere we all breathe is a more uplifting influence as more people attune with their inner goodness. I say inner goodness as a reference to the higher nature of humans, our higher dimension spiritual bodies our attention shifts into when we are feeling good. When someone wishes you a good day, they are wishing you the blessings of your higher nature, the human spirit, the heart ….we call this presence love, our Treasure of Treasures. To have a good day, give this a sincere try;

Tips for Having a Good Day #5

To feel good at anytime, write out a list of 20 wins or successes you have had. A win or success is whenever you achieved something you set out to do. Little things we take for granted are just as important as big things. When your list is complete, think of all the personal qualities involved as being expressions of your higher nature and realise these are always present. As you do this you will become more mindful of the reservoir of strengths you have for handling the various challenges as you journey through life. Discover how simply shifting the focus of your attention to your strengths can have you feeling confident. You are in charge and you can direct your focus of attention on your strengths or, on your weaknesses….whatever you choose to focus on will become more present for you as a blessing or something less…..this is your choice and you can discover how your choices can attract circumstances for a good day.

Tips for Having a Good Day #6

Use this discovery to have a good day; William James discovered and recorded this; “ Man alone of all the creatures of the earth, can change his pattern. Man alone is the architect of his destiny. The greatest discovery in our generation is that human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives” ……Your challenge is to use this wisdom for your own advantage. Experiment and discover how different attitudes can give you different results for your life. See how you are in charge, of how you can choose to direct your focus of attention on what you want and away from what you don’t want to experience. Be as a scientist to discover how what you focus on is what you get more of. Everyone can use this law of attraction to cause lots of good days for themself. Discover how your inner attitudes seem to influence outer events as a simple way for you to have lots of good days and radiate positive energy for uplifting others.

Tips for Having a Good Day #7

To have a good day, give this a sincere try; Take a large page and on the left side make a long list of every occasion you were critical about yourself…..little things or big things, they are all the same with this. Now one at a time, realise how everyone has learning experiences and the wisdom is to keep the learnings and let go of the rest, so next to each write this; “ I forgive myself for judging myself.” Then tear up the list and bury it in the ground as a final letting go….and feel the weights lift off your shoulders. As you do this you will discover how genuine forgiveness towards yourself will neutralise past stuff that unknowingly can cloud over today’s sunshine. You can also dissolve the effects of well meaning judgements taken in from others….no value in holding onto damaging negative influence. As your own authority, you decide what burdens you want to free yourself from. You can also do this to clear any verbal cruelty from others to allow yourself to have more good days.

Tips for Having a Good Day #8

To have a good day, give this a sincere try; Pretend that you are someone who loves you totally and unconditionally, say a parent or your own guardian angel ….now from the eyes of unconditional love for yourself, silently or out loud, repeat affirming that you are a Wonderful and Valuable Human Being. This is very true because the orchestra of humanity would be missing something if your frequencies were not included. To uplift your feelings at any time you can use the eyes of love to gain a higher point of view. As you truly believe that you have unique value to contribute you will feel good. When you think about yourself through the eyes of love, this higher vibration field will dissolve any negative self images. As you discover how to, then every day give yourself a gift of self nurturing, of loving compassion. Try this and other ways for showing more deserved respect for yourself. Others, sensing respect in your aura, will show more respect to you…it feels good, with more good days.

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