Aquarian Age

Understanding THE AQUARIAN AGE and how, in the right time, these more enlightened attitudes will eventually TRANSFORM COUNTRIES into NATIONS of GOODWILL.

       ……. and, AUSTRALIA can be the FIRST Goodwill Nation

 – When, you might wonder –

. . . .. When ENOUGH citizens, young and old, spread Enough of their Heartfelt Peace and Goodwill to bring forth the Acceptance, Understandings, Respect and Harmony, sufficiently enough to make the difference.


       OUR FATE IS IN GOOD HANDS because The Aquarian Age of enlightenment is becoming more and more fully present in our collective consciousness, and more so as each day passes – and these evolutionary like changes to higher levels of enlightenment understandings are unstoppable.  Not even space weapons, nor the greatest military power known can stop the planets moving in their pre-set paths with their predetermined collective influencing power beaming down upon our earth and affectively raising the vibrational frequencies of all living on earth – try stopping the ocean tide from rising and falling – and that’s just our moon’s influence….

       If we step back and look at the bigger picture to understand what’s going on with all the worldly chaos and mayhem, things can become a lot more clear and allow a peaceful sleep each night. Using our own life as a starting point, we see how the mirror of life reflects our own personal inner state – that’s fairly obvious when looking truly.  As the bigger picture, from the micro transforming struggles to the globally wide collective consciousness struggles, humanity on earth has been going through the turmoils of shifting into a more enlightened state with the Aquarian Age frequencies transforming from within – clashing with the old mind sets resisting changes.

      As we see these grand scale struggles within our global community, we can also see it all as the collective mirrors of the internal struggles going on within each person’s inner state as our planet evolves to a more enlightened expression of awakened awareness – as is happening individually and collectively.  With the outer world chaos and mayhem we see how tenaciously the old ways resist the winds of change shaking societies’ values and beliefs to their very core. With the personal, as each one of us let go and surrender to our higher nature, the old self concepts and self-images can fight for their very survival after running free for lifetimes.  For inner harmony, just Love our egos and our individual false self (false as in a man made image and so much less than who we truely are) as this dimension may resist stepping down from the leading role to be a supporting role, as you allow your own more enlightened higher nature wisdom to be awakened and take over more and more reflecting The Aquarian Age awareness..

Understanding the Aquarian Age Constellation.

    The Aquarian constellation has a number of planets all lining up to be as one collective combined frequency force of vibrational information.  As this happens we will see a  breaking down and transforming reset of the old Piscean Age mind sets and structures (which sometimes looks like mayhem and chaos)   We can read how The Aquarian Age will also be a time when that whivh is hidden, will be brought out into the Light., – much like a cleansing period to allow the new age energies to shift our collective mind sets towards higher levels of evolutionary enlightenment.  Some inconveinient truths coming out will possibly need loads of forgiveness on all sides..  Our Higher Nature does naturally offer forgiveness as a common sense way for all involved.  (we have a Good Seed to do with Forgiveness)  The Aquarian Age changes that will save our world are all set up on a higher dimension.  Mystics tell us that whatever will be, has already happened outside of time.  All of the new technology break throughs we see are from visionaries tapping into the higher realms of existence and transposing the impressions into physical forms, and we are only seeing the beginnings of change.

     The higher / loftier and more enlightened, more all-knowing perspectives (thats our Higher Natures) starting from grass roots up will not be deterred from demanding Aquarian Age ethics and moral values with taking care of our planet, of treating all people with higher respect, of more integrity and higher moral values demanded from industry and governance of our Global Family.  The higher ethical values of equality and fairness plus people before profits will be a reflection of widespread shifting more to live from our Higher Nature – and we may see more widespread opening of our sixth charkra as our third eye.  This higher dimensional sixth sense is awakening across our planet – this then will become a time of no secrets, for at that level of awareness, all can be known of the past from reading the records of each person’s life experiences as is held in their aura  – plus, we are told, the future as is set can be perceived on the higher dimensions. 

Can you imagine the differences when say, more than half the population are fully clairvoyant with their third eye sixth sense seeing what is true and what is not true from simply reading an individual’s aura, where nothing can be hidden.  This will become more prominently evident as the youth and children of the new age grow into their roles of taking charge of our mass influencing media, with commercial distributors of information showing greater realisations of the responsibility to be good forthright citizens with the social licence of such power to influence.  That’s why today’s children and youth are so advanced compared to a generation or two back, our fate is in good hands. 

And that’s why all the doom and gloom talk is based upon the fears from simple ignorance of the long evolutionary process of Souls journey of many lifetimes of continued evolving awareness expansion and awakening here on earth.  It’s no wonder some refer to this dimension as being The School of Hard Knocks.

      The Aquarian age is prophesised to be an age with our next individual steps to higher dimensions of expanded awareness, ever getting closer towards the Source of All That Is.  Thus we can look forward to an expanded knowingness of ourselves and every other being which will lift humanity to a higher level of thinking above the old Piscean mind sets focus of gaining more money, more power and positions of control over others.

     The Aquarian age is prophesised to be an age of equality – based on a more widespread awareness of all living beings as One Life, One Source, One Intelligence, One Spirit – and, that includes mother earth and all of our cosmos.

     The Aquarian age is prophesised to be a time of peaceful harmony, with co-operation replacing competition to give mutual benevolence for all life forms as equally loved expressions of the One Source of All That Is.

     The Aquarian Age is prophesised to be an information age, where all that has been hidden will be exposed. We see social media taking over mainstream media dominance with information dissemination.  Exposing the hidden will be a big turning driver as whistle-blowers come out in numbers (i.e. recall how WikiLeaks and other exposures of things held secret forced changes upon out-dated Piscean Age mind sets). Thank Goodness for the whistle-blowers who inspire and encourage grass roots demands for changes towards higher integrity and moral Christian values of loving compassion, mercy and respect for life with an ending of man’s inhumanity to man, as has been past Piscean Age attitudes.  Now is the time for the values our great way-shower demonstrated 2,000 years back as the next stage of evolution above the more barbaric like mind sets prevalent at that dark time in history we are now fully moving out of and into more Light.

The more Enlightened and Higher Ethical Aquarian Age values will be welcome changes.  We can expect to see grass roots level demands for Equality and Fairness for all ;  That we respect and honour all living beings as a primary value ;  That People must come before Profits ; That our animals and nature kingdom and our environment must come before Profits ;  That we use acceptance and understandings and co-operation for conflict resolutions – Equality means an ending to Waring for gain..

Goodwill is the basis of the Aquarian Age – Resistance is futile.

      We will see meaningful changes with this new age – showing up as Equality and Respect and Fairness and Compassion, Higher Ethics and Sharing of Information and Expanding of Awareness Understandings and No Secrets (think of functioning in the dimensions of no time or space allowing remote viewing with third eye openings giving clairvoyant abilities to most all people across the globe) – think how useless military power will become as the new age unfolds it’s changes, as are now happening – and will be unstoppable as the voices of the youth and children gradually take over.

      YES …..The Aquarian Age is here folks, slowly phasing in more and more each day, for this new 2,000 + year cycle.  Look around to see the chaos and upheavals as the Piscean Age mind sets are challenged by rebellious youth and a few elder more enlightened thinkers.  See how the old ways and structures are broken down for being replaced with the new levels of awareness and understandings now shifting humanity to higher levels of moral values with likewise attitudes and expressions, as caused from the combined influences upon us all from the Aquarian Age constellation of planets.  Note the Australia wide media shift in attitudes towards a more positive response to the plight of asylum seekers as self-interests political point scorings give way towards more compassion and caring for the less fortunate – now here in Australia we even seen churches offering sanctuary of legal protective safety as a way of standing up to cold hearted Government cruelty reflections of man’s inhumanity to man with refugee seekers.  Notice also how changes in voter sentiment also has Pollies changing their tune to a more softening note from the hostility of just 3 years earlier, to more reasonable thoughtfulness. (here is an example of change from Piscean Age thinking to Aquarian Age thinking)

                  Every Citizen can support benevolent changes with their own Spiritual Power of One.

      Being creators as we are, (yet mostly unaware of such abilities)  consider the power of our belief with creating our own life experiences, (also known as the placebo effect in medicine) – our attention focus can be likened to an ongoing prayer to out-picture as real life with one’s affairs – the reason is because where the attention goes, the Power of one’s Spirit flows.  All Olympic Champions and all the stories of success with achieving tell about disciplining ones thinking towards using a non-scattered laser like focussing of attention on the desired outcomes.

     Our ever ongoing moment to moment creating of our own inner state, which then attracts our life experiences, (as like an ongoing inner self talk silent prayer) both individually and collectively, appears to be the way we humans learn about the Power of the Spirit that we are.  Reflecting on our life journey we can see the links of how focusing or disciplining where the focus of one’s creative attention was focused upon, led to positive changes.   Or, how with thinking/dwelling on something feared, can attract similar into our life as experiences, (think back on some of those bumps along the road along our life journey) thus we learn, even the hard way that our inner state is the key with creating or manifesting our life experiences, as we each prefer – and that we can establish the preferred inner state to then become our outer experience.  We see a lot of promotions to think positively for attracting positive outcomes.  We each in our own time discover that Fearing the negative (establishing that vibrational inner state) will then start attracting the very type of situation we are afraid of.

      The Aquarian Age awakenings will bring more enlightenment to the widespread unawareness that as we promote for influencing or wishing upon others does at the very same time become those very same frequencies within our own self .  Thus holing angers, or hatreds or promoting fears for self interests has a karmic price tag attached, which at some point, this life or a future life will surely come back to be worked through.   Wishing good for others is also attracting the same to oneself (notice how some people seem to have a charmed life).  No one is exempt from the Spiritual Laws that govern over us as administered by those beings on higher dimensions – Our own Guardian Angels and Mentors in Spirit do support us with clearing the imbalances from our subtle bodies. (recall waking up feeling as though you were very active during sleep times)

       You can take back your power – it is a choice.  Subservience is most unbecoming and belittling of your true self.  Try functioning from your Higher Nature as the doorway through the imaginary ceiling into being more of who you really are – then the new age will blossom through you to all life.

       Every person always has a choice of taking back their Power – as seems to happen in each person’s own time – the prize then is with discovering how whatever the attention is focused upon is there and then attracting what we each will get more of as our life experiences.  We hear the common sayings “be careful what you wish for”… and “what you focus on is what you get.” ….and similarly; “don’t focus on what you don’t want.” or, if religious you would have read about doing unto others as you want done unto you. 

Now more understanding is spreading that every human thought is like a wish, like a silent prayer attractor. Think of this like a message being beamed out into the Universe seeking to be fulfilled – thus each individual’s self-talk is like a co-creator out-picturing their own life as wishes fulfilled from the Universe.  Over lifetimes we learn about becoming a more responsible Creator with our discerning and selective focusing of attention for directing our Spiritual Power.

       Back to the here and now.  Every person will decide when it is time to be governed over with rules based on equality, fairness and primarily seeking benevolent goodwill outcomes for all citizens.  These Christian moral value ethics of loving compassion for all human beings, for all animals and for our living planet will become the very first prime considerations with the more enlightened attitudes of The Aquarian Age.   We will in time see employment phase over from enforcing society into financial enslavement to a whole new way of thinking that reflects humanity in a whole different light – more wisdom based on the knowingness of why we are here and what’s really going on in or with the bigger picture to do with the evolution of Human Consciousness.  Our individual and collective choice is about either accepting change or resisting change.  Changes that will prevail, changes that can-not be stopped by spin, suppression or military force, or even by subliminal means. To repeat, it is futile to resist to the Aquarian Age planetary frequencies now beaming down upon us all..

Every person can choose to be part of the problems or part of the solutions.                                 We say to Act Locally – and Think Globally.

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