About Us

    We were moved by the story of The Doomsday Express Train, speeding at full throttle towards the edge of a cliff – and with the clock ticking just a few minutes to midnight.   We started to be concened then, it was around 35 years back when the few brave greenies were media vilified for speaking out against profiteering that harmed the air we breathe, and our eco systems that we rely on. They spoke out about the greed.

    But Climate Change is scary and now happening (yet still denied by some), and the hurricanes, the tornadoes, our cyclones, the droughts, the floods and the fires have become more regularly the lead stories on our daily T.V. bad news broadcasts.

     Yet, we all know that when enough of our more enlightened Caring Compassion of Love, becomes the piority over more profits, this then will be the only answer for saving us from our folly. 

We have some hopes that our web site will be a catalyst that touches to
the hearts of those who have the power of choices that will make the difference.


Here is the story about us, our Perceptions, our Motivations, and why we share as we do.  Please keep in mind that everything here are simply our Points of View out of the 7 + billion Points of View (personal perceptions) on our Planet – everybody will have a different Point of View – this is because the recent and past history as is written within each persons “Book of Life” will differ in various ways, due to different individual learning and growing life journeys. 

So if anything on this web site does not fit your pressent time Points of View, then make that O.K.- because thats O.K. with us – we need to realize that there will also be billions of others with different Points of View. – no need to be upset or have wars over differing beliefs, or to restrict freedom of thinking – because the sovereign freedom to learn and grow from individual expression is our birthright.

   The Buddha, so long ago was aware ofthis trap when he gave these wise words of wisdom – he spoke this sage advice to do with the falacy of blind belief…….

            Believe nothing, 

        No matter where you read it,

        Or who said it, 

        Not even if I said it, 

        Unless it agrees with your own reason, 

        And your own common sense.

                                          ……The Buddha


   Now Us – We are ordinary people with motivations that boil down to promoting and seeking to leave a Peaceful and Harmonious planet that will continue supporting life for our grandchildren and all living beings and forms.   We are not affiliated or a front for, nor promoting any organisation, nor any religion, nor any specific philosophy other than the power of Love and Goodwill.  We select what we feel can be beneficial to those with an open mind.  We mostly like to promote our Higher Nature Presence – for here we find our higher form of Love.  The ancient Greeks named this our more Divine Human aspect, as Agape Love, – we attune with our Higher Nature when meditating or contemplating to awaken / expand our awareness of the Heart Presence – for herein we connect with all the wisdom, with all the virtues and with the Love of All That Is, to thus express more of who we really are.  

    On this physical dimension we can still know and experience this as our Compassionate and Benevolent Higher Nature.  We know that our hearts are the connecting link with our Higher Nature as we experience ourselves expressing as the Kindness, Caring and Compassion we show as one to another.  Think of a mother’s love. This higher dimension frequency expression of every human being is known by various names – here, for simplicity, we call this our Higher Nature.  This seems to be our positive polarity and our connection with the higher positive realms of Spirit as the source of our intuition, upliftment, regeneration and healings.  Bringing forth more of our Higher Nature is not such a hard thing to do as a way of life – it is more a matter of just being who we really are – natural and normal – with no need to be, or do or wear any masks or pretends.

      There is nothing new here – the information on this web site is also found on many other web sites.  We have mostly recycled and repackaged some keys for a good life from various Mystics, leading scholars and free thinkers going back centuries.  If you find anything a bit too uncomfortable by clashing with cherished beliefs, be wise, just leave it be for now – see it as just different information, and move on  – in some years hence you may see things differently, and then be able to use some new information for your own advantage, or advancement.  We say be true to yourself in that you do not become influenced with our enthusiasm for our visions of peaceful harmony becomming more predominant, –  but rather, test out any new information to make up your own mind as to what is going to serve you best – discern what can be helpful for your journey right here and now on Planet Earth. 

    We do not seek to tell anyone what to believe, or what not to believe.  We figure that beliefs are held with the dimension of us we know as The Mental dimension, (the mind ) – this one aspect of us that is a bit like a hard disk on the computer, it hears and records and stores information – (our minds are limited to what is taken in, or held onto from a past life, or passed down with a family or even a clan or tribal group)    The Higher Nature dimension of us – as is anchored within the Heart (our connection to higher dimensions) is our connection to all that is, meaning this level of us can access Universal information far greater and beyond our personal stored information data / beliefs.   Intuitive Knowing is from our Oneness Connection to a greater source of wisdom via our hearts.  Sometimes it can be tricky to define a mental level belief from an intuitive knowing, – or call it a “gut Knowing” – testing out and learning to trust is the process of evolutionary learnings as happens over lifetimes of experiences..  For your own advancement, consider deeply this learned quote by Einstein – he says we can heal our world with new ways, new thinking ;

   The mental dimension, the mind can sometimes be a source of frustrations, as it seeeks to satisfy by giving the answers we want or need, yet can only access the data to the limits as has been recorded, or told, or perceived. by it –  (sometimes even subliminally)  Next time you feel like your mind is going around in circles, then it very well may be as the mind seeks to satisfy our requests of it.   Perhaps the key is found within these insights to do with the mind, as written by Garry Zukov;

         Reality is what we take to be true.

       – What we take to be true is what we believe.
       – What we believe is based upon our perceptions.
       – What we perceive depends upon what we look for.
       – What we look for depends upon what we think.
       – What we think depends upon what we perceive.
       – What we perceive determines what we believe.
       – What we believe determines what we take to be true.
       – What we take to be true is our reality.     

                                                  ……….Garry Zukov



        Remember that as humans, the reason why we can love each other is because each of us is a Soul, and all Souls are of the same dimension and source  – we read that Soul enters at the very first breath and takes on the human journey with an agenda of experiences to journey through as their life – and thus needing various cloaks as can be delineated with Numerology and astrological aspect qualities of that very minute in time at that specific location, and useing a precise name that has other frequencies within each letter as a complement to the package for that life of experiencing (you can study the science of astrology and numberology to begin grasping an understanding of this)  

     We Souls need a human body for having human level experiences – be they physical, or mental or emotional dimension experience.  Each dimension has its own body form. –  you can read up about our different bodies, their human auras, and what can be perceived by those with their sixth sense / pineal gland more open and active, where the higher frequency finer dimensions can be perceived.  

     For understaning this, you could talk to someone who understands energy body healing from useing meditations, or singing, or chanting, or drumming, frequencies, or massage, or gem stones, or healing sounds or aromas as a way to clear any blockages with energy flow from old mental and emotional pain  issues that influence and disrupt the inner harmony and balance of our physical body.  And we are told, possibly often from issues that have happened in a previous life journey of experiences, – sometimes even from many lifetimes back. An example is Our First People here in our country, who still suffer past down Post Colonial Traumas as an ongoing disruption to inner harmony – full credit to a past Prime Minister who started the healing journey with a deep and meaningful appology on behalf of those who at the time did not know the potential karmic consequences of their actions upon futire generations as pssed down in the DNA.  We are learning from our past, and healing the lingering harms..   Post Traumatic Stress is now recognised as a big issue.

                        Back to the Here and The Now ; ……… 

      There is much truth in the saying that whatever we focus the power of our attention upon, – that means to what and where we direct our outflowing creative spiritual power and energy to dwell upon, (our attention is our use of The Power of The One Life Energy)    With attention focus, at all times, there and then we are energising and creating more of that very same level of frequency within our own inner world, our own Inner States – and thus forming our future times experienceing as our inner state is reflected back from the world of others.. ………

   The late mystic, Paul Twitchell had taught that until we know that nothing can come to us and nothing can happen to us unless it is in accord with our inner state, then we do not have the key to life.  This also fits with the wisdom from Einstein as well.

 …….. AND yes, our inner world (our personal inner state) does reflect out to mirror back like an attractor for our ongoing life experiences – being just like a magnet. the frequencies of an inner state attracts to each of us our life experiences.  (some seek to clear or change the inner state with confessions, or self forgiveness and repetitive use affirmations for various outcomes, including for gaining wealth, or healings, or achievements, or being a winner, etc. etc. – you can read our page of “How the Universe works “  to understand this.  Those who like to dwell on the negative problems have a less joyful / more negative life journey than those who make an effort to look only for and see or imagine what are the good and the positives within any situation or circumstance.  ( some see Roses and some see Thorns  – some see the Donut , and some see the Hole)

     Take note ….Here is why drifting off to sleep and continuing to absorb heaps of negativity, or fear causing news, like police reports or violent aggressions or any unfiltered negativity or inhumane expressions from the TV or movies is not so helpful for having a feeling good day tomorrow, or even a positive uplifting life experience.  Think of everything as frequency, and the higher the frequency the lighter and happier we feel.   This is why our Good Seeds can bring uplifting and calm feelings.

     Be aware..…. our brains and minds are much like all computers with a mix of stored data and programs that we each have either chosen or simply allowed to become downloaded into our inner state – and with all computers it is the same process –  what goes in, is what comes out.   We eventually discover (sometimes not until after feeling sick and tired of feeling sick and tired) that our inner state content becomes reflected bck as our outer world experience, – just like a mirror does reflect our physical image back., so does our inner state reflect back as our lot in life.  Here is where our Good Seeds can be useful and used for your own advancement and advantage – yet any such changes will always be a personal choice..

     After considering these Points of View as a high potential for a bleak future, do not get depressed – for change is fast coming to the continuous influences we are fed from those who worship power, and greed,.  Even the often seemingly heartless corporations, and other influenee exploiters, and the devious ego based Merchants of Fear playing with our heads, will become more considerate.

    Yes, changes are on the way.  Why is this you might say  –  Because the new widesspread awakening and more enlightened understandings of how everyone and eveything is actually connected to everything and everyone as a Oneness, is the game changer from Piscean Age thinking standards to the new Aquarian Age more enlightened and higher ethical moral values.  …..And Because the younger new age generation are now getting their voices and encouraging others to also demand fairness and equality and that people must come before exploitings for profits, – And (we hear) its also time for animals to be considered before profits –  And (we hear) our Planetry home considered before more profits for the wealthy.

  The ways of blatant exploitations and profiteering that enslaves folks to the financial treadmill by the greedy (old Piscean Age thinking) is being replaced with more heartfelt more enlightened ethical considerations from the awareness that everything is actually connected as a Oneness..  We see the fear mongering to profit from, such as having wars or even readiness for wars is being rejected by so many who now look back and say “no more insanity of wars ”  We can rejoice about the new enlightenment of fairness and equality with people before profit on our National and Global Horizon.  This means Global Peace for all Beings.

    Supporting this major change in thinking is our motivations for promoting more awreness of Love.  The more Loving and Caring and Sharing expressions are what we foster – because we believe that it is true, that enough Love will heal everything..  Our world needs lots and lots of Love.

   Actually, our Planet needs A Revolution of The Heart.  And just in time this is actually happening, with the personal choices of so, so many brave and free thinking pioneers of new ways.  (We can remember the time when our media was so mean spirited and derogatory criticsms towards “Those Mad Greenies & Ferals” )  Those lamenting climate change and the damage to our Barrier Reef will surely be wishing they had respected the intelligence of the New Age pioneers before so much damage to our Planet. Changes are happening now – but dont expect our media to reflect the changes until this Revolution of the Heart becomes more widespread and more profitable to make news about than is the negative darker side of life.  In time common sense will prevail over greed.

   After starting in the U.S.A. back in the 70’s of last centuary, A Revolution of the Heart is awakening world wide and picking up speed by The New Generation.  This change is unstoppable because it actually is a process of evolution phasing nto The Aquarian Age, an Information Age, leading to Peaceful Harmony, based on new levels of awareness, with new values and prioities. – Yes. a Revolution, just the same as was the case with The Russian Revolution and The French Revolution when people rose up collectively to demand changes – the Higher Nature Revolution of the Heart has been happening under the radar all over our Planet for the last 40 plus years – the media will gradually change to be more positive with far, far less of the lower frequency negativity promoted from awakened awareness of responsibility for harmony with consequences from how their influences can effect the social cohesion..

     Everyone seeks more Love. Even tiny babies will scream to be picked up for attention from mum.   We often see T.V stories showing how far some will go for getting the attention, or for getting just five minutes in the sun.   Yet this happiness and satisfactions as everyone is seeking can be found with the giving and receiving of love as the true expressions or true reflections of who we really are.  Here is the reasoning behind our motivations ( along with millions of others) for doing what we do and why we have so many Good Seeds encouraging to shift one’s attention awareness into our Higher Nature, into our Heart Presence – you might notice that lots of our Seeds are saying similar messages in lots of different ways.

  Our big picture vision is Loving Harmony, and Goodwill to reflect as Global Peace
  Our grandchildren will then inherit the potential for life to prosper on this Planet 
without a similar fate as whatever happened to Atlantis.

       We say, Yes We Can – because we are shifting into more enlightment.   We focus on encouraging more of our Higher Nature Loving Expressions that can make a difference with a personal life, – and every individual life contributes to future outcomes on our Planet.  We can mirror reflect more positive frequencies – yes, every single thing (including words, thoughts and feelings) have a frequeny.  Learned ones say that the world situations and affairs do reflect back our collective inner states,  – that is our collective words and our collective feelings and thinking.  We can see how angers and revenge and hate from past lives can and eventually will be all dissolved with the higher frequencies of Agape Love, which every human has access to with their own Higher Nature.   Hate can be dissolved.  

    Scientists tell us that in our atmosphere, our individual thoughts are as forms  (frequencies) – and thought forms that resonate do gravitate together with similar frequency forms, (like attracts like – birds of a feather, flock together) – and that these thought forms then will morph into larger morphic fields and become a noticeably strong influence in the atmosphere.  Those who are even a little sensitive will notice the differences inside a cathedral as compared to being inside a rowdy hotel bar.  The collective morphic energy fields from heartfelt thoughts, from heartfelt words and from heartfelt deeds, (that is living from the heart,) can become a strong positive influence in the air that we breathe – this becomes a blessing for all living beings, because, similarly as the saying goes in relation to the physical dimension, a rising tide will lift all boats.  This is the way of a Revolution of The Heart.

  We read of the outcome from collectively transmitting positive vibes for Harmony and Peace, when some years back in New York City, the group of Transcendental Meditation students focused their collective hearts on Harnomy and Peace to counter the crime level happening in N.Y.  We read of the N.Y. Police reporting a 23% reduction in violent crime over a two week period.. (remember Maharishi Mahesh Yogi teaching The Beetles how to meditate)   Think of how that reduction in crime levels as actually happened…- and then think of the potentials when even 20% of the world population shift more focus to their Higher Nature and broadcast out more of their peaceful stillness from within.

       As the morphic fields of more loving thoughts and words and deeds expand and hang around in the air, we will experience this as a feeling of Peaceful Harmony and Goodwill in the air – thus is the gradual transforming to what will in time, become known as a City of Goodwill – a place where tourists will want to be just for soaking up the good atmosphere.   To support any such a local effort, we also have an actual Seed for promoting Love Showers to rain down over any area or location to transmute lower energy frequencies – this Good Seed can also be used for clearing any old conflicting residues of negativity from past violence from belief wars, or survival wars, or clan wars, or power / greed wars, or over territorial space.. 


   This Love Shower Seed was specifically created for dissolving and clearing up any negativity, like cruelty, or inhumanity or old hatreds still hanging in the air around any Nation or City.  This Seeds is most useful where folks want to clear the air of any residues from past tribal wars, invasions, or past cruelty from injustices and hostilities (perhaps even from centuries ago)  that are still hanging around with their disturbing influence of negativity – for example the horrors with the invasion and heartless attitudes to take possession of our country from the first people and the cruel kidnapping  / Blackbirding of the near Islander slave trade that followed.   Yes, negative vibrations caused long, long ago and still causing an influence, can be neutralised with the higher vibrations from the collective Love of our Higher Nature – and we humans have the right to do that.  Consider what Einstein pointed out as his findings – the bit that is hard to read says that it is not philosophy, that it is physics….. ; —




      We can envision that as Goodwill Cities start to multiply within our Country here, we will become known as a Goodwill Nation – from this we can then imagine a Planet of Peaceful Goodwill.  As bad as things may look, we do have the probabilities for such potential possibilities, . and yes, as we foster more Love we will see genuine Goodwill showing out as Equality and Fairness, with People before Profits in all levels of decision making..  We will probably see those 80 or so individuals that own or control more than half the worlds wealth (as per Google reports) together with those others on the Forbes Rich List get to study up on The Laws of Karma and see how their very own survival means sharing for the betterment of all life forms.


   If you want to make a difference, then you can be involved as an Armchair Activist for fostering more Love & Goodwill.

        Take a few moments to think of the differences you can create.  Imagine the daily TV news in your City filled with stories about our higher nature expressions of Love & Peace & Harmony & Goodwill & Friendliness & Respectful Kindness – with positive stories telling of all our Virtues in action, rather than continually re-energising negativity and violence or low life activities as T.V.News with never ending potential of something real or imaginary to Fear – and thus our media unwittingly (we assume) promoting more of the same.  Remember the physics – what we focus our creative energy /attention on is what we energise and get more of.  

     No wonder the new generation is speaking out against profit seeking from promoting the darker low life side of life over and over and over. (remember, what we focus on is what we get more of)   The ignorance with stimulating past life negatives and old ancestral and tribal hatreds and fears to do with the darker side of life is the very opposite of promoting a friendly, caring and harmonious society for a Peaceful World..    Take heart, for as our media influencing people are hounded or hopefully become more enlightened by choice, their influence will then reflect a more enlightened collective thought field frequency for causing a better world.   A more harmonious and peaceful world.   It really is a choice for those who choose to be the Movers and Shakers. – a choice of equality and fairness with people before profits may not be so easy for those still holding onto outdated Piscean Age mind sets of power and greed for the buying..

    Yes, now past life regression therapists and as spoken of from those who have the extra levels of vision into the Astral Dimensions and where the akashik records of all Human Souls is permanently recorded, the eternal continuety of existence is not a matter of belief or not believing.   We hear that influences from up to 21  generations back (thats twenty one, and some say even more)  can be Passed down with the DNA and lay dormant (until stimulated) within our inherited energy fields, safely stored below our awareness, waiting and waiting to eventually be worked out or neutralised back to the nothingness – or passed onto a next generation.  (they call this our subconscious – meaning this is all below concscious awareness)

    Yet it seems far better to allow all those residues from the past to be dissolved or worked out. cleared and returned back to balance / neutrality during the dream states..  And whilst in the awake state, to be diligent to direct the focus of creative attention Power of our Spirit to dwell on the more positive and uplifting side of life (so we have more of this as our life experiences) whilst we each journey through our life’s evolutionary experiences.  A study of what the eastern spiritual teachings say in regards to The Laws of karma will give more information ifyou want same. The Christian teachings tell a little about the consequences of sowing and reaping..

     Do not be turned off or overwhelmed with the concept of clearing karma.,  It does pay to understand the responsibility of returning out of balance frequencies back to original balance and harmony so as to end the cycles of history repeating itself..  If we use our intelligence / common sense, then our past need not also be our future.  We can read how it is, that if we ask of our Spirit to have our higher levels of Love and Light transform any residues of personal karma, or family karma or ancestoral karma, or even country karma – (yes, as we are told. there is such), and we can do this in our dream activities during the sleep state.   And do so with the help of our Guardian Angel/s, so as to go and make amends where any unfinished business or disturbance is still hanging around,.  The sixth sense of spiritual vision is needed to see into other non-physical higher frequency dimensions.  However mystics have said that such an action on the higher Astral or Soul level dimensions dreaming can clear or dissolve any such unresolved responsibility levels of residues as a way to avoid the need to physically endure such..  So do not be fearful about The laws of Karma. 

     Speaking of Karma- – if as a Global Family, we could all be encouraged to do a short study of the inplications to do with The Spiritual Laws of Karma, then individually and collectively as Nations, there would be new information understandings of the inherent consequences of harvesting as was sown,, even sown in previous lives.  We feel that such a new level of enlighted thinking would end all desires to have wars or to set other dark side energies in motion as harmful upon other life forms.  We can all help towards a hurry up with this now present Dawning Time of The Aquarian Age. 

You can start today as another Armchair Activist to make a different

      You can spread our Seeds (infused with your loving thoughts) for neutralising negativity and become catalysts for inspiring more positive and uplifting thought form influences in the atmosphere of your neighbourhood and City.  Yes, although normal sight does not perceive higher frequencies, our thought vibrations become forms with shape and colours and influences in the atmosphere around us – that is because thoughts are things we emit or broadcast into the atmosphere.  Clairvoyants will see these aura colours.  Similar thoughts will morph together and can build to substantial morphic fields, where, as this collective strength builds up, it can be sensed as a strong influence hanging around in the atmosphere.  You can clearly experience and know this when respectfully entering a sacred building where the attention has been focused more towards our Higher more loftier Nature over long periods of time.

       Our Good Seeds are designed to, and can promote an increase of uplifting ör ‘feel good thought forms’ – and all the folks breathing that air will be taking in the positive influences – those with open hearts will then reflect back the positive influences as Goodwill with their thoughts, their words and their deeds when interacting with others as they go about their day.   Here you can see why, when given a chance, loving attitudes can become contagious and multiply in any location.

      Here also is why simply by emailing some of these Good Seeds to anyone and everyone, (please infuse with your loving thoughts of goodwill with your intentions – this is very important ! )  you will be making a difference for building more Loving Goodwill and Peaceful Harmony in the atmosphere of any location – this will happen simply from people being uplifted to their own level of ‘feeling good‘ when receiving an uplifting message carrying your kindly thoughts from the heart (teach the children that kindly thoughts from the heart carry the essence of Love at its highest and purest form.)   Love begets more Love.   Love is uplifting and given the chance will shift or uplift attention to the presence of Love within the other heart – this then opens the way and allows more Love to then radiate out in a multiplied way, as a blessing to all around.  Love and Goodwill are synonymous.  Peaceful Harmony is a reflection of the loving heart.  Here we can see how change is a matter of maths.

     Yes, no matter what has been the past history, with enough love for making the difference, the atmosphere in any location can be transformed to be a feeling of Goodwill – because the negative lower vibrations are transmuted with the higher frequency vibrations of Divine Love, Agape Love, from the heart.  As Goodwill Cities multiply, folks will be less plagued by or act out influences from old hatreds, old fears or even ancient tribal conflicts or past negativity and thus, our Living Planet will become a better legacy for the children to inherit.  Yes, the smple maths of collectively giving our Power of the One gives, possibilities of survival for all life forms – The Revolution of The Heart will make the survival difference.

                *** On the personal side – there are inner rewards when spreading our Good Seeds ;   These Good Seeds will blossom as nice positive loving changes in any personal worlds…

                      For starters if given a chance, these Seeds can and will blossom within your personal world in these ways.
        **  More Feeling Good inside …
        **  More Loving Feelings…
        **  More Feeling Uplifted…
        **  Some nice positive mind set changes…
        **  Having More Good Days for Building to a Good Life.  

       Some reading this will know how a little perfume of the rose will always stay with the hand that gives it – here is why every giver of these Seeds (with loving thoughts from the heart) will be creating beautiful life experiences for oneself.

  Please look at the different Seeds in those groups that speak to you for sharing your love – or you might even print out some for slipping in the letter boxes in your street, or under office doors, or leave in the work cubicles where that is allowed.

       As you become aware of the differences these Seeds can encourage and inspire, you can believe the possibilities of changes towards building Cities of Goodwill, and then to our Nation of Goodwill    We believe in the possibilities of how from little things, big things can grow.  By getting involved with spreading Seeds that you like, you will then personally get to see how you can make a difference.  Yes, a big difference, even with the little things that come from the heart as you go about your day.  Act locally and think Globally – see how it actually is a matter of maths.

      So, to wrap up……You are urged to be bold.  Act locally and think Globally – For the bigger Global picture you can post, or attach Inspiring and Uplifting Seeds as emails to travel all across the Planet – even to strangers.  Even just using our email footer will make a difference for World Peace.  Yes, every single uplifting influence of the Heart’s presence of Peace is another tiny step closer to the bigger picture of Peaceful Goodwill in our time – a Peace with no need for Nuclear Weapons and no more wars.  (Consider the major savings with less personal taxation due tobecause of not paying for having costly wars. – And imagining how many homeless could be cared for with all that money now needed to be ready for wars – or, just in case ….?)  Permanent Peace and Harmony is the only way to mutual survival for all living beings on this planet.   Yes, please realise that even just simply using our email footers as a way of spreading your own peace and goodwill can make a difference with another persons life, and for their environment. 

.       Every Seed spread into another little garden of life has the potential for becoming another tiny step towards Global Harmony and Goodwill.  Every Seed sent out into the world with kindly loving thoughts can make a difference to Peace and Harmony for all – because what does affects one does affect all at a frequency wave level ( Read out page on How the Universe Works – its an eye opener about frequencies ) .  Why such bold claims without reservations -, because although we are all individualised aspects of the One Consciousness, we are all connected with the One Life Essence,  The One Consciousness with All That Is.   The Mystics tell and show us that our seemingly separation on this dimension is only an illusion of the mind. – Einstein says that the concept of individualism is an illusion, but a apracticle illusion.

      When you encounter anyone close to giving in to despair or hopelessness, you can tell them about the potentials for turning their life around to the direction of their own choice using the information shared within our Good Seeds and explanations of how change can be made simple.  (see How the Universe works page) However, when any person is labouring under a rather dense cover of dark clouds, then to again walk on the sunny side will take a solid and heartfelt intention plus a serious and dedicated effort to focus on anything that is good and to really start loving oneself.  So there firstly needs to be a deep and serious choice about taking back one’s power and taking charge of ones own life as the Captain of their ship and the Master of one’s Fate – and then doing what needs to be done.  We can read many, many stories of ordinary people who have done this to become champions – and delighted about it, so, what one can do, then everyone can do – its a matter of knowing how and serious commitments to oneself.    Seek to find some how to’s amongst our Good Seeds – with eyes to see, you will find what you need..

       Dolly Parton has a meaningful message with the words from her song  ” Flowers do not care where they grow.’   Yes. in Nature we see the abundance of generosity, in how so many seed are spread to the winds, Some fall on stony ground and some fall on fertile ground…. A thousand seeds may perish for every flower that blooms, yet Nature never holds back, she keeps on giving with abundance.  Some Seeds may lay dormant for years before sprouting and growing and blossoming into their greater potential and Glory.   Similarly, this will also be the case with our Seeds.  So, never ever be discouraged with not seeing the blossoming locked into any timing outcome of the mind by comparing sowing times with reaping seasons. 

     And, of course, this web site will have no appeal at all for some folks, make that OK with you too, because everyone has their own individual pre-agreed and pre set-up life agendas being worked out as their life journey, and as such is not to be judged by another, nor loaded down with any personal shoulds and should-nots, for each have enough burdens to carry without being dumpted upon by well meaning others – others who are unable to know all of the reasons of why some of us are the way we are at various times in our personal life quests.  What we all need is more love and more compassion with more equality and fairness and choices of people before profits.. 

       Thank you for visiting this web site. May your visit with us be fruitful for you ………and if it be your desire, then may Good Seeds blossom with great levels of abundance within your inner garden as more feelings of Love, more Peaceful Calm and more Abundant Good Fortune with all that you know as good …….and if such be your desire, then more encouraging you with letting your Light to so shine to enlighten the world and eventually reach to even the Movers and Shakers who govern over us …..When making choices about spreading Good Seeds, stop for a minute and think of the potentially good and beautiful karma as your returning harvest.

    And for you – may these Good Seeds uplift you to sense-feel more of the Joyful, Loving, Child-like Innocent Peaceful Stillness, – to the Majestic Grandeur, even beyond imagining of the most Beautiful, Wise and Radiant Being you could ever imagine…….for if so, your awareness will have reached further and deeper into your own Higher Nature presence, your Spirit (your Father within).  And then you will know that this is the Aquarian Age awakening higher dimensions of the Human Family, the Divine Loving presence that will transform our world to a better future.  This new consciousness will become the commonplace norm for many during this 2,000 + year cycle of The Age of Aquarius – so long as we collectively do not fall for the trap of business as usual with more of the same consequences. upon our Planet – Colectively we can make a difference – as is already happening with thousands and thousands of various small and large activities (like us) happening accross the Globe – this is The Revolution of The Heart.

How fortunate we are right now as the Aquarian Age unfolds.  We actually wonder if our P.M really knows how right he is with telling us how these are the most exciting times to be alive – surely he means more so than technolgy advances and commercial activities  – we shall see how history unfolds – our bet is on The new Aquarian Age Generation, who in their millions are bringing changes for the better and also finding their voices with demanding a different road to follow.

Our parting wish for all who so choose to accept;

  May you discover how the world is full of beauty when
your heart is full of love…… JohnD & friends


Our last, and to us, the most important words are from The Buddha – when he said, …and we repeat ;;


        Believe nothing, 

        No matter where you read it,

        Or who said it, 

        Not even if I said it, 

        Unless it agrees with your own reason, 

        And your own common sense.

                                          ……The Buddha

   Your constructive comments are welcome.   You can contact us here…..





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