Please read this first
– The AQUARIAN AGE is Transforming Countries into Nations of Goodwill
WISH LIST For Challenge # 9;
Our Personal Taxation Dilemma.
Whilst these are only ideas,we can imagine each idea as being a wish fulfilled. Remember that these are only Discussion Points to start the conversations and to stimulate considered thinking about priorities and values and the sort of society we want to phase into for a better world. These are for personal choices, – choices we hope will be from your own heart as a sovereign being, Please do not make demands from obligations or based on someone else’s shoulds or should-nots. To your own self, be true
*** With the principle of those who profit pay for upholding the society they profit from, this change of focus will allow a reduction of personal taxation, perhaps down to as low as 10% to 15% with a tax free threshold of possibly $40,000, as a first way to ease citizen feelings of endless financial enslavement that has been causing too much stress and struggles outpicturing as loss of Happiness and Harmony in society.
*** Taxpayers will no longer fund Company executives and big earners for driving their $200,000 luxury vehicles as a full tax deduction, when a $30,000 vehicle will do the very same purpose as a tax deductable business expense write off from earnings. Stopping this perk alone from reducing tax revenue shortfalls will allow lesser tax demands on ordinary taxpayers. Ending all the many other little know taxpayer funded luxury perks to the wealthy and Company Managers / Directors will increase General Tax revenues, which will then relieve working people with a lesser tax burden need.
*** A Royal Commission on Tax Avoidance Elimination will bring to light all the tax loopholes that have been set up by the rich to favour the rich – perks that the poor do not even know exist. Ending all the rebates to some industries making huge profits. Ending the strings of shell company structures for profit shifting. Ending the Private Trusts for income sharing to lower the tax burden, and ending all the other loopholes used to legally avoid paying taxes as privileges for the wealthy and the corporations. The Royal Commission on Tax Avoidance Elimination will recoup the deemed amounts of unpaid back taxes with added interest applied. In the case of voluntary liquidations for avoiding paying tax, that tax bill will become the responsibility of the shareholders and Directors of the entity which did not pay their fair share of taxation at the time – this will go a long way to fix the budget needs and fill the revenue hole from reducing personal tax to a far, far lesser burden level for citizens to pay.
*** All monies earned in Australia and then shifted offshore for tax avoidance reasons will be taxed at the normal rate, as though such monies were still held in Australia. The Royal Commission on Tax Avoidance Elimination will have the power to question and examine the financial affairs of those who have shifted money offshore for themselves or the corporations that employs them and make rulings on back tax amounts to be paid. The directors and staff of corporation who have colluded to avoid paying tax in Australia, and who were paid big bonuses for doing so, will be charged with a crime against the Common Wealth of Australian Citizens. In such cases where the company is a shell company that can not pay the appropriate tax, the management of the company will be asked to pay the tax themselves for defrauding the Common Wealth of Australian citizens. This alone will boost revenue income to reduce personal tax levels.
*** All Overseas owners of property in Australia will be asked to gift an annual Support Australia Levy of 2 % of the value of any Australian property held by absent overseas owners. From using low interest or even negative interest cost money from another country, then gaining from the exchange rate of the Aussie dollar – it is easy to see one reason why home prices have become too expensive for local citizens. Overseas owners encouraged to invest here for capital gaining profits by inflating prices and in doing so, pricing Australian citizens out of the home market has been a huge let down from our Governments that is seemingly more interested in bringing in overseas money than concerned about Australian citizens – and shows the need to reset priorities away from toxic growth with unhappiness, to a fair go for Australian citizens. This levy can be redistributed to Australian citizens towards down payments on their first home.
*** The Government Auditor will establish an Officer for Ending Wasteful Spending and Non-Necessary spending at the Government level, with the instructions to specifically discover and end all unproductive spending indulgences like very expensive lunches, and so on, and so on, with cost/benefit analysis and then document the real tangible value returned back to the citizen taxpayers for footing the bills for Pollies indulgences. Citizen demands to manage the economy with greater wisdom and less self-indulgence, and with no secrecy will reflect more respect for Government. Whistle-blower tip-offs will be encouraged to bring self-indulgence bad practices into scrutiny.
*** Whistle-blowers revealing tax avoidance, unnecessary indulgences, and dirty business will be honoured and rewarded by a 10% portion of any extra tax collected from their diligence with supporting the fairness for all with our taxation system.
*** Retract and wind back the new legislation to load the new GST tax on lower costing items purchases from overseas, – or, so that at least pensioners and the lower paid working people have a full exemption from this unfair surprise impost – an impost that stops the less well off and pensioners from having access to a few extras in their last few years or even access to lower costing supplements for their health and wellbeing – items that are either not available in Australia, or too expensive due to profit gauging with industry. If the Government needed more tax then there are so many tax loopholes for the wealthy that can be shut down to get the revenue they need – so why punish the pensioners and less well off, – or is it just more of the same old mind set of the rich looking after the rich as their first priority – who devises and legislated all their tax loopholes and perks anyway?.
[These Surprise Taxes connived by the rich without any consideration of the less well off, was a surprise we were not pre-advised about as even a potential before the Libs being elected, – and was was not voted for, – actually the opposite pledge of NO NEW TAXES was promoted as a deception – so thus this tax has no valid citizen support AND MUST BE RETRACTED FORTHWITH. ADD to that con on the voters, it looks also like a con on States to firstly take away a big heap of the expected share revenue from the States as a way to force them into a no-choice corner to go aong with the hike in GST – was it trickery so that they could be blamed for it whilst the Libs boasted of their virtues. Such deviousness is not respectable conduct, no matter how the spin merchants package the story. Is it no wonder trust in Government is at an all time low outside of their own PR self talk circles – but unethical conduct will change.
The Pollies are there to serve us – not trick us with spin. This was another case of those we call the “haves” the wealthy, (our Pollies) not having any idea of what it feels like needing to struggle with paying the rent, and bills – easy for them to increase taxes for the less well off and not feel any pain as consequences from their decisions. If you are a pensioner, or lower paid and appreciate being told the truth before voting,- truth about raising the GST on those little lower cost overseas purchases (especially with free postage from China) then consider sending the Pollies a demand about retracting this surprise brutal impost – this is an example reason for promoting some of the ideas for demands to bring More Trust in our Government – how can anyone feel a trust in that sort of devious tricky conduct that only hurts the less well off – another reason why a government made up of Independents will bring fairness and equality – becaue Independents usually consider the people first]
If you have well considered brilliant ideas to add to this list, please write them in the Comment area below and / or send them in, preferably worded as the wish fulfilled for allowing readers imagination to then energise the beneficial and benevolent end result outcomes you envision.
You can send demand emails to the Pollies – especially send to those who will not be told how to vote by Party Leaders – and especially send demands to independents – but if you really want action go to the very top of our Government System, Our Governor General and make known your dissatisfactions with whatever is causing you pain or stress and ask for his intervention to request Parliament to consider the changes you want for a fairer and more equal society. – a society where People come first, and commercial profits come second.
Supposing……. Supposing we were to inspire a million or so Armchair Activists for demanding changes that would transform Australia into the First Goodwill Nation………..
Supposing……… If Our Governor General were to receive a half million or so email requests asking to forthwith start a number of wide ranging enquiries covering many of the matters as our major challenges, or better still a number of full Royal Commissions to get to the bottom of why things are as they are with whatever adversely affects you, or what causes you needless struggles and pain, or what causes you unhappiness, or is against your understandings about what a democracy actually is supposed to be in your perspective – and especially demand changes where you can see Government Policies are causing damage to social cohesion in favour of profits for the wealthy. Or you might ask our Governor General to make a decree that our National Parliament in Australia must fully act to foster the peoples benevolent Happiness and Harmony, as the first and foremost considerations and that industrial or commercial profits as secondary to society cohesian, Happines, Harmony and Goodwill. Even the unhappy rich realise that Social Cohesion, Happiness and Harmony in the community are worth far more than gold.
You can send your protests and demand messages to our Governor General in Canberra. His email contact is on his web site – but you are only allowed 250 words……so you will need to be succinct. If you wish to send a longer written snail mail demand, then respect means to use his correct title, as is copied and pasted here with his web site as well;
His Excellency General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC (Retd)
Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia.
(– email address only available on request)
The salutation for a letter should be “Your Excellency” or “Dear Governor-General”
Your message can be your demand for the changes you want, asking that he as our Governor General, present the Prime Minister and The Government of the day with your specific demands. Or you might simply demand that Our Queen’s Government in Australia now act to always consider the needs of the people first and foremost and to give Equality and Fairness to all Citizens, specifically with “ …….x………x…………x…………x…………x………… x” (insert whatever changes you want)
You can request to be advised if and when this matter will be considered by our Governor General……Simply use the same wording as you would write a respectful demand from a position of knowing that as a citizen, you pay taxes for the Government and Parliament to exist, so as to serve the wants and needs of the people it represents, therefore you have such right.
You can also send your letter of demand to your local Pollies, – or maybe more notice will be taken by those who seek to be elected as Independents in Parliament, who will not be restrained by Party Leaders. In the past, with even those few strong Independent thinkers in our Government, we have generally seen more sensitivity to the needs and demands of the people as their preferences before pampering to industry. Pity we have not had more free thinking independents showing more concerns for the people – even so, they have been a welcome change of late – we can only hope the Party negative propaganda against Independents will be ignored by intelligent free thinkers who are learning to see what is true – seeing what is true is another Aquarian Age trend.
Social Media is the excellent vehicle for promoting any issue you personally wish for, maybe it is not in the Wish Lists above, yet hopefully from thinking about some of the brilliant ideas and getting to grasp how the world is run by those who turn up, realize that your own Power of One has the potential to move mountains if used in a positive way and for the benevolence of all life forms. Remember – It is the squeeky wheel that gets the grease.
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