To promote lots of Beautiful Days

To promote lots of Beautiful Days

To-promote-lots-of-Beautiful-DaysGreetings ….I carry a wish that you have a beautiful day. Someone you may know or may not know is wishing you to have a beautiful day. A beautiful day is a day where you feel so uplifted that you see the beauty and feel more of the beauty that is all around, whilst at the same time being blinded to the rest. Even a stranger sending a wish that you have a beautiful day is really a way of sending their love and goodwill to you…. so I do hope that you allow yourself to be open to receive the uplifting energy. Being open, that’s having an open heart, is one of the simplest ways to see beauty. We see the inner beauty of a  person radiating or shining out at those times when their heart is open… .so why not give the world a blessing with allowing your own inner beauty to become more visible by choosing to have an open heart. Remember that when your heart is open, not only your inner beauty is seen, you will then have eyes to see more of the beauty in others and that will surely have you feeling good, and the positive side of situations is more predominant – this makes life more beautiful for yourself and others.

So, although its good and nice to be on the receiving end of someone forming kind and loving thoughts into consciousness with your frequency attached to them … especially in this case the wish that you have a beautiful day, you can have as much uplifting influence as you choose to create for yourself. With understanding and experimenting, you will find that there is no need to depend on others for you to feel uplifted, or to open your heart and thus create yourself beautiful experiences, even today, or whenever you choose to. The two secrets are to first make a decision to have a clear intention for what you want – in this case a beautiful day. And the other is to create the inner state equivalent to what you want to have as your experience – in this case to feel so uplifted that beautiful thoughts and beautiful words happen without even thinking.

This decision means to wholeheartedly intend to have a beautiful day….. You can do that. If you want to, you can also create an inner state that causes you to be uplifted. To do this, you simply need to focus the out flowing spiritual energy of your attention on whatever has you feeling uplifted, until your inner state is as an open heart. There are lots of ways you can do this, some ways to experiment with are : Write an ongoing list of everything you could be grateful for. Do something that will bring a smile to another’s face. Choose to be unconditionally accepting without any judgements of good or bad / right or wrong, etc. Use self-talk to your advantage, i.e. say to yourself over and over an uplifting affirmation like “Life loves me and I love Life” this enough and you will believe it and thus make it your reality…. Use the secret of how like attracts like.., you get back as you give out. You will find lots of ways to feel uplifted if you want to ….a sincere, desire will open the mind to see endless new opportunities. Try doing some random acts of kindness ( be sure you stay anonymous ) ….do things just for the sake of love, knowing that whatever you give to life, those very same vibes will be your blessings also, which brings me to this opportunity.

Please consider choosing to wish a beautiful day for each person who has included their identity below. Do this one at a time. You do not need to know them. All you need to do is speak your heartfelt intention into the atmosphere and trust that in almost that same instance as you speak their name or initials (their virbrational frequency) that person will have your kindly thoughts of goodwill connect with them… they may allow it into their conscious awareness there and then or maybe when they stop and quiet their thinking it will be felt. Thoughts are things and space distances do not apply in the dimension of thought. You have probably experienced this on occasions by knowing who was calling you just before the phone rang.

If you want to, you can add your name or initials to the list below as a way of asking those I reach to on my long journey to send you their kindly thoughts for you to have a beautiful day. Please keep me circulating, I am happy to go anywhere in the world, especially to someone you do not even know, for this builds unseen bridges of goodwill … enough of these will build up to later on blossoming as outer dimension expressions of goodwill. To do this hold me to your heart and sincerely wish a  beautiful day for whoever I reach to next …then post me, or put me in a letter box, or pass me on to someone new. Take notice how the support of others added to your own efforts can assist you to create yourself lots of beautiful days. I am a Seed of Goodwill. You can join us and print out more of me and others at; Have a beautiful life.

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To promote lots of Beautiful Days
To promote lots of Beautiful Days

To support others having a good Day

To support others having a good Day

To-support-others-having-a-good-DayGreetings …..May you have a Happy Day.  Of all the people in the world, someone has chosen you to be the recipient of their wish for you to have a Happy Day. Enjoy. The giver, who you may know or not know, is really sending you their kindly thoughts of goodwill. Wishing you goodwill … this case wishing you to have a Happy Day is wishing that you will feel blessed and enriched, that you feel at peace and good inside. I am travelling all over the world promoting more happy feelings.  Always remember that the whole world becomes a better place when being blessed by the sunshine of your smile as the joy of happiness bubbles up and tickles you inside.

As you absorb the thought vibrations of Goodwill I carry, I hope that you are feeling a little upliftment – you may even feel a little smile coming to your face – for this is a sign that the heart-light and love that I carry from others has been like a catalyst to help you connect with your own inner wellspring of love (the treasure of treasures). Love is that presence of the heart that comes alive when you look into the eyes of your loved ones and new born babies – its that feeling of peace, of joy and goodness that makes life worthwhile. It’s a feeling of connection, of harmony.  Opening this flow is choosing a happy life. The Kahunas of old Hawaii taught this ;  ‘ to love is to be happy with.’ So, here you have the secret ; Simply choosing to love more is to have more happiness. Goodwill is the expression of love….. So I encourage you to allow your heart to share Its goodwill in those little things that make up the day. As you spread happiness to others, or even wish others a happy day, you are creating vibrations of happiness around yourself …. and this makes a happy life.

Although it may be hard to believe, it is said that feeling happy is our natural normal way to be. Exactly as we see demonstrated by little children before being taught to live in fear, or believe they are bad / naughty and all the other scars that reflect as more permanently closed hearts. So, one big key for a happy life is to realise that your self image, or what you believe about yourself is whatever you decide it to be – no one else has the ability to know you so fully as to be accurate – so others opinions are really false. You can change any adopted nonsense negative self image to fully believe in yourself as being totally good and beautiful – and sure, like everyone else you learn from making mistakes. Those fears that block happiness can be neutralised also …. simply realise that fear is mostly False Expectations Appearing Real … thus the thing to fear is fear itself. If you make the effort to be in charge of your inner state these ways, then your natural higher nature, your natural spontaneous happiness will be more present and bubbling to the surface as a blessing for all.

If you do not feel your natural state of happiness most of the time, then there may be some blocks to feeling happy that you can quickly and easily dissolve and clear away with Garry Craig’s simple EFT tapping technique.  This is very effective, anyone can quickly learn the simple procedure, it can be done privately, and does not take much time.  You can print a free how to manual from his web site.  You can also read about how quickly phobias or habits and all sorts of health issues and various blocks to having a happier life are quickly cleared by those who use EFT.  If this interests you, then check out the web site at   Gary Craig is a very giving person.

A sure way to feel happy is to wish happiness for others. Whatever one wishes for another will be the very experiences they themselves get to have more of.  To create lots of happiness for yourself, use the law of attraction which says that your thoughts attract your experiences – use this for your advantage.  Boost your happiness by sincerely wishing happiness for those who have added their names below. Make sure that you mean it sincerely – you will feel happy feelings building and bubbling up inside when you do.  Do this for each person who included their identity and as you do this blessing notice the vibrations around you activating the law of attraction, causing your inner feelings of happiness to multiply. Each person will be blessed with your kindly thoughts. If you want others to do the same for you, then add your name as a way of asking everyone I reach to, to wish you a happy day … and have lots of nice energy sent to you in the days ahead.

Please use me to carry your kind thoughts of goodwill to someone else anywhere in the world. Please give me the chance to bring a little sunshine to someone new. Send me to another person with your wishes to have a Happy Day, even anonymously. You can even send me to an old enemy, or someone you have never met, or someone having a hard time. You can print lots and lots of me and send one out every day as a happy pill to keep you on a natural high. Print more of me at ;    Give yourself more happiness.

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To support others having a good Day
To support others having a good Day

To promote Love Showers in your City

To promote Love Showers in your City

Greetings, I am a circulating Seed of Goodwill.  My job is to continuously travel from person to person, all across the world with my invitation for creating lots and lots of Love Showers upon our Global Family. Love is the only way to heal the troubles of our world, because love uplifts to bring out more of one’s Higher Nature. Love inspires the higher spiritual expressions of caring and compassion for all living beings. When love is in the air, everyone feels good. When feeling the presence of love, goodwill is the motivating force and conflict causing differences quickly dissolve back to nothingness. Love dissolves old hatreds. Love softens hardened hearts. Love turns attitudes from exploiting to supporting. Love turns mind sets of harming or unjust repressions to caring and sharing. Love turns abuse of power to fairness, respect, human rights and dignity. When the heart is filled with love the world is full of beauty and showing higher ethics, higher standards is normal. Enough love will transform every problem back to harmony. With love comes peace and goodwill.

If you choose to take up my invitation, then acknowledge yourself as an Armchair Activist for a more Loving and Caring World – for you will be contributing to a better world for everyone in our global family. Here is how you can join with others in showering our world with love. Firstly, realise that every individual being is of the Living Light in Its myriad of forms, we speak of it as love. This is more obvious in some than in others, yet the more highly enlightened see nothing else but the Light of Love manifesting as the spiritual essence in all life. Realise also that the life essence, the spiritual being, or what we call consciousness of every human being has access to and can be as an out-flowing river of the seemingly endless ocean of love surrounding us all – even when simply just ‘Being’ and not doing anything.  It’s that something special that some people just seem to radiate out to all life forms..

If you want to be more of an open channel for love then please understand the Spiritual Laws that have their consequences if they are violated – in this case you need to respect the Law of Non-interference. This means to respect the sovereignty of every Soul so much so that you do not attempt to control or interfere without their permission. If you interfere or try to control another Soul without permission then pure love will not be present – so instead of Joy, your returning harvest may be unwanted.  This Love Shower is not about taking away freedom with shoulds or should-nots, rather it is about increasing the presence of love in the air – for the presence of love in the atmosphere will bring forth the higher ethics, reflecting the love within those who are open to receive.  Love always brings out the best in those it touches to – notice how every Soul shows more of their higher nature, their True Self when that person is “in love.”  Being in Love with who you are, and every last little thing about you is the key for transforming you life experience into a life of pleasure !

So, ….. with a clear intention of wanting only whatever is ‘ for the highest good of all concerned ’  ( that’s non-interference ) imagine or pretend that you are high above your home and village, and from there imagine you see a soft rain of pure sparkling golden or rose pink love flowing out from your heart or youe eyes – imagine the pure golden or rose pink love streaming out and gently falling and blending into the atmosphere over your home and village… this as long as you like. Then imagine that there are no boundaries, that you can be wherever you want to be, or even imagine yourself as everywhere present all around the planet, and ask the Higher Angelic Beings caring for each area to direct the love flowing through you to the homes and villages of those who have included their names below so that it is a Shower of Love gently  falling and filling the atmosphere around them – imagine peaceful harmony filling the air. You can do this giving as often as you care to…… you will find that after this you will feel wonderfully uplifted and peaceful inside – because as you give out to life, you also have the same.

As you shower the world with love, know that when love is in the air, and when people breathe in the loving vibrations in the atmosphere, the presence of love will uplift and inspire more expressions of their higher nature – just like what happens at Christmas time when hearts are open and self interests turn to giving for the sake of love. You can choose to be an open channel for pure love any time and in any place – walking down the street, in shops, at work, in prisons, at school, on the train, even when paying a parking fine. You always benefit, because love fills and blesses the one it flows out through. The more love you allow to flow out through you will mean more feelings of love in your daily life. What you focus on, you get more of.  Focus on love and you get to experience more love. It’s that easy.

If you shower the world with love, then know that you have made the world a better place….. And that is the most one can ever do – for all the great teachers and founders of religions tell us that there is no higher giving than to give love.  If you want others to give love showers over your home and village then ask by including yourself below. Then give or post me to someone else, even a stranger, anywhere in the world so that I may continue my journey of bringing love showers to our world.  You can join us and print more copies of me plus some others for encouraging and fostering more love and goodwill at ;   May you be showered with lots of love.

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To promote Love Showers in your City
To promote Love Showers in your City

To send your Love out to the world

To send your Love out to the world

To-send-your-Love-out-to-the-worldGreetings…. I am a wave of saying I Love You. When said from the heart, “I love you”  is energising because it is the energy of life. It has no strings attached – it says that you don’t have to be anything special, nor do anything special to be loved. You are loved for who you are in essence. Life loves life in all Its myriad forms of expression. Without love, nothing would exist. To have more understanding of what is happening when we say I love you to someone or some other living being, imagine that there is a flowing of energy as the life essence in one form is outflowing the energy of Itself, or giving of Itself, to another living form, formed and animated by the same life essence. Love is a good example of how we receive by giving, for humans seem to only receive love to the level as each is open to allow love to outflow through them. This is why giving love is uplifting and energising and gives strength whenever love flows through you. Little children are naturally open to the flow of love until copying grown-ups in the ways that close the heart, but this can change.  I hope you will join this wave of sending loving vibrations to those I have been with and then pass me on with your good thoughts to someone near or far so that I can continue my travelling around the world creating waves of love vibrations in the atmosphere, this transforms as harmonious peace.
If you want to experience more love, then I invite you to discover how you, Soul (consciousness) can be a wellspring of pure love. You can increase awareness of love (Soul’s essence) and see the miracles love can bring – to do this use the principle of how like attracts like as a natural way to lift the frequencies of your awareness to more expanded levels of consciousness. You can expand your awareness to the higher frequency vibrations of love by focusing your attention on love – here is how – either silently or out loud, repeat over and over; ‘ Dear everyone I love you ‘ or, ‘ I love you, ’  to every living being / thing you see. Do this for as long as it takes to lift yourself to a higher state of consciousness. You will know when this is working, because you will start feeling the joy of life within, we call it happiness. Ponder on the words of this modem day mystic ; Paul Twitchell is recorded as saying; ” Until you can understand that nothing can happen to you, nothing can ever come to you or be kept from you except in accord with your state of consciousness, you do not have the key to life.”

For dissolving the energy of disharmony, try silently repeating ‘ I love you and wish you the highest blessings ‘ – this needs to be said with sincerity from the heart. You can dissolve residues from conflicts by saying these same words to the person’s photo. Saying these heart-felt words to their image in your imagination can have a similar effect, because consciousness is not restricted by the physical dimension space time constructs. Even old enemies can become friends by creating enough loving vibrations between people this way. You can prove it for yourself – you will know it works when you can think of the person and there are no negative feelings, a neutral inner calm will replace  disharmony. As a bonus, other relationships and health will improve because by doing this you will have made more inner space for love to reside. To lift above human frailties, try looking at each person as part of the one essence of life – Jesus pointed to this, advising to love thy neighbour as thyself.  When Soul (true self) voices its love for another Soul, it is the intelligent consciousness, the life essence saying truth to Itself and not to the false self image, or what we call the ego. Compassion is a demonstration of Soul’s innate awareness of all Souls being connected as one life / consciousness. Dissolve inequality nonsense of false ego / image separations. The ancient Greeks advised to Know Thyself, and To thine own self be true, as the way to Agape (true) Love, the life giving love that every heart will so desperately seek.

If you need to choose between holding onto a cherished opinion, (i.e. such as an inherited or chosen strong belief, or prejudice, or adopted mind set), or allowing yourself to be free and open to receive more love, I hope you choose love. For to let go of blocks to love will show how a non-judgemental attitude shifts one to the freedom and joy from acceptance. Discover your own easy way to open the heart (door) to fill yourself with divine love. Choosing to give and receive more love will uncover heaven. Love’s expressions of goodwill are needed to save and to repair our eco systems for the children’s children to inherit a planet that is life supporting with peaceful friendly co-existence. If you choose to be part of the solution, join this wave and send loving thoughts by saying “I love you” to each person who has asked for this by including their identities below, and add your name or initials and location, and pass me on. If you join in and if I can keep travelling, you will have lots of love sent to you soon – enjoy. You can print and start off as many of these waves of love as you want to. You can print me and others seeds for making a difference towards a better world all from our web site;   Much love to you.

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To send your Love out to the world
To send your Love out to the world

To send your Peace and Goodwill out to the world

To send your Peace and Goodwill out to the world

To-send-your-Peace-and-Goodwill-out-to-the-worldGreetings, I bring Peace and Goodwill to you – As a carrier of good vibrations my objective is to travel around and around the word, inspiring people to make waves of peace and goodwill. I hope I can encourage you and lots of people to cause lots more vibrations of Peace and Goodwill in the atmosphere for making things better. Some have a dream that one day there will be such an increase of goodwill in the atmosphere all across the world that it will collectively reflect as higher values / ethics / love, as more caring compassion / respect for all living beings – especially our life sustaining eco systems. Some will resist change and pretend that the ways of the past can continue on (until its too late) – but you can choose to be part of the solution by giving real goodwill to make the difference.

Some imagine that if the vibrations of loving peace and goodwill were increased 3 fold we would turn the tides towards saving this planet as a life sustaining environment for our children’s children to inherit. If genuine goodwill (that’s action, not hollow words) were increased three or four fold then all weapons across the world would become past their use by date, obsolete, no longer needed, turned into plough shears – then by voter demand all those gigantic mountains of taxpayer money across the world, plus all the vast resources would be diverted to healing our planet, to feed the hungry, to eliminate poverty and sickness, to house the homeless, to share medical advances and make right the wrongs of the past. For a safe world with life sustaining eco systems for our children’s children to survive, those with power will make the choices of seeking only the highest good for all concerned. An impossible dream – I say no, not when considering that repeating past history will continue on building the greed-power road to the hopelessness of today’s troubles multiplied.

If you choose to make a difference for turning the tides, for making the dream of higher values / ethics to become a reality, then my invitation to you is this; Take some time out to shift your attention inside your heart, to the space of peace, and when you feel at one with the inner stillness, hold an intention for this presence of love to radiate out as heartfelt thoughts of peace and goodwill to all life ( this means opening your heart to let your heart-light shine as E T came to ask us to ) visualise or imagine these vibrations of love radiating out in a big circle – same as TV stations beam signals out into the atmosphere. You can gently beam out vibrations of peace and goodwill in as big a circle as you can conceive and believe, there are no limits ….then go a step further – imagine your waves of goodwill vibrations being amplified by angelic beings and becoming as a pure white golden hue of divine love bathing the planet, and saturating the atmosphere and transmuting negative thought influences…. then mentally ask that this divine presence of loving peace and goodwill travel to all those who have included their names below – say them one at a time. See how this time of giving becomes a source of upliftment for yourself – notice how this goodness returns back into your life – feel the evidence of sowing and reaping being linked.

Goodwill / expressing love is Soul’s natural nature. Pure love will uplift anyone open to receive. Feeling love is feeling good – and when one feels good, one does good. Some say that the word good is an extension of the word God, and that God is love. This is why love expressed as detached goodwill is the only answer for all our personal and global troubles, sharing your heart-light makes the difference. You can add your name and then send me on my way to another person of your choice with your clear heartfelt thoughts of peace and goodwill along with me. Others I reach to will then send loving vibrations to you over the days and weeks ahead. The returning harvest from planting beautiful seeds into the garden of life will bring you more beautiful days (this is how cause and effect works, so why not use this law for your upliftment). I hope you choose to start 3 waves of peace and goodwill. Print as many of me as you want to start off on journeys to make a better world. Print me and others like me from our web site at ; Peace be with you.

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To send your Peace and Goodwill out to the world
To send your Peace and Goodwill out to the world