To send your Peace and Goodwill out to the world

To send your Peace and Goodwill out to the world

To-send-your-Peace-and-Goodwill-out-to-the-worldGreetings, I bring Peace and Goodwill to you – As a carrier of good vibrations my objective is to travel around and around the word, inspiring people to make waves of peace and goodwill. I hope I can encourage you and lots of people to cause lots more vibrations of Peace and Goodwill in the atmosphere for making things better. Some have a dream that one day there will be such an increase of goodwill in the atmosphere all across the world that it will collectively reflect as higher values / ethics / love, as more caring compassion / respect for all living beings – especially our life sustaining eco systems. Some will resist change and pretend that the ways of the past can continue on (until its too late) – but you can choose to be part of the solution by giving real goodwill to make the difference.

Some imagine that if the vibrations of loving peace and goodwill were increased 3 fold we would turn the tides towards saving this planet as a life sustaining environment for our children’s children to inherit. If genuine goodwill (that’s action, not hollow words) were increased three or four fold then all weapons across the world would become past their use by date, obsolete, no longer needed, turned into plough shears – then by voter demand all those gigantic mountains of taxpayer money across the world, plus all the vast resources would be diverted to healing our planet, to feed the hungry, to eliminate poverty and sickness, to house the homeless, to share medical advances and make right the wrongs of the past. For a safe world with life sustaining eco systems for our children’s children to survive, those with power will make the choices of seeking only the highest good for all concerned. An impossible dream – I say no, not when considering that repeating past history will continue on building the greed-power road to the hopelessness of today’s troubles multiplied.

If you choose to make a difference for turning the tides, for making the dream of higher values / ethics to become a reality, then my invitation to you is this; Take some time out to shift your attention inside your heart, to the space of peace, and when you feel at one with the inner stillness, hold an intention for this presence of love to radiate out as heartfelt thoughts of peace and goodwill to all life ( this means opening your heart to let your heart-light shine as E T came to ask us to ) visualise or imagine these vibrations of love radiating out in a big circle – same as TV stations beam signals out into the atmosphere. You can gently beam out vibrations of peace and goodwill in as big a circle as you can conceive and believe, there are no limits ….then go a step further – imagine your waves of goodwill vibrations being amplified by angelic beings and becoming as a pure white golden hue of divine love bathing the planet, and saturating the atmosphere and transmuting negative thought influences…. then mentally ask that this divine presence of loving peace and goodwill travel to all those who have included their names below – say them one at a time. See how this time of giving becomes a source of upliftment for yourself – notice how this goodness returns back into your life – feel the evidence of sowing and reaping being linked.

Goodwill / expressing love is Soul’s natural nature. Pure love will uplift anyone open to receive. Feeling love is feeling good – and when one feels good, one does good. Some say that the word good is an extension of the word God, and that God is love. This is why love expressed as detached goodwill is the only answer for all our personal and global troubles, sharing your heart-light makes the difference. You can add your name and then send me on my way to another person of your choice with your clear heartfelt thoughts of peace and goodwill along with me. Others I reach to will then send loving vibrations to you over the days and weeks ahead. The returning harvest from planting beautiful seeds into the garden of life will bring you more beautiful days (this is how cause and effect works, so why not use this law for your upliftment). I hope you choose to start 3 waves of peace and goodwill. Print as many of me as you want to start off on journeys to make a better world. Print me and others like me from our web site at ; Peace be with you.

Download this page as a print-friendly PDF document here:

To send your Peace and Goodwill out to the world
To send your Peace and Goodwill out to the world

Seeds of Understandings

Seeds with Understandings for Building Peaceful Harmony in your City …

This group of Seeds are for building Peaceful Harmony by increasing our individual and collective Understandings of ourselves. Understanding oneself, and others does bring out more feelings of Acceptance, more Respect for all, more Tolerance and more Compassion towards all …….and these are the cornerstone virtues that will increase the Peaceful Harmony in the very atmosphere of any City or Town.

These Seeds have selections of teachings from a whole variety of sources. Each extract has been selected for its potential to increase our understandings of oneself and of others, and of all living beings ……for this is the way for bringing forth more of our higher nature qualities that will increase Peaceful Harmonious interactions in any home, office, workplace, and City or Town.

With the bigger Global picture, increasing understandings about ourselves, about others and all living beings – of who we really are – will also bring more Respect, more Acceptance, more Tolerance and more Caring Compassion (expressions of love) for helping our global family to live with more co-operation for Peaceful Harmony. Yes, expanding understandings of oneself, of who we are as our true self. soul, will reflect more of our higher nature.

Leaders of Nations and Industry with greater levels of understanding will then refuse to cause, or promote, or continue to allow harming our Planet’s eco systems, or continue other lower nature values such as warring, exploiting, oppressions and the myriads of troubles plaguing our world as is our collective past history.

History does not need to repeat itself again – history can change directions with increasing the levels of more widespread enlightened understanding, with higher, grander perceptions of ourselves and all living things ……..thus we can get excited with visions of a better future by just imagining how Global Harmony and Goodwill can flourish with increasing understandings gained with those in positions of power.

The key for Global Harmony and Goodwill is found with increasing our individual and collective understanding of who we really are, and thus who others really are – and Yes, we can do it.

You can send any of these as an attachment to an email, the Adobe Acrobat PDF Viewer toolbar has an icon to do this in one step.

These are to share and to print out and contemplate on during your quiet times.

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Seeds of Understanding 01

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Seeds of Understanding 02

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Letter of Understanding No.1

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Seeds of Understanding 03

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Seeds of Understanding 04

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Letter of Understanding No.2

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Seeds of Understanding 05

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Seeds of Understanding 06

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Letter of Understanding No.3

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Seeds of Understanding 07

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Seeds of Understanding 08

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Understanding Points of View

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Seeds of Understanding 09

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Seeds of Understanding 10

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Seeds for Self-Nurturing

Everyone needs nurturing, and we need to give this to our self…

You can use these Seeds for filling your own cup until it is running over, for then you will feel more inclined to give to others of your overflow. Self Nurturing Seeds are for you to stop and acknowledge yourself, and to appreciate yourself, and give a little more Love unto yourself – especially to the inner child.

Pick out what can support you and print it to pin up where you will read it to yourself every day as supportive self talk. Use these Seeds as reminders to always choose positive self talk. The reason why it is valuable to only think / feel positive self talk is that there is an ever listening part of each human that believes and records everything we say to ourselves, everything – and then goes about seeking to bring about the images we form about ourselves in consciousness. Thus you can see why it is so valuable to only say things about yourself that you actually want to experience as part of your life.

Try to remember that what you focus on is what you get to have more of. Can any of these Seeds support your self nurturing needs. You may be a step ahead and have already discovered some of these Seeds we have selected for this Self Nurturing page………

You can send any of these as an attachment to an email, the Adobe Acrobat PDF Viewer toolbar has an icon to do this in one step.

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Friendship 14

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Friendship 13

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Friendship 02

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Friendship 12

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Friendship 01

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Friendship 10

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Friendship 11

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Friendship 07

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Friendship 08

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Friendship 06

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Friendship 05

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Friendship 04

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To Love yourself with Self Nurturing_1

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To Love yourself with Self Nurturing_2

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To Love yourself with Self Nurturing_3

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To Love yourself with Self Nurturing_4

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Zones of Goodwill

You can create dedicated Zones of Goodwill…

This group of seeds are for establishing dedicated Zones of Goodwill. A Zone of Goodwill, large or small can be established in any location. A Goodwill Zone could be as small as inside a motor vehicle, or a private living space, or a back yard, or a coffee shop, an office – or even the whole building, or any public area. With these seeds, you need to be sensitive to others in shared spaces.

Perhaps the City Mayor will dedicate a local park as a Zone of Goodwill, and make a nicely worded plaque to remind all visitors to that location. It is strongly recommended to seek out permission and agreement for pinning up these seeds in public places, such as playgrounds, stating that the area has now become a Zone of Goodwill – the last thing we want is to unintentionally promote any agro. You may even be fortunate to live in an area where outwardly encouraging expressions of Goodwill are welcomed by all…. If so go for it, yet keep in mind these are only Seeds, and any Seed needs to grow and to blossom for enjoying the harvest of its fruits.

You can send any of these as an attachment to an email, the Adobe Acrobat PDF Viewer toolbar has an icon to do this in one step.

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Goodwill Zone 01

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Goodwill Zone 02

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Goodwill Zone 03

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Seeds of Harmony

Increase the Peaceful Harmony in your Home and your City…

This group of seeds are for increasing Peaceful Harmony. These Seeds encourage and promote the positive expressions of our higher nature – including acceptance, respect, tolerance, patience, kindness, caring, etc. etc. These seeds are to print out and pin up firstly in your living space – to treat yourself with the honour you deserve as Soul, plus they will speak to visitors as well – also you might pin these up in your cubicle at the office, on notice boards, shop windows, the rear window of your vehicle, etc. Pin up these seeds wherever you seek to encourage others to treat you better and or, to build a more harmonious atmosphere of Goodwill.

Just allow these seeds to be as silent reminders wherever the preference is to have more kindly considerate expressions for an atmosphere of Mutually Respectful and Peaceful Harmony to flourish. These seeds will blossom over and over as they silently remind people to choose the attitudes that foster Goodwill and increase Peaceful Harmony.

Something extra………. If you know about and believe in Angels, try this to add more potential possibilities for increasing the feelings of Harmony in any City atmosphere; You could ask of the Legions of Angelic beings to clear and cleanse the City’s atmosphere of any residues of negativity from past crime, past violence, past hostilities, past anger /rage or any remnant negative energy forms hanging around from the past.

And something else to try……. here is a suggestion for those times when your caring concerns want to do something about supporting the Peaceful Harmony with those in distress or dealing with the troubles of life – as we see on the nightly news, or as stories in your local paper. We humans have been given the right to ask for Angel Beings to give aid and comfort to whomever we ask this for (so long as we do not try and interfere or control others destiny) – we are told that the Angelic Beings are ever listening for when we speak requests from the heart. (check out Tom T Moore’s web site “The Gentle Way…”) This simple caring can bring quick changes with the tiny ones during airline flights – try it with sincerity and belief. Doing this is another way for building harmony and goodwill in the atmosphere in your location, or even with trouble spots in the world at large.

Print out as many as you want to, and let these Seeds of Harmony add more peaceful, positive vibrations to your personal inner world, and to the outer world at large.

You can send any of these as an attachment to an email, the Adobe Acrobat PDF Viewer toolbar has an icon to do this in one step.

For promoting more Harmony in your world, select those Seeds of Harmony with the expressions you prefer to encourage

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Harmony 01
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Harmony 02
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Harmony 03
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Harmony 04
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Harmony 05
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Harmony 06
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Harmony 25

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Start a mini Revolution of the Heart

As an Armchair Activist, you can start to transform your City.  You can make a difference in your City by starting a mini Revolution of the Heart…

Imagine your Daily TV news filled with stories of people expressing their higher nature as a complete opposite from stories reflecting the negativity of the lower nature.  Increasing respect as a natural higher nature expression (of the heart) will reflect as reduced crime rates, less road rage, less anti social behaviour, etc. etc. for these are not the expressions of the heart.

Some will say its not possible ……but we say YES WE CAN, because such a revolution of living more from our heart qualities as a quantum shift in attitudes is very possible, ……….because as we humans become aware of how living from our higher nature makes a totally better life, we will tend to more often choose and copy the better life outcomes.

The Good Seeds on this web site are designed for uplifting attention or awareness to our higher nature and also for encouraging to experiment with expressing more from ones higher nature, more from the heart…..these are the keys for a better life.  From positive rewarding results will come motivations for repeating the same.

You can join with friends to find sponsors for printing costs to leave sample bags of Good Seeds in places for folk to look at and take as they choose to. You will find that shops and meeting places where open minded and caring people visit or gather, and places where caring compassion is evident, are ideal locations for starting a mini Revolution of the Heart in your City.

Or, as an Anonymous Armchair Activist, you might decide to post out 2 or 3 envelopes to unknown people from the phone book in your City as an uplifting surprise ……if you do this every week you will make a difference and receive a joyful returning harvest for yourself (its called good karma) …..there is a small cover letter for doing just this – and you can change it if you care to.  Imagine dozens of others doing the very same thing …….imagine what differences can happen in your City.  Say YES, and change will happen. YES WE CAN.

For tissue box size displays of sample packs, you can print the notices to stick on the side and ends to then leave as a help yourself way to spread sample bags of Good Seeds. Select from the suggested variety mix for sample bags as shown below. You can buy envelope size plastic bags (from a packaging supply company) or you might use regular envelopes if you will be inserting them in letter boxes. There is an explanatory cover letter for showing through plastic bags.

No matter how many Good Seeds you start into circulation, you will be making a difference for a better City, and this helps build towards making a better world, …… sure to acknowledge yourself for making a difference in this way.


This is a personal cover letter for posting anonymously to people in your City—cut this into two.
(Click on Image for full size)


An explanation letter to include with sample bags or envelopes for letter boxes,  One is more personal, you can choose either one… If you want to, you can sign your name at the base.

This one is more personalised

Suggestions to pick 4 or 5 for inclusions with sample bags and envelopes


Print this for sticking to a ‘Please Take Some’ box display

Click on image for sides of shoe box…
Click on image for sides of shoe box…
Click on image for ends of shoe box…

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Build Bridges of Friendliness

You can Build Bridges of Friendliness for a City of Goodwill…

This group of Seeds are for Increasing the levels of Friendliness in the atmosphere. You can give or post these Seeds of Friendship to people you know and to people you may never know, for this will build more bridges of friendship and strengthen existing bridges of friendship now existing between us all.

Some of these Seeds are for building your friendship with yourself and your child within, for it is said that the level of friendship we show to each other is a mirror reflection of the level of friendliness we show unto our own self. Being your own best friend is most important for this will always be your prime relationship.

Some of these Seeds of Friendship are as posters to pin up so they will be as a continuous reminder to cease holding any limiting or negative self images, and reduce any negative self talk – for that can restrict your good feelings whenever you think of yourself – so then as you allow more of your higher nature, that’s more of the Light of who you are, to shine through, you will find that friendliness is another aspect of your natural nature.


Some of these are for giving to others as an expression of your feelings and some are for enhancing your friendship with yourself. Take your time to discover which Seeds can help you to increase your levels of respect and Love towards your own self, and especially to your inner child, who may still be carrying hurts from name calling or put-downs from long, long ago.

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Friendship 01
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Friendship 02
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Friendship 03
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Friendship 04
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Friendship 05
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Friendship 06
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Friendship 07
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Friendship 08
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Friendship 09
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Friendship 10
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Friendship 11
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Friendship 12
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Friendship 13
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Friendship 14

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Seeds for Upliftment

You can Spread Seeds for uplifting yourself and others…

With negativity filling the TV news, there are times when we all could use something to redirect our attention back to the positive and the good in life. – because what we focus our attention and feelings on is what we get to experience more of. (this is what Olympic champions do to excel in their fields)

The mixture of bits and pieces in these Seeds can be used as catalysts to help shift your attention to feeling more connected to the peace and goodness of your higher nature – for it is always present, even though sometimes it can seem like the darker clouds are blocking out its uplifting sunshine / light. Connecting awareness more to your higher nature can bring more acceptance and understandings of oneself, of others and how best to deal with the problems of life. With these Seeds you can use the insights of others to help bring more tolerance and more caring compassion (love) as the primary components for enhancing the friendships and goodwill within our Cities.

Whenever unconditional acceptance and feelings of uplifted are present with any individual person, the rewards and benefits will be as blessings for all of humanity, for all beings are connected as one – yes a blessing for all even though it may seem like a drop in the ocean….. So know that any personal gains or advancements are also a gain or advancement for the whole of humanity …..and in this way you will be making a better City and a better world.

Take what works for you and leave the rest. When you finish with each of these Seeds please pass it on to a friend or neighbour – or leave it somewhere visible for the next person to pick up – some words or pointers within it may just help to point the way for having a better day.

You can send any page of these mix of Seeds with an email attachment so the recipient can print or perhaps copy and paste something appropriately uplifting for overcoming a personal challenge or, even to send on to another friend in need……… do this as an attachment to an email, the Adobe Acrobat PDF Viewer toolbar has an icon to do this in one step.


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upliftment 1

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upliftment 2

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upliftment 3

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upliftment 4

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upliftment 5

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upliftment 6

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upliftment 7

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upliftment 9

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Seeds for Having a Good Day

You can Spread Seeds for Having a Good Day……

When the people of the City are happy, then Goodwill between people becomes the normal way. If you want to see more smiling happy faces around your neighborhood or shopping centre, then you can spread lots of these small size seeds.
These are designed to be left where other folk will find them and discover simple ways for shifting one’s attention towards more having good days. Your favorite Coffee Shop may let you leave a few on their tables, or perhaps on the counter, or any places you feel suitable for others to see and pick up if they care to.
You may even find a local sponsor to pay for printing of a large quantity for a letter box delivery with the junk mail, or to hand out at a shopping centre, or a busy street corner, or maybe a train station. There are 4 on each page, so after printing, simply cut these into 4 small Seeds.

You can send any page of four Seeds with an email so the recipient can print and cut into four small Seeds……… do this as an attachment to an email, the Adobe Acrobat PDF Viewer toolbar has an icon to do this in one step.

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Waves of Love & Peace & Goodwill

You can flood your City with waves
of Love and Peace and Goodwill…

This group of seeds are for increasing expressions of Love and Peace and Goodwill – this is the way to transform the atmosphere for creating a City of Goodwill. These seeds are designed for circulating from person to person – yet, why not post one to yourself every now and then, for after all, your relationship with yourself is your most important relationship . Given the chance, these seeds will blossom many times over.

You can print out or send as email attachments – as many as you dare to. Start these on their journeys to grow into waves of good vibrations for neutralizing influences of negativity in the air. Some may travel around your own locality and some may travel on around the world – each as a potential silent blessing for all living beings. You can include these seeds in any letters you post, or leave them in a place for others to pick up as a nice surprise, or post to strangers as an uplifting surprise, or slip under an office door for giving someone a lift for the day.

Send these out into the world to be passed from one to another, this is the way to make a positive difference in the atmosphere we all breathe ….. Be delighted and uplifted yourself with the returning harvest of feeling positive uplifting vibrations of Love and Peace and Goodwill (the sowing and the reaping) – and with enough others getting involved you will enjoy the blessings of living in a City of Goodwill – and it will be you who has helped to make this so.

To send your Peace and Goodwill out to the world
To send your Peace and Goodwill out to the world

To send your Love out to the world
To send your Love out to the world

To promote Love Showers in your City
To promote Love Showers in your City

To support others having a good Day
To support others having a good Day

To promote lots of Beautiful Days
To promote lots of Beautiful Days

To promote lots of Wonderful Days
To promote lots of Wonderful Days

To promote lots of Lovely Days
To promote lots of Lovely Days

To promote lots of Feeling Good
To promote lots of Feeling Good

To start Waves of Light and Love
To start Waves of Light and Love

To experience the Love of your Guardian Angel
To experience the Love of your Guardian Angel

To promote using the power of Love
To promote using the power of Love

To Love yourself with Self Nurturing_1
To Love yourself with Self Nurturing_1

To Love yourself with Self Nurturing_2
To Love yourself with Self Nurturing_2

To Love yourself with Self Nurturing_3
To Love yourself with Self Nurturing_3

To Love yourself with Self Nurturing_4
To Love yourself with Self Nurturing_4

The last four Pages of Seeds for giving to yourself are to print out – these are the most important and most valuable on this whole web site. Why – because as you clear the way and open the flow of Higher Love to yourself, you also at the same time open more to allowing yourself the greatest experience we can know – we call it Being in Love, of more fully experiencing the Loving presence. We can only accept and experience the love of others, and of our higher nature to the level that we love every last thing about ourselves, especially the inner child, yes with all its faults. This means to have truck loads of loving acceptance and total forgiveness and highest respect and kindly self talk, for ourselves, about ourselves and to ourselves….. if used with intent, this last four sets of Seeds can help with healing the hurts and all the past self-judgments we all load upon ourselves – as you do so, then this most important relationship you will ever have can blossom and blossom and blossom even more.

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