Good Day Tips #6


Greetings…….I am one of many circulating tips with simple things anyone can do for having a good day. Maybe this tip is for you and maybe not. I do hope you at least experiment to see if this shifts you to feeling good, even just a little, for then we all benefit ….because your energy is one with all of life….then pass me on to friend or stranger….because the atmosphere we all breathe is a more uplifting influence as more people attune with their inner goodness. I say inner goodness as a reference to the higher nature of humans, our higher dimension spiritual bodies our attention shifts into when we are feeling good. When someone wishes you a good day, they are wishing you the blessings of your higher nature, the human spirit, the heart ….we call this presence love, our Treasure of Treasures.

Tips for Having a Good Day #21

To have a good day, give this a sincere try; The game of life has a number of rules that you can use for your benefit. One of these is that as we give to life, life does give back to us, sometimes even multiplied….for in many ways, life is very much like a returning boomerang. You can use this to your advantage by deciding to be friendly, considerate, patient and understanding for a full day…..and you will feel good inside. You will find many, many ways of how you can share your heart with other beings. Even though I promote trying this experiment for the returning harvest of reaping as you sow, the real benefit is how you will feel good within yourself as you choose to give of yourself in ways that have others feeling a little less of their burdens. As you do this you will discover how living through the heart (of love) can bring you a good day…..and if you choose to keep it up, then surely as night follows day, life will present you with many beautiful roses along the way….enjoy.

Tips for Having a Good Day #22

To have a good day, give this a sincere try; The game of life has a number of rules that you can use for your benefit. One of these is that as we give to life, life does give back to us, sometimes even multiplied….as each of us sows, so we do reap. Use this to your advantage by first thinking of consequences, then treating all living beings how you would like to be treated by others……and notice how you have good days. You will find many, many ways of how you can share your heart with other beings. Even though I promote trying this experiment for the returning harvest of reaping as you sow, the real benefit is how you will feel good within yourself as you choose to give of yourself in ways that leaves others better off from your presence. As you do this you will discover how living through the heart (of love) can bring you a life of good days…..and if you choose to keep it up, then surely as night follows day, life will also present you with many beautiful roses along the way…..enjoy

Tips for Having a Good Day #23

To have a good day, give this a sincere try; Use the Power of One… That’s your power to influence the world around you….to promote harmony and goodwill where you are… can do this by choosing to make any differences with others to be O.K. & By agreeing to disagree in agreeable ways. & As tempting as it may be. try to simply refuse to criticize or gossip. & Try looking for even the hidden good in others. You will find many, many ways of how you can share your heart with other beings. Even though I promote trying this experiment for building harmony and goodwill around you, the returning harvest of reaping as you sow, the real benefit is how you will feel good within yourself as you choose to live from your higher nature and allow others to feel less conflict in the air. As you do this you will discover how living from your higher nature can bring you a good day…if you choose to keep it up, then enjoy life presenting you with many beautiful roses along the way.

Tips for Having a Good Day #24

To have a good day, give this a sincere try; Try being the first to let go of any hurt feelings or any resentments and choose forgiveness in your heart….remembering that self forgiveness for any self judgements placed upon oneself, is always needed for feeling good inside. Hurt feelings and resentments are often based on simple misunderstandings. Self judgements will often cloud over feeling good…so why not free yourself. You will find many, many insignificant things where forgiveness can release stuck energy and give more feeling good with inner freedom. Even though I promote trying this experiment for the returning harvest of reaping as you sow, the real benefit is how you will feel good within yourself as you choose to give yourself more inner peace and allow others to feel a little less of the heavy burdens of life. Forgiveness is really looking through the eyes of love and this will bring you a good day with more roses along the way. You deserve forgiveness, so always give it to yourself.

Download the print-friendly PDF below…

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Good Day Tips #5


Greetings…….I am one of many circulating tips with simple things anyone can do for having a good day. Maybe this tip is for you and maybe not. I do hope you at least experiment to see if this shifts you to feeling good, even just a little, for then we all benefit ….because your energy is one with all of life….then pass me on to friend or stranger….because the atmosphere we all breathe is a more uplifting influence as more people attune with their inner goodness. I say inner goodness as a reference to the higher nature of humans, our higher dimension spiritual bodies our attention shifts into when we are feeling good. When someone wishes you a good day, they are wishing you the blessings of your higher nature, the human spirit, the heart ….we call this presence love, our Treasure of Treasures.

Tips for Having a Good Day #17

Its good to acknowledge your own authority; Think of this; You need not be affected by the opinions and remarks of others, for no one has the power or authority over how anyone chooses to think about themselves. & No one can hurt you or make you feel inferior without your consent. & You are not your actions, thus you are not ’bad ‘ if you act ‘bad’. & All value judging of yourself and of other people is totally unjustified. As you do this you will discover how using hindsight wisdom can dissolve negative false self images. You are in charge and you can use your wisdom to support yourself. You always have this choice. Realise that no matter what anyone says or does to you, you have the authority to use your inner wisdom to rewrite your own history for yourself, because how you think about yourself attracts outcomes in life. Remember, what others say or think of you most often is a self reflection, for humanity is like a mirror. Rebuild a high opinion of yourself to have a good day.

Tips for Having a Good Day #18

To have a good day, just love yourself; To learn how to be good to yourself is often more difficult than to learn how to be good to others…..everybody has faults and weaknesses, to recognise and accept them dissolves their power to take away your feeling good….its OK not to be perfect, no one else is either…..what you think of yourself is much more important than what others think of you… kind to yourself. Discover how these truths can shift your attitude to the level that results in good days. You are in charge, you can make choices to direct your focus of attention on either the positive or the negative….each has different results. Notice how whatever you dwell on attracts more of the same frequencies into your world. Everyone can use the law of attraction / cause and affect to cause lots of good days for themself. Discover how your attention focus is a powerful magnet, and of how your good feelings become waves of uplifting vibrations, blessing all forms of life.

Tips for Having a Good Day #19

To have a good day, consider this wisdom; Eleanor Roosevelt is recorded as saying ; To be nobody but yourself in a world that is doing its best to make you like everybody else, means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight, and never stop fighting. & If you are not for yourself, then who will be. & It is important to like yourself because wherever you go, you will be taking yourself along with you. To use this advice is to discover how showing your true self without any masks can bring out your authentic nature, letting your inner beauty shine. Others respond more genuinely and in positive ways when you show your true self. Show compassion towards those who do not feel safe to show their true inner beauty as yet, for many carry scars from inconsiderate expressions. Remember, what others say or think of you will be their own self reflections that the mirror of life is showing them as the next level for evolution. Be your true self to feel the goodness with you.

Tips for Having a Good Day #20

To have a good day, give this a sincere try; The game of life has a number of rules that we all can use for our benefit. One of these is the leaning set up that in essence is that as we give to life, life does give back to us, sometimes even via strangers. Use this principle to have a good day by making a choice to see how many others you can leave feeling better, try giving smiles, kindness, tolerance or heartfelt listening. You will find many, many ways of how you can share your heart with others. Even though I promote trying this experiment for the returning harvest of reaping as you sow, the first real benefit is how you will feel good within yourself as you choose to give of yourself in ways that have others feeling a little less of their burdens. As you do this you will discover how living through the heart (of love) can bring you a good day…..and if you choose to keep it up, then surely as night follows day, life will present you with many beautiful roses along the way…enjoy.

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Good Day Tips #4


Greetings…….I am one of many circulating tips with simple things anyone can do for having a good day. Maybe this tip is for you and maybe not. I do hope you at least experiment to see if this shifts you to feeling good, even just a little, for then we all benefit ….because your energy is one with all of life….then pass me on to friend or stranger….because the atmosphere we all breathe is a more uplifting influence as more people attune with their inner goodness. I say inner goodness as a reference to the higher nature of humans, our higher dimension spiritual bodies our attention shifts into when we are feeling good. When someone wishes you a good day, they are wishing you the blessings of your higher nature, the human spirit, the heart ….we call this presence love, our Treasure of Treasures.

Tips for Having a Good Day #13

To have a good day, accept your worthiness; Think about these truths ; Your very existence proves your worth and importance; no person in the entire world is any more or less worthy, more or less important, than anyone else. & Your worthiness cannot be justified by comparing yourself with others. & Your personal worthiness cannot be proved or disproved by your status level, or title, or wealth, or power, or any prestige. As you do this you will discover how using higher wisdom show how negative unworthy self images are false. You are in charge and you can use your wisdom to support yourself. You always have this choice. Realise that no matter what anyone says or does to you, you have the authority to use your inner wisdom to decide your core beliefs yourself, because how you think about yourself will form your destiny. Remember, what others say or think of you most often are self reflections from the mirror of life. Let go of false self judgements for having more good days.

Tips for Having a Good Day #14

Today, try deciding to believe in yourself: Think about these facts; Your so called mistakes, defeats or failures do not make you less than other people. & You always do the best you can with what you know in the circumstances you find yourself in at any time. & With all your events past, if you could have done better, you would have done better. & You have the power to choose your attitudes towards yourself. As you do this you will discover how using hindsight wisdom can dissolve most all negative false self images. You are in charge and you can use your wisdom to support yourself. You always have this choice. Notice no matter what anyone says or does to you, how you have the authority to use your inner wisdom to rewrite your own history for yourself, because how you think about yourself reflects in your life. Remember, what others say or think of you most often are self reflections from the mirror of life. Let go of past judgements for having more good days.

Tips for Having a Good Day #15

Try unconditional acceptance to feel good; Consider ; Problems, turmoil and hurting are the motivations for expansion, learning and growth. & Every person has the right and freedom to make mistakes, to be defeated, to fail, and in all be free of self criticism, shame, guilt or remorse. & When a person unconditionally accepts, loves and respects who they are, as they are, they have optimal psychological health. As you do this you will discover how using hindsight wisdom can dissolve negative false self images. You are in charge and you can use your wisdom to support yourself. You always have this choice. Realise that no matter what anyone says or does to you, you have the authority to use your inner wisdom to rewrite the story you believe about yourself, because how you think about yourself will determine your destiny. Remember, what others say or think of you most often is their self reflection from the mirror of life. Let go of past judgements for more good days.

Tips for Having a Good Day #16

Put worries into perspective to feel better. Say goodbye to worries; Feeling ‘Good ‘ or ’ Bad ’ depends on your attitude and whether you accept or resist what is present, not caused by what happens outside of you…… your inner peace and harmony is in direct alignment with the degree to which you accept the reality of what is so as life’s events unfold……any resisting of your situation brings emotional turmoil and stress. To uplift your feelings simply use you higher wisdom to gain a positive point of view. As you do this you will discover how looking through the eyes of your higher nature allows the positives to be seen. Do this simple method to discover possibilities that can have you feeling good. This is a way of giving caring compassion towards your own self to make life easier. Can you look back at a past problem and see how over time what first looked so bad may have now turned out to be like a blessing in disguise….hold such possibilities in mind for attracting positive outcomes.

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Good Day Tips #3


Greetings…….I am one of many circulating tips with simple things anyone can do for having a good day. Maybe this tip is for you and maybe not. I do hope you at least experiment to see if this shifts you to feeling good, even just a little, for then we all benefit ….because your energy is one with all of life….then pass me on to friend or stranger….because the atmosphere we all breathe is a more uplifting influence as more people attune with their inner goodness. I say inner goodness as a reference to the higher nature of humans, our higher dimension spiritual bodies our attention shifts into when we are feeling good. When someone wishes you a good day, they are wishing you the blessings of your higher nature, the human spirit, the heart ….we call this presence love, our Treasure of Treasures.

Tips for Having a Good Day #9

To have a good day, give this a sincere try; Decide that (1) You are the most important person in your world and (2) That just as you are, you are totally worthy of random acts of kindness being shown to you, and (3) Why wait for others when you can show kindness to yourself (often), and (4) find new ways to show endless kindness to yourself. As you show loving kindness to your own self, others will treat you likewise. Learn to distinguish between kindness and indulgence so you will discover how doing even the smallest act of loving kindness can shift feelings to your higher nature where love glows as an inner smile. Simply because you are a human being means that you are totally worthy of being loved, yet few understand the secret that one attracts love to the level one is loving towards themself. As you love yourself the world will love you in return. It is true that to love yourself is the greatest love of all. Do this with random acts of kindness to have good days.

Tips for Having a Good Day #10

To have a good day, give this a sincere try; Slowly read this at least three times over, its from Hamlet, Act 2 ; “ What a piece of work is man….How noble in reason….How infinite in faculty…In form and moving how express and admirable….In action how like an angel….In apprehension how like a God….The beauty of the world….The paragon of animals ” Can you fully accept Shakespeare’s description of you ? If just for today you would let go of any limiting, belittling or negative self images (dissolve big handicaps), so as to allow yourself to imagine or more fully appreciate the grandeur and majesty of what you as a human being is in essence, you could be so enraptured that from this day onwards you would take care of yourself in majestic ways. As you show more heartfelt caring towards yourself, this same attitude will shine upon others as loving goodwill. The bonus is in how others will tend to treat you as you treat yourself. This is the way to have a good day.

Tips for Having a Good Day #11

To have a good day, give this a sincere try; Look around and from your heart, silently say “I love you “ to every life form you see. This includes plants, animals, humans and our living planet. Say these 3 magic words over and over and over …after a while you will get the sense that some part of you feels a connection and does really mean it. As you send out heartfelt love, you open doors to the ocean of divine love within. Doing this can be like a silent prayer that you can keep going for as long as you care to. This is a simple way for anyone to uplift themself to their higher nature where all the worldly problems lose their heaviness. You might discover how this is also a way of surrender for being open for the higher guidance that is always available for supporting you. An added blessing for yourself from creating a loving atmosphere in your aura is that others will be influenced by these higher vibrations of love and show more loving expressions towards you…and more good days for you.

Tips for Having a Good Day #12

To have a good day, give this a sincere try; Think about these words; Feeling ‘Good’ or ‘Bad’ has nothing to do with what happens outside of you; rather, it depends on your attitudes and whether you accept or resist whatever is present… & Your inner peace and harmony is in direct alignment with the degree to which you accept the reality of what is so… & Resisting your reality brings stress and emotional hurting. These statements may at first seem too much to go along with because it is very popular to assign blame for ones hurt feelings. Yet some have realised that they always have a choice as to how they will interpret their perceptions ….and use this higher wisdom to avoid the pain of having hurt feelings. You can too, you can stop and remind yourself that you actually can choose the attitude that results in you feeling good and avoid being harmed by what others say or do. Try making this a game with little rewards after choosing to have good feelings inside.

Download the print-friendly PDF below…

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Good Day Tips #2

Good Day Tips #2

Greetings…….I am one of many circulating tips with simple things anyone can do for having a good day. Maybe this tip is for you and maybe not. I do hope you at least experiment to see if this shifts you to feeling good, even just a little, for then we all benefit ….because your energy is one with all of life….then pass me on to friend or stranger….because the atmosphere we all breathe is a more uplifting influence as more people attune with their inner goodness. I say inner goodness as a reference to the higher nature of humans, our higher dimension spiritual bodies our attention shifts into when we are feeling good. When someone wishes you a good day, they are wishing you the blessings of your higher nature, the human spirit, the heart ….we call this presence love, our Treasure of Treasures. To have a good day, give this a sincere try;

Tips for Having a Good Day #5

To feel good at anytime, write out a list of 20 wins or successes you have had. A win or success is whenever you achieved something you set out to do. Little things we take for granted are just as important as big things. When your list is complete, think of all the personal qualities involved as being expressions of your higher nature and realise these are always present. As you do this you will become more mindful of the reservoir of strengths you have for handling the various challenges as you journey through life. Discover how simply shifting the focus of your attention to your strengths can have you feeling confident. You are in charge and you can direct your focus of attention on your strengths or, on your weaknesses….whatever you choose to focus on will become more present for you as a blessing or something less…..this is your choice and you can discover how your choices can attract circumstances for a good day.

Tips for Having a Good Day #6

Use this discovery to have a good day; William James discovered and recorded this; “ Man alone of all the creatures of the earth, can change his pattern. Man alone is the architect of his destiny. The greatest discovery in our generation is that human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives” ……Your challenge is to use this wisdom for your own advantage. Experiment and discover how different attitudes can give you different results for your life. See how you are in charge, of how you can choose to direct your focus of attention on what you want and away from what you don’t want to experience. Be as a scientist to discover how what you focus on is what you get more of. Everyone can use this law of attraction to cause lots of good days for themself. Discover how your inner attitudes seem to influence outer events as a simple way for you to have lots of good days and radiate positive energy for uplifting others.

Tips for Having a Good Day #7

To have a good day, give this a sincere try; Take a large page and on the left side make a long list of every occasion you were critical about yourself…..little things or big things, they are all the same with this. Now one at a time, realise how everyone has learning experiences and the wisdom is to keep the learnings and let go of the rest, so next to each write this; “ I forgive myself for judging myself.” Then tear up the list and bury it in the ground as a final letting go….and feel the weights lift off your shoulders. As you do this you will discover how genuine forgiveness towards yourself will neutralise past stuff that unknowingly can cloud over today’s sunshine. You can also dissolve the effects of well meaning judgements taken in from others….no value in holding onto damaging negative influence. As your own authority, you decide what burdens you want to free yourself from. You can also do this to clear any verbal cruelty from others to allow yourself to have more good days.

Tips for Having a Good Day #8

To have a good day, give this a sincere try; Pretend that you are someone who loves you totally and unconditionally, say a parent or your own guardian angel ….now from the eyes of unconditional love for yourself, silently or out loud, repeat affirming that you are a Wonderful and Valuable Human Being. This is very true because the orchestra of humanity would be missing something if your frequencies were not included. To uplift your feelings at any time you can use the eyes of love to gain a higher point of view. As you truly believe that you have unique value to contribute you will feel good. When you think about yourself through the eyes of love, this higher vibration field will dissolve any negative self images. As you discover how to, then every day give yourself a gift of self nurturing, of loving compassion. Try this and other ways for showing more deserved respect for yourself. Others, sensing respect in your aura, will show more respect to you…it feels good, with more good days.

Download the print-friendly PDF below..

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Good Day Tips #1

Good Day Tips #1

Greetings…….I am one of many circulating tips with simple things anyone can do for having a good day. Maybe this tip is for you and maybe not. I do hope you at least experiment to see if this shifts you to feeling good, even just a little, for then we all benefit ….because your energy is one with all of life….then pass me on to friend or stranger….because the atmosphere we all breathe is a more uplifting influence as more people attune with their inner goodness. I say inner goodness as a reference to the higher nature of humans, our higher dimension spiritual bodies our attention shifts into when we are feeling good. When someone wishes you a good day, they are wishing you the blessings of your higher nature, the human spirit, the heart ….we call this presence love, our Treasure of Treasures.

Tips for Having a Good Day #1

To have a good day, give this a sincere try. To feel good at anytime, go where you can be quiet and still for 5 minutes or so, and list 10 things in your life right now where you can be grateful. Then ask yourself these 2 questions; ‘What would be different without these things I can feel grateful for’….and ask ‘How is my life better because of these things‘. Then notice how you are feeling your own goodness within. As you do this you will discover how simply shifting the focus of your attention can result in shifting feelings. You are in charge and you can direct your focus of attention on whatever or wherever you want to, you always have this choice. Notice how your attention focus attracts more of the same frequencies, this sowing and reaping can be directed to bring experiences you want whilst ignoring what you don’t want. Discover how your attention is like a powerful prayer, and how your good feelings outflow as waves of uplifting vibrations, bringing you good days.

Tips for Having a Good Day #2

To have a good day, give this a sincere try; Whenever you want to feel good just decide to look for something good. Consider these examples; Two men look out from behind prison bars… sees mud, the other sees stars … one feel down and the other feels up. &, Some folks see the roses and feel good yet some see the thorns and do not feel good. &, Seeing the glass as half full, not half empty, feels better. Experiment and discover how you deciding what your attitude will be can result in good or bad days, of how you are in charge, of your choice to direct your focus of attention on either the positive or the negative….each has different results. Notice how whatever you dwell on attracts more of the same frequencies into your world. Everyone can use this law of cause and affect to cause lots of good days for themself. Discover how your attention focus is as a powerful prayer, and of how your good feelings become waves of uplifting vibrations, blessing all forms of life.

Tips for Having a Good Day #3

To have a good day, give this a sincere try; To feel good about yourself, let your thoughts drift back over the experiences in your life and in hindsight, see how, when considering all the inner and outer circumstances you were aware of at that time, you would have always done the best you knew how, …..Then consider how the same might also apply to others. Realize how many judgements can be invalid and undeserved. As you do this you will discover how using hindsight wisdom can neutralise many, many negative self images. You are in charge and you can use your wisdom to support yourself. You always have this choice. Notice no matter what anyone says or does to you, that you have the authority to use your inner wisdom to rewrite your own history for yourself, because how you think about yourself is all that really matters. Remember, what others say or think of you most often are self reflections from the mirror of life. Let go of past judgements for more good days.

Tips for Having a Good Day #4

To have a good day, give this a sincere try; Pretend that you are someone who loves you totally and unconditionally, say a parent or your own guardian angel ….whilst looking through their eyes, write a list of least 10 good things about you, or 20 or even 30. Do this privately so there is no need to be modest. Then think about these positive qualities you have and notice how you start feeling your goodness within. To uplift your feelings at any time you can use the eyes of love to gain a higher point of view. As you do this you will discover how looking through the eyes of love can bring an end to any negative self images. If ever anyone criticises you, do this simple method to cancel out any negative labels and feel good inside. If you discover how to give caring compassion towards you own self in this way, then life becomes easier. What others say or think of you mostly is only self reflections from the mirror of life ….and you can overwrite others’ nonsense for more good days.

Download the print-friendly PDF file of these four tips below..

thumbnail of Good_Day_Tips_01

To Love yourself with Self Nurturing #4

To Love yourself with Self Nurturing #4

Self nurturing is saying I love you  to your inner child.  Stick these all around your living space, work area or cars, …and anywhere others will be reminded to self nurture by focusing on their goodness for our Global Revolution of the Heart.

To my wonderful inner Child….   I Love You
 I see my Inner Beauty,
          my Heart Light showing as…              
                 Seeing the Good in others…
                   & Thoughtful…
                        & Nurturing…
          I really do Love my child within.
Thank you …Thank you …Thank you… It feels so good to
let go and fill myself with Love for making a Better World
for myself & everyone, thank you;

To my wonderful inner Child….   I Love You
I see my Inner Beauty,
        my Heart Light showing as….                
              Sincerely Complimenting…
                    & Co-operative…
                        & Non Inflicting…
          I really do Love my child within.
Thank you …Thank you …Thank you… It feels so good to
let go and fill myself with Love for making a Better World
for myself & everyone, thank you;                              
To my wonderful inner Child….   I Love You
 I see my Inner Beauty,
        my Heart Light showing as….                              
                          & Peaceful…
                                 & Uplifting…
          I really do Love my child within.
Thank you …Thank you …Thank you… It feels so good to
let go and fill myself with Love for making a Better World
for myself & everyone, thank you;                                
To my wonderful inner Child….   I Love You
 I see my Inner Beauty,
          my Heart Light showing as….                
                 Never Criticising…
                       & Open Hearted…
                              & Compassion…
          I really do Love my child within.
Thank you …Thank you …Thank you… It feels so good to
let go and fill myself with Love for making a Better World
for myself & everyone, thank you;

Download this page as a print-friendly PDF document here:

To Love yourself with Self Nurturing_4
To Love yourself with Self Nurturing #4

To Love yourself with Self Nurturing #3

To Love yourself with Self Nurturing #3

Self nurturing is saying I love you  to your inner child.  Stick these all around your living space, work area or cars, …and anywhere others will be reminded to self nurture by focusing on their goodness for our Global Revolution of the Heart.

To my wonderful inner Child….   I Love You
 I see my Inner Beauty,
          my Heart Light showing as….                
                          & Compassion…. 
                                 & Giving…
          I really do Love my child within.
Thank you …Thank you …Thank you… It feels so good to
let go and fill myself with Love for making a Better World
for myself & everyone, thank you;

To my wonderful inner Child….   I Love You
I see my Inner Beauty,
        my Heart Light showing as….                
                          & Sensitivity…
                                & Kindness…
          I really do Love my child within.
Thank you …Thank you …Thank you… It feels so good to
let go and fill myself with Love for making a Better World
for myself & everyone, thank you;                              
To my wonderful inner Child….   I Love You
 I see my Inner Beauty,
        my Heart Light showing as….                              
                         & Unselfish…
                               & Smiling…
          I really do Love my child within.
Thank you …Thank you …Thank you… It feels so good to
let go and fill myself with Love for making a Better World
for myself & everyone, thank you;                                
To my wonderful inner Child….   I Love You
 I see my Inner Beauty,
          my Heart Light showing as….                
                 Never Criticising…
                      & Gentle…
                             & Encouraging…
          I really do Love my child within.
Thank you …Thank you …Thank you… It feels so good to
let go and fill myself with Love for making a Better World
for myself & everyone, thank you;

Download this page as a print-friendly PDF document here:

To Love yourself with Self Nurturing_3
To Love yourself with Self Nurturing #3

To Love yourself with Self Nurturing #2

To Love yourself with Self Nurturing #2

Self nurturing is saying I love you  to your inner child.  Stick these all around your living space, work area or cars, …and anywhere others will be reminded to self nurture by focusing on their goodness for our Global Revolution of the Heart.

To my wonderful inner Child….   I Love You
 I see my Inner Beauty,
          my Heart Light showing as….                
                        & Humility… 
                             & Fairness…
          I really do Love my child within.
Thank you …Thank you …Thank you… It feels so good to
let go and fill myself with Love for making a Better World
for myself & everyone, thank you;

To my wonderful inner Child….   I Love You
I see my Inner Beauty,
        my Heart Light showing as….                
                        & Tolerance…
                                  & Serenity…
          I really do Love my child within.
Thank you …Thank you …Thank you… It feels so good to
let go and fill myself with Love for making a Better World
for myself & everyone, thank you;                              
To my wonderful inner Child….   I Love You
 I see my Inner Beauty,
        my Heart Light showing as….                              
                      & Giving…
                           & Patience…
          I really do Love my child within.
Thank you …Thank you …Thank you… It feels so good to
let go and fill myself with Love for making a Better World
for myself & everyone, thank you;                                
To my wonderful inner Child….   I Love You
 I see my Inner Beauty,
          my Heart Light showing as….                
                 Non Judgemental…
                         & Peaceful…
                              & Ethical…
          I really do Love my child within.
Thank you …Thank you …Thank you… It feels so good to
let go and fill myself with Love for making a Better World
for myself & everyone, thank you; 

Download this page as a print-friendly PDF document here:                            

To Love yourself with Self Nurturing_2
To Love yourself with Self Nurturing #2

To Love yourself with Self Nurturing #1

To Love yourself with Self Nurturing #1

Self nurturing is saying I love you  to your inner child.  Stick these all around your living space, work area or cars, …and anywhere others will be reminded to self nurture by focusing on their goodness for our Global Revolution of the Heart.

To my wonderful inner Child….   I Love You
 I see my Inner Beauty,
          my Heart Light showing as….                
                    & Friendliness… 
                        & Respect…
          I really do Love my child within.
Thank you …Thank you …Thank you… It feels so good to
let go and fill myself with Love for making a Better World
for myself & everyone, thank you;

To my wonderful inner Child….   I Love You
I see my Inner Beauty,
        my Heart Light showing as….                
                     & Sincerity… 
                          & Forgiving…
          I really do Love my child within.
Thank you …Thank you …Thank you… It feels so good to
let go and fill myself with Love for making a Better World
for myself & everyone, thank you;                              
To my wonderful inner Child….   I Love You
 I see my Inner Beauty,
        my Heart Light showing as….                              
                     & Understanding… 
                          & Being Joyful…
          I really do Love my child within.
Thank you …Thank you …Thank you… It feels so good to
let go and fill myself with Love for making a Better World
for myself & everyone, thank you;                                
To my wonderful inner Child….   I Love You
 I see my Inner Beauty,
          my Heart Light showing as….                
                        & Generosity… 
                             & Integrity…
          I really do Love my child within.
Thank you …Thank you …Thank you… It feels so good to
let go and fill myself with Love for making a Better World
for myself & everyone, thank you;

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To Love yourself with Self Nurturing_1
To Love yourself with Self Nurturing #1