Reduce Personal Taxes

Please read this first  :)
– The AQUARIAN AGE is Transforming Countries into Nations of Goodwill

 WISH LIST For Challenge # 9;

Our Personal Taxation Dilemma.

Whilst these are only ideas,we can imagine each idea as being a wish fulfilled.   Remember that these are only Discussion Points to start the conversations and to stimulate considered thinking about priorities and values and the sort of society we want to phase into for a better world.  These are for personal choices, – choices we hope will be from your own heart as a sovereign being,  Please do not make demands from obligations or based on someone else’s shoulds or should-nots.  To your own self, be true

*** With the principle of those who profit pay for upholding the society they profit from, this change of focus will allow a reduction of personal taxation, perhaps down to as low as 10% to 15% with a tax free threshold of possibly $40,000, as a first way to ease citizen feelings of endless financial enslavement that has been causing too much stress and struggles outpicturing as loss of Happiness and Harmony in society.

*** Taxpayers will no longer fund Company executives and big earners for driving their $200,000 luxury vehicles as a full tax deduction, when a $30,000 vehicle will do the very same purpose as a tax deductable business expense write off from earnings. Stopping this perk alone from reducing tax revenue shortfalls will allow lesser tax demands on ordinary taxpayers. Ending all the many other little know taxpayer funded luxury perks to the wealthy and Company Managers / Directors will increase General Tax revenues, which will then relieve working people with a lesser tax burden need.

*** A Royal Commission on Tax Avoidance Elimination will bring to light all the tax loopholes that have been set up by the rich to favour the rich – perks that the poor do not even know exist. Ending all the rebates to some industries making huge profits. Ending the strings of shell company structures for profit shifting.  Ending the Private Trusts for income sharing to lower the tax burden, and ending all the other loopholes used to legally avoid paying taxes as privileges for the wealthy and the corporations. The Royal Commission on Tax Avoidance Elimination will recoup the deemed amounts of unpaid back taxes with added interest applied. In the case of voluntary liquidations for avoiding paying tax, that tax bill will become the responsibility of the shareholders and Directors of the entity which did not pay their fair share of taxation at the time – this will go a long way to fix the budget needs and fill the revenue hole from reducing personal tax to a far, far lesser burden level for citizens to pay.

*** All monies earned in Australia and then shifted offshore for tax avoidance reasons will be taxed at the normal rate, as though such monies were still held in Australia. The Royal Commission on Tax Avoidance Elimination will have the power to question and examine the financial affairs of those who have shifted money offshore for themselves or the corporations that employs them and make rulings on back tax amounts to be paid. The directors and staff of corporation who have colluded to avoid paying tax in Australia, and who were paid big bonuses for doing so, will be charged with a crime against the Common Wealth of Australian Citizens. In such cases where the company is a shell company that can not pay the appropriate tax, the management of the company will be asked to pay the tax themselves for defrauding the Common Wealth of Australian citizens. This alone will boost revenue income to reduce personal tax levels.

*** All Overseas owners of property in Australia will be asked to gift an annual Support Australia Levy of 2 % of the value of any Australian property held by absent overseas owners. From using low interest or even negative interest cost money from another country, then gaining from the exchange rate of the Aussie dollar – it is easy to see one reason why home prices have become too expensive for local citizens. Overseas owners encouraged to invest here for capital gaining profits by inflating prices and in doing so, pricing Australian citizens out of the home market has been a huge let down from our Governments that is seemingly more interested in bringing in overseas money than concerned about Australian citizens – and shows the need to reset priorities away from toxic growth with unhappiness, to a fair go for Australian citizens. This levy can be redistributed to Australian citizens towards down payments on their first home.

*** The Government Auditor will establish an Officer for Ending Wasteful Spending and Non-Necessary spending at the Government level, with the instructions to specifically discover and end all unproductive spending indulgences like very expensive lunches, and so on, and so on, with cost/benefit analysis and then document the real tangible value returned back to the citizen taxpayers for footing the bills for Pollies indulgences. Citizen demands to manage the economy with greater wisdom and less self-indulgence, and with no secrecy will reflect more respect for Government. Whistle-blower tip-offs will be encouraged to bring self-indulgence bad practices into scrutiny.

*** Whistle-blowers revealing tax avoidance, unnecessary indulgences, and dirty business will be honoured and rewarded by a 10% portion of any extra tax collected from their diligence with supporting the fairness for all with our taxation system.

*** Retract and wind back the new legislation to load the new GST tax on lower costing items purchases from overseas, – or, so that at least pensioners and the lower paid working people have a full exemption from this unfair surprise impost – an impost that stops the less well off and pensioners from having access to a few extras in their last few years or even access to lower costing supplements for their health and wellbeing – items that are either not available in Australia, or too expensive due to profit gauging with industry.  If the Government needed more tax then there are so many tax loopholes for the wealthy that can be shut down to get the revenue they need – so why punish the pensioners and less well off, – or is it just more of the same old mind set of the rich looking after the rich as their first priority – who devises and legislated all their tax loopholes and perks anyway?.

  [These Surprise Taxes connived by the rich without any consideration of the less well off, was a surprise we were not pre-advised about as even a potential before the Libs being elected, – and was was not voted for, – actually the opposite pledge of NO NEW TAXES was promoted as a deception – so thus this tax has no valid citizen support AND MUST BE RETRACTED FORTHWITH.  ADD to that con on the voters, it looks also like a con on States to firstly take away a big heap of the expected share revenue from the States as a way to force them into a no-choice corner to go aong with the hike in GST – was it trickery so that they could be blamed for it whilst the Libs boasted of their virtues.  Such deviousness is not respectable conduct, no matter how the spin merchants package the story.  Is it no wonder trust in Government is at an all time low outside of their own PR self talk circles – but unethical conduct will change.

The Pollies are there to serve us – not trick us with spin.  This was another case of those we call the “haves” the wealthy, (our Pollies) not having any idea of what it feels like needing to struggle with paying the rent, and bills – easy for them to increase taxes for the less well off and not feel any pain as consequences from their decisions.  If you are a pensioner, or lower paid and appreciate being told the truth before voting,- truth about raising the GST on those little lower cost overseas purchases (especially with free postage from China) then consider sending the Pollies a demand about retracting this surprise brutal impost – this is an example reason for promoting some of the ideas for demands to bring More Trust in our Government – how can anyone feel a trust in that sort of devious tricky conduct that only hurts the less well off – another reason why a government made up of Independents will bring fairness and equality – becaue Independents usually consider the people first]


If you have well considered brilliant ideas to add to this list, please write them in the Comment area below and / or send them in, preferably worded as the wish fulfilled for allowing readers imagination to then energise the beneficial and benevolent end result outcomes you envision.


You can send demand emails to the Pollies – especially send to those who will not be told how to vote by Party Leaders – and especially send demands to independents – but if you really want action go to the very top of our Government System, Our Governor General and make known your dissatisfactions with whatever is causing you pain or stress and ask for his intervention to request Parliament to consider the changes you want for a fairer and more equal society. – a society where People come first, and commercial profits come second.

         Supposing……. Supposing we were to inspire a million or so Armchair Activists for demanding changes that would transform Australia into the First Goodwill Nation………..

Supposing……… If Our Governor General were to receive a half million or so email requests asking to forthwith start a number of wide ranging enquiries covering many of the matters as our major challenges, or better still a number of full Royal Commissions to get to the bottom of why things are as they are with whatever adversely affects you, or what causes you needless struggles and pain, or what causes you unhappiness, or is against your understandings about what a democracy actually is supposed to be in your perspective – and especially demand changes where you can see Government Policies are causing damage to social cohesion in favour of profits for the wealthy.  Or you might ask our Governor General to make a decree that our National Parliament in Australia must fully act to foster the peoples benevolent Happiness and Harmony, as the first and foremost considerations and that industrial or commercial profits as secondary to society cohesian, Happines, Harmony and Goodwill.  Even the unhappy rich realise that Social Cohesion, Happiness and Harmony in the community are worth far more than gold.

You can send your protests and demand messages to our Governor General in Canberra. His email contact is on his web site – but you are only allowed 250 words……so you will need to be succinct.  If you wish to send a longer written snail mail demand, then respect means to use his correct title, as is copied and pasted here with his web site as well;

His Excellency General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC (Retd)

Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia.

(– email address only available on request)

The salutation for a letter should be “Your Excellency” or “Dear Governor-General”

Your message can be your demand for the changes you want, asking that he as our Governor General, present the Prime Minister and The Government of the day with your specific demands.  Or you might simply demand that Our Queen’s Government in Australia now act to always consider the needs of the people first and foremost and to give Equality and Fairness to all Citizens, specifically with “ …….x………x…………x…………x…………x………… x”                (insert whatever changes you want)

You can request to be advised if and when this matter will be considered by our Governor General……Simply use the same wording as you would write a respectful demand from a position of knowing that as a citizen, you pay taxes for the Government and Parliament to exist, so as to serve the wants and needs of the people it represents, therefore you have such right.

You can also send your letter of demand to your local Pollies, – or maybe more notice will be taken by those who seek to be elected as Independents in Parliament, who will not be restrained by Party Leaders.  In the past, with even those few strong Independent thinkers in our Government, we have generally seen more sensitivity to the needs and demands of the people as their preferences before pampering to industry.  Pity we have not had more free thinking independents showing more concerns for the people – even so, they have been a welcome change of late – we can only hope the Party negative propaganda against Independents will be ignored by intelligent free thinkers who are learning to see what is true – seeing what is true is another Aquarian Age trend.

Social Media is the excellent vehicle for promoting any issue you personally wish for, maybe it is not in the Wish Lists above, yet hopefully from thinking about some of the brilliant ideas and getting to grasp how the world is run by those who turn up, realize that your own Power of One has the potential to move mountains if used in a positive way and for the benevolence of all life forms.  Remember – It is the squeeky wheel that gets the grease.

Our Budget Dilemma

Please read this first  :)
– The AQUARIAN AGE is Transforming Countries into Nations of Goodwill

For Challenge # 8;

Our Budget Emergency with insufficient revenue.

Whilst these are only ideas,we can imagine each idea as being a wish fulfilled.   Remember that these are only Discussion Points to start the conversations and to stimulate considered thinking about prioities and values and the sort of society we want to phase into for a better world.  These are for personal choices, – choices we hope will be from your own heart as a sovereign being,  Please do not make demands from obligations or based on someone else’s shoulds or should-nots.  To your own self, be true

*** As a principle, those who gain profits from society can give back to society as an alternative to cutting Government services and assistance that the working people need. With reversals of cold hearted cuts of assistance to citizens, especially to the less fortunate which increased needless struggles and pain for the poor and has caused much disharmony in society, this reversal will help to build the new Aquarian Age of Peace and Harmony in society.

*** With all of our Pollies now choosing to be there for the love of the people as their prime intention, then all those extra payments for Pollies expenses and perks can be reduced to real actual needs level similarly as with other working citizens, including retirement allowances reduced to being equal to an average person’s level, this will apparently save taxpayers close to one billion dollars every year.  As an example, the circulating email with all those huge salaries as an argument for reducing Pollies retirement bonuses and giftings to be for only 2 extra years with no ‘Gold Cards’, is calculated to saving taxpayers close to that 1 billion dollars every year.  That would give funds to reinstate a lot of those cruel heartless cuts and give back the school kids bonuses and not increase uni fees whist at the same time the Pollies did not stop tax deductable perks for the wealthyThis will eliminate a lot of resentment built up in society, where the feelings were that the wealthy in society were keeping the rules to favour the rich with scant concerns about harming the poor.

*** Big savings are made by ending the Taxpayers paying for Politicians Media Offices and P.R. staff, (end all those PR parrot like slogans) as has been used for self-interest photo-op promotions even when disguised as policy advice. All government advertising will be no cost to taxpayers by using Web sites and the Public Broadcaster with regular daily announcement times to spread information from Government to the citizens – no PR packaging to only tell one side of a story, no spin from PR Marketing gurus, no waste of taxpayers’ money on self interest promotionsall that money spent on commercial TV advertising can go back into welfare for the less fortunate and bring a lot of happiness back into society. The big annual savings from simply putting a stop to flying media promotion contingents around the country or overseas with our P.M. or others will also allow lots more funding of services for the citizens in need.

*** What if the income gained by religious organisations from their commercial activities and rental properties were subjected to the same tax rules as other corporations, yet with full deductions for their genuine charity spending activities.  If such taxes raised were only used to build homes for the thousands of people homeless and sleeping on the street, this could end that big problem we have so far ignored.

*** Our Health budget can be reimbursed by the corporations profiting from the harming of society with health issues as arising from consumption of alcohol and tobacco, given back to society as a Levy by those corporations who will gift a Health Restoration and Detoxing Community Chest, with the Levy of 3 % on their after tax annual profits so that individual taxpayers will not need to pay for the tobacco and alcohol associated health repair costs, alcohol fuelled violence, drink driving victim rehabilitation and policing costs.

*** Reduce our National and personal health costs to a far, far smaller demand on citizen taxpayers by focusing on dealing with and eliminating cause factors rather than band-aid drugs to quell or cover symptoms. Alternative methods are more concerned with removing the emotional or etheric energy drivers causing the health issue, which it seems can be detected 2 or more years prior to symptons appearing.  With the Government reversing the policies of their TGA trying to block and prevent the use of Alternative methods for healings, and with replacing the old systems pro drugs biased management with more intelligent people for allowing the Natural and Alternative and the new Healing methods to flourish for the benefit of the citizens, then the personal costs and our National Health Budget costs will reduce dramatically. The citizen demanded Government non biased scientific evaluations of outcomes showing the lower costs /results value from the Alternative Healing Practitioners with Holistic, Natural, Herbal, Energy Frequencies and the growing variety of ways to reduce demand for costly drugs with their unwanted and costly side effects, has changed the For Profit Health Industry into a Healing Industry for Wellness, thus the very big savings that reduce the National Health Budget – and far far less for taxpayers to fund. 

*** With the Government change of heart to fully and honestly allowing and equally funding the far lower costs and less trauma of Holistic, Complementary and Alternative healing methods previously persecuted by Government people, will reduce the health budget to a portion as some cash cows die off.  Even after the unbalanced media stories promoting fears about alternatives or natural plant based medicines, some of which have been used for many hundreds of years.  It seems that more than 40 % of the population have discovered and prefer the lesser cost ways for prevention and healing of illness, healing methods that it appears our Government do not want to flourish.  The Aquarian Age of healings without medicine is a growing preference as citizens discover the hands on Spiritual healings like Reiki or Theta healing or Reconnection, – even the growing number of pure spiritual energy channellers like Braco, and Anne of The Angels, (with reports of healings, even of stage 4 cancers) and the various others now on the planet offering Spiritual balancing at the emotional and etheric body levels to clear the fields back into harmony, – or the simple Russian methods of Grabovoi for organ regeneration at the DNA level and the various others – all of which it seems any intelligent person can learn as a natural human ability simply awaiting a little tuition.  Then add the traditional herbal plant based medicines and their therapeutic oils, using supplements for supporting foods with nutritional quality absence problems. Plus the yoga and fitness movement activities, meditation and massage for increasing inner harmony. etc. etc. etc. Then add Traditional Chinese Medicine and the new respect from open minded understanding of how and why homeopathic energy medicines work, and why the Royal Family stay so healthy from having their own homeopathic doctors, then the healing landscape in Australia takes on a whole different picture with far far lesser costs to the taxpayers to fund our National Health Budget – and less hospital beds needed.. 

*** There are major shifts in citizen level understandings and taking responsibility for one’s own health needs. Now with so many new technology advances with bio-feedback re-balancing away illnesses, such as the Diacom from the USA and the similar new Russian unit of quantum and photon level balancing with use of frequencies at the micro level ( a by-product from joint space research for treating astronauts in space) – then add the German CoRe information medicine at the virtual level method for healings simply by the giving of new information. The Russians have discovered that our DNA actually understand language – (placebo medicines, and maybe that is why medical hypnosis gives lasting results.) As more and more citizens start taking responsibility for their own wellbeing with low cost energy balancing and the use of frequencies our Health Budget need level will shrink.

*** As society gains more awakened understanding about who and what we humans really are as Spiritual Beings with a Human Body, and realise how changes can be made simple, this again will also reduce our Health Budget costs dramatically with less need for personal taxes to fund it. As our Government is forced to surrender control over what we citizens can and can-not do with taking charge of our own wellbeing as a personal responsibility for our personal health issues, all that new and old information previously held secret from society will spread like wildfire on social media.  The Aquarian Age is prophesised to bring the hidden out into the open, all held secret will be revealed – we see this happening in the health industry already, with whistle-blower leaks, especialy about scandals to do with drugs trials.  All this means less taxes to fund the National Health Budget.

*** Reducing the National Health Budget from ending the Health Industry monopoly; As citizens demanded policy reversals to open the health industry up to allowing and fully supporting the new Aquarian Age methods of healing, the University Med Schools will re-educate G.Ps. for catch up with knowing about the far less costing methods of healing and preventing illnesses. All of those scoffed at and resisted methods of healing can help citizens become self-responsible with taking charge over their own health issues will gradually become the norm due to social media.  The evolution of healings with the use of skype to an outside country resident with low cost equipment with no distance restriction with transmitting healing frequencies through the air is cheap, quick, effective and have no side effects.  This will transform medicine to the frequency level, (as Einstein declared as the way to go) thus reducing side effects from drugs.  We can see a number of YouTubes where pain is instantly cleared from telephone callers without even touching the person.  In time, as word gets out, every second neighborhood will have caring souls offering the type of instant deleting of issues causing pain and emotional stress, (a NEW York best seller book and as we see demonstrated on various YouTubes) which like many other new Aquarian Age advances, apparently every intelligent person can learn how to do. – and without spending six years at Med School.

*** with our Government changing from resisting to embracing and promoting Alternative healings, with less need of pharmeceuticals thus reducing the unwanted and costly side effects downside, – and thus allowing so many citizens with reversals of health conditions to go back to work and get off of welfare, – working taxpayers will then need to pay far less for funding the Welfare Budget.  This giant saving measure can start as soon as demands for a Royal Commission into the Health and Healing industies are too many to ignore any longer.

*** To fund the National Health Budget until the time when our Government sincerely and fully promotes Truth in product labeling source and content, truth about their definition of free range, no chemical, no hormone, tested to be fully nutritious and fully organic non-gmo foods to be our medicines, as designed by Nature it seems, an annual Health Repair Levy of 3 % on all after tax profits will be asked of every corporation profiting from foodstuffs and goods or services that are known to directly or indirectly be causing health problems or contributing to the declining good health within society. This repairing of health issues Levy shifts the burden away from taxpayers and back to those who profit with actually paying for the consequences of their profiting from society.

*** Air pollution has been established as another cause factor for harming human health; The Health Professors say we can reduce the level of the most common chronic illnesses by cleaning up the air we breathe and the health budget will then save billions. To help fund the health budget other than taxing the citizens, encourage the oil giants to find ways for diesel vehicles to fully reduce pollution to zero with an annual Clean Air Health Levy of 3 % of all revenues gained from diesel fuels – and legislated not to be passed on to citizens and no loopholes allowed.

*** The same Clean Air Health Levy of 3 % on annual revenues be gifted to our Hospitals from coal fire generators emitting health damaging small particles into the air which drift around and around as harmful for human and animal health from breathing that polluted air, and again with accompanying laws to stop passing any of that burden onto citizens.


If you have well considered brilliant ideas to add to this list, please write them in the Comment area below and / or send them in, preferably worded as the wish fulfilled for allowing readers imagination to then energise the beneficial and benevolent end result outcomes you envision.


You can send demand emails to the Pollies – especially send to those who will not be told how to vote by Party Leaders – and especially send demands to independents – but if you really want action go to the very top of our Government System, Our Governor General and make known your dissatisfactions with whatever is causing you pain or stress and ask for his intervention to request Parliament to consider the changes you want for a fairer and more equal society. – a society where People come first, and commercial profits come second.

         Supposing……. Supposing we were to inspire a million or so Armchair Activists for demanding changes that would transform Australia into the First Goodwill Nation…

Supposing……… If Our Governor General were to receive a half million or so email requests asking to forthwith start a number of wide ranging enquiries covering many of the matters as our major challenges, or better still a number of full Royal Commissions to get to the bottom of why things are as they are with whatever adversely affects you, or what causes you needless struggles and pain, or what causes you unhappiness, or is against your understandings about what a democracy actually is supposed to be in your perspective – and especially demand changes where you can see Government Policies are causing damage to social cohesion in favour of profits for the wealthy.  Or you might ask our Governor General to make a decree that our National Parliament in Australia must fully act to foster the people’s benevolent Happiness and Harmony, as the first and foremost considerations and that industrial or commercial profits as secondary to society cohesian, Happines, Harmony and Goodwill.  Even the unhappy rich realise that Social Cohesion, Happiness and Harmony in the community are worth far more than gold.

You can send your protests and demand messages to our Governor General in Canberra. His email contact is on his web site – but you are only allowed 250 words……so you will need to be succinct.  If you wish to send a longer written snail mail demand, then respect means to use his correct title, as is copied and pasted here with his web site as well;

His Excellency General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC (Retd)

Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia.

(– email address only available on request)

The salutation for a letter should be “Your Excellency” or “Dear Governor-General”

Your message can be your demand for the changes you want, asking that he as our Governor General, present the Prime Minister and The Government of the day with your specific demands.  Or you might simply demand that Our Queen’s Government in Australia now act to always consider the needs of the people first and foremost and to give Equality and Fairness to all Citizens, specifically with “ …….x………x…………x…………x…………x………… x”  (insert whatever changes you want)

You can request to be advised if and when this matter will be considered by our Governor General……Simply use the same wording as you would write a respectful demand from a position of knowing that as a citizen, you pay taxes for the Government and Parliament to exists, so as to serve the wants and needs of the people it represents, therefore you have such right.

You can also send your letter of demand to your local Pollies, – or maybe more notice will be taken by those who seek to be lected as Independents in Parliament, who will not be restrained by Party Leaders.  In the past, with even those few strong Independent thinker in our Government, we have generally seen more sensitivity to the needs and demands of the people as their preferences before pampering to industry.  Pity we have not had more free thinking independents showing more concerns for the people – even so, they have been a welcome change of late – we can only hope the Party negative propaganda against Independents will be ignored by intelligent free thinkers who are learning to see what is true – seeing what is true is another Aquarian Age trend.

Social Media is the excellent vehicle for promoting any issue you personally wish for, maybe it is not in the Wish Lists above, yet hopefully from thinking about some of the brilliant ideas and getting to grasp how the world is run by those who turn up, realize that your own Power of One has the potential to move mountains if used in a positive way and for the benevolence of all life forms.  Remember – It is the squeeky wheel that gets the grease.

Care for our Planet

Please read this first  :)
– The AQUARIAN AGE is Transforming Countries into Nations of Goodwill

For Challenge # 7;

Our Climate Change Dilemma.

Ask yourself – Is saving the eco systems more important than saving profits  – Did we not learn anything from the history of Nero blindly continue on with playing his fiddle whilst Rome was starting to burn !

Whilst these are only ideas,we can imagine each idea as being a wish fulfilled.   Remember that these are only Discussion Points to start the conversations and to stimulate considered thinking about prioities and values and the sort of society we want to phase into for a better world.  These are for personal choices, – choices we hope will be from your own heart as a sovereign being,  Please do not make demands from obligations or based on someone else’s shoulds or should-nots.  To your own self, be true

*** Establishing a Citizens National Hall of Fame for honouring those who give their life energy to Saving Our Planet.

*** As a Nation of Goodwill, no taxpayer be asked to fund the bill from profit making activities linked to or causing environmental repair issues – from citizen demands, those who profit will pay for any harms left in their wake. Where an individual company is placed into liquidation, then the Directors, or the industry as a whole will pay, not the taxpayers.

*** As a Nation of Goodwill a citizen demanded annual Reimbursement Levy will be imposed on any commercial activity causing flow on consequential harms to citizens or to society in general – those corporations that have gained will pay the bill – no longer will citizen taxpayers fund the consequences from profit making commercial activities.

*** Corporations extracting common wealth values from our country give back an annual Healing the Earth levy of 3 % on all after tax profits as a repairing the earth funding of damages and unfinished clear ups from mining and human activity abuses over the past time period of profiting from the earth and or causing run off damages to The Great Barrier Reef.

*** All big polluters profiting from pumping climate change causing pollutants into the air we breathe will pay an annual Climate Change Mitigation Levy of 3 % on all income gained from activities causing climate change pollutants, as funds for cleaning up their damage and restoring the eco systems back to their condition prior to the pollution causing activity began.  If corporations are overseas owned, then if need be, their property could be sold off to pay the repair and reinstate costs for mitigation against climate change.  And in the case of voluntary liquidation, then the Company Directors at the time of damage caused would pay the costs for fixing the problems they caused.  An accompanying law will not allow and Special Problem fix levy to be passed onto the citizens as increased charges.

*** Give back the funds taken away from the CSIRO and fully reinstate the Climate Scientists from an annual Climate Change Mitigation Levy of 3 % on annual income from Fossil fuel extraction companies.

*** For Afforestation; Have a Climate Change Mitigation Afforestation Levy of 3 % on all paper printing of advertising materials, especially junk mails, magazines and daily papers and political party one-day-use leaflets to waste. All Levy contributions go to a national fund for planting billions of trees all over our country to take our landscape back closer to when there was enough trees for cleaning the air we all breathe. This will create thousands of Jobs for the unemployed teens and the unemployed Aboriginal people who have loving connections with their lands.


If you have well considered brilliant ideas to add to this list, please write them in the Comment area below and / or send them in, preferably worded as the wish fulfilled for allowing readers imagination to then energise the beneficial and benevolent end result outcomes you envision.


You can send demand emails to the Pollies – especially send to those who will not be told how to vote by Party Leaders – and especially send demands to independents – but if you really want action go to the very top of our Government System, Our Governor General and make known your dissatisfactions with whatever is causing you pain or stress and ask for his intervention to request Parliament to consider the changes you want for a fairer and more equal society. – a society where Peopl came first, and commercial profits come second.

         Supposing……. Supposing we were to inspire a million or so Armchair Activists for demanding changes that would transform Australia into the First Goodwill Nation………..

Supposing……… If Our Governor General were to receive a half million or so email requests asking to forthwith start a number of wide ranging enquiries covering many of the matters as our major challenges, or better still a number of full Royal Commissions to get to the bottom of why things are as they are with whatever adversely affects you, or what causes you needless struggles and pain, or what causes you unhappiness, or is against your understandings about what a democracy actually is supposed to be in your perspective – and especially demand changes where you can see Government Policies are causing damage to social cohesion in favour of profits for the wealthy.  Or you might ask our Governor General to make a decree that our National Parliament in Australia must fully act to foster the people’s benevolent Happiness and Harmony, as the first and foremost considerations and that industrial or commercial profits as secondary to society cohesian, Happines, Harmony and Goodwill.  Even the unhappy rich       realise that Social Cohesion, Happiness and Harmony in the community are worth far more than gold.

You can send your protests and demand messages to our Governor General in Canberra. His email contact is on his web site – but you are only allowed 250 words……so you will need to be succinct.  If you wish to send a longer written snail mail demand, then respect means to use his correct title, as is copied and pasted here with his web site as well;

His Excellency General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC (Retd)

Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia.

(– email address only available on request)

The salutation for a letter should be “Your Excellency” or “Dear Governor-General”

Your message can be your demand for the changes you want, asking that he as our Governor General, present the Prime Minister and The Government of the day with your specific demands.  Or you might simply demand that Our Queens Government in Australia now act to always consider the needs of the people first and foremost and to give Equality and Fairness to all Citizens, specifically with “ …….x………x…………x…………x…………x………… x”                (insert whatever changes you want)

You can request to be advised if and when this matter will be considered by our Governor General……Simply use the same wording as you would write a respectful demand from a position of knowing that as a citizen, you pay taxes for the Government and Parliament to exists, so as to serve the wants and needs of the people it represents, therefore you have such right.

You can also send your letter of demand to your local Pollies, – or maybe more notice will be taken by those who seek to be lected as Independents in Parliament, who will not be restrained by Party Leaders.  In the past, with even those few strong Independent thinker in our Government, we have generally seen more sensitivity to the needs and demands of the people as their preferences before pampering to industry.  Pity we have not had more free thinking independents showing more concerns for the people – even so, they have been a welcome change of late – we can only hope the Party negative propaganda against Independents will be ignored by intelligent free thinkers who are learning to see what is true – seeing what is true is another Aquarian Age trend.

Social Media is the excellent vehicle for promoting any issue you personally wish for, maybe it is not in the Wish Lists above, yet hopefully from thinking about some of the brilliant ideas and getting to grasp how the world is run by those who turn up, realize that your own Power of One has the potential to move mountains if used in a positive way and for the benevolence of all life forms.  Remember – It is the squeeky wheel that gets the grease.

Power is with the People

Please read this first  :)
– The AQUARIAN AGE is Transforming Countries into Nations of Goodwill

For Challenge # 6;

Deciding if we are a Democracy and what power do the people actually have.

Whilst these are only ideas,we can imagine each idea as being a wish fulfilled.   Remember that these are only Discussion Points to start the conversations and to stimulate considered thinking about prioities and values and the sort of society we want to phase into for a better world.  These are for personal choices, – choices we hope will be from your own heart as a sovereign being,  Please do not make demands from obligations or based on someone else’s shoulds or should-nots.  To your own self, be true

DICTIONARY DEFINITION ; de·moc·ra·cy (dĭ-mŏk′rə-sē) n. pl. de·moc·ra·cies

1. Government by the people, exercised either directly or through elected representatives.

2. A political or social unit that has such a government.

3. The common people, considered as the primary source of political power.

4. Majority rule.

5. The principles of social equality and respect for the individual within a community.

*** The new levels of higher enlightenment awareness will have citizens demanding that as a democracy the people are the Masters and the Pollies are the servants, elected to do the citizens will. This will be like a quantum paradigm shift with the power dynamics in the relationship between our Pollies and those they represent in the three levels of Governing over us. Power will be in the hands of the people, and the people will rightfully demand that their power be recognised, even to the level of boycotting the advertisers supprting media outlets promoting Pollie spin as the old ways to control or manipulate community thinking.

*** We will see the fading away of The Old Piscean Age Values of worshipping the Gods of Money & Power & Control, due to realisations of those being the root cause of our great mess. With living more from our own higher nature, we will see more worshipping of The God of Love, the compassionate caring Love for all of Its Creation, (Aquarian Age values) This will bring a whole new level of human understanding about the meaning and the spirit of the intentions as the basis behind what we interpret as our Democracy.

*** Every Politician in our three tiers of Government will gradually become fully independent voices of the people, all co-operating together for bringing Governments of Common Sense with every matter – that might mean the ending of political party ideologies, ending religious extreme groupings, and ending closed door deals for colluding or vote trading to favour outcomes to suit lobbyists, etc.

*** For a level playing field, no third party persons, or group, or religion, or industry be allowed to donate monies or activities in any other way for influencing election outcomes.

*** NO political Donations allowed in any way shape or form – no exceptions.

*** Zero influencing or politically orientated advertising or funding of any candidate seeking to be elected, by any third party persons, or organisations, or lobby groups, or interest groups, or industry. No more Industry or lobby group donations allowed to politicians or political parties as the way for giving a level playing field for all seeking to be elected to Governments.

*** No third party activity for buying votes in any shape or form for changing the balance of a totally level playing field for all seeking to be elected to any level of governing. Every person will be elected on their own personal merits.

*** No tax-payers money given to any political parties in any way shape or form.

*** For a level playing field with promotions, no more than $10,000 to be spent individually by any political candidate seeking election to any level of any governing body, Local, State or Federal. This will end all that negatively oriented dreadful character assassination TV advertising once and for all.

*** For a level playing field, all media outlets, local or national (as part of their social licence to operate) will be obliged to offer non-biased free and equal time or space with PR exposure for every candidate who seeks it.

*** For balanced information, all media outlets with influence over public thinking will be individually owned and controlled.

*** For voters to be fully informed prior to elections, all persons seeking election to any level of governing over others, will on a Government web site, make available their personal history, any affiliations, strong beliefs to do with religious interpretation, morality /ethics, their biases/ prejudices if any, and their intentions for seeking to be in the Governing council.

*** All media information povided to citizens will be totally factual and boldly advised when specific information is only an opinion or an imagined future.

*** No deceptive or misleading, over exaggerated non-factual information, or fear mongering allowed for industry or commercial or political gain. No spin and no misinformation will be promoted through the media.

*** Establish a Fact and Truth Commissioner in every capital city for citizens to sort out fact from fiction.  And such Commissioner to have the authority to make recommendations for prosecutions for spreading misinformation for gain.

*** The Fact and Truth Commissioner will investigate complaints to do with using subliminal messaging and other method of hypnotic mind control or brain washing repetition as psychologically enforced NLP type influencing over freedom of thinking, and where found such has happened, to make recommendations of serious consequences for all persons involved for creating or promoting or knowingly allowing any such a self-interest crime against unsuspecting and trusting citizens.  Trust within society is a precious comodity.

*** Ending all secrecy to do with component items i.e. such as mercury fears, within mass medication and their specific actions within the body as advised by the Fact and Truth Commissioner will give neutral biased clarity concerning the negative stories causing the pushback to vaccinations and fluoride (as used by Hitler) or other fears about such having hidden harmful downsides previously not fully revealed.

*** No, misleading, deceptive, fraudulent, out of context, selectively one sided bits of the story, or any concocted hypotheticals or imagined outcomes spoken of as being real fact when it is only spin as mind control attempts of playing with our heads or promoting fear – with huge penalties for doing so.  No more scary Budget emergencies (as reasons to cut welfare and services spending) when later revealed that was only imagined spin to deliver big cuts to unsuspecting citizens.

*** All pollies make a declaration of recognition that her or him is elected as the servant of the people and not the master over the people, with a written and Binding Contract to the Voters of his or her electorate, pledging to vote on all issues as the majority of constituents demand to be done so, and pledge to not vote in any way as sought by any person outside of his or her electorate.

*** All pollies must, when entering Parliament houses, leave their egos at the door, leave their animosities and bullying tendencies at the door – then demonstrate respect to each other, with no mud-slinging during any tax payer funded time as a Pollie – and do so as the responsible example for society as the standard of respectful conduct to follow – from the top down.

*** End the Governing stupidity of two sides fighting each other as the old Piscean mind set. All 226 Pollies make an Oath of Allegiance to work harmoniously together, to be co-operating together to find the best known consensus outcomes for achieving the benevolently fair and equal outcomes for all citizens as their prime objective.  Taxpayers should not need to pay for a full government when only half are actualy doing any governing – and thats when they are not trying to promote being re-elected or trying to destroy the image of the other half. The old Piscean ways of paying for a full Government, and only getting half actually doing the job has not been good value for taxpayers money spent.

*** No devious use of Dodgy Brothers experts, nor their sus modelling, nor their sus dodgy science based reports, nor their sus surveys, nor their sus selected statistics. Have the Fact and Truth Commissioner give both sides of every story to all Pollies before such is used to establish new laws.

*** For Government by the people, as similar with the Swiss model, all new rules and legislation will be veto-power voted on for either acceptance or rejection by the people via an internet based referendum covering all new legislation, every 3 months.  Such democratic control returned to the citizen will reinforce the position of citizens as the masters and governments as the servants of the citizens for a more cohesive and happy society, with restoring full belief in the Government reflecting the actual people’s wishes.

*** Reduce the voting age to allow those having to clean up the mess now have a vote on what is set in motion.  Allow the teens who will have to fix the major problems we have caused for them, have their say with remedy policies.  The youth of today need to have more say about all the problems they will be fixing as the oldies die out

*** Establishing a National Fact and Truth Commissioner, as an office where citizens can be guided with what is fact and what is fiction. This Commissioner might establish it’s own Citizens National Hall of Fame, as a National listing for those who have made a big positive difference for the betterment of one and all in society. In this way, we can give national acclaim and recognition to those who have helped save our planet, and especially to the Whistle-blowers whose Higher Nature Morality, Ethics and Courage either directly or indirectly caused changes that have given benevolent outcomes for trusting citizens. To be included on this Honour Roll can become an inspirational goal for those who love humanity, love our natural world and value our good fortune as citizens.

*** Harm Reduction; A self-activated change of attitudes towards the exploitations of the vulnerable and less fortunate, will surely remove lots of bad business exploitations from within our society. With the potential of harmful activities being exposed from encouraging and highly rewarding the whistle-blowers, there will be very few Company Directors that will place profits and greed as more valuable than their good name reputation as a member of society, thus we will probably see heaps less bad business with more voluntary goodwill actions towards our environment, our eco systems, our animals and towards human beings.


If you have well considered brilliant ideas to add to this list, please write them in the Comment area below and / or send them in, preferably worded as the wish fulfilled for allowing readers imagination to then energise the beneficial and benevolent end result outcomes you envision.


You can send demand emails to the Pollies – especially send to those who will not be told how to vote by Party Leaders – and especially send demands to independents – but if you really want action go to the very top of our Government System, Our Governor General and make known your dissatisfactions with whatever is causing you pain or stress and ask for his intervention to request Parliament to consider the changes you want for a fairer and more equal society. – a society where Peopl came first, and commercial profits come second.

         Supposing……. Supposing we were to inspire a million or so Armchair Activists for demanding changes that would transform Australia into the First Goodwill Nation………..

Supposing……… If Our Governor General were to receive a half million or so email requests asking to forthwith start a number of wide ranging enquiries covering many of the matters as our major challenges, or better still a number of full Royal Commissions to get to the bottom of why things are as they are with whatever adversely affects you, or what causes you needless struggles and pain, or what causes you unhappiness, or is against your understandings about what a democracy actually is supposed to be in your perspective – and especially demand changes where you can see Government Policies are causing damage to social cohesion in favour of profits for the wealthy.  Or you might ask our Governor General to make a decree that our National Parliament in Australia must fully act to foster the people’s benevolent Happiness and Harmony, as the first and foremost considerations and that industrial or commercial profits as secondary to society cohesian, Happines, Harmony and Goodwill.  Even the unhappy rich realise that Social Cohesion, Happiness and Harmony in the community are worth far more than gold.

You can send your protests and demand messages to our Governor General in Canberra. His email contact is on his web site – but you are only allowed 250 words……so you will need to be succinct.  If you wish to send a longer written snail mail demand, then respect means to use his correct title, as is copied and pasted here with his web site as well;

His Excellency General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC (Retd)

Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia.

(– email address only available on request)

The salutation for a letter should be “Your Excellency” or “Dear Governor-General”

Your message can be your demand for the changes you want, asking that he as our Governor General, present the Prime Minister and The Government of the day with your specific demands.  Or you might simply demand that Our Queens Government in Australia now act to always consider the needs of the people first and foremost and to give Equality and Fairness to all Citizens, specifically with “ …….x………x…………x…………x…………x………… x”                (insert whatever changes you want)

You can request to be advised if and when this matter will be considered by our Governor General……Simply use the same wording as you would write a respectful demand from a position of knowing that as a citizen, you pay taxes for the Government and Parliament to exists, so as to serve the wants and needs of the people it represents, therefore you have such right.

You can also send your letter of demand to your local Pollies, – or maybe more notice will be taken by those who seek to be lected as Independents in Parliament, who will not be restrained by Party Leaders.  In the past, with even those few strong Independent thinker in our Government, we have generally seen more sensitivity to the needs and demands of the people as their preferences before pampering to industry.  Pity we have not had more free thinking independents showing more concerns for the people – even so, they have been a welcome change of late – we can only hope the Party negative propaganda against Independents will be ignored by intelligent free thinkers who are learning to see what is true – seeing what is true is another Aquarian Age trend.

Social Media is the excellent vehicle for promoting any issue you personally wish for, maybe it is not in the Wish Lists above, yet hopefully from thinking about some of the brilliant ideas and getting to grasp how the world is run by those who turn up, realize that your own Power of One has the potential to move mountains if used in a positive way and for the benevolence of all life forms.  Remember – It is the squeeky wheel that gets the grease.


People must come First

Please read this first  :)
– The AQUARIAN AGE is Transforming Countries into Nations of Goodwill

For WISH LIST Challenge # 5;

Ending needless struggles with People first – and sharing the common wealth.

Whilst these are only ideas,we can imagine each idea as being a wish fulfilled.   Remember that these are only Discussion Points to start the conversations and to stimulate considered thinking about prioities and values and the sort of society we want to phase into for a better world.  These are for personal choices, – choices we hope will be from your own heart as a sovereign being,  Please do not make demands from obligations or based on someone else’s shoulds or should-nots.  To your own self, be true

*** As a Goodwill Nation, all legislation must as the first prime consideration in some way seek to enhance the happiness, the harmony, the benevolent wellbeing, the social cohesion and higher levels of goodwill within society as a whole.

*** People first; Considerations of genuine wellbeing for all citizens and life forms, will be the paramount goal with any legislation – meaning all rules will pass the common sense test of fairness and equality – new laws will demonstrate Aquarian Age values, ethics and morality, with people first, and only then for more profits or power to the wealthy.

*** More fully equal sharing of our Nation’s Wealth for balancing out the inequality gap between the ’’haves’’ and the ’’have-nots’’. This will give everyone a sense of collective ownership and also squash some resentments and anger directed against the wealthy. And will be a big step towards increasing the harmonious social cohesion as a consequence from increasing levels of personal inner harmony, inner satisfaction and outer happiness. The Increasing of inner harmony and happiness will reduce explosions of rage in all its various forms of violence – and especially reduce domestic violence.

*** A Commissioner of Business and Government Ethics with powers to set standards as the citizens’ demand such and to persecute wrongdoings will give more of an equal playing field between citizens and those wielding positions of profiting and power over the citizens. This Commissioner will also stop any repeats of the Refugee asylum seeker shame that has collectively given a negative ethical light upon all citizens of our nation.

*** The commercial TV Stations gift a Reinstating our ABC levy of 2 % from their after tax profit each year gifted to our ABC as a reimbursement for the money taken away from the ABC after that was promised not to happen prior to the 2013 election, and to also fund SBS to function without the enforced advertising that is now ruining viewers appreciation of our Public Broadcasting SBS.

*** No more taking away or reducing funds from our ABC as a way to force them to have advertising ruin our non-biased Public Broadcasting TV experience.

*** Based on a more enlightened understanding of the consequential results from the media energising and thus promoting either the positive or the negative side of life, citizens are demanding media advertisers to only support the positive stories as the preferred positive polarity to promote more positive reflections of harmony and goodwill within society. The actions of Citizens collectively boycotting advertisers that support screening of TV violence as normal behaviour, will hurry the realisations to do with being more responsible to the whole of society, with regards to what they support and promote.

*** Citizens demanding the refunding and re-establishing the T.A.F.E. colleges and extending their educational activities to include some University Level subjects so as to give fully free higher education to all citizens in Australia.

*** Loving compassion to the homeless; For fair sharing of the wealth from our nation, wealth now held by only a small percent of the citizens, as they have achieved either from society by various means, or from lands taken from the original owners, and passed down to others, or gains from exploiting the labours of working folks who feel the financial enslavement for putting food on the table and a roof over the family’s head.  What if after the X million dollars home plus a level of XX million $$ bank deposits beyond more than enough for one’s needs, an annual Housing the Homeless levy of 1 % of all excess wealth gifting be contributed by the super-rich for caring and re-establishing a decent life for the thousands of citizens now sleeping out on the streets every night and living off soup kitchen generosity of charities.

*** Reasonable standards of welfare, and free education at all levels with mentoring community workers for supporting all of our less fortunate citizen ‘have-nots’, so as all citizens feel wanted, valued and respected rather than only feeling treated as a consumer to be exploited.

*** With Governing for the people first, there will be an ending of legal daylight robbery with pricing of life essentials from laissez-faire exploitations of charging the highest profit margins as can be gouged and gotten away with it, with no concerns for the citizen’s plights.

*** An ending to Banks and other Institutions abusing their social service contract will end with citizen demands for change in line with Aquarian Age values.  As a Goodwill Nation, we will give decent standards of living conditions for all, including the less fortunate – the necessities for a decent life will be exempted from excess profiteering by those who serve society needs for life with their business activities.  This will cause the need for setting a mandated maximum reasonable profit level amounts on all necessities of life, such as foods, petrol, health care, housing, finances, and other defined needs for giving a decent standard of life for the poor and less well off.

*** As a Nation of Goodwill, no taxpayer be asked to fund the Annual Budget spending for fixing consequences from profit making activities linked to or causing harm to citizens causing health repair and hospital needs costs, detoxing and rehabilitation clinic costs etc. Citizen demands that those who profit at the expense of society will repay society for fixing the consequences from such profiting with an annual Health Repair Levy of 3 % on after tax profits from all corporations supplying and profiting from products, and foodstuffs or services that are known to contribute to harming human health as is with the huge health care costs in the National Budget.  This levy will not be passed onto consumers.

*** As a Nation of Goodwill, no taxpayer be asked to fund the bill from profit making activities linked to or causing environmental repair issues – from citizen demands, those companies and their Directors at the time, who profited will pay full restoration costs plus compensation for the harm left in their wake.  The Environment Repair levy of 3 % on all after tax profits will apply to all corporations and entities that in the past had contributed to environmental harm and damage or any activity causing flow on consequential harms to society or the environment (think of The great Barrier Reef damage).

*** Our big four banks give back to the people from whom their yearly $$ billions of profits are taken from….. and do so by way of a Community Chest for Citizens Mental Health and Wellbeing, with an annual gifting of 3 % of after tax profits, and not to be passed onto the citizens with increases or extra charges.  This will save taxpayers funding the costs for dealing with the mental health harms to citizen from excess stress / anxiety / needless fire sales and family breakdowns arising from dealing with banks more interested in their profits than human wellbeing over the last decades and more. Yes, they are responsible for past activities.

*** It is often stated that there is wealth enough in this world for every person to be wealthy if it all were redistributed on an equal basis.  In time, the Globally wide Aquarian Age levels of enlightenment about the One-ness, the Equality and Source of all human beings, will bring a global wide citizens demand that the Global wealth is a common wealth, and belongs to all people, and needs to be shared with all people to have a better life, without consideration of race, or creed, or colour, or exploitation value.  Now in Australia, we can hasten this trend towards more enlightenment.  Check out our Seeds encouraging to live from the heart.

*** The more intelligent business people will get behind the demanded changes, even when the costs are high, as the higher levels of enlightenment understandings will give the realisations that we all need to be more supportive of uplifting each other, or we all sink into the morass together. Simply to keep on re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic could continue doing business as usual, but would not actually save the ship from going down with all on-board.

*** Ending all the Corporation and Trusts loopholes for tax avoidance or having monies either stored or hidden in offshore tax shelter havens, will diminish the distrust of the Pollies and reduce the built up anger caused from working people having to pay taxes to subsidise the rich – and at the same time try and cope with cuts to school kids bonuses and reducing services in every direction.  Citizens have rejected the Political Party ideology of spending cuts to the poor rather than have all pay their fair share of taxes for supporting our society.  Starting in Australia, the Multi-National Corporations using sus company structures for reducing tax liabilities where the profits are acquired, will become a Crime against the Common Wealth of Australian Citizens, with senior corporate management being deemed as implicit and thus personally responsible for any such crime.

*** Changes to the Corporations Act that previously had Company Directors be responsible for gaining maximum profits as their main duty, to now seek to provide the maximum beneficial good to society and the environment, with profits as a secondary factor.

*** New changes to the Corporations Act that make it a criminal offence to structure activities specifically to avoid paying a fair share of taxation in Australia will end the use of devious ways of profit distribution.  The closing of deductable loopholes designed by the rich and wealthy to give themselves advantages over the less fortunate tax payer average citizen will end.  Changes will end deducting costs for top dollar long lunches, retreat holiday homes, hobby farms, charter yatchs, overseas travel and accommodation, luxury vehicles to use for personal use, etc. etc. With all tax deductable loopholes closed, plus other ways for problem causers to pay for fixing their problems, the tax revenue will increase sufficiently enough to drastically reduce personal income tax, even to possibly to as low as to 15% of working people’s income.

*** New attitudes about leveling the playing field with Legal Matters to do with a citizens rights will be led by big Legal Firms with a way for allowing and giving equality and fairness for all citizens who seek to stand up for their rights against the unlimited spending power of big business with legal matters.  The legal fraternity may voluntarily gift a set annual contribution to a citizen’s community chest for giving all citizens full equality and fairness with representation on matters of Law.


If you have well considered brilliant ideas to add to this list, please write them in the Comment area below and / or send them in, preferably worded as the wish fulfilled for allowing readers imagination to then energise the beneficial and benevolent end result outcomes you envision.


You can send demand emails to the Pollies – especially send to those who will not be told how to vote by Party Leaders – and especially send demands to independents – but if you really want action go to the very top of our Government System, Our Governor General and make known your dissatisfactions with whatever is causing you pain or stress and ask for his intervention to request Parliament to consider the changes you want for a fairer and more equal society. – a society where Peopl came first, and commercial profits come second.

         Supposing……. Supposing we were to inspire a million or so Armchair Activists for demanding changes that would transform Australia into the First Goodwill Nation………..

Supposing……… If Our Governor General were to receive a half million or so email requests asking to forthwith start a number of wide ranging enquiries covering many of the matters as our major challenges, or better still a number of full Royal Commissions to get to the bottom of why things are as they are with whatever adversely affects you, or what causes you needless struggles and pain, or what causes you unhappiness, or is against your understandings about what a democracy actually is supposed to be in your perspective – and especially demand changes where you can see Government Policies are causing damage to social cohesion in favour of profits for the wealthy.  Or you might ask our Governor General to make a decree that our National Parliament in Australia must fully act to foster the people’s benevolent Happiness and Harmony, as the first and foremost considerations and that industrial or commercial profits as secondary to society cohesian, Happines, Harmony and Goodwill.  Even the unhappy rich       realise that Social Cohesion, Happiness and Harmony in the community are worth far more than gold.

You can send your protests and demand messages to our Governor General in Canberra. His email contact is on his web site – but you are only allowed 250 words……so you will need to be succinct.  If you wish to send a longer written snail mail demand, then respect means to use his correct title, as is copied and pasted here with his web site as well;

His Excellency General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC (Retd)

Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia.

(– email address only available on request)

The salutation for a letter should be “Your Excellency” or “Dear Governor-General”

Your message can be your demand for the changes you want, asking that he as our Governor General, present the Prime Minister and The Government of the day with your specific demands.  Or you might simply demand that Our Queens Government in Australia now act to always consider the needs of the people first and foremost and to give Equality and Fairness to all Citizens, specifically with “ …….x………x…………x…………x…………x………… x”                (insert whatever changes you want)

You can request to be advised if and when this matter will be considered by our Governor General……Simply use the same wording as you would write a respectful demand from a position of knowing that as a citizen, you pay taxes for the Government and Parliament to exists, so as to serve the wants and needs of the people it represents, therefore you have such right.

You can also send your letter of demand to your local Pollies, – or maybe more notice will be taken by those who seek to be lected as Independents in Parliament, who will not be restrained by Party Leaders.  In the past, with even those few strong Independent thinker in our Government, we have generally seen more sensitivity to the needs and demands of the people as their preferences before pampering to industry.  Pity we have not had more free thinking independents showing more concerns for the people – even so, they have been a welcome change of late – we can only hope the Party negative propaganda against Independents will be ignored by intelligent free thinkers who are learning to see what is true – seeing what is true is another Aquarian Age trend.

Social Media is the excellent vehicle for promoting any issue you personally wish for, maybe it is not in the Wish Lists above, yet hopefully from thinking about some of the brilliant ideas and getting to grasp how the world is run by those who turn up, realize that your own Power of One has the potential to move mountains if used in a positive way and for the benevolence of all life forms.  Remember – It is the squeeky wheel that gets the grease.

Renew Trust in Government

Please read this first  :)
– The AQUARIAN AGE is Transforming Countries into Nations of Goodwill

Our Wish List Challenge # 4;

Rebuilding Trust and Confidence in the “System” governing over us;

Whilst these are only ideas,we can imagine each idea as being a wish fulfilled.   Remember that these are only Discussion Points to start the conversations and to stimulate considered thinking about prioities and values and the sort of society we want to phase into for a better world.  These are for personal choices, – choices we hope will be from your own heart as a sovereign being,  Please do not make demands from obligations or based on someone else’s shoulds or should-nots.  To your own self, be true

*** The Aquarian Age values will demand that our government change from two halves fighting against each other for point scoring with ego bullying conduct, (a bit like two inmature school yard bully gangs) to now in Canberra having all of the 226 Representatives of the people working in harmony and co-operation together as 226 Independent thinkers, collectively pooling wisdoms for seeking the common good for all citizens is the way citizens have regained trust and confidence with paying taxes for running the levels of Governing over them.

*** END ALL SECRECY; No more Secrecy, other than firstly gaining court approved permission based on real valid Nation Security risk assessment needs base upon truthful evidence, and fully described reasonings, the citizens will not be kept in the dark about any matters what so ever to do with governing over citizens and the commercial activities of concern.

*** No Government Secrecy, no more hiding info with “commercial in confidence” hiding of facts.

*** No secret dossiers on citizens from spying on personal computers or wrongfully biased assumptions by any public servant.  Every citizen to have full access to reading and challenging any assumptions contained in any Government or industry held dossiers on themselves.

*** Zero secrecy; including every Government document, and Cabinet paper to be made available to citizens within 30 days as a democratic right.  Besides eliminating much anger, this will let everyone know what their own Democratic Representative Voice in Parliament was recorded as actually saying and doing compared to any pre-election promises of intentions.  End the false promises to win votes.

*** Freedom of information laws will fully apply to publicly listed corporations, giving full access to all information around matters of commercial and industrial concerns to citizens.

*** End pre-election Deception; Any politician or political party that makes a clear promise to change or, to not change any rule in any specific way, and after being elected, then does the opposite to break that promise in the citizens interpretation, then that politician must be prosecuted for the act of Fraudulent and Deceptive conduct causing the betrayal of trust in the Government of Australia, with a writ by the Governor General for deliberate or, misleading or, deceitful conduct; similarly as company law demands of Company Directors to be forthright, with heavy penalties like prison time a possibility.  Citizen must be able to trust in what they are told by those in positions of governing power and commercial/industrial power.

*** End Pre-election fear mongering; All Political Party pre-election over exaggerations from deliberately conjured up imagined negative doom and gloom results, which are then deviously word structured to deliberately cause voter fears over the conjured up imagined over exaggerated negative possibilities (implied as true fact) so as to deliberately cause voter fears for self-interests gains due to voter rejections of the vilified intended policy – and done so in a manner, or conspiracy to influence voter thinking that the over exaggerated conjured up negative imaginings would be actual true fact to gain an electoral advantage – will become a crime against the citizens, and deemed as an act of Fraudulent and or Deceptive conduct to cause an unfair electoral advantage. 

*** End all the puposefully confusing language to ordinary people with the Pollie-Speak Econo-Babble.  Stop all the jargon insider talk as though Pollies actually know what they are talking about when repeating pre crafted marketing Spin from their PR people.

*** Establish an ongoing generously funded National I.C.A.C. commissioner for Federal Government matters with full Royal Commission powers and instructions to clear up suspicions to do with any matters past or present that are causing concern to citizens as either effected from paying extra taxes or enduring personal harms.

*** Our Government as one of the richest nations on earth making a full and frank admittance of guilt for the gangster like deceptively dirty tricks conspired for intentionally swindling the poorest nation out of their rightful share of the Timor Sea oil reserves, has been a healing balm over the black stain disgrace on our moral values to do with International Relations – the apology and offering of generous compensation to East Timor, Timor-Leste has allowed Australian citizens to clear a little more subconscious guilt reflecting out as the dampened down self-respect levels we know as the Australian Cringe.

*** Establish a simple system of Citizens Initiated Referendums being for the citizens to collectively demand action by our Governor General to intervene on matters that the Citizens see as their Government blindly causing undue stress and loss of harmony, fracture of social cohesion and or gross loss of happiness within society, or even to sack the Government as Sir John Kerr did in 1975 at the request and reasoning of the then Leader of the Opposition.

*** The lie detector that savvy journalists use is available to every person to know when spin is deliberate misinformation or if the message is a true fact belief, by downloading the Reverse Speech software and playing recorded speeches in reverse to discover the actual truth held in the speaker’s subconscious, similarly like the lie detectors works. – to download, go to ;    There is a skill with learning to ask the precise questions to reveal double standards or information being with-held.  As this way of discovering fact from fiction becomes wide spread with the media journalists revealing conflicting levels of information, we will see a whole different new level of respect towards telling only what is true, for fear of being publicly exposed and shamed as a dishonest spin merchant.

*** All Pollies will make an Oath of Allegiance to all of the citizens they represent as the citizens voice, and a second Oath of Allegiance to the country as a whole, and thirdly, an Oath of Allegiance to our Planets Good Healthy Eco Systems.


If you have well considered brilliant ideas to add to this list, please write them in the Comment area below and / or send them in, preferably worded as the wish fulfilled for allowing readers imagination to then energise the beneficial and benevolent end result outcomes you envision.


Do you have a Facebook page – please pin up the ideas that are meaningful for you.  And you can send demand emails to the Pollies – especially send to those who will not be told how to vote by Party Leaders – and especially send demands to independents – but if you really want action go to the very top of our Government System, Our Governor General and make known your dissatisfactions with whatever is causing you pain or stress and ask for his intervention to request Parliament to consider the changes you want for a fairer and more equal society. – a society where People came first, and commercial profits come second.

         Supposing……. Supposing we were to inspire a million or so Armchair Activists for demanding changes that would transform Australia into the First Goodwill Nation………..

Supposing……… If Our Governor General were to receive a half million or so email requests asking to forthwith start a number of wide ranging enquiries covering many of the matters as our major challenges, or better still a number of full Royal Commissions to get to the bottom of why things are as they are with whatever adversely affects you, or what causes you needless struggles and pain, or what causes you unhappiness, or is against your understandings about what a democracy actually is supposed to be in your perspective – and especially demand changes where you can see Government Policies are causing damage to social cohesion in favour of more profits for the wealthy.  Or you might ask our Governor General to make a decree that our National Parliament in Australia must fully act to foster the people’s benevolent Happiness and Harmony, as the first and foremost considerations and that industrial or commercial profits as secondary to Social Cohesian, Happines, Harmony and Goodwill.  Even the unhappy rich realise that Social Cohesion, Happiness and Harmony in the community are worth far more than gold.

You can send your protests and demand messages to our Governor General in Canberra.  His email contact is on his web site – but you are only allowed 250 words……so you will need to be succinct.  If you wish to send a longer written snail mail demand, then respect means to use his correct title, as is copied and pasted here with his web site as well;

His Excellency General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC (Retd)

Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia.

(– email address only available on request)

The salutation for a letter should be “Your Excellency” or “Dear Governor-General”

Your message can be your demand for the changes you want, asking that he as our Governor General, present the Prime Minister and The Government of the day with your specific demands.  Or you might simply demand that Our Queens Government in Australia now act to always consider the needs of the people first and foremost and to give Equality and Fairness to all Citizens, specifically with “ …….x………x…………x…………x…………x………… x”                (insert whatever changes you want)

You can request to be advised if and when this matter will be considered by our Governor General……Simply use the same wording as you would write a respectful demand from a position of knowing that as a citizen, you pay taxes for the Government and Parliament to exists, so as to serve the wants and needs of the people it represents, therefore you have such right.

You can also send your letter of demand to your local Pollies, – or maybe more notice will be taken by those who seek to be lected as Independents in Parliament, who will not be restrained by Party Leaders.  In the past, with even those few strong Independent thinker in our Government, we have generally seen more sensitivity to the needs and demands of the people as their preferences before pampering to industry.  Pity we have not had more free thinking independents showing more concerns for the people – even so, they have been a welcome change of late – we can only hope the Party negative propaganda against Independents will be ignored by intelligent free thinkers who are learning to see what is true – seeing what is true is another Aquarian Age trend.

Social Media is the excellent vehicle for promoting any issue you personally wish for, maybe it is not in the Wish Lists above, yet hopefully from thinking about some of the brilliant ideas and getting to grasp how the world is run by those who turn up, realize that your own Power of One has the potential to move mountains if used in a positive way and for the benevolence of all life forms.  Remember – It is the squeeky wheel that gets the grease.

Be Kind to Refugees

Please read this first  :)
– The AQUARIAN AGE is Transforming Countries into Nations of Goodwill

WISH LIST Challenge # 3;  

Healing Our Refugee Asylum Seeker Shame.

 Whilst these are only ideas,we can imagine each idea as being a wish fulfilled.   Remember that these are only Discussion Points to start the conversations and to stimulate considered thinking about prioities and values and the sort of society we want to phase into for a better world.  These are for personal choices, – choices we hope will be from your own heart as a sovereign being,  Please do not make demands from obligations or based on someone else’s shoulds or should-nots.  To your own self, be true


If you now focus your full attention within for a few minutes, – by-pass the mind going around and around in its circles, – by-pass any recorded media manipulation propaganda on this issue, – just stay as the witness in the stillness of your Spirit, – .now, with the intention of honuring your own Self, perceive your own truth with this challenge – what are the most benevolent outomes that your Soul Presence is nudging, they may not even be here – you may have a brilliant idea that can lift us all to more Christ like Compassion.

*** The Pope, as the head of the Catholic Religion of, around 1,200,000,000 Global parishioners has spoken out about the indifference with the plight of asylum seekers as a stain on society.  Many Australians felt deep shame to be included in this condemnation.  In Australia, over 100 churches have offered sanctuary to refugees to protect and save them from being sent to our offshore detention shame, and done so boldly in defiance of the Government spin.  This turn around with grass roots support for the less fortunate refugee seekers, is another example of the Aquarian Age Loving Compassion coming to the fore and out picturing in society.  Now we hear media speak of them as being Human Beings – thats a big turn around !

*** So as to really know and feel the consequences of their policies ; All pollies who vote to send refugee and asylum seekers to the dehumanising conditions at offshore islands, will be demanded to spend a week or two in the very same place, with the very same conditions and food they have sent other human being to endure as their punishment for daring to ask to be treated as their rights set out within UN Treaties that Australia had signed up to many years ago. To our collective shame, with all of our 226 government representatives, we have had only one brave soul, a female who has consistently and courageously stood up and spoken out from the heart. She so bravely had the forthright integrity to honestly speak about our need to allow our Ausralian human decently to end the cruel punishment of the endless inprisonment with secrecy and hiding of our human rights disgraces – and pleaded to change the cruel cold hearted attitudes way of treating the refugee seekers, especially to the children to show humane compassion, – yet shamefully mocked over and over by self-interests.  Even our Human Rights Commissioner was treated with disdain for honestly condemning Government Policies.

  [Thank goodness now that we are shifting to predominantly Independent Voices in Canberra, those dark days of party politics are ending.  (Consider the mayhem around the world if every country decided to ignore Global Treaties whenever it was inconvenient to honour them – why have any Global Treaties at all if they are not binding) ]

*** Trashing the principle of a fair go for all when it comes to inconvenient situations will end. New laws defining abuse of positions or power to cause sufferings or pain to others being defined as crimes against humanity will change attitudes from indifference, hostility, cruelty and cold hard hearted political vote gaining arising from fear mongering political point scoring. Other than the short period of seeking to return to more Christian like compassionate values without back–up supporting measures, our country’s shameful story with propaganda bias promotion of angry voiced negative attitudes towards refugee asylum seeker human beings has become a major stand out reason why all of our media must not be allowed to be in the control of any single entity by acquiring such through buy-outs.  Good kind hearted citizens must never again be feeling helpless to stop the twisted fear based engendering word level manipulation with the use of media for political point scoring propaganda and voter sympathy, which reflected no more honour than just another episode of man’s inhumanity to man for self-interests. At some point we will all look back and call it the second dark age period of Australian history.

*** We Australian citizens are known to be generally kind and compassionate towards those less fortunate and in need – we are not the cruel cold hearted monsters that Pollies have conned us into thinking we are, and have made us look as such in the eyes of the world.  The devious way of using National Security media spin for deliberately promoting fear spin (i.e. like the thoughts and concepts of the refugees wanting to take over our country as an invasion) ……then manipulating those fear imaginings within public thinking, so as to score election winning points, ….and done at the expense of these suffering human beings that were so deliberately dehumanised as being of lesser worth and or terrorists sympathisers to fear.  This is the reason why The Immigration Department activities must not be a play thing of our Pollies, and instead, become an independent arm of governing, similarly as the Reserve Bank is independent from political manipulations.  Thankfully, the higher levels of enlightenment will bring understandings of the equality and oneness of all human beings, then our better nature will be begging for forgiveness from these Human Souls we have so shamefully been treating as though we as a society have been given some higher rights to inflict and cause the cruel harms to others seeking our help, and have done so without considering the consequences.    (consequence like riots ending with murder by being belted to death, chldren abused, worst case hopeless depressions, self-immolation and whatever else that only a Royal Commission will have the power to discover) 

  [ As a Christian Nation, what happened to our Christian ethic of “Do unto others as we would have others do unto us”…..we can only hope our Grandchildren’s children never have to abandon this island due to climate change, global warming – for that would not be a good time for such chickens to come back home to roost……….. it’s called Karma, more specifically, Country Karma. – and the Universe has a long memory.]

*** The clever but dishonest spin of why our country uses the cruelty of mental torture as the only way for stopping drownings at sea has been used as an unethical cover up and lacking integrity since the boats were first stopped and turned back  If we can turn back boats, we can also rescue boats before they sink if we wanted to (remember the children overboard con) – The dishonest spin seems to be deliberately used to fool the public over and over and over and will soon be exposed as the deliberate media complicit con job on the citizens that it is – and has been for three years or so due to our Pollies not wanting to publicly admit the moral and ethical wrongs – and to then make those wrongs right. 

   [ Besides making rescues at sea if there was a real desire to do so, – any spy catcher knows that simply paying generous bounty money to locals for catching those very bad “people smugglers’’ and bringing the few villains to justice, would have saved all that shame and billions upon billions of dollars in the bargain (savings to give back the school kids bonus) – and would not have the Australian citizens feeling so ashamed and so guilty for allowing it all to have happened in their name, – thats when the full truth finally is revealed.  (We can read of how the German people felt so devastated with their levels of self-respect when the truth was finally revealed about them being conned by the clever words of the devious leaders)  When the new whistle-blower promotion laws are active and the Royal Commission on Refugee Treatment hears the hundreds of personal stories to presents its findings over the sordid matters, the public mood will swing behind total compassion – this will start major healings of the guilty conscience with those citizens who knew it was so very wrong from the start.]

*** With the more enlightened Aquarian Age awakening awareness of all beings as merely different faces (Souls) of the One Life Source, this will generate a sincere wanting to extend equality to all human beings no matter their circumstances, their religious beliefs or situations – this includes those seeking survival refuge in our land and to have our protection as their right to do so under UN conventions we have signed.  Australia has miles upon miles of empty lands similar to where many refugees have lived, and Australians primarily only want to visit.  After all, ask yourself, who owns the Planet anyway?

*** Our Aquarian Age expanded awareness will give a more enlightened attitude towards suffering refugees who will probably be given a ‘feel welcome pack” with a clear synopsis of our Constitution, our rules, our values, our customs and our ways of life, plus any expectations with all the web links to gather more fuller understandings of our society, – with a variety of tips for how they can begin to fit in harmoniously for a good and prosperous life here, and in ways that can contribute to society.

*** The laws and penalties for reducing domestic Violence will also apply to any person causing mental and emotional violence to refugees, including Government Public Servants at any level, or Government Contractors including their Company Directors.  Laws and penalties will apply even for unconscionable conduct, so that asylum seekers and refugees are not purposefully and knowing punished simply as a self interest message for deterring other asylum seekers from coming here.  Those cruel policies of treating refugee seekers (who acted within UN conventions) with emotional cruelty, or inhumane conduct (some claim it has been a form of torture) has been, in many citizens view, a deliberate Crime against Humanity. 

  [This is probably the main reason why Aussie backpackers remove the Australian Flag from their backpacks whist in some areas overseas.  In contrast, with knowing that stopping the boats can be achieved with less harm to humans beings the Australian people would rather have these people treated as human beings deserving Christian kindness of respect and dignity in all ways, whether in public view or hidden away out of public view.  Whistle-blowers revealing morally and ethically wrongful conduct will expose things held secret from citizen and become National Heroes..]

*** The Draconian laws to keep dirty business hidden by threatening Jail time for revealing inhumane things happening by those who have been working at our offshore detention Centres will be retracted on orders from the overwhelming demands from citizens to the Royal Commission seeking to investigate the shameful refugee story from beginning to end. To then give recommendations for laying charges of unconscionable conduct with bringing our country into disrepute, – just the same as sports-people face a high cost for bringing their sporting code into disrepute with bad conduct. 

  [Such a strong stand against bad conduct will start to regain the good name of our society.  Saying sorry with fully admitting the wrongs and also by making rightful compensation actions, seems to be just too much for our Pollies to do voluntarily – perhaps with enough citizen demands and with newly elected Independents without Party Loyalties this will happen sooner than later.]

*** For faster integration, all new arrivals will be given free English Language DVD sets for assisting to quickly learn our English language and local sayings – (to eliminate local fears or suspicions from wondering what they are saying about us.) All new arrivals will be encouraged to use our language in public for speedier harmonious blending into our culture.


If you have well considered brilliant ideas to add to this list, please write them in the Comment area below and / or send them in, preferably worded as the wish fulfilled for allowing readers imagination to then energise the beneficial and benevolent end result outcomes you envision.


Do you have a Facebook page – please pin up the ideas that are meaningful for you.  And you can send demand emails to the Pollies – and especially send demands to independents – but if you really want action go to the very top of our Government System, Our Governor General and make known your dissatisfactions with whatever is causing you pain or stress and ask for his intervention to request Parliament to consider the changes you want for a fairer and more equal society. – a society where Peopl came first, and commercial profits come second.

        Supposing……. Supposing we were to inspire a million or so Armchair Activists for demanding changes that would transform Australia into the First Goodwill Nation………..

Supposing……… If Our Governor General were to receive a half million or so email requests asking to forthwith start a number of wide ranging enquiries covering many of the matters as our major challenges, or better still a number of full Royal Commissions to get to the bottom of why things are as they are with whatever adversely affects you, or what causes you needless struggles and pain, or what causes you unhappiness, or is against your understandings about what a democracy actually is supposed to be in your perspective – and especially demand changes where you can see Government Policies are causing damage to social cohesion in favour of profits for the wealthy.  Or you might ask our Governor General to make a decree that our National Parliament in Australia must fully act to foster the people’s benevolent Happiness and Harmony, as the first and foremost considerations and that industrial or commercial profits as secondary to society cohesian, Happines, Harmony and Goodwill.  Even the unhappy rich       realise that Social Cohesion, Happiness and Harmony in the community are worth far more than gold.

You can send your protests and demand messages to our Governor General in Canberra. His email contact is on his web site – but you are only allowed 250 words……so you will need to be succinct.  If you wish to send a longer written snail mail demand, then respect means to use his correct title, as is copied and pasted here with his web site as well;

His Excellency General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC (Retd)

Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia.

(– email address only available on request)

The salutation for a letter should be “Your Excellency” or “Dear Governor-General”

Your message can be your demand for the changes you want, asking that he as our Governor General, present the Prime Minister and The Government of the day with your specific demands.  Or you might simply demand that Our Queens Government in Australia now act to always consider the needs of the people first and foremost and to give Equality and Fairness to all Citizens, specifically with “ …….x………x…………x…………x…………x………… x”                (insert whatever changes you want)

You can request to be advised if and when this matter will be considered by our Governor General……Simply use the same wording as you would write a respectful demand from a position of knowing that as a citizen, you pay taxes for the Government and Parliament to exists, so as to serve the wants and needs of the people it represents, therefore you have such right.

You can also send your letter of demand to your local Pollies, – or maybe more notice will be taken by those who seek to be lected as Independents in Parliament, who will not be restrained by Party Leaders.  In the past, with even those few strong Independent thinker in our Government, we have generally seen more sensitivity to the needs and demands of the people as their preferences before pampering to industry.  Pity we have not had more free thinking independents showing more concerns for the people – even so, they have been a welcome change of late – we can only hope the Party negative propaganda against Independents will be ignored by intelligent free thinkers who are learning to see what is true – seeing what is true is another Aquarian Age trend.

Social Media is the excellent vehicle for promoting any issue you personally wish for, maybe it is not in the Wish Lists above, yet hopefully from thinking about some of the brilliant ideas and getting to grasp how the world is run by those who turn up, realize that your own Power of One has the potential to move mountains if used in a positive way and for the benevolence of all life forms.  Remember – It is the squeeky wheel that gets the grease.

Support our Aboriginal People

Please read this first  :)
– The AQUARIAN AGE is Transforming Countries into Nations of Goodwill

WISH LIST Challenge # 2;  

The plight of our Aboriginal Citizens and their Descendants.

Whilst these are only ideas,we can imagine each idea as being a wish fulfilled.   Remember that these are only Discussion Points to start the conversations and to stimulate considered thinking about prioities and values and the sort of society we want to phase into for a better world.  These are for personal choices, – choices we hope will be from your own heart as a sovereign being,  Please do not make demands from obligations or based on someone else’s shoulds or should-nots.  To your own self, be true.

*** All citizens of every religious belief, of every culture, of every race and of every colour, will experience and fully feel a sense of Respect, of Unconditional Acceptance, and Equality in name and substance and in Fairness – and in all ways, for all to have the opportunities and the satisfaction of experiencing decent living standards – and thus feeling whorthwhile and valued for who they are as a Human Being.

*** Modern Australia will understand the true history of invasion and dispossession of Aboriginal lands and the then British disrespect for the 45,000 years of evolving cultural practices and especially the deeper meaningfulness of Aboriginal sacred sites in regards to their respect and love for their ancestors.  The honest rewriting of truthful history will, with intelligent people start a new level of respectful admiration towards our first peoples, and also new respect for the descendants of those thousands of Islanders who were kidnapped and brought here against their will to be forced into working slaves for the British settlers. This will show the need for fully real reconciliation into a new level of understanding of why this step is such an important need for healings for our nation to embrace.

*** A TV doco miniseries fully showing the root core reasons for our Australian Cringe to do with our British ancestors taking over this country.  A brutally honest and accurate rewriting of our history to do with the British intentions to kill off the locals as the easy way for stealing this land will change attitudes towards the Aboriginal heritage citizens.  As hard as it will be to accept for some, this truth and admittance of past wrongs which our wealth is built upon and continues to profit our nation, will go a long way towards closing the gaps of understandings and the overdue healings with our past.

*** Establish A Reconciliation Treaty of Rights for Aboriginal People to acknowledge and make amends from white people takeover of land and destroying their 45,000 years of culture – as a start off genuine gesture to make right the wrongs causing the shame and guilt that those today who are sensitive, realise how that has been passed down and still in our DNA as a society wide influence in our collective subconscious, – as an ever present subconscious shame and guilt, eating away at our self-respect and self-esteem and our feelings of worthiness, our sense of genuine self worth and probably is in some way causing much negative bias towards our Aboriginal citizens at a subconscious level.

*** Reduced incarceration rates, way, way down from 18 times more likely than white people to be placed in jail, down to a more fair and equal picture, with far less young people placed in jail to start the negative downhill spiral at huge ongoing costs to citizens from incarcerations that should not happen.

*** All Aboriginal sacred sites land be given back to full ownership governance and custody of the Aboriginal People, as a demonstration of respect and genuine remorse.

*** The present land owners who are prospering from the lands taken from the Aboriginal people compensate some of their gains for the life enhancement of those people from whome the land was taken away at the point of a gun (the mainly dark hidden history and source of our national cringe.) Such compensation could be based on an annual gifting of a Reconciliation & Goodwill Levy of 3 % on all after tax earnings that are greater than is sufficient for farmers and graziers to have a decent life, – a levy on those earnings gained from all agricultural activities on confiscated lands across the country.

*** Broad Acre Lands that were previously taken from Aboriginal people and now owned by foreign owners, will also gift an additional annual Reconciliation & Goodwill Levy of 1 % of that land value, to specifically use for providing the potentials of better education, a better lifestyle and better health services, better housing, and better community facilities /conditions for Aboriginal people in remote areas.


If you have well considered brilliant ideas to add to this list, please write them in the Comment area below and / or send them in, preferably worded as the wish fulfilled for allowing readers imagination to then energise the beneficial and benevolent end result outcomes you envision.


You can send demand emails to the Pollies – especially send to those who will not be told how to vote by Party Leaders – and especially send demands to independents – but if you really want action go to the very top of our Government System, Our Governor General and make known your dissatisfactions with whatever is causing you pain or stress and ask for his intervention to request Parliament to consider the changes you want for a fairer and more equal society. – a society where Peopl came first, and commercial profits come second.

         Supposing……. Supposing we were to inspire a million or so Armchair Activists for demanding changes that would transform Australia into the First Goodwill Nation………..

Supposing……… If Our Governor General were to receive a half million or so email requests asking to forthwith start a number of wide ranging enquiries covering many of the matters as our major challenges, or better still a number of full Royal Commissions to get to the bottom of why things are as they are with whatever adversely affects you, or what causes you needless struggles and pain, or what causes you unhappiness, or is against your understandings about what a democracy actually is supposed to be in your perspective – and especially demand changes where you can see Government Policies are causing damage to social cohesion in favour of profits for the wealthy.  Or you might ask our Governor General to make a decree that our National Parliament in Australia must fully act to foster the people’s benevolent Happiness and Harmony, as the first and foremost considerations and that industrial or commercial profits as secondary to society cohesian, Happines, Harmony and Goodwill.  Even the unhappy rich realise that Social Cohesion, Happiness and Harmony in the community are worth far more than gold.

You can send your protests and demand messages to our Governor General in Canberra. His email contact is on his web site – but you are only allowed 250 words……so you will need to be succinct.  If you wish to send a longer written snail mail demand, then respect means to use his correct title, as is copied and pasted here with his web site as well;

His Excellency General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC (Retd)

Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia.

(– email address only available on request)

The salutation for a letter should be “Your Excellency” or “Dear Governor-General”

Your message can be your demand for the changes you want, asking that he as our Governor General, present the Prime Minister and The Government of the day with your specific demands.  Or you might simply demand that Our Queens Government in Australia now act to always consider the needs of the people first and foremost and to give Equality and Fairness to all Citizens, specifically with “ …….x………x…………x…………x…………x………… x”  (insert whatever changes you want)

You can request to be advised if and when this matter will be considered by our Governor General……Simply use the same wording as you would write a respectful demand from a position of knowing that as a citizen, you pay taxes for the Government and Parliament to exists, so as to serve the wants and needs of the people it represents, therefore you have such right.

You can also send your letter of demand to your local Pollies, – or maybe more notice will be taken by those who seek to be lected as Independents in Parliament, who will not be restrained by Party Leaders.  In the past, with even those few strong Independent thinker in our Government, we have generally seen more sensitivity to the needs and demands of the people as their preferences before pampering to industry.  Pity we have not had more free thinking independents showing more concerns for the people – even so, they have been a welcome change of late – we can only hope the Party negative propaganda against Independents will be ignored by intelligent free thinkers who are learning to see what is true – seeing what is true is another Aquarian Age trend.

Social Media is the excellent vehicle for promoting any issue you personally wish for, maybe it is not in the Wish Lists above, yet hopefully from thinking about some of the brilliant ideas and getting to grasp how the world is run by those who turn up, realize that your own Power of One has the potential to move mountains if used in a positive way and for the benevolence of all life forms.  Remember – It is the squeeky wheel that gets the grease.

For Happy Citizens

Please read this first  :)
– The AQUARIAN AGE is Transforming Countries into Nations of Goodwill

WISH LIST Challenge # 1

To End Exploitation Abuses causing struggle; for Happy Harmonious Citizens.

Whilst these are only ideas, we can imagine each idea as being a wish fulfilled.   Remember that these are only Discussion Points to start the conversations and to stimulate considered thinking about prioities and values and the sort of society we want to phase into for a better world.  These are for personal choices, – choices we hope will be from your own heart as a sovereign being,  Please do not make demands from obligations or based on someone else’s shoulds or should-nots.  To your own self, be true.

*** All citizens will experience a sense of Acceptance and Equality in name and substance as the natural ways of our higher levels of consciousness that are now awakening within the society as the new Aquarian Age unfolds.

*** All citizens will enjoy the Respect of Equal Fairness with governance from widespread understanding that all human beings are children of the One Source of all that is, the very same Force we see giving life as the intelligent life essence with all Beings and forms across the planet. (recall how Luke Skywalker was encouraged to shift his attention to being as one with the Force for being as a Jeddi) – today we say to get in the ‘zone’. As the Aquarian Age unfolds more and more, we will see the majority of humanity naturally and normally being in the ‘zone’ for 24/7 – ( a bit like a world that is sort of like having Christmas every day)

*** Along with acceptance, equality, and fairness, all citizens are given Honestly Respectful treatment in every way, every shape and method, so that everyone feels valued and honoured and thus demonstrates/ mirrors this inner state back out towards society as respectful and grateful attitudes.

*** Establishing a National Commissioner for Happiness Harmony and Wellbeing, to deal with complaints and recommendations to increase the levels of general Happiness and Goodwill with all aspects of society as a method to reduce anti-social attitudes and use of drugs to dampen down inner disharmony.  The Commissioner will focus on the issues of why so much rebellion against authority, against Commercial profit gouging and Multi Nationals exploitations and bullying, etc. etc.  This will start to dissolve and eliminate the internal pent-up anger, anxiety and stress within society for reducing outburst of violence in the various forms.  Reducing the need for alcohol and drugs will be a benevolent outcome from this Commissioner’s activities.

*** New laws defining a far wider definition of unconscionable conduct as being Crimes Against The Citizens will bring an ending to some of the nasty ways some citizens have been treated as we often see on TV by Banks and corporations with mind sets of big profits before people’s wellbeing. (i.e. the asbestos scandal and wiggling out of paying the bill – an example of a crime against humanity, where those Company Directors and management staff, who created or allowed or promoted harms to society for their own corporate profits or salary bonuses will, in times ahead, personally be facing the consequences of their actions)  Those in positions of care and power over citizens as in the prisons and the cruel inhumane treatment of refugee seekers by Immigration public servants and contractors, etc., etc., will cease causing unhappy citizens when criminal charges apply to morally and ethical issues reflecting wrongful abuses of power and positions.

*** As a demonstration of love for one another, we will see a Magna Carta style Bill of Rights, of Privileges, of Obligations and of Expectations established as an addendum to our Constitution, so established from the demands by citizens as pushback to Governments taking away privacy and freedoms.  Citizen’s must have inclusions of basic needs collectively enshrined for protecting their Rights as The Australian Citizens Charter for a happy, healthy, non-stressed, inclusive and mutually supportive society, plus including what is also expected of or from citizens.  This will be legislated as a constitution addendum when there are enough independent Pollies with enough love for the people than has been so far.

*** When The Australian Citizens Charter is in force, we can imagine every citizen being uplifted to new levels of inner happiness and see how this will reduce the pent-up angers within the struggling financially enslaved have-nots of society – such changes to the inner state will dissolve some of the hurts and pain, again reducing drug and alcohol needs, reducing suicides, reducing incarcerations and more – all as huge budget savings.  With our Australian utopia vison defined and guaranteed for all as an Australian Citizens Charter, and other countries copy our lead, we will then reduce recruitments to the imagined utopia vision ISIS is selling to entice the disenchanted to join their caliphate for a better life than our country’s past focusing on money, power, and control as priorities, with citizen’s distress levels given less importance.

*** With the collective consciousness being raised to more of our higher nature on a widespread scale, the more awakened levels of understanding in the areas of linking cause and effect, of sowing and reaping, spoken of as personal karma, or family karma, or country karma by new age people, we will see changes towards community responsibility taken by the more enlightened with being more considerate of what is set in motion for retuning back home to harvest in the future.  Thus, from self-interests understandings of karma, we can expect to see many of the people friendly Aquarian Age changes emerge from voluntary decisions to promote mutual benevolence outcomes (both at home and abroad) for a more happier and harmonious society.

*** With industry and commercial activities realizing their need to become good citizens just to survive, their changing attitudes to seriously supporting the citizenry in ways that promote harmony and wellbeing, without the unhappiness from commercial and industrial activities, has made our society a better environment, even attracting extra overseas visitors.

*** With their biased focus towards Corporation profit increases deemed as a betrayal of struggling citizens, The Productivity Commission team will be sacked by the citizens.  Their past corporation profit bias that promoted more struggle and pain for the less well off “have-nots”, with directing more wealth towards the very well off “haves” was the cause of their downfall with disbanding of that biased Commission.  The replacement from citizen demands for fairness and equality will see a Commissioner for Happiness, Harmony and Wellbeing staffed by those with love for the people, with the agenda of seeking to promote the benevolent good of society as well as retaining a healthy business sector.

*** The Commissioner for Happiness, Harmony and Wellbeing will establish a public access web site for the citizens to describe the what and the why and the where, as the basis of their anger for resolution to a level of satisfaction.  This simple way of being heard by someone who then would negotiate with the other side to peacefully bring the issue to a satisfactory end for healing the inner rage.  This will be a welcome change what has previously not been available for citizens to feel valued and respected.  When this is established we can expect to see the statistics of rage and violence reduce, – because rather than holding in frustration to build up with each next issue to then build and build as pent up inner rage waiting to explode, possibly as domestic violence, or road rage, or trolley rage, or ugly graffiti, and all the other ways that inner rage is released, all that built up negative energy will safely release.  This will also reduce some life threatening conditions from built up levels of rage held inside for too long, sitting there eating away at the person, – manifesting as the various illnesses linked with undue stress on the body and mind. Besides the personal unwinding of stress as consequences from Government policies, think of the potential savings with the health budget when the Commissioner for Happiness, Harmony and Wellbeing is fully active.

*** Co-operation will replace competition, as an ending to the sense of citizens just being considered for commercial exploiting. Society will give favour to those more interested in co-operation for the mutual benefit of society. This attitudinal change of people first will go a long way to dissolving the distrust within society.  Society will change from being like a house divided against itself, to a more inclusive mutually supportive collective mind set.

*** Reducing the high levels of unemployed teens and others due to technology advances ; All corporations profiting from doing business in Australia and do not pay any specific levy for fixing a specific issue of concern, will gift an annual 2 % of their after tax profit to a ‘Life enhancing Fund for Unemployed’ as a pool of money to use for giving the unemployed a better life from being paid to be involved with developing their passion, be it with music, or the arts, or crafts, or being paid to learn, or even to entertain society.  Some may want to plant trees, or regenerate the damaged landscape, or establish community gardens to feed the locals.  Some may want to build walking trails all around the country for tourists and locals to enjoy.  Some may want to develop their sporting skills and create more sporting competitions.  Some may want to become mentors for the younger folks.  Some may want to beautify the areas with positive street art or mini urban forrests.  Some may want to read to the elderly and shut-inns. Some may want to go to Universities and increase their learnings.  Let them all be paid to do this and let the TAFE and University fees be waivered for enhancing the lives of the underprivileged so they too feel wanted and respected as member of a society that cares.  This gifting levy contribution to such changes will also bring changes from distrust and anger towards the business community and the Multi Nationals, to become more of an attitude of gratitude for their displays of caring for the society that they gain their profits from.

*** To pay for fixing the family problems from gambling, we will see those organisations profiting from the gambling losses pay a Community Rehabilitation levy of 1 % on their whole cash flow amount taken in from all gambling activities, and distributed by a ‘Commissioner for the Rehabilitation of Society’ for rebuilding family breakdowns, giving the families a replacement home and any rehabilitation costs for problem gamblers, with any excess used to build personal inner satisfaction levels in society so as to diminish the desire to take risks as a way out of the never ending feelings of financial enslavement.

*** It will be a criminal offence to attempt to deter or block, or induce or bribe any person from being a whistle-blower with revealing dirty business, be it in industry or Government at any level.  Rather, whistle-blowers will be rewarded with a generous portion of fines applied from disclosures or from taxes levied on hidden offshore funds.

*** The number of whistle-blowers will increase as we move more into the Aquarian Age, as more and more citizens get an inner nudge to expose those activities that are not in the good interest of all citizens as equal beings.


If you have well considered brilliant ideas to add to this list, please write them in the Comment area below and / or send them in, preferably worded as the wish fulfilled for allowing readers imagination to then energise the beneficial and benevolent end result outcomes you envision.


Do you have a Facebook page – please pin up the ideas that are meaningful for you.  And you can send demand emails to the Pollies – and especially send demands to independents – but if you really want action go to the very top of our Government System, Our Governor General and make known your dissatisfactions with whatever is causing you pain or stress and ask for his intervention to request Parliament to consider the changes you want for a fairer and more equal society. – a society where Peopl came first, and commercial profits come second.

        Supposing……. Supposing we were to inspire a million or so Armchair Activists for demanding changes that would transform Australia into the First Goodwill Nation………..

Supposing……… If Our Governor General were to receive a half million or so email requests asking to forthwith start a number of wide ranging enquiries covering many of the matters as our major challenges, or better still a number of full Royal Commissions to get to the bottom of why things are as they are with whatever adversely affects you, or what causes you needless struggles and pain, or what causes you unhappiness, or is against your understandings about what a democracy actually is supposed to be in your perspective – and especially demand changes where you can see Government Policies are causing damage to social cohesion in favour of profits for the wealthy.  Or you might ask our Governor General to make a decree that our National Parliament in Australia must fully act to foster the people’s benevolent Happiness and Harmony, as the first and foremost considerations and that industrial or commercial profits as secondary to society cohesian, Happines, Harmony and Goodwill.  Even the unhappy rich realise that Social Cohesion, Happiness and Harmony in the community are worth far more than gold.

You can send your protests and demand messages to our Governor General in Canberra. His email contact is on his web site – but you are only allowed 250 words……so you will need to be succinct.  If you wish to send a longer written snail mail demand, then respect means to use his correct title, as is copied and pasted here with his web site as well;

His Excellency General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC (Retd)

Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia.

(– email address only available on request)

The salutation for a letter should be “Your Excellency” or “Dear Governor-General”

Your message can be your demand for the changes you want, asking that he as our Governor General, present the Prime Minister and The Government of the day with your specific demands.  Or you might simply demand that Our Queens Government in Australia now act to always consider the needs of the people first and foremost and to give Equality and Fairness to all Citizens, specifically with “ …….x………x…………x…………x…………x………… x” (insert whatever changes you want)

You can request to be advised if and when this matter will be considered by our Governor General……Simply use the same wording as you would write a respectful demand from a position of knowing that as a citizen, you pay taxes for the Government and Parliament to exists, so as to serve the wants and needs of the people it represents, therefore you have such right.

You can also send your letter of demand to your local Pollies, – or maybe more notice will be taken by those who seek to be lected as Independents in Parliament, who will not be restrained by Party Leaders.  In the past, with even those few strong Independent thinker in our Government, we have generally seen more sensitivity to the needs and demands of the people as their preferences before pampering to industry.  Pity we have not had more free thinking independents showing more concerns for the people – even so, they have been a welcome change of late – we can only hope the Party negative propaganda against Independents will be ignored by intelligent free thinkers who are learning to see what is true – seeing what is true is another Aquarian Age trend.

Social Media is the excellent vehicle for promoting any issue you personally wish for, maybe it is not in the Wish Lists above, yet hopefully from thinking about some of the brilliant ideas and getting to grasp how the world is run by those who turn up, realize that your own Power of One has the potential to move mountains if used in a positive way and for the benevolence of all life forms.  Remember – It is the squeeky wheel that gets the grease.

Australia as the first Goodwill Nation


AUSTRALIA can be the FIRST Goodwill Nation when ENOUGH DEMAND the CHANGES.


The passing Piscean Age mind sets are now being transformed – ……  

                                ………… below are WISH LISTS for GOODWILL GOVERNANCE.

OUR FATE IS IN GOOD HANDS because The Aquarian Age of enlightenment is becoming more and more fully present in our collective consciousness as each day passes – and the evolutionary changes to higher levels of enlightenment understandings are unstoppable.  Not even space weapons, nor the greatest military power known can stop the planets moving in their pre-set paths with their predetermined collective influencing power beaming down upon our earth and affectively raising the vibrational frequencies of all living on earth – try stopping the ocean tide from rising and falling – and that’s just our moon’s influence….

If we step back and look at the bigger picture to understand what’s going on with all the worldly chaos and mayhem, things can become a lot more clear and allow a peaceful sleep each night. Using our own life as a starting point, we see how the mirror of life reflects our own personal inner state – that’s fairly obvious when looking truly.  As the bigger picture, from the micro transforming struggles to the globally wide collective consciousness struggles, humanity on earth has been going through the turmoils of shifting into a more enlightened state with the Aquarian Age frequencies transforming from within – clashing with the old mind sets resisting changes.

As we see these grand scale struggles within our global community, we can also see it all as the collective mirrors of the internal struggles going on within each person’s inner state as our planet evolves to a more enlightened expression of awakened awareness – as is happening individually and collectively.  With the outer world chaos and mayhem we see how tenaciously the old ways resist the winds of change shaking societies’ values and beliefs to their very core. With the personal, as each one of us let go and surrender to our higher nature, the old self concepts and self-images can fight for their very survival after running free for lifetimes.  For inner harmony, just Love the ego as it steps down from the leading role to be a supporting role, as your own more enlightened higher nature wisdom is awakened and takes over more and more.

Understanding the Aquarian Age Constellation.

The Aquarian constellation has a number of planets all lining up as one collective combined frequency force of vibrational information for breaking down the old Piscean Age mind sets and structures (which sometimes looks like mayhem and chaos) so as to allow the new age energies to shift our collective mind sets towards a higher level of evolutionary enlightenment. The Aquarian changes that will save our world are all set up on a higher dimension.  Mystics tell us that whatever will be, has already happened outside of time.  All of the new technology break throughs we see are from visionaries tapping into the higher realms of existence and transposing the impressions into physical forms.

The higher / loftier and more enlightened, more all-knowing perspectives starting from grass roots up will not be deterred from demanding Aquarian Age moral values with taking care of our planet, of treating all people with higher respect, of more integrity and higher moral values demanded from industry and governance of our Global Family.  The higher ethical values will be a reflection of the mass opening of humanity’s third eye as this higher dimensional sixth sense is awakened across our planet. Can you imagine the differences when more than half the population are clairvoyant with their third eye sixth sense seeing what is true and what is not true from simply reading an individual’s aura, where nothing is hidden.  This will become more prominently exposed as the youth and children of the new age grow into their roles of taking charge of our media, with commercial distributors of information showing greater realisations of the responsibility to be good forthright citizens with such power influence.  That’s why today’s children and youth are so advanced compared to a generation or two back, our fate is in good hands.  And that’s why all the doom and gloom talk is based upon simple ignorance of the long evolutionary process of Souls journey of awakening here on earth…..

 The Aquarian age is prophesised to be an age with our next step to higher dimensions of expanded awareness towards the Source of All That Is.  Thus we can look forward to a knowingness of ourselves and every other being which will lift humanity to a higher level of thinking above the old Piscean mind sets focus of gaining more money, more power or control.

The Aquarian age is prophesised to be an age of equality – based on a more widespread awareness of all living beings as One Life, One Source, One Intelligence, One Spirit – and, that includes mother earth and all of our cosmos.

The Aquarian age is prophesised to be a time of peaceful harmony, with co-operation replacing competition to give mutual benevolence for all life forms as equally loved expressions of the One Source of All That Is.

The Aquarian Age is prophesised to be an information age, where all that has been hidden will be exposed. We see social media taking over mainstream media dominance with information dissemination.  Exposing the hidden will be a big turning driver as whistle-blowers come out in numbers (i.e. recall how WikiLeaks and other exposures of things held secret forced changes upon outdated Piscean mind sets). Thank God for the whistle-blowers who inspire and encourage grass roots demands for changes towards higher integrity and moral Christian values of loving compassion, mercy and respect for life with an ending of man’s inhumanity to man, as a past Piscean Age attitude.  Now is the time for the values our great way-shower demonstrated 2,000 years back as the next stage of evolution above the more barbaric like mind sets prevalent at that time in history.

Goodwill is the basis of the Aquarian Age – Resistance is futile.

We will see meaningful changes with this new age – showing up as Equality and Respect and Fairness and Compassion, Higher Ethics and Sharing of Information and Expanding of Awareness Understandings and No Secrets (think of functioning in the dimensions of no time or space allowing remote viewing with third eye openings giving clairvoyant abilities to most all people across the globe) – think how useless military power will become as the new age unfolds it’s changes, now happening – and will be unstoppable as the youth and children gradually take over.

YES …..The Aquarian Age is here folks, slowly phasing in more and more each day, for this new 2,000 year cycle.  Look around to see the chaos and upheavals as the Piscean Age mind sets are challenged by rebellious youth and a few elder more enlightened thinkers.  See how the old ways and structures are broken down for being replaced with the new levels of awareness and understandings now shifting humanity to higher levels of moral values with attitudes and expressions, as caused from the combined influences upon us all from the Aquarian Age constellation of planets.  Note the Australia wide media shift in attitudes towards asylum seekers as self-interests political point scorings give way towards more compassion and caring for the less fortunate – now we even see churches offering sanctuary as a way of standing up to Government cruelty reflections of man’s inhumanity to man with refugees, as was assessed to be the voter’s demands just 3 years back. (from Piscean Age thinking to Aquarian Age thinking)

 Every Citizen can support benevolent changes with their own Spiritual Power of One.

Being creators as we are, (yet mostly unaware of)  consider the power of our belief with creating our life experiences, also known as the placebo effect in medicine – our attention focus can be likened to an ongoing prayer to out-picture as real life with one’s affairs – the reason is because where the attention goes, the Power of one’s Spirit flows.  All Olympic Champions and all the stories of success with achieving tell about disciplining ones thinking towards using a non-scattered laser like focussing of attention on the desired outcomes.  If you resonate with any point within any of the Wish Lists below, read them as having already happened as a way of using your own Power of One to bring the changes you want – but also make your demands known – demands will bring change.

Our ever ongoing moment to moment creating of our own inner state, which then attracts our life experiences, (as like an ongoing inner self talk silent prayer) both individually and collectively, appears to be the way we humans learn about the Power of the Spirit that we are.  Reflecting on our life journey we can see the links of how focusing or disciplining where the focus of one’s creative attention was focused upon, led to positive changes. Or with thinking/dwelling on something feared, can attract similar into our life as experiences, (think back on some of those bumps along the road along our life journey) thus we learn, even the hard way that our inner state is the key with creating or manifesting our life experiences, as we each prefer – and that we can establish the preferred inner state to then become our outer experience.  We see a lot of promotions to think positively for attracting positive outcomes. We each in our own time discover that Fearing the negative (establishing that vibrational inner state) will then start attracting the the very type of situation we are afraid of.

The Aquarian Age awakenings will bring more enlightenment to the widespread unawareness that as we promote for influencing or wishing upon others does at the very same time become those very same frequencies within our own self .  Thus promoting fears within others for self interests has a karmic price tag attached, which at some point, this life or a future life will surely come back to be worked through.  Wishing good for others is also attracting the same to oneself (notice how some people seem to have a charmed life).  No one is exempt from the Spiritual Laws that govern over us as administered by those beings on higher dimensions with that job – including our own Guardian Angels and Mentors in Spirit (recall waking up feeling as though you were very active during sleep times)

Keep thinking of the positive outcomes from the Wish Lists below – as thousands of others also give their energy to the wish fulfilled, that will gradually create a morphic field in the atmosphere and thus become a collectively strong influence. (read on Google about the 100th Monkey story for understanding the influence of similar thought forms collecting together as morphic fields)

You can take back your power – it is a choice.  Subservience is most unbecoming and belittleing of your true self.  Try functioning from your Higher Nature as the doorway through the glass ceiling into being more of who you really are – then the new age will blossom through you to all life – you may even find yourself becoming a next Braco.

Every person always has a choice of taking back their Power – as seems to happen in each person’s own time – the prize with discovering how whatever the attention is focused upon is there and then attracting what we each will get more of as our life experiences.  We hear the common sayings “be careful what you wish for”… and “what you focus on is what you get.” ….and similarly; “don’t focus on what you don’t want.” or, if religious you would have read about doing unto others as you want done unto you.  Now more understanding is spreading that every human though is like a wish, like a silent prayer attractor. Think of this like a message being beamed out into the Universe for being filled – thus each individual’s self-talk is like a co-creator out-picturing their own life as wishes fulfilled from the Universe.  Over lifetimes we learn about becoming a more responsible Creator with our focusing of attention for directing our Spiritual Power.

Back to the here and now.  Every person will decide when it is time to be governed over with rules based on equality, fairness and primarily seeking benevolent goodwill outcomes for all citizens.  These Christian moral value ethics of loving compassion for all human beings, for all animals and for our living planet will become the very first prime considerations with every new piece of legislation.  Employment will phase over from enforcing society into financial enslavement to a whole new way of thinking that reflects humanity in a whole different light from the knowingness of why we are here and what’s really going on in or with the bigger picture to do with the evolution of Human Consciousness.  Our individual and collective choice is about either accepting change or resisting change.  Changes that will prevail, changes that can-not be stopped by spin, suppression or military force, or even by subliminal means. To repeat, resistance to the Aquarian Age planetary frequencies now beaming down upon us all, is futile.

Every person can choose to be part of the problems or part of the solutions.                Act Locally – Think Globally.

We can imagine Australia being recognised as The First Goodwill Nation as an example for other nations seeking a better way for the citizens.  As a nation, when peaceful goodwill to all citizens is more fully present as a way of life, other nations will not consider us any threat to their security, thus fears of pre-emptive invasions (as their defense) become less of a worry, and being a non-agressive Nation we will have huge savings on the need for spending on military hardware.  (Consider that reduction in personal taxes)

Aquarian Age changes will be demanded from the ground up, and not from the top down – so every citizen can discover that yes, as our PM states, there has never been a more exciting time to be an Australian Citizen – because we each can encourage changes for the better – and we can demand changes that will bring more happiness and harmony to our lives.

The Wish Lists reflects our Democracy being Of the people, By the people, and For the people.  If your group has a brilliant idea and seeks an inclusion in the Wish Lists, please set it out in an email. Please give a fully explained picture of your Wish as being fulfilled, as though it has actually happened, with your reasoning and the benevolent outcomes that would reflect the Aquarian Age – acting locally, thinking globally.

We do not have any staff to be involved with discussions of what should or should not go in our list, and give no guarantees that any specific Wishes will be included.  We encourage others to collect ideas to establish other similar web sites that promote more humane and higher ethical rules of governance over us all – feel free to copy anything from this web site.

This Starting off Wish List below will continue growing as more brilliant ideas are collected.

These Aquarian Age Values from more enlightened levels of Goodwill, and from the top down, will gradually change society to be more Happy, more Harmonious, and show more Loving Respect towards each other, and all life Forms.  From the bottom up we demand – from the top down they implement.  Think about these quantum leap ideas, consider – discuss each point simply proposed as a “ What if ” at the next Barbeque, or coffee club, or pub talk.

For every problem, there is the one magic bullet, love, – agape love expressed as loving.  The Essence of Love Is always present as our Higher Nature, like a mother’s love for her new born child – and enough love at this level can heal everything.  Love is the spiritual life essence of who we are, the One life essence of all beings, beating every heart.  And this higher frequency Love is how the Aquarian Age will raise and transform the vibrations for healing the many major challenges reflecting the old Piscean Age lower vibrational mind sets across the globe.

Australia can be the First Goodwill Nation, by using the Power of Love to fix the old Piscean Age problems.  However, we need to be sensitive with allowing time for surrender and letting go.

IMAGINE THESE CHANGES ……and IMAGINE THEIR OUTCOMES …..these wishes are mostly written as having already happened, so please read them as in a future time….after, if you like   how you feel about something, then consider asking for it, or even demanding that change as an Armchair Activist to transform Australia into being recognised as the First Goodwill Nation

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After Imagining the next step is to start believing in the actual possibility of that becoming manifested.  For it is the power of belief (called Faith by religious people) when strong enough or sufficient enough to overcome any opposing memory held in the subconscious, that your belief brings outer level transformations.  Faith or belief in a sugar pill from a GP can, (if no inner resistance) bring an end to symptons – we call this the placebo effect – just another word for belief or faith.. So the trick is to have faith in ones creative Imaginings so long as they are sincerely seeking only whatever is for the highest good of all concerned.


 Here are the Wish Lists of Challenges.  Click on any list to go to that list of brilliant ideas.  Remember that these are only Discussion Points to start the conversations and to stimulate considered thinking about priorities and values and the sort of society we want to phase into for a better world.  These are for personal choices, – choices we hope will be from your own heart as a sovereign being,  Please do not make demands from obligations or based on someone else’s shoulds or should-nots.  To your own self, be true.

1…. End the Exploitations and abuses – Promote Happy Harmonious Citizens.  CLICK HERE

2…. The plight of our Aboriginal Citizens and their descendants.  CLICK HERE

3….. Our Refugee Asylum Seeker Shame. CLICK HERE

4….. Rebuilding Trust and Confidence in the ‘System” governing over us. CLICK HERE

5…. Ending needless struggles with People First and Sharing the common wealth. CLICK HERE

6….. Deciding if we are a Democracy and giving power back to the people. CLICK HERE

7…. Our Climate Change dilemma. CLICK HERE

8…. Our Budget Emergency of insufficient revenue. CLICK HERE

9…. Our personal Taxation dilemma. CLICK HERE


If you have a well considered brilliant ideas to add to this list, please write them in the Comment area below and / or send them in, preferably worded as the wish fulfilled for allowing readers imagination to then energise the beneficial and benevolent end result       outcomes you envision.                                                                             OUR EMAIL ADDRESS for WISH LIST INCLUSIONS is ;

Image result for quotes for change

You can send demand emails to the Pollies – especially send to those who will not be told how to vote by Party Leaders – and especially send demands to independents – but if you really want action go to the very top of our Government System, Our Governor General and make known your dissatisfactions with whatever is causing you pain or stress and ask for his intervention to request Parliament to consider the changes you want for a fairer and more equal society. – a society where Peopl came first, and commercial profits come second.

         Supposing……. Supposing we were to inspire a million or so Armchair Activists for demanding changes that would transform Australia into the First Goodwill Nation………..

Supposing……… If Our Governor General were to receive a half million or so email requests asking to forthwith start a number of wide ranging enquiries covering many of the matters as our major challenges, or better still a number of full Royal Commissions to get to the bottom of why things are as they are with whatever adversely affects you, or what causes you needless struggles and pain, or what causes you unhappiness, or is against your understandings about what a democracy actually is supposed to be in your perspective – and especially demand changes where you can see Government Policies are causing damage to social cohesion in favour of profits for the wealthy.  Or you might ask our Governor General to make a decree that our National Parliament in Australia must fully act to foster the people’s benevolent Happiness and Harmony, as the first and foremost considerations and that industrial or commercial profits as secondary to society cohesian, Happines, Harmony and Goodwill.  Even the unhappy rich realise that Social Cohesion, Happiness and Harmony in the community are worth far more than gold.

You can send your protests and demand messages to our Governor General in Canberra. His email contact is on his web site – but you are only allowed 250 words……so you will need to be succinct.  If you wish to send a longer written snail mail demand, then respect means to use his correct title, as is copied and pasted here with his web site as well;

His Excellency General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC (Retd)

Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia.

(– email address only available on request)

The salutation for a letter should be “Your Excellency” or “Dear Governor-General”

Your message can be your demand for the changes you want, asking that he as our Governor General, present the Prime Minister and The Government of the day with your specific demands.  Or you might simply demand that Our Queen’s Government in Australia now act to always consider the needs of the people first and foremost and to give Equality and Fairness to all Citizens, specifically with “ …….x………x…………x…………x…………x………… x” (insert whatever changes you want)

You can request to be advised if and when this matter will be considered by our Governor General……Simply use the same wording as you would write a respectful demand from a position of knowing that as a citizen, you pay taxes for the Government and Parliament to exists, so as to serve the wants and needs of the people it represents, therefore you have such right.

You can also send your letter of demand to your local Pollies, – or maybe more notice will be taken by those who seek to be elected as Independents in Parliament, who will not be restrained by Party Leaders.  In the past, with even those few strong Independent thinkers in our Government, we have generally seen more sensitivity to the needs and demands of the people as their preferences before pampering to industry.  Pity we have not had more free thinking independents showing more concerns for the people – even so, they have been a welcome change of late – we can only hope the Party negative propaganda against Independents will be ignored by intelligent free thinkers who are learning to see what is true – seeing what is true is another Aquarian Age trend.

Social Media is the excellent vehicle for promoting any issue you personally wish for, maybe it is not in the Wish Lists above, yet hopefully from thinking about some of the brilliant ideas and getting to grasp how the world is run by those who turn up, realize that your own Power of One has the potential to move mountains if used in a positive way and for the benevolence of all life forms.  Remember – It is the squeeky wheel that gets the grease.


 Changes can happen as fast as we are able to deal with accepting the changes.

Because of the popularity of resisting change due to fears of the unknown, these new Aquarian Age mind sets reflecting more benevolently Loving Goodwill towards all, may phase in slowly with changes that challenge the old attitudes and probably will not be popular with the loud media voices who want to continue with business as usual.  Thus, shooting the messengers with inconvenient information has been the popular method to silence dissenters during the old The Piscean Age mind sets…. like Martin Luther King, Ghandi, Lincoln, etc. etc. etc. even of the late John Lennon and his song “Imagine” (listen to his prophecies for The Aquarian Age) – even the revered great Way-shower some 2,000 years ago, was treated with scorn and put up on a cross for rocking the boat.

All were promoting the Aquarian Age changes of mind sets towards more Loving Peace and Goodwill as the Way, the way for Truth and the Light – (Truth being our Higher Nature and Light as in enlightenment, or Heart Light, indicating the life Presence of Spirit within all Beings) – or what about Galileo as the first person who declared that our planet revolved around the sun in defiance of the Church, he was thrown in Jail, as his punishment for challenging the popular story line.  The thing to remember about beliefs is that as we each believe, that then becomes the Law unto each of us.

Shooting the messengers so as to allow business to continue on as usual by applying a few pacifying band-aid coverings over happiness destroyers in society is a bit like those fools re-arranging the deck chairs on the sinking Titanic whilst the band played on – telling deluded spin to themselves to believe that those icebergs looming up ahead were simply showing a need to take away more of citizens rights to privacy and the need for more repression laws and PR propaganda spin to curb dissident expressions against the system biased towards the rich getting richer with its down-side harms now needing big money to fix – Enough is Enough.

Read the icebergs as an analogy of the shameful and dreadful yet mostly ignorant and misguided good intentions, – or inhumane hard hearted compassionless lower nature, – or our dark side egos, seeking power and control over others, as has been our history for the last 200 + years. Read the Titanic as an analogy of ‘’The Good Ship Australia” sliding into the morass with loss of trust, respect and belief in Government party politics causing the anti-social disillusionment, – and reflecting as many of the troubles we have.  Troubles from cut backs everywhere we look, including the widespread loss of happiness increasing more and more by the day from feeling the financial burden of too much struggle, – and at the same time watching the rich get even richer.

Perhaps if only half of our Pollies were ordinary people who live on Struggle Street and really  experience real life situations with making ends meet at monthly bills times, we might see a lot more compassion reflected in the policies that cause hurt to the 80 or 90 % who are not proportionately reflected with those Representatives in Canberra.  On a Pollies salary plus the perks, one could never imagine them having to decide to either pay the electricity bill or pay the rent that week.

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Yes we have so much dark and shameful history, past and present, even going all the way back with ancestors killing off the locals for taking their lands – the sooner we own up to our collective past as a nation, the sooner we can start the deep healings with making right the wrongs for allowing us all to shift our country into peaceful harmony as a Nation of Goodwill – A Goodwill Nation – but we can do it – we have personal choices of either being part of the problems or being part of the solutions.  Every citizen has the Power of One to use as a choice for demanding solution changes that go past Piscean Age thinking of excuses or blaming others.

This web page is mainly for the young who will inherit all the mess.

This web page will only make sense to those who choose to be part of the solutions and the younger folks who as yet cannot vote, but unfortunately will be inheriting both the global and local disasters and mess-ups that we the elder generations have set in motion from old Piscean Age mind set thinking.  Thankfully, in the nick of time, those previous age values are now being rejected, pushed back, and demands for something better is heard all around.  How many world citizens realise that we have enough atomic bombs ready to turn our planet into total ash – a zero life moonscape and maybe five times over.  A moonscape means no life, no living thing, all into ash.  But, do not be disturbed by the madness of lower ego-maniac nature dark side with so many destructive weapons for mutually assured destruction on all sides, because the hovering space ships have the ability to instantly vaporise any hands reaching out to press the red buttons that could throw this planet off of its axis or disturb the Cosmos balance.

Evolution of consciousness is the gradual awakening to greater and greater dimensions of Itself, this can not be stopped.  As the more enlightened skills of remote viewing, and transposing or re-manifesting of oneself in another location (like the great Way-shower demonstrated over and over 2,000 years back) – as these and other higher frequency skills gradually become common place, more knowledge of the long history of Earth Planet passing through the evolutionary processes of the 2000 year cycles of age to age, will become more widely understood with the majority as time goes by.

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Sometimes in life we each need to risk rejection, yet he wins who endures to the end..

If you feel it is time for big changes, but have held back after reading our planet’s scary or violent history where first responses was more like shooting the messengers for avoiding scrutiny of inconvenient information – recall how the old mind sets do not speak kindly of whistle-blowers leaking secret information that can upset the status quo, of the gravy trains or to cause a die-off with cash cows – any big disturbances to continuing on with business as usual, are never welcome at the top.  BUT…..Fear not, for we are now in different times.

Take heart, for as half the country decides that it is time to stand up and use their Power of One for a better and happier life in a happier society, such a peaceful revolution of Armchair Activists will then become far, far too many citizens to simply shoot down with spin ridicule or silencing with bullets.  Keep in mind that as a democracy, we the people have the power, and not only for one Election Day every three years or so, but every day.  We, the people have full rights to demand changes that will make life better and happier, because we are a Democracy and we the people are the masters over our governing bodies who are paid to be the servants of the people – recall how all Pollies usually acknowledge this fact when firstly elected for translating the mix of society demands into rules governing over us for a fair and orderly society where all can live peacefully, harmoniously and happily together and to prosper as some choose to. The fair-go society, will return to being Fair and equal for all.

       We can have hope for turning the tides to a livable future for the grandchildren.

So, mostly this web page will be resonate with rebellious teens and the children born into this new era with earth history, the Wish List of changes to values that resonate more with our Higher Nature (as the loving goodwill of this Aquarian Age of Enlightenment,) will appeal to those already demonstrating a higher level of enlightenment.  This web page will also be giving encouragement and hope for the disenchanted, give new visions for the disenfranchised and inspiration for those who had given up with expecting anything better from Governments – or expecting Governments to actually fix the big problems either promoted or allowed to happen.

In a nutshell we could say that this web page is for those amongst us feeling let down by our rulers and industry and who feel like shouting from the windows; ” I am feeling madder than hell – and I am not going to take it anymore”. You may recall that movie with those similar words, when the people all shouted that enough was enough and demanded change.  However, consider only peaceful demands for changes to fairness and equality, because every single thing you do will be written in your own Book of Life and as such will be with you, for eternity.

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Persons having a near death experience will ofter see their whole life flash before them as a lightning fast movie – this is the recordings in their book of life.   Sometime, not too many decades ahead, the more enlightened will be able to see into the next finer dimensions and read your personal history back to you, even going back over many lifetimes in various roles. – you may find yourelf doing this too.  This is because when you, the Spiritual Essence is perceiving from a higher body dimension, that same dimesnsion is perceived in all others, – similarly as when perceiving from the physical level our eyes perceive the physical dimension body.  It seems that we already perceive each person’s personal book of life on the subjective level, which will often surface as feelings of an instant like or dislike towards others.

Although things may not seem too good during this period of change, our future is Bright.

If you research the values of the different ages as their planetary frequencies beamed down upon us from above, common sense will tell how the Aquarian Age prophecies will be a time predominated with love (the Christ like love of compassion and acceptance, of caring and sharing), ……of brotherhood (fairness, equality, mutual support),……..and of unity (mutual co-operation rather than like a house divided against itself)   Then add the higher levels of integrity (heartfelt ethical morality from above the level of the ego thinking limitations of the false self) …….we can see how when all together as a positive force for good, this Higher Nature level of loving expressions will surely heal all things that now can seem unsurmountable when looked at from a lower dimension.   Yes, it is right, enough love, as loving, will heal everything.

Yes, Aquarian Age values can heal all things (think about healings of family rifts that now are fine after the loving energy was allowed back into the home.)  History shows that peaceful harmony, and happiness in society will not come from endlessly growing the economy with all of its negative out of balance downsides.  Promoting more of the competitive dog eat dog, law of the jungle environment needing more authority power dominance for suppressions, imposing unfair or unequal rules upon others so that the rich get richer, whilst the poor get poorer and allow the strongest bullies to survive – these are values that are past their use bye date.  Peaceful Harmony in our Nation will only grow from real fairness and real equality, and this will happen when the citizens demand such changes.

Please consider demanding the solution that appeals to you….. and ask others to do it too.

Thank you for reading this – Peace be with you.

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