Power is with the People

Please read this first  :)
– The AQUARIAN AGE is Transforming Countries into Nations of Goodwill

For Challenge # 6;

Deciding if we are a Democracy and what power do the people actually have.

Whilst these are only ideas,we can imagine each idea as being a wish fulfilled.   Remember that these are only Discussion Points to start the conversations and to stimulate considered thinking about prioities and values and the sort of society we want to phase into for a better world.  These are for personal choices, – choices we hope will be from your own heart as a sovereign being,  Please do not make demands from obligations or based on someone else’s shoulds or should-nots.  To your own self, be true

DICTIONARY DEFINITION ; de·moc·ra·cy (dĭ-mŏk′rə-sē) n. pl. de·moc·ra·cies

1. Government by the people, exercised either directly or through elected representatives.

2. A political or social unit that has such a government.

3. The common people, considered as the primary source of political power.

4. Majority rule.

5. The principles of social equality and respect for the individual within a community.

*** The new levels of higher enlightenment awareness will have citizens demanding that as a democracy the people are the Masters and the Pollies are the servants, elected to do the citizens will. This will be like a quantum paradigm shift with the power dynamics in the relationship between our Pollies and those they represent in the three levels of Governing over us. Power will be in the hands of the people, and the people will rightfully demand that their power be recognised, even to the level of boycotting the advertisers supprting media outlets promoting Pollie spin as the old ways to control or manipulate community thinking.

*** We will see the fading away of The Old Piscean Age Values of worshipping the Gods of Money & Power & Control, due to realisations of those being the root cause of our great mess. With living more from our own higher nature, we will see more worshipping of The God of Love, the compassionate caring Love for all of Its Creation, (Aquarian Age values) This will bring a whole new level of human understanding about the meaning and the spirit of the intentions as the basis behind what we interpret as our Democracy.

*** Every Politician in our three tiers of Government will gradually become fully independent voices of the people, all co-operating together for bringing Governments of Common Sense with every matter – that might mean the ending of political party ideologies, ending religious extreme groupings, and ending closed door deals for colluding or vote trading to favour outcomes to suit lobbyists, etc.

*** For a level playing field, no third party persons, or group, or religion, or industry be allowed to donate monies or activities in any other way for influencing election outcomes.

*** NO political Donations allowed in any way shape or form – no exceptions.

*** Zero influencing or politically orientated advertising or funding of any candidate seeking to be elected, by any third party persons, or organisations, or lobby groups, or interest groups, or industry. No more Industry or lobby group donations allowed to politicians or political parties as the way for giving a level playing field for all seeking to be elected to Governments.

*** No third party activity for buying votes in any shape or form for changing the balance of a totally level playing field for all seeking to be elected to any level of governing. Every person will be elected on their own personal merits.

*** No tax-payers money given to any political parties in any way shape or form.

*** For a level playing field with promotions, no more than $10,000 to be spent individually by any political candidate seeking election to any level of any governing body, Local, State or Federal. This will end all that negatively oriented dreadful character assassination TV advertising once and for all.

*** For a level playing field, all media outlets, local or national (as part of their social licence to operate) will be obliged to offer non-biased free and equal time or space with PR exposure for every candidate who seeks it.

*** For balanced information, all media outlets with influence over public thinking will be individually owned and controlled.

*** For voters to be fully informed prior to elections, all persons seeking election to any level of governing over others, will on a Government web site, make available their personal history, any affiliations, strong beliefs to do with religious interpretation, morality /ethics, their biases/ prejudices if any, and their intentions for seeking to be in the Governing council.

*** All media information povided to citizens will be totally factual and boldly advised when specific information is only an opinion or an imagined future.

*** No deceptive or misleading, over exaggerated non-factual information, or fear mongering allowed for industry or commercial or political gain. No spin and no misinformation will be promoted through the media.

*** Establish a Fact and Truth Commissioner in every capital city for citizens to sort out fact from fiction.  And such Commissioner to have the authority to make recommendations for prosecutions for spreading misinformation for gain.

*** The Fact and Truth Commissioner will investigate complaints to do with using subliminal messaging and other method of hypnotic mind control or brain washing repetition as psychologically enforced NLP type influencing over freedom of thinking, and where found such has happened, to make recommendations of serious consequences for all persons involved for creating or promoting or knowingly allowing any such a self-interest crime against unsuspecting and trusting citizens.  Trust within society is a precious comodity.

*** Ending all secrecy to do with component items i.e. such as mercury fears, within mass medication and their specific actions within the body as advised by the Fact and Truth Commissioner will give neutral biased clarity concerning the negative stories causing the pushback to vaccinations and fluoride (as used by Hitler) or other fears about such having hidden harmful downsides previously not fully revealed.

*** No, misleading, deceptive, fraudulent, out of context, selectively one sided bits of the story, or any concocted hypotheticals or imagined outcomes spoken of as being real fact when it is only spin as mind control attempts of playing with our heads or promoting fear – with huge penalties for doing so.  No more scary Budget emergencies (as reasons to cut welfare and services spending) when later revealed that was only imagined spin to deliver big cuts to unsuspecting citizens.

*** All pollies make a declaration of recognition that her or him is elected as the servant of the people and not the master over the people, with a written and Binding Contract to the Voters of his or her electorate, pledging to vote on all issues as the majority of constituents demand to be done so, and pledge to not vote in any way as sought by any person outside of his or her electorate.

*** All pollies must, when entering Parliament houses, leave their egos at the door, leave their animosities and bullying tendencies at the door – then demonstrate respect to each other, with no mud-slinging during any tax payer funded time as a Pollie – and do so as the responsible example for society as the standard of respectful conduct to follow – from the top down.

*** End the Governing stupidity of two sides fighting each other as the old Piscean mind set. All 226 Pollies make an Oath of Allegiance to work harmoniously together, to be co-operating together to find the best known consensus outcomes for achieving the benevolently fair and equal outcomes for all citizens as their prime objective.  Taxpayers should not need to pay for a full government when only half are actualy doing any governing – and thats when they are not trying to promote being re-elected or trying to destroy the image of the other half. The old Piscean ways of paying for a full Government, and only getting half actually doing the job has not been good value for taxpayers money spent.

*** No devious use of Dodgy Brothers experts, nor their sus modelling, nor their sus dodgy science based reports, nor their sus surveys, nor their sus selected statistics. Have the Fact and Truth Commissioner give both sides of every story to all Pollies before such is used to establish new laws.

*** For Government by the people, as similar with the Swiss model, all new rules and legislation will be veto-power voted on for either acceptance or rejection by the people via an internet based referendum covering all new legislation, every 3 months.  Such democratic control returned to the citizen will reinforce the position of citizens as the masters and governments as the servants of the citizens for a more cohesive and happy society, with restoring full belief in the Government reflecting the actual people’s wishes.

*** Reduce the voting age to allow those having to clean up the mess now have a vote on what is set in motion.  Allow the teens who will have to fix the major problems we have caused for them, have their say with remedy policies.  The youth of today need to have more say about all the problems they will be fixing as the oldies die out

*** Establishing a National Fact and Truth Commissioner, as an office where citizens can be guided with what is fact and what is fiction. This Commissioner might establish it’s own Citizens National Hall of Fame, as a National listing for those who have made a big positive difference for the betterment of one and all in society. In this way, we can give national acclaim and recognition to those who have helped save our planet, and especially to the Whistle-blowers whose Higher Nature Morality, Ethics and Courage either directly or indirectly caused changes that have given benevolent outcomes for trusting citizens. To be included on this Honour Roll can become an inspirational goal for those who love humanity, love our natural world and value our good fortune as citizens.

*** Harm Reduction; A self-activated change of attitudes towards the exploitations of the vulnerable and less fortunate, will surely remove lots of bad business exploitations from within our society. With the potential of harmful activities being exposed from encouraging and highly rewarding the whistle-blowers, there will be very few Company Directors that will place profits and greed as more valuable than their good name reputation as a member of society, thus we will probably see heaps less bad business with more voluntary goodwill actions towards our environment, our eco systems, our animals and towards human beings.


If you have well considered brilliant ideas to add to this list, please write them in the Comment area below and / or send them in, preferably worded as the wish fulfilled for allowing readers imagination to then energise the beneficial and benevolent end result outcomes you envision.

OUR EMAIL ADDRESS for WISH LIST INCLUSIONS is ; goodwillpeople.net@gmail.com

You can send demand emails to the Pollies – especially send to those who will not be told how to vote by Party Leaders – and especially send demands to independents – but if you really want action go to the very top of our Government System, Our Governor General and make known your dissatisfactions with whatever is causing you pain or stress and ask for his intervention to request Parliament to consider the changes you want for a fairer and more equal society. – a society where Peopl came first, and commercial profits come second.

         Supposing……. Supposing we were to inspire a million or so Armchair Activists for demanding changes that would transform Australia into the First Goodwill Nation………..

Supposing……… If Our Governor General were to receive a half million or so email requests asking to forthwith start a number of wide ranging enquiries covering many of the matters as our major challenges, or better still a number of full Royal Commissions to get to the bottom of why things are as they are with whatever adversely affects you, or what causes you needless struggles and pain, or what causes you unhappiness, or is against your understandings about what a democracy actually is supposed to be in your perspective – and especially demand changes where you can see Government Policies are causing damage to social cohesion in favour of profits for the wealthy.  Or you might ask our Governor General to make a decree that our National Parliament in Australia must fully act to foster the people’s benevolent Happiness and Harmony, as the first and foremost considerations and that industrial or commercial profits as secondary to society cohesian, Happines, Harmony and Goodwill.  Even the unhappy rich realise that Social Cohesion, Happiness and Harmony in the community are worth far more than gold.

You can send your protests and demand messages to our Governor General in Canberra. His email contact is on his web site – but you are only allowed 250 words……so you will need to be succinct.  If you wish to send a longer written snail mail demand, then respect means to use his correct title, as is copied and pasted here with his web site as well;

His Excellency General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC (Retd)

Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia.

(– email address only available on request)


The salutation for a letter should be “Your Excellency” or “Dear Governor-General”

Your message can be your demand for the changes you want, asking that he as our Governor General, present the Prime Minister and The Government of the day with your specific demands.  Or you might simply demand that Our Queens Government in Australia now act to always consider the needs of the people first and foremost and to give Equality and Fairness to all Citizens, specifically with “ …….x………x…………x…………x…………x………… x”                (insert whatever changes you want)

You can request to be advised if and when this matter will be considered by our Governor General……Simply use the same wording as you would write a respectful demand from a position of knowing that as a citizen, you pay taxes for the Government and Parliament to exists, so as to serve the wants and needs of the people it represents, therefore you have such right.

You can also send your letter of demand to your local Pollies, – or maybe more notice will be taken by those who seek to be lected as Independents in Parliament, who will not be restrained by Party Leaders.  In the past, with even those few strong Independent thinker in our Government, we have generally seen more sensitivity to the needs and demands of the people as their preferences before pampering to industry.  Pity we have not had more free thinking independents showing more concerns for the people – even so, they have been a welcome change of late – we can only hope the Party negative propaganda against Independents will be ignored by intelligent free thinkers who are learning to see what is true – seeing what is true is another Aquarian Age trend.

Social Media is the excellent vehicle for promoting any issue you personally wish for, maybe it is not in the Wish Lists above, yet hopefully from thinking about some of the brilliant ideas and getting to grasp how the world is run by those who turn up, realize that your own Power of One has the potential to move mountains if used in a positive way and for the benevolence of all life forms.  Remember – It is the squeeky wheel that gets the grease.


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