Seeds for Having a Good Day

You can Spread Seeds for Having a Good Day……

When the people of the City are happy, then Goodwill between people becomes the normal way. If you want to see more smiling happy faces around your neighborhood or shopping centre, then you can spread lots of these small size seeds.
These are designed to be left where other folk will find them and discover simple ways for shifting one’s attention towards more having good days. Your favorite Coffee Shop may let you leave a few on their tables, or perhaps on the counter, or any places you feel suitable for others to see and pick up if they care to.
You may even find a local sponsor to pay for printing of a large quantity for a letter box delivery with the junk mail, or to hand out at a shopping centre, or a busy street corner, or maybe a train station. There are 4 on each page, so after printing, simply cut these into 4 small Seeds.

You can send any page of four Seeds with an email so the recipient can print and cut into four small Seeds……… do this as an attachment to an email, the Adobe Acrobat PDF Viewer toolbar has an icon to do this in one step.

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Waves of Love & Peace & Goodwill

You can flood your City with waves
of Love and Peace and Goodwill…

This group of seeds are for increasing expressions of Love and Peace and Goodwill – this is the way to transform the atmosphere for creating a City of Goodwill. These seeds are designed for circulating from person to person – yet, why not post one to yourself every now and then, for after all, your relationship with yourself is your most important relationship . Given the chance, these seeds will blossom many times over.

You can print out or send as email attachments – as many as you dare to. Start these on their journeys to grow into waves of good vibrations for neutralizing influences of negativity in the air. Some may travel around your own locality and some may travel on around the world – each as a potential silent blessing for all living beings. You can include these seeds in any letters you post, or leave them in a place for others to pick up as a nice surprise, or post to strangers as an uplifting surprise, or slip under an office door for giving someone a lift for the day.

Send these out into the world to be passed from one to another, this is the way to make a positive difference in the atmosphere we all breathe ….. Be delighted and uplifted yourself with the returning harvest of feeling positive uplifting vibrations of Love and Peace and Goodwill (the sowing and the reaping) – and with enough others getting involved you will enjoy the blessings of living in a City of Goodwill – and it will be you who has helped to make this so.

To send your Peace and Goodwill out to the world
To send your Peace and Goodwill out to the world

To send your Love out to the world
To send your Love out to the world

To promote Love Showers in your City
To promote Love Showers in your City

To support others having a good Day
To support others having a good Day

To promote lots of Beautiful Days
To promote lots of Beautiful Days

To promote lots of Wonderful Days
To promote lots of Wonderful Days

To promote lots of Lovely Days
To promote lots of Lovely Days

To promote lots of Feeling Good
To promote lots of Feeling Good

To start Waves of Light and Love
To start Waves of Light and Love

To experience the Love of your Guardian Angel
To experience the Love of your Guardian Angel

To promote using the power of Love
To promote using the power of Love

To Love yourself with Self Nurturing_1
To Love yourself with Self Nurturing_1

To Love yourself with Self Nurturing_2
To Love yourself with Self Nurturing_2

To Love yourself with Self Nurturing_3
To Love yourself with Self Nurturing_3

To Love yourself with Self Nurturing_4
To Love yourself with Self Nurturing_4

The last four Pages of Seeds for giving to yourself are to print out – these are the most important and most valuable on this whole web site. Why – because as you clear the way and open the flow of Higher Love to yourself, you also at the same time open more to allowing yourself the greatest experience we can know – we call it Being in Love, of more fully experiencing the Loving presence. We can only accept and experience the love of others, and of our higher nature to the level that we love every last thing about ourselves, especially the inner child, yes with all its faults. This means to have truck loads of loving acceptance and total forgiveness and highest respect and kindly self talk, for ourselves, about ourselves and to ourselves….. if used with intent, this last four sets of Seeds can help with healing the hurts and all the past self-judgments we all load upon ourselves – as you do so, then this most important relationship you will ever have can blossom and blossom and blossom even more.

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