Australia as the first Goodwill Nation


AUSTRALIA can be the FIRST Goodwill Nation when ENOUGH DEMAND the CHANGES.


The passing Piscean Age mind sets are now being transformed – ……  

                                ………… below are WISH LISTS for GOODWILL GOVERNANCE.

OUR FATE IS IN GOOD HANDS because The Aquarian Age of enlightenment is becoming more and more fully present in our collective consciousness as each day passes – and the evolutionary changes to higher levels of enlightenment understandings are unstoppable.  Not even space weapons, nor the greatest military power known can stop the planets moving in their pre-set paths with their predetermined collective influencing power beaming down upon our earth and affectively raising the vibrational frequencies of all living on earth – try stopping the ocean tide from rising and falling – and that’s just our moon’s influence….

If we step back and look at the bigger picture to understand what’s going on with all the worldly chaos and mayhem, things can become a lot more clear and allow a peaceful sleep each night. Using our own life as a starting point, we see how the mirror of life reflects our own personal inner state – that’s fairly obvious when looking truly.  As the bigger picture, from the micro transforming struggles to the globally wide collective consciousness struggles, humanity on earth has been going through the turmoils of shifting into a more enlightened state with the Aquarian Age frequencies transforming from within – clashing with the old mind sets resisting changes.

As we see these grand scale struggles within our global community, we can also see it all as the collective mirrors of the internal struggles going on within each person’s inner state as our planet evolves to a more enlightened expression of awakened awareness – as is happening individually and collectively.  With the outer world chaos and mayhem we see how tenaciously the old ways resist the winds of change shaking societies’ values and beliefs to their very core. With the personal, as each one of us let go and surrender to our higher nature, the old self concepts and self-images can fight for their very survival after running free for lifetimes.  For inner harmony, just Love the ego as it steps down from the leading role to be a supporting role, as your own more enlightened higher nature wisdom is awakened and takes over more and more.

Understanding the Aquarian Age Constellation.

The Aquarian constellation has a number of planets all lining up as one collective combined frequency force of vibrational information for breaking down the old Piscean Age mind sets and structures (which sometimes looks like mayhem and chaos) so as to allow the new age energies to shift our collective mind sets towards a higher level of evolutionary enlightenment. The Aquarian changes that will save our world are all set up on a higher dimension.  Mystics tell us that whatever will be, has already happened outside of time.  All of the new technology break throughs we see are from visionaries tapping into the higher realms of existence and transposing the impressions into physical forms.

The higher / loftier and more enlightened, more all-knowing perspectives starting from grass roots up will not be deterred from demanding Aquarian Age moral values with taking care of our planet, of treating all people with higher respect, of more integrity and higher moral values demanded from industry and governance of our Global Family.  The higher ethical values will be a reflection of the mass opening of humanity’s third eye as this higher dimensional sixth sense is awakened across our planet. Can you imagine the differences when more than half the population are clairvoyant with their third eye sixth sense seeing what is true and what is not true from simply reading an individual’s aura, where nothing is hidden.  This will become more prominently exposed as the youth and children of the new age grow into their roles of taking charge of our media, with commercial distributors of information showing greater realisations of the responsibility to be good forthright citizens with such power influence.  That’s why today’s children and youth are so advanced compared to a generation or two back, our fate is in good hands.  And that’s why all the doom and gloom talk is based upon simple ignorance of the long evolutionary process of Souls journey of awakening here on earth…..

 The Aquarian age is prophesised to be an age with our next step to higher dimensions of expanded awareness towards the Source of All That Is.  Thus we can look forward to a knowingness of ourselves and every other being which will lift humanity to a higher level of thinking above the old Piscean mind sets focus of gaining more money, more power or control.

The Aquarian age is prophesised to be an age of equality – based on a more widespread awareness of all living beings as One Life, One Source, One Intelligence, One Spirit – and, that includes mother earth and all of our cosmos.

The Aquarian age is prophesised to be a time of peaceful harmony, with co-operation replacing competition to give mutual benevolence for all life forms as equally loved expressions of the One Source of All That Is.

The Aquarian Age is prophesised to be an information age, where all that has been hidden will be exposed. We see social media taking over mainstream media dominance with information dissemination.  Exposing the hidden will be a big turning driver as whistle-blowers come out in numbers (i.e. recall how WikiLeaks and other exposures of things held secret forced changes upon outdated Piscean mind sets). Thank God for the whistle-blowers who inspire and encourage grass roots demands for changes towards higher integrity and moral Christian values of loving compassion, mercy and respect for life with an ending of man’s inhumanity to man, as a past Piscean Age attitude.  Now is the time for the values our great way-shower demonstrated 2,000 years back as the next stage of evolution above the more barbaric like mind sets prevalent at that time in history.

Goodwill is the basis of the Aquarian Age – Resistance is futile.

We will see meaningful changes with this new age – showing up as Equality and Respect and Fairness and Compassion, Higher Ethics and Sharing of Information and Expanding of Awareness Understandings and No Secrets (think of functioning in the dimensions of no time or space allowing remote viewing with third eye openings giving clairvoyant abilities to most all people across the globe) – think how useless military power will become as the new age unfolds it’s changes, now happening – and will be unstoppable as the youth and children gradually take over.

YES …..The Aquarian Age is here folks, slowly phasing in more and more each day, for this new 2,000 year cycle.  Look around to see the chaos and upheavals as the Piscean Age mind sets are challenged by rebellious youth and a few elder more enlightened thinkers.  See how the old ways and structures are broken down for being replaced with the new levels of awareness and understandings now shifting humanity to higher levels of moral values with attitudes and expressions, as caused from the combined influences upon us all from the Aquarian Age constellation of planets.  Note the Australia wide media shift in attitudes towards asylum seekers as self-interests political point scorings give way towards more compassion and caring for the less fortunate – now we even see churches offering sanctuary as a way of standing up to Government cruelty reflections of man’s inhumanity to man with refugees, as was assessed to be the voter’s demands just 3 years back. (from Piscean Age thinking to Aquarian Age thinking)

 Every Citizen can support benevolent changes with their own Spiritual Power of One.

Being creators as we are, (yet mostly unaware of)  consider the power of our belief with creating our life experiences, also known as the placebo effect in medicine – our attention focus can be likened to an ongoing prayer to out-picture as real life with one’s affairs – the reason is because where the attention goes, the Power of one’s Spirit flows.  All Olympic Champions and all the stories of success with achieving tell about disciplining ones thinking towards using a non-scattered laser like focussing of attention on the desired outcomes.  If you resonate with any point within any of the Wish Lists below, read them as having already happened as a way of using your own Power of One to bring the changes you want – but also make your demands known – demands will bring change.

Our ever ongoing moment to moment creating of our own inner state, which then attracts our life experiences, (as like an ongoing inner self talk silent prayer) both individually and collectively, appears to be the way we humans learn about the Power of the Spirit that we are.  Reflecting on our life journey we can see the links of how focusing or disciplining where the focus of one’s creative attention was focused upon, led to positive changes. Or with thinking/dwelling on something feared, can attract similar into our life as experiences, (think back on some of those bumps along the road along our life journey) thus we learn, even the hard way that our inner state is the key with creating or manifesting our life experiences, as we each prefer – and that we can establish the preferred inner state to then become our outer experience.  We see a lot of promotions to think positively for attracting positive outcomes. We each in our own time discover that Fearing the negative (establishing that vibrational inner state) will then start attracting the the very type of situation we are afraid of.

The Aquarian Age awakenings will bring more enlightenment to the widespread unawareness that as we promote for influencing or wishing upon others does at the very same time become those very same frequencies within our own self .  Thus promoting fears within others for self interests has a karmic price tag attached, which at some point, this life or a future life will surely come back to be worked through.  Wishing good for others is also attracting the same to oneself (notice how some people seem to have a charmed life).  No one is exempt from the Spiritual Laws that govern over us as administered by those beings on higher dimensions with that job – including our own Guardian Angels and Mentors in Spirit (recall waking up feeling as though you were very active during sleep times)

Keep thinking of the positive outcomes from the Wish Lists below – as thousands of others also give their energy to the wish fulfilled, that will gradually create a morphic field in the atmosphere and thus become a collectively strong influence. (read on Google about the 100th Monkey story for understanding the influence of similar thought forms collecting together as morphic fields)

You can take back your power – it is a choice.  Subservience is most unbecoming and belittleing of your true self.  Try functioning from your Higher Nature as the doorway through the glass ceiling into being more of who you really are – then the new age will blossom through you to all life – you may even find yourself becoming a next Braco.

Every person always has a choice of taking back their Power – as seems to happen in each person’s own time – the prize with discovering how whatever the attention is focused upon is there and then attracting what we each will get more of as our life experiences.  We hear the common sayings “be careful what you wish for”… and “what you focus on is what you get.” ….and similarly; “don’t focus on what you don’t want.” or, if religious you would have read about doing unto others as you want done unto you.  Now more understanding is spreading that every human though is like a wish, like a silent prayer attractor. Think of this like a message being beamed out into the Universe for being filled – thus each individual’s self-talk is like a co-creator out-picturing their own life as wishes fulfilled from the Universe.  Over lifetimes we learn about becoming a more responsible Creator with our focusing of attention for directing our Spiritual Power.

Back to the here and now.  Every person will decide when it is time to be governed over with rules based on equality, fairness and primarily seeking benevolent goodwill outcomes for all citizens.  These Christian moral value ethics of loving compassion for all human beings, for all animals and for our living planet will become the very first prime considerations with every new piece of legislation.  Employment will phase over from enforcing society into financial enslavement to a whole new way of thinking that reflects humanity in a whole different light from the knowingness of why we are here and what’s really going on in or with the bigger picture to do with the evolution of Human Consciousness.  Our individual and collective choice is about either accepting change or resisting change.  Changes that will prevail, changes that can-not be stopped by spin, suppression or military force, or even by subliminal means. To repeat, resistance to the Aquarian Age planetary frequencies now beaming down upon us all, is futile.

Every person can choose to be part of the problems or part of the solutions.                Act Locally – Think Globally.

We can imagine Australia being recognised as The First Goodwill Nation as an example for other nations seeking a better way for the citizens.  As a nation, when peaceful goodwill to all citizens is more fully present as a way of life, other nations will not consider us any threat to their security, thus fears of pre-emptive invasions (as their defense) become less of a worry, and being a non-agressive Nation we will have huge savings on the need for spending on military hardware.  (Consider that reduction in personal taxes)

Aquarian Age changes will be demanded from the ground up, and not from the top down – so every citizen can discover that yes, as our PM states, there has never been a more exciting time to be an Australian Citizen – because we each can encourage changes for the better – and we can demand changes that will bring more happiness and harmony to our lives.

The Wish Lists reflects our Democracy being Of the people, By the people, and For the people.  If your group has a brilliant idea and seeks an inclusion in the Wish Lists, please set it out in an email. Please give a fully explained picture of your Wish as being fulfilled, as though it has actually happened, with your reasoning and the benevolent outcomes that would reflect the Aquarian Age – acting locally, thinking globally.

We do not have any staff to be involved with discussions of what should or should not go in our list, and give no guarantees that any specific Wishes will be included.  We encourage others to collect ideas to establish other similar web sites that promote more humane and higher ethical rules of governance over us all – feel free to copy anything from this web site.

This Starting off Wish List below will continue growing as more brilliant ideas are collected.

These Aquarian Age Values from more enlightened levels of Goodwill, and from the top down, will gradually change society to be more Happy, more Harmonious, and show more Loving Respect towards each other, and all life Forms.  From the bottom up we demand – from the top down they implement.  Think about these quantum leap ideas, consider – discuss each point simply proposed as a “ What if ” at the next Barbeque, or coffee club, or pub talk.

For every problem, there is the one magic bullet, love, – agape love expressed as loving.  The Essence of Love Is always present as our Higher Nature, like a mother’s love for her new born child – and enough love at this level can heal everything.  Love is the spiritual life essence of who we are, the One life essence of all beings, beating every heart.  And this higher frequency Love is how the Aquarian Age will raise and transform the vibrations for healing the many major challenges reflecting the old Piscean Age lower vibrational mind sets across the globe.

Australia can be the First Goodwill Nation, by using the Power of Love to fix the old Piscean Age problems.  However, we need to be sensitive with allowing time for surrender and letting go.

IMAGINE THESE CHANGES ……and IMAGINE THEIR OUTCOMES …..these wishes are mostly written as having already happened, so please read them as in a future time….after, if you like   how you feel about something, then consider asking for it, or even demanding that change as an Armchair Activist to transform Australia into being recognised as the First Goodwill Nation

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After Imagining the next step is to start believing in the actual possibility of that becoming manifested.  For it is the power of belief (called Faith by religious people) when strong enough or sufficient enough to overcome any opposing memory held in the subconscious, that your belief brings outer level transformations.  Faith or belief in a sugar pill from a GP can, (if no inner resistance) bring an end to symptons – we call this the placebo effect – just another word for belief or faith.. So the trick is to have faith in ones creative Imaginings so long as they are sincerely seeking only whatever is for the highest good of all concerned.


 Here are the Wish Lists of Challenges.  Click on any list to go to that list of brilliant ideas.  Remember that these are only Discussion Points to start the conversations and to stimulate considered thinking about priorities and values and the sort of society we want to phase into for a better world.  These are for personal choices, – choices we hope will be from your own heart as a sovereign being,  Please do not make demands from obligations or based on someone else’s shoulds or should-nots.  To your own self, be true.

1…. End the Exploitations and abuses – Promote Happy Harmonious Citizens.  CLICK HERE

2…. The plight of our Aboriginal Citizens and their descendants.  CLICK HERE

3….. Our Refugee Asylum Seeker Shame. CLICK HERE

4….. Rebuilding Trust and Confidence in the ‘System” governing over us. CLICK HERE

5…. Ending needless struggles with People First and Sharing the common wealth. CLICK HERE

6….. Deciding if we are a Democracy and giving power back to the people. CLICK HERE

7…. Our Climate Change dilemma. CLICK HERE

8…. Our Budget Emergency of insufficient revenue. CLICK HERE

9…. Our personal Taxation dilemma. CLICK HERE


If you have a well considered brilliant ideas to add to this list, please write them in the Comment area below and / or send them in, preferably worded as the wish fulfilled for allowing readers imagination to then energise the beneficial and benevolent end result       outcomes you envision.                                                                             OUR EMAIL ADDRESS for WISH LIST INCLUSIONS is ;

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You can send demand emails to the Pollies – especially send to those who will not be told how to vote by Party Leaders – and especially send demands to independents – but if you really want action go to the very top of our Government System, Our Governor General and make known your dissatisfactions with whatever is causing you pain or stress and ask for his intervention to request Parliament to consider the changes you want for a fairer and more equal society. – a society where Peopl came first, and commercial profits come second.

         Supposing……. Supposing we were to inspire a million or so Armchair Activists for demanding changes that would transform Australia into the First Goodwill Nation………..

Supposing……… If Our Governor General were to receive a half million or so email requests asking to forthwith start a number of wide ranging enquiries covering many of the matters as our major challenges, or better still a number of full Royal Commissions to get to the bottom of why things are as they are with whatever adversely affects you, or what causes you needless struggles and pain, or what causes you unhappiness, or is against your understandings about what a democracy actually is supposed to be in your perspective – and especially demand changes where you can see Government Policies are causing damage to social cohesion in favour of profits for the wealthy.  Or you might ask our Governor General to make a decree that our National Parliament in Australia must fully act to foster the people’s benevolent Happiness and Harmony, as the first and foremost considerations and that industrial or commercial profits as secondary to society cohesian, Happines, Harmony and Goodwill.  Even the unhappy rich realise that Social Cohesion, Happiness and Harmony in the community are worth far more than gold.

You can send your protests and demand messages to our Governor General in Canberra. His email contact is on his web site – but you are only allowed 250 words……so you will need to be succinct.  If you wish to send a longer written snail mail demand, then respect means to use his correct title, as is copied and pasted here with his web site as well;

His Excellency General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC (Retd)

Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia.

(– email address only available on request)

The salutation for a letter should be “Your Excellency” or “Dear Governor-General”

Your message can be your demand for the changes you want, asking that he as our Governor General, present the Prime Minister and The Government of the day with your specific demands.  Or you might simply demand that Our Queen’s Government in Australia now act to always consider the needs of the people first and foremost and to give Equality and Fairness to all Citizens, specifically with “ …….x………x…………x…………x…………x………… x” (insert whatever changes you want)

You can request to be advised if and when this matter will be considered by our Governor General……Simply use the same wording as you would write a respectful demand from a position of knowing that as a citizen, you pay taxes for the Government and Parliament to exists, so as to serve the wants and needs of the people it represents, therefore you have such right.

You can also send your letter of demand to your local Pollies, – or maybe more notice will be taken by those who seek to be elected as Independents in Parliament, who will not be restrained by Party Leaders.  In the past, with even those few strong Independent thinkers in our Government, we have generally seen more sensitivity to the needs and demands of the people as their preferences before pampering to industry.  Pity we have not had more free thinking independents showing more concerns for the people – even so, they have been a welcome change of late – we can only hope the Party negative propaganda against Independents will be ignored by intelligent free thinkers who are learning to see what is true – seeing what is true is another Aquarian Age trend.

Social Media is the excellent vehicle for promoting any issue you personally wish for, maybe it is not in the Wish Lists above, yet hopefully from thinking about some of the brilliant ideas and getting to grasp how the world is run by those who turn up, realize that your own Power of One has the potential to move mountains if used in a positive way and for the benevolence of all life forms.  Remember – It is the squeeky wheel that gets the grease.


 Changes can happen as fast as we are able to deal with accepting the changes.

Because of the popularity of resisting change due to fears of the unknown, these new Aquarian Age mind sets reflecting more benevolently Loving Goodwill towards all, may phase in slowly with changes that challenge the old attitudes and probably will not be popular with the loud media voices who want to continue with business as usual.  Thus, shooting the messengers with inconvenient information has been the popular method to silence dissenters during the old The Piscean Age mind sets…. like Martin Luther King, Ghandi, Lincoln, etc. etc. etc. even of the late John Lennon and his song “Imagine” (listen to his prophecies for The Aquarian Age) – even the revered great Way-shower some 2,000 years ago, was treated with scorn and put up on a cross for rocking the boat.

All were promoting the Aquarian Age changes of mind sets towards more Loving Peace and Goodwill as the Way, the way for Truth and the Light – (Truth being our Higher Nature and Light as in enlightenment, or Heart Light, indicating the life Presence of Spirit within all Beings) – or what about Galileo as the first person who declared that our planet revolved around the sun in defiance of the Church, he was thrown in Jail, as his punishment for challenging the popular story line.  The thing to remember about beliefs is that as we each believe, that then becomes the Law unto each of us.

Shooting the messengers so as to allow business to continue on as usual by applying a few pacifying band-aid coverings over happiness destroyers in society is a bit like those fools re-arranging the deck chairs on the sinking Titanic whilst the band played on – telling deluded spin to themselves to believe that those icebergs looming up ahead were simply showing a need to take away more of citizens rights to privacy and the need for more repression laws and PR propaganda spin to curb dissident expressions against the system biased towards the rich getting richer with its down-side harms now needing big money to fix – Enough is Enough.

Read the icebergs as an analogy of the shameful and dreadful yet mostly ignorant and misguided good intentions, – or inhumane hard hearted compassionless lower nature, – or our dark side egos, seeking power and control over others, as has been our history for the last 200 + years. Read the Titanic as an analogy of ‘’The Good Ship Australia” sliding into the morass with loss of trust, respect and belief in Government party politics causing the anti-social disillusionment, – and reflecting as many of the troubles we have.  Troubles from cut backs everywhere we look, including the widespread loss of happiness increasing more and more by the day from feeling the financial burden of too much struggle, – and at the same time watching the rich get even richer.

Perhaps if only half of our Pollies were ordinary people who live on Struggle Street and really  experience real life situations with making ends meet at monthly bills times, we might see a lot more compassion reflected in the policies that cause hurt to the 80 or 90 % who are not proportionately reflected with those Representatives in Canberra.  On a Pollies salary plus the perks, one could never imagine them having to decide to either pay the electricity bill or pay the rent that week.

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Yes we have so much dark and shameful history, past and present, even going all the way back with ancestors killing off the locals for taking their lands – the sooner we own up to our collective past as a nation, the sooner we can start the deep healings with making right the wrongs for allowing us all to shift our country into peaceful harmony as a Nation of Goodwill – A Goodwill Nation – but we can do it – we have personal choices of either being part of the problems or being part of the solutions.  Every citizen has the Power of One to use as a choice for demanding solution changes that go past Piscean Age thinking of excuses or blaming others.

This web page is mainly for the young who will inherit all the mess.

This web page will only make sense to those who choose to be part of the solutions and the younger folks who as yet cannot vote, but unfortunately will be inheriting both the global and local disasters and mess-ups that we the elder generations have set in motion from old Piscean Age mind set thinking.  Thankfully, in the nick of time, those previous age values are now being rejected, pushed back, and demands for something better is heard all around.  How many world citizens realise that we have enough atomic bombs ready to turn our planet into total ash – a zero life moonscape and maybe five times over.  A moonscape means no life, no living thing, all into ash.  But, do not be disturbed by the madness of lower ego-maniac nature dark side with so many destructive weapons for mutually assured destruction on all sides, because the hovering space ships have the ability to instantly vaporise any hands reaching out to press the red buttons that could throw this planet off of its axis or disturb the Cosmos balance.

Evolution of consciousness is the gradual awakening to greater and greater dimensions of Itself, this can not be stopped.  As the more enlightened skills of remote viewing, and transposing or re-manifesting of oneself in another location (like the great Way-shower demonstrated over and over 2,000 years back) – as these and other higher frequency skills gradually become common place, more knowledge of the long history of Earth Planet passing through the evolutionary processes of the 2000 year cycles of age to age, will become more widely understood with the majority as time goes by.

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Sometimes in life we each need to risk rejection, yet he wins who endures to the end..

If you feel it is time for big changes, but have held back after reading our planet’s scary or violent history where first responses was more like shooting the messengers for avoiding scrutiny of inconvenient information – recall how the old mind sets do not speak kindly of whistle-blowers leaking secret information that can upset the status quo, of the gravy trains or to cause a die-off with cash cows – any big disturbances to continuing on with business as usual, are never welcome at the top.  BUT…..Fear not, for we are now in different times.

Take heart, for as half the country decides that it is time to stand up and use their Power of One for a better and happier life in a happier society, such a peaceful revolution of Armchair Activists will then become far, far too many citizens to simply shoot down with spin ridicule or silencing with bullets.  Keep in mind that as a democracy, we the people have the power, and not only for one Election Day every three years or so, but every day.  We, the people have full rights to demand changes that will make life better and happier, because we are a Democracy and we the people are the masters over our governing bodies who are paid to be the servants of the people – recall how all Pollies usually acknowledge this fact when firstly elected for translating the mix of society demands into rules governing over us for a fair and orderly society where all can live peacefully, harmoniously and happily together and to prosper as some choose to. The fair-go society, will return to being Fair and equal for all.

       We can have hope for turning the tides to a livable future for the grandchildren.

So, mostly this web page will be resonate with rebellious teens and the children born into this new era with earth history, the Wish List of changes to values that resonate more with our Higher Nature (as the loving goodwill of this Aquarian Age of Enlightenment,) will appeal to those already demonstrating a higher level of enlightenment.  This web page will also be giving encouragement and hope for the disenchanted, give new visions for the disenfranchised and inspiration for those who had given up with expecting anything better from Governments – or expecting Governments to actually fix the big problems either promoted or allowed to happen.

In a nutshell we could say that this web page is for those amongst us feeling let down by our rulers and industry and who feel like shouting from the windows; ” I am feeling madder than hell – and I am not going to take it anymore”. You may recall that movie with those similar words, when the people all shouted that enough was enough and demanded change.  However, consider only peaceful demands for changes to fairness and equality, because every single thing you do will be written in your own Book of Life and as such will be with you, for eternity.

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Persons having a near death experience will ofter see their whole life flash before them as a lightning fast movie – this is the recordings in their book of life.   Sometime, not too many decades ahead, the more enlightened will be able to see into the next finer dimensions and read your personal history back to you, even going back over many lifetimes in various roles. – you may find yourelf doing this too.  This is because when you, the Spiritual Essence is perceiving from a higher body dimension, that same dimesnsion is perceived in all others, – similarly as when perceiving from the physical level our eyes perceive the physical dimension body.  It seems that we already perceive each person’s personal book of life on the subjective level, which will often surface as feelings of an instant like or dislike towards others.

Although things may not seem too good during this period of change, our future is Bright.

If you research the values of the different ages as their planetary frequencies beamed down upon us from above, common sense will tell how the Aquarian Age prophecies will be a time predominated with love (the Christ like love of compassion and acceptance, of caring and sharing), ……of brotherhood (fairness, equality, mutual support),……..and of unity (mutual co-operation rather than like a house divided against itself)   Then add the higher levels of integrity (heartfelt ethical morality from above the level of the ego thinking limitations of the false self) …….we can see how when all together as a positive force for good, this Higher Nature level of loving expressions will surely heal all things that now can seem unsurmountable when looked at from a lower dimension.   Yes, it is right, enough love, as loving, will heal everything.

Yes, Aquarian Age values can heal all things (think about healings of family rifts that now are fine after the loving energy was allowed back into the home.)  History shows that peaceful harmony, and happiness in society will not come from endlessly growing the economy with all of its negative out of balance downsides.  Promoting more of the competitive dog eat dog, law of the jungle environment needing more authority power dominance for suppressions, imposing unfair or unequal rules upon others so that the rich get richer, whilst the poor get poorer and allow the strongest bullies to survive – these are values that are past their use bye date.  Peaceful Harmony in our Nation will only grow from real fairness and real equality, and this will happen when the citizens demand such changes.

Please consider demanding the solution that appeals to you….. and ask others to do it too.

Thank you for reading this – Peace be with you.

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Goodwill Email footers…

Email Footers to spread your Love and Goodwill

These Email Footers can be automatically placed at the base of all your emails ……..or to insert as a permanent message on your Facebook page. You can create lots of kind and loving thought being sent back to you for having nice loving feelings – it’s called creating good karma for yourself. What you can also do is to place all the different Footers on your desktop so that you can quickly select the appropriate one for including these different ways for including your loving thoughts and Goodwill – and making a difference. This is an easy way to send out lots of Love and Goodwill to everyone you are in contact with every day ……. and yes, even to strangers – why not.

This is a message designed to be included at the base of your outgoing emails. Use this email footer as a way to promote positive and uplifting feelings with those who receive your emails. You can set your email program to auto load this message to all your emails;

Goodwill ‘Email Signiture’ (Click to download – Includes instructions)


Here is another email footer to be sending out and promoting the campaign to increase the levels of Peaceful Harmony for a City of Goodwill. Harmony is reflected in the City when the levels of positive thoughts, words and actions foster their equivalent feelings / expressions as the predominant energy in the air. If you would like to live in a society where Harmonious Goodwill has a higher priority than money matters, then please consider promoting these Seeds for building Harmony by having this message at the base of all the emails that you send out…

(Right Click on it and select ‘Save Image As…’, then load into your email program as a email signature / footer)

A Feeling of Respectful Harmony is always noticed in any City of Goodwill ….and Harmony can be encourage with little silent reminders as our Seeds of Harmony are designed to be. The more of these gentle nudges that are pinned up in and around a City, in homes, offices, shops, cafes and wherever, then the more the silent influences for building Harmony is present……You might prefer to use this Email Footer when sending emails to others in your City

You can help promote Global Harmony and Goodwill with this Email Footer. When Understanding and Enlightenment are gained, then Harmony and Goodwill will increase by reflecting the inner transformations. The outer world is a mirror reflection of our collective inner world, and you can help to make a difference for a better world by promoting more understanding and enlightenment from awakening to and expressing more from our Higher Nature. Use this Email footer for making a difference by raising the levels of understanding and higher nature expressions.

To brighten someone’s day, you can add this Email footer with your message…it is one of those wonderful Irish Blessings, passed down from generation to generation.



We hope that these 5 posters and the 2 pages of small stickers will be pinned up or pasted up all over the planet….If you decide to pin up some in your location, then you could pin up different ones to keep the message fresh and interesting. If any are vandalised, don’t feel annoyed, simply pin up another over the top. As you spread the word, there will be some people who will feel pleased about resulting good consequences in their life….smile inside about this…..for you will have made a difference for a better world.

You can also send any of these as an attachment to an email, the Adobe Acrobat PDF Viewer toolbar has an icon to do this in one step.

These small messages are to stick up all over town….there can never be enough times that this message can be spoken into the atmosphere, because on each occasion it leaves the essence of these three magic words in the air…..and the other stickers say the same thing in a different way. You can even use these in your own living space, on the base of your computer screen, on lamp posts, etc. etc. use these to make a difference wherever you are.

These 3 emails are for sending to your contacts… this will give them a lift for the day and let them know about our web site. Click on the email shown here and when it comes up as a full size pdf, you can copy it and then paste it into a new email message. You will need to add spaces between the paragraphs, and perhaps change the size of the fonts, then it will be ready for you to address.


(Copy image and words within the box below and paste this circulating email direct into a new message in your email program)



Greetings…. I send you my thoughts of Peace and Goodwill.

I am a circulating email, making waves of goodwill in the atmosphere as I travel on and on, perhaps all around the world promoting everyone to share thoughts of Peace and Goodwill, to share their higher nature presence. Some say to share our Heart Light …..this is the dimension of each person that seeks only whatever is for the highest good for all concerned in any situation.

Some have a dream where there is enough goodwill in the atmosphere all across the world that as a global family we will collectively reflect higher values, compassion and sufficient caring for really getting serious about regenerating the life sustaining eco systems of our planet….and stop cruelty to animals….and bring respectful caring dignity for all human beings, a picture of Global Goodwill.

Can you imagine the loving vibrations of peace and goodwill increasing to such a level where higher ethical values resolve problems. When all weapons for war become past their use by date, obsolete, no longer needed, turned into plough shears … and then all those gigantic mountains of money (our taxes) and resources being diverted towards healing the eco systems, for feeding the hungry, for eliminating poverty and sickness, to shelter the homeless, to share patents over technology and medical advances, to make right the wrongs of the past, etc. etc.

An impossible dream some will say, but think about the picture of continued increasing negatives…..and what that will lead us to. How do you feel when thinking about your children’s children trying to survive in a world with a Mad Max movie environments……not a nice thought.

To make a difference for a peaceful world, the key is; Peace begins with me. Perhaps the reason for this is because we can only give whatever is present as is our awareness. Yet below the surface of every person is the One Loving presence of Peace and Goodwill. We know this as qualities of the heart, the spiritual heart.

Many are on quests to be more connected / attuned to their inner peace and loving goodwill, with meditation, yoga, movement, or contemplative prayer. Seekers of enlightenment work to let go of fears and clear old painful memories including unhelpful data inherited along with ancestry influences, and whatever else might be clouding over the presence of the Loving presence of inner Peace.

If you are working on clearing for peace to shine through you into your world, and into your choices, you will know how good it feels when a peaceful world is mirror reflecting back to you. This is how Peace begins with each individual – finding / uncovering / allowing their inner peace to shine though as their life journey.

This email is about sowing the seeds for inspiring and encouraging the dream of a caring, loving world where Goodwill is king, where mostly Peaceful Goodwill is mirror reflected back.

Please, can I encourage you to take a few minutes to feel Peace and Goodwill present with you now by allowing the Love to shine out, … we can do this by silently saying to each person and living thing; “From my heart, I send you peace and goodwill.”

As you do this, notice how you feel something good welling up inside. This will be the goodness of your higher nature…it’s a joyful, happy, uplifting delicious feeling when you really open to allow the Loving presence to outflow to yourself and others. You can do it. Everyone can do it.

Imagine a Peaceful Loving world …..We can do it because what we really are, is the Inner Peace we seek. Please, will you forward me to all your mailing list with your heartfelt thoughts of Peace and Goodwill.

P.S. This is one of many Good Seeds seeking to blossom as contributions towards creating Cities of Goodwill all over the Planet …you can freely print out lots and lots of different Seeds for making a better world for yourself and everyone. Check us out at ;


(Copy image and words within the box below and paste this circulating email direct into a new message in your email program)



Greetings .….This is a circulating message of love.

I send you this message from who I am, to who you are, from heart to heart, soul to soul… “I Love You”. As you feel the energy with these words, I know you will feel uplifted, for we reach more into our higher nature as these words are taken in ….. enjoy. I too reach into the Loving presence whilst sending this message of Love. As I think “I love you,’” I too am more filled with Love in that moment.

Did you know that saying the words “I Love You” is giving life essence energy as the healing balm for all of our troubles. For your own healing, say “I Love you” to the child within and ask it to let go of everything that brings pain and suffering. Everyone seeks more Love because we know how Love feels so good as these higher energy vibrations somehow dissolve troubles.

The more powerful positive vibrations of Love dissolves and clears or heals whatever is clouding over, or is blocking awareness of our higher nature, the wellspring of Love, – thus allowing us humans to feel more of the delightful, happy, joyous, loving, and uplifting, peaceful feelings of the Loving Presence, our higher nature. Focusing attention on love is self nurturing healing.

Now, if you want to amplify and multiply the good feelings Love brings, take a few moments to recall other times when this life sustaining message was sincerely spoken from the heart, when someone looked into your eyes and said “I Love You”. You can bask in this uplifting and healing energy field as long as you care to hold these same words present.

To energise this feeling even more, simply say these three magic words over and over to yourself …….say “I Love you” to yourself, to your inner child. The more you say this to yourself the better you will feel and like magic, the better things will go during the day ahead. Stick one of our free stickers next to the phone to have good energy when you answer it. To give yourself a wonderful magical life, try keeping these three words going in the background 24/7.

As you do this you will get to see how your own thoughts of Love will have you feeling good – and when you feel good, you naturally share more of your goodness. This is how Love is our simple easy way to build Cities of Goodwill to potentially become Global Harmony and Goodwill.

If you really want to make a difference for making your own world better, do this; Think of everyone you know, friend or foe, and say “I Love You” to each person as you think of them. As you do this day after day, you will be clearing and healing all sorts of hurts and causes as the blocks to more fully experiencing your higher divine nature, the Loving presence.

If you use waiting time, TV time, travel time or spare minutes to silently say “I Love You” to yourself, you will soon shift to always find yourself walking on the sunny side and enjoying the delicious roses of life, whilst others are mostly feeling the thorns. This is how any person can give them self a beautiful life.

I hope you discover how saying “I Love you” over and over and over, and especially to your child within is the way for opening the door to allow the healing Love to fill you. Then you will feel so good that you will be glad I have sent this to you.

Please give Love a try ….and as you appreciate the differences Love brings, then please consider sending me to all the people on your email list ….and to every email address you get ….because more than anything else, what the world needs now, is Love Sweet Love….You can do it, together, we can do it.

Thank you for receiving this message……I Love You.

P.S. This is one of many Good Seeds seeking to blossom as contributions towards creating Cities of Goodwill all over the Planet …you can freely print out lots and lots of different Seeds for making a better world for yourself and everyone. Check us out at ;


(Copy image and words within the box below and paste this circulating email direct into a new message in your email program)



Greetings, ……..I am seeking to recruit more **Armchair Activists for our first target of recruiting 1,000,000 giving hearts sharing 1 to 5 minutes every day to focus their intentions or imagination on directing the power of love to persons in need of support, to those in positions of power or to trouble spots around the world.

This is how, if we the people who so choose to, can make a collective difference for increasing Peaceful Harmony and Goodwill across the world – as a better outcome than it would be with continuing with business as usual.

Many great teachers tell us that love is the answer to every problem – because Love is an uplifting higher vibration energy presence that shifts or expands awareness to our higher nature – that’s the higher levels of consciousness with every human being – the dimension of us that only chooses the more benevolent outcomes for all concerned, including our planet’s eco systems.

The energy presence of love outflows through us whenever our hearts, thoughts and words meaningfully say I Love You, …….and, as is allowed by others, this energy of Love uplifts the other consciousness to its higher more spiritual nature where the ocean of Love is ever present.

Our higher nature, vibrating as a higher dimension of consciousness than the body, the mind and the emotions, is the very presence of Love and the source of goodwill, compassion and kindness, of intuitive wisdom and reservoir of our virtues.

This is why I hope I can encourage you to share your hearts Love for bringing more higher nature kindness, compassion, caring, human decency, respectfulness and wisdom to places where the TV news reflects very little Love being expressed either individually or collectively. Both victims and perpetrators all need more Love to heal the situations.

The power of love shifts attitudes from negative to positive, shifts lower nature motives to higher nature motives of genuine goodwill. Like attracts like, receiving Love can uplift the receiver to their own presence of love, to their higher nature.

Yes, every human being has a higher nature. Dr Hew Len demonstrated this with the evidence of transforming the entire ward of hard hearted criminally insane in an Hawaii prison – and he did this without even physically speaking to any of them.

Read the book Zero Limits, by Joe Vitale to understand about the power of Love and how it can be directed to cause miracles of change. This book shows the changes Love brings, and helps towards understanding how it fits within the bigger picture of our higher nature dimension. Dr Hew Len shows that although we seem to be unconnected with each other, the presence of Love shows how we do share a oneness at the level of our higher nature dimension. We want the world to know that everyone can also do as he did.

With that in mind, consider this; We see in life how animosity begets more animosity and kindness begets more kindness…….and similarly Love begets more Love, …….this is why you will make a difference. This is a totally peaceful way to bring changes, by allowing the power of love to inspire higher nature better choices to out-picture as a better world for humans and animals and our eco systems.

Remember, that when from the heart you say I Love You, you are speaking from a greater presence than the limited one whom you can see when you look in the bathroom mirror. If you speak from the heart, the higher intention has you speaking from a higher dimension of consciousness than you may conceive as being who you are. This is why saying I Love You has you feeling good. When spoken from the heart, the positive power of love transforms. Love can change big time troubles to positive and more benevolent good for all concerned.

Simply focus thoughts of love to an individual or group without any specific demands for change – the essence of Love Itself will inspire change. Do not try and interfere without specific permission and agreement, do not even try to change other people, even in the smallest way ………(parents of children excepted).

If you send thoughts of Love to someone without any shoulds or shouldn’ts attached, then you are letting Love take care of things, and you stay karma free from any interference in another’s life journey. Do not use this as an attempt to change others without their consent as it can set in motion an unwanted karmic returning harvest.

If we lift above attitudes or mind sets, we find we can dislike a person’s actions, dislike their personality or beliefs and still send pure thoughts of Love to them.

Remember that the power of Love dissolves lower frequency negative energy to allow more higher nature values to flood ones awareness – this is how transformation happens as the endings of problems. Here is the understanding of why we are taught that it is far more beneficial for all to just Love their enemies.

The Beatles had it right – what the world needs now is lots and lots and lots of Love. All across the world, so many who are suffering just want to be given more respect, being shown more human decency, more caring and sharing, more kindly compassion, ,more justice, more equality, plus just as importantly, more caring for animals and the environment sustaining all life forms. The use of military power and force will never do it – this can only happen from more higher nature choices, with non-harming more ethical choices by those who have positions to do so – in a nutshell, more Love, more Love in all ways.

If you trust the power of Love you can make a difference for a better world. Here is what to do; connect with your heart centre, then either silently or out loud say I Love You to the one person, or group of people or institution or situation you choose. You do not need to know the person, just keep saying I Love You to a persons name/s, or an imagined image, or to a photo / picture for 1 to 5 minutes with 100% total focus on what you are doing. You might set aside the same time each day as your personal giving to Global Harmony and Goodwill in this way.

Your person efforts can be multiplied exponentially if others join with you as a group energy focus ….perhaps selecting different targets each day or so. If two or more in a group do this together the power is multiplied immensely. When you do this know that the power of love will be there, instantly. Trust, and let it go. Love is the key, because the higher frequencies as the power of Love transforms the lower energy frequencies of negativity – this then allow more connections with the higher nature presence – then locally this has more Love present.

As more and more join in this campaign of healing with the power of Love, as time goes bye we will see more kindness, more compassion, more higher ethics, greater wisdom and more loving choices that will slowly transform the affairs of our world to Global Harmony and Goodwill.

As you join in, saying your heartfelt I Love You to the person or trouble spot situation, your imaginings may change to show the Light of love shining with the person or with the situation of concern. Keep in mind how we are told that enough love will heal everything.

Positive, higher nature choices happen when one feels uplifted and inspired. As love flows though you, you will benefit the most….because you will feel the Loving goodness filling your auras as you shift more to the quiet inner still peace and more joyful happiness within. These will be the signs of more love present. Whenever you give love, the life energy presence of pure love also stays with the one whom it flows out from.

Your peace is peace for all as you bring more love into the world. Please send copies of me to everyone who wants to make a difference for a better world – if you send me to those on your email list, then surely some of those seeds will blossom for a better world…enjoy. I am from;

**Armchair Activists, are quiet achievers who are making a difference from their armchair with various tiny steps towards Global Harmony and Goodwill.


[include_file url=””]

Spread the Goodwill…

You can also send any of these as an attachment to an email, the Adobe Acrobat PDF Viewer toolbar has an icon to do this in one step.

thumbnail of Promotion_01
Promotion No.1

thumbnail of Promotion_02
Promotion No.2

thumbnail of Promotion_03
Promotion No.3

thumbnail of Promotion_04
Promotion No.4

thumbnail of Promotion_05
Promotion No.5
These small messages are to stick up all over town….there can never be enough times that this message can be spoken into the atmosphere, because on each occasion it leaves the essence of these three magic words in the air…..and the other stickers say the same thing in a different way.  You can even use these in your own living space, on the base of your computer screen, on lamp posts, etc. etc. use these to make a difference wherever you are.

thumbnail of Promotion_06
Promotion No.6

thumbnail of Promotion_07
Promotion No.7

These 3 emails are for sending to your contacts… this will give them a lift for the day and let them know about our web site. Click on the email shown here and when it comes up as a full size pdf, you can copy it and then paste it into a new email message. You will need to add spaces between the paragraphs, and perhaps change the size of the fonts, then it will be ready for you to address.

(Copy image and words within the box below and paste this circulating email direct into a new message in your email program)

Greetings…. I send you my thoughts of Peace and Goodwill.

I am a circulating email, making waves of goodwill in the atmosphere as I travel on and on, perhaps all around the world promoting everyone to share thoughts of Peace and Goodwill, to share their higher nature presence. Some say to share our Heart Light …..this is the dimension of each person that seeks only whatever is for the highest good for all concerned in any situation.

Some have a dream where there is enough goodwill in the atmosphere all across the world that as a global family we will collectively reflect higher values, compassion and sufficient caring for really getting serious about regenerating the life sustaining eco systems of our planet….and stop cruelty to animals….and bring respectful caring dignity for all human beings, a picture of Global Goodwill.

Can you imagine the loving vibrations of peace and goodwill increasing to such a level where higher ethical values resolve problems. When all weapons for war become past their use by date, obsolete, no longer needed, turned into plough shears … and then all those gigantic mountains of money (our taxes) and resources being diverted towards healing the eco systems, for feeding the hungry, for eliminating poverty and sickness, to shelter the homeless, to share patents over technology and medical advances, to make right the wrongs of the past, etc. etc.

An impossible dream some will say, but think about the picture of continued increasing negatives…..and what that will lead us to. How do you feel when thinking about your children’s children trying to survive in a world with a Mad Max movie environments……not a nice thought.

To make a difference for a peaceful world, the key is; Peace begins with me. Perhaps the reason for this is because we can only give whatever is present as is our awareness. Yet below the surface of every person is the One Loving presence of Peace and Goodwill. We know this as qualities of the heart, the spiritual heart.

Many are on quests to be more connected / attuned to their inner peace and loving goodwill, with meditation, yoga, movement, or contemplative prayer. Seekers of enlightenment work to let go of fears and clear old painful memories including unhelpful data inherited along with ancestry influences, and whatever else might be clouding over the presence of the Loving presence of inner Peace.

If you are working on clearing for peace to shine through you into your world, and into your choices, you will know how good it feels when a peaceful world is mirror reflecting back to you. This is how Peace begins with each individual – finding / uncovering / allowing their inner peace to shine though as their life journey.

This email is about sowing the seeds for inspiring and encouraging the dream of a caring, loving world where Goodwill is king, where mostly Peaceful Goodwill is mirror reflected back.

Please, can I encourage you to take a few minutes to feel Peace and Goodwill present with you now by allowing the Love to shine out, … we can do this by silently saying to each person and living thing; “From my heart, I send you peace and goodwill.”

As you do this, notice how you feel something good welling up inside. This will be the goodness of your higher nature…it’s a joyful, happy, uplifting delicious feeling when you really open to allow the Loving presence to outflow to yourself and others. You can do it. Everyone can do it.

Imagine a Peaceful Loving world …..We can do it because what we really are, is the Inner Peace we seek. Please, will you forward me to all your mailing list with your heartfelt thoughts of Peace and Goodwill.

P.S. This is one of many Good Seeds seeking to blossom as contributions towards creating Cities of Goodwill all over the Planet …you can freely print out lots and lots of different Seeds for making a better world for yourself and everyone. Check us out at ;

(Copy image and words within the box below and paste this circulating email direct into a new message in your email program)

Greetings .….This is a circulating message of love.

I send you this message from who I am, to who you are, from heart to heart, soul to soul… “I Love You”. As you feel the energy with these words, I know you will feel uplifted, for we reach more into our higher nature as these words are taken in ….. enjoy. I too reach into the Loving presence whilst sending this message of Love. As I think “I love you,'” I too am more filled with Love in that moment.

Did you know that saying the words “I Love You” is giving life essence energy as the healing balm for all of our troubles. For your own healing, say “I Love you” to the child within and ask it to let go of everything that brings pain and suffering. Everyone seeks more Love because we know how Love feels so good as these higher energy vibrations somehow dissolve troubles.

The more powerful positive vibrations of Love dissolves and clears or heals whatever is clouding over, or is blocking awareness of our higher nature, the wellspring of Love, – thus allowing us humans to feel more of the delightful, happy, joyous, loving, and uplifting, peaceful feelings of the Loving Presence, our higher nature. Focusing attention on love is self nurturing healing.

Now, if you want to amplify and multiply the good feelings Love brings, take a few moments to recall other times when this life sustaining message was sincerely spoken from the heart, when someone looked into your eyes and said “I Love You”. You can bask in this uplifting and healing energy field as long as you care to hold these same words present.

To energise this feeling even more, simply say these three magic words over and over to yourself …….say “I Love you” to yourself, to your inner child. The more you say this to yourself the better you will feel and like magic, the better things will go during the day ahead. Stick one of our free stickers next to the phone to have good energy when you answer it. To give yourself a wonderful magical life, try keeping these three words going in the background 24/7.

As you do this you will get to see how your own thoughts of Love will have you feeling good – and when you feel good, you naturally share more of your goodness. This is how Love is our simple easy way to build Cities of Goodwill to potentially become Global Harmony and Goodwill.

If you really want to make a difference for making your own world better, do this; Think of everyone you know, friend or foe, and say “I Love You” to each person as you think of them. As you do this day after day, you will be clearing and healing all sorts of hurts and causes as the blocks to more fully experiencing your higher divine nature, the Loving presence.

If you use waiting time, TV time, travel time or spare minutes to silently say “I Love You” to yourself, you will soon shift to always find yourself walking on the sunny side and enjoying the delicious roses of life, whilst others are mostly feeling the thorns. This is how any person can give them self a beautiful life.

I hope you discover how saying “I Love you” over and over and over, and especially to your child within is the way for opening the door to allow the healing Love to fill you. Then you will feel so good that you will be glad I have sent this to you.

Please give Love a try ….and as you appreciate the differences Love brings, then please consider sending me to all the people on your email list ….and to every email address you get ….because more than anything else, what the world needs now, is Love Sweet Love….You can do it, together, we can do it.

Thank you for receiving this message……I Love You.

P.S. This is one of many Good Seeds seeking to blossom as contributions towards creating Cities of Goodwill all over the Planet …you can freely print out lots and lots of different Seeds for making a better world for yourself and everyone. Check us out at ;

(Copy image and words within the box below and paste this circulating email direct into a new message in your email program)

Greetings, ……..I am seeking to recruit more **Armchair Activists for our first target of recruiting 1,000,000 giving hearts sharing 1 to 5 minutes every day to focus their intentions or imagination on directing the power of love to persons in need of support, to those in positions of power or to trouble spots around the world.

This is how, if we the people who so choose to, can make a collective difference for increasing Peaceful Harmony and Goodwill across the world – as a better outcome than it would be with continuing with business as usual.

Many great teachers tell us that love is the answer to every problem – because Love is an uplifting higher vibration energy presence that shifts or expands awareness to our higher nature – that’s the higher levels of consciousness with every human being – the dimension of us that only chooses the more benevolent outcomes for all concerned, including our planet’s eco systems.

The energy presence of love outflows through us whenever our hearts, thoughts and words meaningfully say I Love You, …….and, as is allowed by others, this energy of Love uplifts the other consciousness to its higher more spiritual nature where the ocean of Love is ever present.

Our higher nature, vibrating as a higher dimension of consciousness than the body, the mind and the emotions, is the very presence of Love and the source of goodwill, compassion and kindness, of intuitive wisdom and reservoir of our virtues.

This is why I hope I can encourage you to share your hearts Love for bringing more higher nature kindness, compassion, caring, human decency, respectfulness and wisdom to places where the TV news reflects very little Love being expressed either individually or collectively. Both victims and perpetrators all need more Love to heal the situations.

The power of love shifts attitudes from negative to positive, shifts lower nature motives to higher nature motives of genuine goodwill. Like attracts like, receiving Love can uplift the receiver to their own presence of love, to their higher nature.

Yes, every human being has a higher nature. Dr Hew Len demonstrated this with the evidence of transforming the entire ward of hard hearted criminally insane in an Hawaii prison – and he did this without even physically speaking to any of them.

Read the book Zero Limits, by Joe Vitale to understand about the power of Love and how it can be directed to cause miracles of change. This book shows the changes Love brings, and helps towards understanding how it fits within the bigger picture of our higher nature dimension. Dr Hew Len shows that although we seem to be unconnected with each other, the presence of Love shows how we do share a oneness at the level of our higher nature dimension. We want the world to know that everyone can also do as he did.

With that in mind, consider this; We see in life how animosity begets more animosity and kindness begets more kindness…….and similarly Love begets more Love, …….this is why you will make a difference. This is a totally peaceful way to bring changes, by allowing the power of love to inspire higher nature better choices to out-picture as a better world for humans and animals and our eco systems.

Remember, that when from the heart you say I Love You, you are speaking from a greater presence than the limited one whom you can see when you look in the bathroom mirror. If you speak from the heart, the higher intention has you speaking from a higher dimension of consciousness than you may conceive as being who you are. This is why saying I Love You has you feeling good. When spoken from the heart, the positive power of love transforms. Love can change big time troubles to positive and more benevolent good for all concerned.

Simply focus thoughts of love to an individual or group without any specific demands for change – the essence of Love Itself will inspire change. Do not try and interfere without specific permission and agreement, do not even try to change other people, even in the smallest way ………(parents of children excepted).

If you send thoughts of Love to someone without any shoulds or shouldn’ts attached, then you are letting Love take care of things, and you stay karma free from any interference in another’s life journey. Do not use this as an attempt to change others without their consent as it can set in motion an unwanted karmic returning harvest.

If we lift above attitudes or mind sets, we find we can dislike a person’s actions, dislike their personality or beliefs and still send pure thoughts of Love to them.

Remember that the power of Love dissolves lower frequency negative energy to allow more higher nature values to flood ones awareness – this is how transformation happens as the endings of problems. Here is the understanding of why we are taught that it is far more beneficial for all to just Love their enemies.

The Beatles had it right – what the world needs now is lots and lots and lots of Love. All across the world, so many who are suffering just want to be given more respect, being shown more human decency, more caring and sharing, more kindly compassion, ,more justice, more equality, plus just as importantly, more caring for animals and the environment sustaining all life forms. The use of military power and force will never do it – this can only happen from more higher nature choices, with non-harming more ethical choices by those who have positions to do so – in a nutshell, more Love, more Love in all ways.

If you trust the power of Love you can make a difference for a better world. Here is what to do; connect with your heart centre, then either silently or out loud say I Love You to the one person, or group of people or institution or situation you choose. You do not need to know the person, just keep saying I Love You to a persons name/s, or an imagined image, or to a photo / picture for 1 to 5 minutes with 100% total focus on what you are doing. You might set aside the same time each day as your personal giving to Global Harmony and Goodwill in this way.

Your person efforts can be multiplied exponentially if others join with you as a group energy focus ….perhaps selecting different targets each day or so. If two or more in a group do this together the power is multiplied immensely. When you do this know that the power of love will be there, instantly. Trust, and let it go. Love is the key, because the higher frequencies as the power of Love transforms the lower energy frequencies of negativity – this then allow more connections with the higher nature presence – then locally this has more Love present.

As more and more join in this campaign of healing with the power of Love, as time goes bye we will see more kindness, more compassion, more higher ethics, greater wisdom and more loving choices that will slowly transform the affairs of our world to Global Harmony and Goodwill.

As you join in, saying your heartfelt I Love You to the person or trouble spot situation, your imaginings may change to show the Light of love shining with the person or with the situation of concern. Keep in mind how we are told that enough love will heal everything.

Positive, higher nature choices happen when one feels uplifted and inspired. As love flows though you, you will benefit the most….because you will feel the Loving goodness filling your auras as you shift more to the quiet inner still peace and more joyful happiness within. These will be the signs of more love present. Whenever you give love, the life energy presence of pure love also stays with the one whom it flows out from.

Your peace is peace for all as you bring more love into the world. Please send copies of me to everyone who wants to make a difference for a better world – if you send me to those on your email list, then surely some of those seeds will blossom for a better world…enjoy. I am from;

**Armchair Activists, are quiet achievers who are making a difference from their armchair with various tiny steps towards Global Harmony and Goodwill.

[include_file url=””]

Seeds of Understandings

Seeds with Understandings for Building Peaceful Harmony in your City …

This group of Seeds are for building Peaceful Harmony by increasing our individual and collective Understandings of ourselves. Understanding oneself, and others does bring out more feelings of Acceptance, more Respect for all, more Tolerance and more Compassion towards all …….and these are the cornerstone virtues that will increase the Peaceful Harmony in the very atmosphere of any City or Town.

These Seeds have selections of teachings from a whole variety of sources. Each extract has been selected for its potential to increase our understandings of oneself and of others, and of all living beings ……for this is the way for bringing forth more of our higher nature qualities that will increase Peaceful Harmonious interactions in any home, office, workplace, and City or Town.

With the bigger Global picture, increasing understandings about ourselves, about others and all living beings – of who we really are – will also bring more Respect, more Acceptance, more Tolerance and more Caring Compassion (expressions of love) for helping our global family to live with more co-operation for Peaceful Harmony. Yes, expanding understandings of oneself, of who we are as our true self. soul, will reflect more of our higher nature.

Leaders of Nations and Industry with greater levels of understanding will then refuse to cause, or promote, or continue to allow harming our Planet’s eco systems, or continue other lower nature values such as warring, exploiting, oppressions and the myriads of troubles plaguing our world as is our collective past history.

History does not need to repeat itself again – history can change directions with increasing the levels of more widespread enlightened understanding, with higher, grander perceptions of ourselves and all living things ……..thus we can get excited with visions of a better future by just imagining how Global Harmony and Goodwill can flourish with increasing understandings gained with those in positions of power.

The key for Global Harmony and Goodwill is found with increasing our individual and collective understanding of who we really are, and thus who others really are – and Yes, we can do it.

You can send any of these as an attachment to an email, the Adobe Acrobat PDF Viewer toolbar has an icon to do this in one step.

These are to share and to print out and contemplate on during your quiet times.

thumbnail of Understanding 01
Seeds of Understanding 01

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Seeds of Understanding 02

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Letter of Understanding No.1

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Seeds of Understanding 03

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Seeds of Understanding 04

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Letter of Understanding No.2

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Seeds of Understanding 05

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Seeds of Understanding 06

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Letter of Understanding No.3

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Seeds of Understanding 07

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Seeds of Understanding 08

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Understanding Points of View

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Seeds of Understanding 09

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Seeds of Understanding 10

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Seeds for Self-Nurturing

Everyone needs nurturing, and we need to give this to our self…

You can use these Seeds for filling your own cup until it is running over, for then you will feel more inclined to give to others of your overflow. Self Nurturing Seeds are for you to stop and acknowledge yourself, and to appreciate yourself, and give a little more Love unto yourself – especially to the inner child.

Pick out what can support you and print it to pin up where you will read it to yourself every day as supportive self talk. Use these Seeds as reminders to always choose positive self talk. The reason why it is valuable to only think / feel positive self talk is that there is an ever listening part of each human that believes and records everything we say to ourselves, everything – and then goes about seeking to bring about the images we form about ourselves in consciousness. Thus you can see why it is so valuable to only say things about yourself that you actually want to experience as part of your life.

Try to remember that what you focus on is what you get to have more of. Can any of these Seeds support your self nurturing needs. You may be a step ahead and have already discovered some of these Seeds we have selected for this Self Nurturing page………

You can send any of these as an attachment to an email, the Adobe Acrobat PDF Viewer toolbar has an icon to do this in one step.

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Friendship 14

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Friendship 13

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Friendship 02

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Friendship 12

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Friendship 01

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Friendship 10

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Friendship 11

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Friendship 07

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Friendship 08

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Friendship 06

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Friendship 05

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Friendship 04

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To Love yourself with Self Nurturing_1

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To Love yourself with Self Nurturing_2

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To Love yourself with Self Nurturing_3

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To Love yourself with Self Nurturing_4

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Zones of Goodwill

You can create dedicated Zones of Goodwill…

This group of seeds are for establishing dedicated Zones of Goodwill. A Zone of Goodwill, large or small can be established in any location. A Goodwill Zone could be as small as inside a motor vehicle, or a private living space, or a back yard, or a coffee shop, an office – or even the whole building, or any public area. With these seeds, you need to be sensitive to others in shared spaces.

Perhaps the City Mayor will dedicate a local park as a Zone of Goodwill, and make a nicely worded plaque to remind all visitors to that location. It is strongly recommended to seek out permission and agreement for pinning up these seeds in public places, such as playgrounds, stating that the area has now become a Zone of Goodwill – the last thing we want is to unintentionally promote any agro. You may even be fortunate to live in an area where outwardly encouraging expressions of Goodwill are welcomed by all…. If so go for it, yet keep in mind these are only Seeds, and any Seed needs to grow and to blossom for enjoying the harvest of its fruits.

You can send any of these as an attachment to an email, the Adobe Acrobat PDF Viewer toolbar has an icon to do this in one step.

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Goodwill Zone 01

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Goodwill Zone 02

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Goodwill Zone 03

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Seeds of Harmony

Increase the Peaceful Harmony in your Home and your City…

This group of seeds are for increasing Peaceful Harmony. These Seeds encourage and promote the positive expressions of our higher nature – including acceptance, respect, tolerance, patience, kindness, caring, etc. etc. These seeds are to print out and pin up firstly in your living space – to treat yourself with the honour you deserve as Soul, plus they will speak to visitors as well – also you might pin these up in your cubicle at the office, on notice boards, shop windows, the rear window of your vehicle, etc. Pin up these seeds wherever you seek to encourage others to treat you better and or, to build a more harmonious atmosphere of Goodwill.

Just allow these seeds to be as silent reminders wherever the preference is to have more kindly considerate expressions for an atmosphere of Mutually Respectful and Peaceful Harmony to flourish. These seeds will blossom over and over as they silently remind people to choose the attitudes that foster Goodwill and increase Peaceful Harmony.

Something extra………. If you know about and believe in Angels, try this to add more potential possibilities for increasing the feelings of Harmony in any City atmosphere; You could ask of the Legions of Angelic beings to clear and cleanse the City’s atmosphere of any residues of negativity from past crime, past violence, past hostilities, past anger /rage or any remnant negative energy forms hanging around from the past.

And something else to try……. here is a suggestion for those times when your caring concerns want to do something about supporting the Peaceful Harmony with those in distress or dealing with the troubles of life – as we see on the nightly news, or as stories in your local paper. We humans have been given the right to ask for Angel Beings to give aid and comfort to whomever we ask this for (so long as we do not try and interfere or control others destiny) – we are told that the Angelic Beings are ever listening for when we speak requests from the heart. (check out Tom T Moore’s web site “The Gentle Way…”) This simple caring can bring quick changes with the tiny ones during airline flights – try it with sincerity and belief. Doing this is another way for building harmony and goodwill in the atmosphere in your location, or even with trouble spots in the world at large.

Print out as many as you want to, and let these Seeds of Harmony add more peaceful, positive vibrations to your personal inner world, and to the outer world at large.

You can send any of these as an attachment to an email, the Adobe Acrobat PDF Viewer toolbar has an icon to do this in one step.

For promoting more Harmony in your world, select those Seeds of Harmony with the expressions you prefer to encourage

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Harmony 01
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Harmony 02
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Harmony 03
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Harmony 04
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Harmony 05
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Harmony 06
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Harmony 07
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Harmony 8
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Harmony 09
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Harmony 10
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Harmony 11
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Harmony 12
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Harmony 13
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Harmony 14
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Harmony 15
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Harmony 17
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Harmony 18
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Harmony 19
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Harmony 20
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Harmony 21
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Harmony 22
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Harmony 23
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Harmony 24
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Harmony 25

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Start a mini Revolution of the Heart

As an Armchair Activist, you can start to transform your City.  You can make a difference in your City by starting a mini Revolution of the Heart…

Imagine your Daily TV news filled with stories of people expressing their higher nature as a complete opposite from stories reflecting the negativity of the lower nature.  Increasing respect as a natural higher nature expression (of the heart) will reflect as reduced crime rates, less road rage, less anti social behaviour, etc. etc. for these are not the expressions of the heart.

Some will say its not possible ……but we say YES WE CAN, because such a revolution of living more from our heart qualities as a quantum shift in attitudes is very possible, ……….because as we humans become aware of how living from our higher nature makes a totally better life, we will tend to more often choose and copy the better life outcomes.

The Good Seeds on this web site are designed for uplifting attention or awareness to our higher nature and also for encouraging to experiment with expressing more from ones higher nature, more from the heart…..these are the keys for a better life.  From positive rewarding results will come motivations for repeating the same.

You can join with friends to find sponsors for printing costs to leave sample bags of Good Seeds in places for folk to look at and take as they choose to. You will find that shops and meeting places where open minded and caring people visit or gather, and places where caring compassion is evident, are ideal locations for starting a mini Revolution of the Heart in your City.

Or, as an Anonymous Armchair Activist, you might decide to post out 2 or 3 envelopes to unknown people from the phone book in your City as an uplifting surprise ……if you do this every week you will make a difference and receive a joyful returning harvest for yourself (its called good karma) …..there is a small cover letter for doing just this – and you can change it if you care to.  Imagine dozens of others doing the very same thing …….imagine what differences can happen in your City.  Say YES, and change will happen. YES WE CAN.

For tissue box size displays of sample packs, you can print the notices to stick on the side and ends to then leave as a help yourself way to spread sample bags of Good Seeds. Select from the suggested variety mix for sample bags as shown below. You can buy envelope size plastic bags (from a packaging supply company) or you might use regular envelopes if you will be inserting them in letter boxes. There is an explanatory cover letter for showing through plastic bags.

No matter how many Good Seeds you start into circulation, you will be making a difference for a better City, and this helps build towards making a better world, …… sure to acknowledge yourself for making a difference in this way.


This is a personal cover letter for posting anonymously to people in your City—cut this into two.
(Click on Image for full size)


An explanation letter to include with sample bags or envelopes for letter boxes,  One is more personal, you can choose either one… If you want to, you can sign your name at the base.

This one is more personalised

Suggestions to pick 4 or 5 for inclusions with sample bags and envelopes


Print this for sticking to a ‘Please Take Some’ box display

Click on image for sides of shoe box…
Click on image for sides of shoe box…
Click on image for ends of shoe box…

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Build Bridges of Friendliness

You can Build Bridges of Friendliness for a City of Goodwill…

This group of Seeds are for Increasing the levels of Friendliness in the atmosphere. You can give or post these Seeds of Friendship to people you know and to people you may never know, for this will build more bridges of friendship and strengthen existing bridges of friendship now existing between us all.

Some of these Seeds are for building your friendship with yourself and your child within, for it is said that the level of friendship we show to each other is a mirror reflection of the level of friendliness we show unto our own self. Being your own best friend is most important for this will always be your prime relationship.

Some of these Seeds of Friendship are as posters to pin up so they will be as a continuous reminder to cease holding any limiting or negative self images, and reduce any negative self talk – for that can restrict your good feelings whenever you think of yourself – so then as you allow more of your higher nature, that’s more of the Light of who you are, to shine through, you will find that friendliness is another aspect of your natural nature.


Some of these are for giving to others as an expression of your feelings and some are for enhancing your friendship with yourself. Take your time to discover which Seeds can help you to increase your levels of respect and Love towards your own self, and especially to your inner child, who may still be carrying hurts from name calling or put-downs from long, long ago.

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Friendship 01
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Friendship 02
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Friendship 03
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Friendship 04
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Friendship 05
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Friendship 06
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Friendship 07
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Friendship 08
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Friendship 09
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Friendship 10
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Friendship 11
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Friendship 12
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Friendship 13
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Friendship 14

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Seeds for Upliftment

You can Spread Seeds for uplifting yourself and others…

With negativity filling the TV news, there are times when we all could use something to redirect our attention back to the positive and the good in life. – because what we focus our attention and feelings on is what we get to experience more of. (this is what Olympic champions do to excel in their fields)

The mixture of bits and pieces in these Seeds can be used as catalysts to help shift your attention to feeling more connected to the peace and goodness of your higher nature – for it is always present, even though sometimes it can seem like the darker clouds are blocking out its uplifting sunshine / light. Connecting awareness more to your higher nature can bring more acceptance and understandings of oneself, of others and how best to deal with the problems of life. With these Seeds you can use the insights of others to help bring more tolerance and more caring compassion (love) as the primary components for enhancing the friendships and goodwill within our Cities.

Whenever unconditional acceptance and feelings of uplifted are present with any individual person, the rewards and benefits will be as blessings for all of humanity, for all beings are connected as one – yes a blessing for all even though it may seem like a drop in the ocean….. So know that any personal gains or advancements are also a gain or advancement for the whole of humanity …..and in this way you will be making a better City and a better world.

Take what works for you and leave the rest. When you finish with each of these Seeds please pass it on to a friend or neighbour – or leave it somewhere visible for the next person to pick up – some words or pointers within it may just help to point the way for having a better day.

You can send any page of these mix of Seeds with an email attachment so the recipient can print or perhaps copy and paste something appropriately uplifting for overcoming a personal challenge or, even to send on to another friend in need……… do this as an attachment to an email, the Adobe Acrobat PDF Viewer toolbar has an icon to do this in one step.


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upliftment 1

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upliftment 2

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upliftment 3

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upliftment 4

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upliftment 5

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upliftment 6

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upliftment 7

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upliftment 9

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