Please read this first
– The AQUARIAN AGE is Transforming Countries into Nations of Goodwill
Our Wish List Challenge # 4;
Rebuilding Trust and Confidence in the “System” governing over us;
Whilst these are only ideas,we can imagine each idea as being a wish fulfilled. Remember that these are only Discussion Points to start the conversations and to stimulate considered thinking about prioities and values and the sort of society we want to phase into for a better world. These are for personal choices, – choices we hope will be from your own heart as a sovereign being, Please do not make demands from obligations or based on someone else’s shoulds or should-nots. To your own self, be true
*** The Aquarian Age values will demand that our government change from two halves fighting against each other for point scoring with ego bullying conduct, (a bit like two inmature school yard bully gangs) to now in Canberra having all of the 226 Representatives of the people working in harmony and co-operation together as 226 Independent thinkers, collectively pooling wisdoms for seeking the common good for all citizens is the way citizens have regained trust and confidence with paying taxes for running the levels of Governing over them.
*** END ALL SECRECY; No more Secrecy, other than firstly gaining court approved permission based on real valid Nation Security risk assessment needs base upon truthful evidence, and fully described reasonings, the citizens will not be kept in the dark about any matters what so ever to do with governing over citizens and the commercial activities of concern.
*** No Government Secrecy, no more hiding info with “commercial in confidence” hiding of facts.
*** No secret dossiers on citizens from spying on personal computers or wrongfully biased assumptions by any public servant. Every citizen to have full access to reading and challenging any assumptions contained in any Government or industry held dossiers on themselves.
*** Zero secrecy; including every Government document, and Cabinet paper to be made available to citizens within 30 days as a democratic right. Besides eliminating much anger, this will let everyone know what their own Democratic Representative Voice in Parliament was recorded as actually saying and doing compared to any pre-election promises of intentions. End the false promises to win votes.
*** Freedom of information laws will fully apply to publicly listed corporations, giving full access to all information around matters of commercial and industrial concerns to citizens.
*** End pre-election Deception; Any politician or political party that makes a clear promise to change or, to not change any rule in any specific way, and after being elected, then does the opposite to break that promise in the citizens interpretation, then that politician must be prosecuted for the act of Fraudulent and Deceptive conduct causing the betrayal of trust in the Government of Australia, with a writ by the Governor General for deliberate or, misleading or, deceitful conduct; similarly as company law demands of Company Directors to be forthright, with heavy penalties like prison time a possibility. Citizen must be able to trust in what they are told by those in positions of governing power and commercial/industrial power.
*** End Pre-election fear mongering; All Political Party pre-election over exaggerations from deliberately conjured up imagined negative doom and gloom results, which are then deviously word structured to deliberately cause voter fears over the conjured up imagined over exaggerated negative possibilities (implied as true fact) so as to deliberately cause voter fears for self-interests gains due to voter rejections of the vilified intended policy – and done so in a manner, or conspiracy to influence voter thinking that the over exaggerated conjured up negative imaginings would be actual true fact to gain an electoral advantage – will become a crime against the citizens, and deemed as an act of Fraudulent and or Deceptive conduct to cause an unfair electoral advantage.
*** End all the puposefully confusing language to ordinary people with the Pollie-Speak Econo-Babble. Stop all the jargon insider talk as though Pollies actually know what they are talking about when repeating pre crafted marketing Spin from their PR people.
*** Establish an ongoing generously funded National I.C.A.C. commissioner for Federal Government matters with full Royal Commission powers and instructions to clear up suspicions to do with any matters past or present that are causing concern to citizens as either effected from paying extra taxes or enduring personal harms.
*** Our Government as one of the richest nations on earth making a full and frank admittance of guilt for the gangster like deceptively dirty tricks conspired for intentionally swindling the poorest nation out of their rightful share of the Timor Sea oil reserves, has been a healing balm over the black stain disgrace on our moral values to do with International Relations – the apology and offering of generous compensation to East Timor, Timor-Leste has allowed Australian citizens to clear a little more subconscious guilt reflecting out as the dampened down self-respect levels we know as the Australian Cringe.
*** Establish a simple system of Citizens Initiated Referendums being for the citizens to collectively demand action by our Governor General to intervene on matters that the Citizens see as their Government blindly causing undue stress and loss of harmony, fracture of social cohesion and or gross loss of happiness within society, or even to sack the Government as Sir John Kerr did in 1975 at the request and reasoning of the then Leader of the Opposition.
*** The lie detector that savvy journalists use is available to every person to know when spin is deliberate misinformation or if the message is a true fact belief, by downloading the Reverse Speech software and playing recorded speeches in reverse to discover the actual truth held in the speaker’s subconscious, similarly like the lie detectors works. – to download, go to ; There is a skill with learning to ask the precise questions to reveal double standards or information being with-held. As this way of discovering fact from fiction becomes wide spread with the media journalists revealing conflicting levels of information, we will see a whole different new level of respect towards telling only what is true, for fear of being publicly exposed and shamed as a dishonest spin merchant.
*** All Pollies will make an Oath of Allegiance to all of the citizens they represent as the citizens voice, and a second Oath of Allegiance to the country as a whole, and thirdly, an Oath of Allegiance to our Planets Good Healthy Eco Systems.
If you have well considered brilliant ideas to add to this list, please write them in the Comment area below and / or send them in, preferably worded as the wish fulfilled for allowing readers imagination to then energise the beneficial and benevolent end result outcomes you envision.
Do you have a Facebook page – please pin up the ideas that are meaningful for you. And you can send demand emails to the Pollies – especially send to those who will not be told how to vote by Party Leaders – and especially send demands to independents – but if you really want action go to the very top of our Government System, Our Governor General and make known your dissatisfactions with whatever is causing you pain or stress and ask for his intervention to request Parliament to consider the changes you want for a fairer and more equal society. – a society where People came first, and commercial profits come second.
Supposing……. Supposing we were to inspire a million or so Armchair Activists for demanding changes that would transform Australia into the First Goodwill Nation………..
Supposing……… If Our Governor General were to receive a half million or so email requests asking to forthwith start a number of wide ranging enquiries covering many of the matters as our major challenges, or better still a number of full Royal Commissions to get to the bottom of why things are as they are with whatever adversely affects you, or what causes you needless struggles and pain, or what causes you unhappiness, or is against your understandings about what a democracy actually is supposed to be in your perspective – and especially demand changes where you can see Government Policies are causing damage to social cohesion in favour of more profits for the wealthy. Or you might ask our Governor General to make a decree that our National Parliament in Australia must fully act to foster the people’s benevolent Happiness and Harmony, as the first and foremost considerations and that industrial or commercial profits as secondary to Social Cohesian, Happines, Harmony and Goodwill. Even the unhappy rich realise that Social Cohesion, Happiness and Harmony in the community are worth far more than gold.
You can send your protests and demand messages to our Governor General in Canberra. His email contact is on his web site – but you are only allowed 250 words……so you will need to be succinct. If you wish to send a longer written snail mail demand, then respect means to use his correct title, as is copied and pasted here with his web site as well;
His Excellency General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC (Retd)
Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia.
(– email address only available on request)
The salutation for a letter should be “Your Excellency” or “Dear Governor-General”
Your message can be your demand for the changes you want, asking that he as our Governor General, present the Prime Minister and The Government of the day with your specific demands. Or you might simply demand that Our Queens Government in Australia now act to always consider the needs of the people first and foremost and to give Equality and Fairness to all Citizens, specifically with “ …….x………x…………x…………x…………x………… x” (insert whatever changes you want)
You can request to be advised if and when this matter will be considered by our Governor General……Simply use the same wording as you would write a respectful demand from a position of knowing that as a citizen, you pay taxes for the Government and Parliament to exists, so as to serve the wants and needs of the people it represents, therefore you have such right.
You can also send your letter of demand to your local Pollies, – or maybe more notice will be taken by those who seek to be lected as Independents in Parliament, who will not be restrained by Party Leaders. In the past, with even those few strong Independent thinker in our Government, we have generally seen more sensitivity to the needs and demands of the people as their preferences before pampering to industry. Pity we have not had more free thinking independents showing more concerns for the people – even so, they have been a welcome change of late – we can only hope the Party negative propaganda against Independents will be ignored by intelligent free thinkers who are learning to see what is true – seeing what is true is another Aquarian Age trend.
Social Media is the excellent vehicle for promoting any issue you personally wish for, maybe it is not in the Wish Lists above, yet hopefully from thinking about some of the brilliant ideas and getting to grasp how the world is run by those who turn up, realize that your own Power of One has the potential to move mountains if used in a positive way and for the benevolence of all life forms. Remember – It is the squeeky wheel that gets the grease.
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