Please read this first
– The AQUARIAN AGE is Transforming Countries into Nations of Goodwill
WISH LIST Challenge # 3;
Healing Our Refugee Asylum Seeker Shame.
Whilst these are only ideas,we can imagine each idea as being a wish fulfilled. Remember that these are only Discussion Points to start the conversations and to stimulate considered thinking about prioities and values and the sort of society we want to phase into for a better world. These are for personal choices, – choices we hope will be from your own heart as a sovereign being, Please do not make demands from obligations or based on someone else’s shoulds or should-nots. To your own self, be true
If you now focus your full attention within for a few minutes, – by-pass the mind going around and around in its circles, – by-pass any recorded media manipulation propaganda on this issue, – just stay as the witness in the stillness of your Spirit, – .now, with the intention of honuring your own Self, perceive your own truth with this challenge – what are the most benevolent outomes that your Soul Presence is nudging, they may not even be here – you may have a brilliant idea that can lift us all to more Christ like Compassion.
*** The Pope, as the head of the Catholic Religion of, around 1,200,000,000 Global parishioners has spoken out about the indifference with the plight of asylum seekers as a stain on society. Many Australians felt deep shame to be included in this condemnation. In Australia, over 100 churches have offered sanctuary to refugees to protect and save them from being sent to our offshore detention shame, and done so boldly in defiance of the Government spin. This turn around with grass roots support for the less fortunate refugee seekers, is another example of the Aquarian Age Loving Compassion coming to the fore and out picturing in society. Now we hear media speak of them as being Human Beings – thats a big turn around !
*** So as to really know and feel the consequences of their policies ; All pollies who vote to send refugee and asylum seekers to the dehumanising conditions at offshore islands, will be demanded to spend a week or two in the very same place, with the very same conditions and food they have sent other human being to endure as their punishment for daring to ask to be treated as their rights set out within UN Treaties that Australia had signed up to many years ago. To our collective shame, with all of our 226 government representatives, we have had only one brave soul, a female who has consistently and courageously stood up and spoken out from the heart. She so bravely had the forthright integrity to honestly speak about our need to allow our Ausralian human decently to end the cruel punishment of the endless inprisonment with secrecy and hiding of our human rights disgraces – and pleaded to change the cruel cold hearted attitudes way of treating the refugee seekers, especially to the children to show humane compassion, – yet shamefully mocked over and over by self-interests. Even our Human Rights Commissioner was treated with disdain for honestly condemning Government Policies.
[Thank goodness now that we are shifting to predominantly Independent Voices in Canberra, those dark days of party politics are ending. (Consider the mayhem around the world if every country decided to ignore Global Treaties whenever it was inconvenient to honour them – why have any Global Treaties at all if they are not binding) ]
*** Trashing the principle of a fair go for all when it comes to inconvenient situations will end. New laws defining abuse of positions or power to cause sufferings or pain to others being defined as crimes against humanity will change attitudes from indifference, hostility, cruelty and cold hard hearted political vote gaining arising from fear mongering political point scoring. Other than the short period of seeking to return to more Christian like compassionate values without back–up supporting measures, our country’s shameful story with propaganda bias promotion of angry voiced negative attitudes towards refugee asylum seeker human beings has become a major stand out reason why all of our media must not be allowed to be in the control of any single entity by acquiring such through buy-outs. Good kind hearted citizens must never again be feeling helpless to stop the twisted fear based engendering word level manipulation with the use of media for political point scoring propaganda and voter sympathy, which reflected no more honour than just another episode of man’s inhumanity to man for self-interests. At some point we will all look back and call it the second dark age period of Australian history.
*** We Australian citizens are known to be generally kind and compassionate towards those less fortunate and in need – we are not the cruel cold hearted monsters that Pollies have conned us into thinking we are, and have made us look as such in the eyes of the world. The devious way of using National Security media spin for deliberately promoting fear spin (i.e. like the thoughts and concepts of the refugees wanting to take over our country as an invasion) ……then manipulating those fear imaginings within public thinking, so as to score election winning points, ….and done at the expense of these suffering human beings that were so deliberately dehumanised as being of lesser worth and or terrorists sympathisers to fear. This is the reason why The Immigration Department activities must not be a play thing of our Pollies, and instead, become an independent arm of governing, similarly as the Reserve Bank is independent from political manipulations. Thankfully, the higher levels of enlightenment will bring understandings of the equality and oneness of all human beings, then our better nature will be begging for forgiveness from these Human Souls we have so shamefully been treating as though we as a society have been given some higher rights to inflict and cause the cruel harms to others seeking our help, and have done so without considering the consequences. (consequence like riots ending with murder by being belted to death, chldren abused, worst case hopeless depressions, self-immolation and whatever else that only a Royal Commission will have the power to discover)
[ As a Christian Nation, what happened to our Christian ethic of “Do unto others as we would have others do unto us” ……..we can only hope our Grandchildren’s children never have to abandon this island due to climate change, global warming – for that would not be a good time for such chickens to come back home to roost……….. it’s called Karma, more specifically, Country Karma. – and the Universe has a long memory.]
*** The clever but dishonest spin of why our country uses the cruelty of mental torture as the only way for stopping drownings at sea has been used as an unethical cover up and lacking integrity since the boats were first stopped and turned back If we can turn back boats, we can also rescue boats before they sink if we wanted to (remember the children overboard con) – The dishonest spin seems to be deliberately used to fool the public over and over and over and will soon be exposed as the deliberate media complicit con job on the citizens that it is – and has been for three years or so due to our Pollies not wanting to publicly admit the moral and ethical wrongs – and to then make those wrongs right.
[ Besides making rescues at sea if there was a real desire to do so, – any spy catcher knows that simply paying generous bounty money to locals for catching those very bad “people smugglers’’ and bringing the few villains to justice, would have saved all that shame and billions upon billions of dollars in the bargain (savings to give back the school kids bonus) – and would not have the Australian citizens feeling so ashamed and so guilty for allowing it all to have happened in their name, – thats when the full truth finally is revealed. (We can read of how the German people felt so devastated with their levels of self-respect when the truth was finally revealed about them being conned by the clever words of the devious leaders) When the new whistle-blower promotion laws are active and the Royal Commission on Refugee Treatment hears the hundreds of personal stories to presents its findings over the sordid matters, the public mood will swing behind total compassion – this will start major healings of the guilty conscience with those citizens who knew it was so very wrong from the start.]
*** With the more enlightened Aquarian Age awakening awareness of all beings as merely different faces (Souls) of the One Life Source, this will generate a sincere wanting to extend equality to all human beings no matter their circumstances, their religious beliefs or situations – this includes those seeking survival refuge in our land and to have our protection as their right to do so under UN conventions we have signed. Australia has miles upon miles of empty lands similar to where many refugees have lived, and Australians primarily only want to visit. After all, ask yourself, who owns the Planet anyway?
*** Our Aquarian Age expanded awareness will give a more enlightened attitude towards suffering refugees who will probably be given a ‘feel welcome pack” with a clear synopsis of our Constitution, our rules, our values, our customs and our ways of life, plus any expectations with all the web links to gather more fuller understandings of our society, – with a variety of tips for how they can begin to fit in harmoniously for a good and prosperous life here, and in ways that can contribute to society.
*** The laws and penalties for reducing domestic Violence will also apply to any person causing mental and emotional violence to refugees, including Government Public Servants at any level, or Government Contractors including their Company Directors. Laws and penalties will apply even for unconscionable conduct, so that asylum seekers and refugees are not purposefully and knowing punished simply as a self interest message for deterring other asylum seekers from coming here. Those cruel policies of treating refugee seekers (who acted within UN conventions) with emotional cruelty, or inhumane conduct (some claim it has been a form of torture) has been, in many citizens view, a deliberate Crime against Humanity.
[This is probably the main reason why Aussie backpackers remove the Australian Flag from their backpacks whist in some areas overseas. In contrast, with knowing that stopping the boats can be achieved with less harm to humans beings the Australian people would rather have these people treated as human beings deserving Christian kindness of respect and dignity in all ways, whether in public view or hidden away out of public view. Whistle-blowers revealing morally and ethically wrongful conduct will expose things held secret from citizen and become National Heroes..]
*** The Draconian laws to keep dirty business hidden by threatening Jail time for revealing inhumane things happening by those who have been working at our offshore detention Centres will be retracted on orders from the overwhelming demands from citizens to the Royal Commission seeking to investigate the shameful refugee story from beginning to end. To then give recommendations for laying charges of unconscionable conduct with bringing our country into disrepute, – just the same as sports-people face a high cost for bringing their sporting code into disrepute with bad conduct.
[Such a strong stand against bad conduct will start to regain the good name of our society. Saying sorry with fully admitting the wrongs and also by making rightful compensation actions, seems to be just too much for our Pollies to do voluntarily – perhaps with enough citizen demands and with newly elected Independents without Party Loyalties this will happen sooner than later.]
*** For faster integration, all new arrivals will be given free English Language DVD sets for assisting to quickly learn our English language and local sayings – (to eliminate local fears or suspicions from wondering what they are saying about us.) All new arrivals will be encouraged to use our language in public for speedier harmonious blending into our culture.
If you have well considered brilliant ideas to add to this list, please write them in the Comment area below and / or send them in, preferably worded as the wish fulfilled for allowing readers imagination to then energise the beneficial and benevolent end result outcomes you envision.
Do you have a Facebook page – please pin up the ideas that are meaningful for you. And you can send demand emails to the Pollies – and especially send demands to independents – but if you really want action go to the very top of our Government System, Our Governor General and make known your dissatisfactions with whatever is causing you pain or stress and ask for his intervention to request Parliament to consider the changes you want for a fairer and more equal society. – a society where Peopl came first, and commercial profits come second.
Supposing……. Supposing we were to inspire a million or so Armchair Activists for demanding changes that would transform Australia into the First Goodwill Nation………..
Supposing……… If Our Governor General were to receive a half million or so email requests asking to forthwith start a number of wide ranging enquiries covering many of the matters as our major challenges, or better still a number of full Royal Commissions to get to the bottom of why things are as they are with whatever adversely affects you, or what causes you needless struggles and pain, or what causes you unhappiness, or is against your understandings about what a democracy actually is supposed to be in your perspective – and especially demand changes where you can see Government Policies are causing damage to social cohesion in favour of profits for the wealthy. Or you might ask our Governor General to make a decree that our National Parliament in Australia must fully act to foster the people’s benevolent Happiness and Harmony, as the first and foremost considerations and that industrial or commercial profits as secondary to society cohesian, Happines, Harmony and Goodwill. Even the unhappy rich realise that Social Cohesion, Happiness and Harmony in the community are worth far more than gold.
You can send your protests and demand messages to our Governor General in Canberra. His email contact is on his web site – but you are only allowed 250 words……so you will need to be succinct. If you wish to send a longer written snail mail demand, then respect means to use his correct title, as is copied and pasted here with his web site as well;
His Excellency General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC (Retd)
Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia.
(– email address only available on request)
The salutation for a letter should be “Your Excellency” or “Dear Governor-General”
Your message can be your demand for the changes you want, asking that he as our Governor General, present the Prime Minister and The Government of the day with your specific demands. Or you might simply demand that Our Queens Government in Australia now act to always consider the needs of the people first and foremost and to give Equality and Fairness to all Citizens, specifically with “ …….x………x…………x…………x…………x………… x” (insert whatever changes you want)
You can request to be advised if and when this matter will be considered by our Governor General……Simply use the same wording as you would write a respectful demand from a position of knowing that as a citizen, you pay taxes for the Government and Parliament to exists, so as to serve the wants and needs of the people it represents, therefore you have such right.
You can also send your letter of demand to your local Pollies, – or maybe more notice will be taken by those who seek to be lected as Independents in Parliament, who will not be restrained by Party Leaders. In the past, with even those few strong Independent thinker in our Government, we have generally seen more sensitivity to the needs and demands of the people as their preferences before pampering to industry. Pity we have not had more free thinking independents showing more concerns for the people – even so, they have been a welcome change of late – we can only hope the Party negative propaganda against Independents will be ignored by intelligent free thinkers who are learning to see what is true – seeing what is true is another Aquarian Age trend.
Social Media is the excellent vehicle for promoting any issue you personally wish for, maybe it is not in the Wish Lists above, yet hopefully from thinking about some of the brilliant ideas and getting to grasp how the world is run by those who turn up, realize that your own Power of One has the potential to move mountains if used in a positive way and for the benevolence of all life forms. Remember – It is the squeeky wheel that gets the grease.
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