Greetings, ……..I am seeking to recruit more **Armchair Activists for our first target of recruiting 1,000,000 giving hearts sharing 1 to 5 minutes every day to focus their intentions or imagination on directing the power of love to persons in need of support, to those in positions of power or to trouble spots around the world.
This is how, if we the people who so choose to, can make a collective difference for increasing Peaceful Harmony and Goodwill across the world – as a better outcome than it would be with continuing with business as usual.
Many great teachers tell us that love is the answer to every problem – because Love is an uplifting higher vibration energy presence that shifts or expands awareness to our higher nature – that’s the higher levels of consciousness with every human being – the dimension of us that only chooses the more benevolent outcomes for all concerned, including our planet’s eco systems.
The energy presence of love outflows through us whenever our hearts, thoughts and words meaningfully say I Love You, …….and, as is allowed by others, this energy of Love uplifts the other consciousness to its higher more spiritual nature where the ocean of Love is ever present.
Our higher nature, vibrating as a higher dimension of consciousness than the body, the mind and the emotions, is the very presence of Love and the source of goodwill, compassion and kindness, of intuitive wisdom and reservoir of our virtues.
This is why I hope I can encourage you to share your hearts Love for bringing more higher nature kindness, compassion, caring, human decency, respectfulness and wisdom to places where the TV news reflects very little Love being expressed either individually or collectively. Both victims and perpetrators all need more Love to heal the situations.
The power of love shifts attitudes from negative to positive, shifts lower nature motives to higher nature motives of genuine goodwill. Like attracts like, receiving Love can uplift the receiver to their own presence of love, to their higher nature.
Yes, every human being has a higher nature. Dr Hew Len demonstrated this with the evidence of transforming the entire ward of hard hearted criminally insane in an Hawaii prison – and he did this without even physically speaking to any of them.
Read the book Zero Limits, by Joe Vitale to understand about the power of Love and how it can be directed to cause miracles of change. This book shows the changes Love brings, and helps towards understanding how it fits within the bigger picture of our higher nature dimension. Dr Hew Len shows that although we seem to be unconnected with each other, the presence of Love shows how we do share a oneness at the level of our higher nature dimension. We want the world to know that everyone can also do as he did.
With that in mind, consider this; We see in life how animosity begets more animosity and kindness begets more kindness…….and similarly Love begets more Love, …….this is why you will make a difference. This is a totally peaceful way to bring changes, by allowing the power of love to inspire higher nature better choices to out-picture as a better world for humans and animals and our eco systems.
Remember, that when from the heart you say I Love You, you are speaking from a greater presence than the limited one whom you can see when you look in the bathroom mirror. If you speak from the heart, the higher intention has you speaking from a higher dimension of consciousness than you may conceive as being who you are. This is why saying I Love You has you feeling good. When spoken from the heart, the positive power of love transforms. Love can change big time troubles to positive and more benevolent good for all concerned.
Simply focus thoughts of love to an individual or group without any specific demands for change – the essence of Love Itself will inspire change. Do not try and interfere without specific permission and agreement, do not even try to change other people, even in the smallest way ………(parents of children excepted).
If you send thoughts of Love to someone without any shoulds or shouldn’ts attached, then you are letting Love take care of things, and you stay karma free from any interference in another’s life journey. Do not use this as an attempt to change others without their consent as it can set in motion an unwanted karmic returning harvest.
If we lift above attitudes or mind sets, we find we can dislike a person’s actions, dislike their personality or beliefs and still send pure thoughts of Love to them.
Remember that the power of Love dissolves lower frequency negative energy to allow more higher nature values to flood ones awareness – this is how transformation happens as the endings of problems. Here is the understanding of why we are taught that it is far more beneficial for all to just Love their enemies.
The Beatles had it right – what the world needs now is lots and lots and lots of Love. All across the world, so many who are suffering just want to be given more respect, being shown more human decency, more caring and sharing, more kindly compassion, ,more justice, more equality, plus just as importantly, more caring for animals and the environment sustaining all life forms. The use of military power and force will never do it – this can only happen from more higher nature choices, with non-harming more ethical choices by those who have positions to do so – in a nutshell, more Love, more Love in all ways.
If you trust the power of Love you can make a difference for a better world. Here is what to do; connect with your heart centre, then either silently or out loud say I Love You to the one person, or group of people or institution or situation you choose. You do not need to know the person, just keep saying I Love You to a persons name/s, or an imagined image, or to a photo / picture for 1 to 5 minutes with 100% total focus on what you are doing. You might set aside the same time each day as your personal giving to Global Harmony and Goodwill in this way.
Your person efforts can be multiplied exponentially if others join with you as a group energy focus ….perhaps selecting different targets each day or so. If two or more in a group do this together the power is multiplied immensely. When you do this know that the power of love will be there, instantly. Trust, and let it go. Love is the key, because the higher frequencies as the power of Love transforms the lower energy frequencies of negativity – this then allow more connections with the higher nature presence – then locally this has more Love present.
As more and more join in this campaign of healing with the power of Love, as time goes bye we will see more kindness, more compassion, more higher ethics, greater wisdom and more loving choices that will slowly transform the affairs of our world to Global Harmony and Goodwill.
As you join in, saying your heartfelt I Love You to the person or trouble spot situation, your imaginings may change to show the Light of love shining with the person or with the situation of concern. Keep in mind how we are told that enough love will heal everything.
Positive, higher nature choices happen when one feels uplifted and inspired. As love flows though you, you will benefit the most….because you will feel the Loving goodness filling your auras as you shift more to the quiet inner still peace and more joyful happiness within. These will be the signs of more love present. Whenever you give love, the life energy presence of pure love also stays with the one whom it flows out from.
Your peace is peace for all as you bring more love into the world. Please send copies of me to everyone who wants to make a difference for a better world – if you send me to those on your email list, then surely some of those seeds will blossom for a better world…enjoy. I am from;
**Armchair Activists, are quiet achievers who are making a difference from their armchair with various tiny steps towards Global Harmony and Goodwill. |