Group 5 for Your Advancement; are some Gems worth more than Gold.
These are Seeds with information and knowledge that everyone can use for their own Advantage towards having a Good and Satisfying Life experience. You are encouraged to test and try out these little known advantages that some are using for their own benefit. Some of these Gems will turn out to be more valuable than Gold as you journey along in life – teach the Children of whatever you learn for giving an Advantage for your own life.
This Seeds is a must study for allowing increasing levels of love into any person’s Life experiences.
This Seed is THE BEST. We each have so much unseen help, that it is way beyond normal belief. Do yourself a favour and read the stories posted on the Web Site from the book ; ……then believe that you also can have such benefit today, right now – this is another Gem of a choice for supporting your own self.
This is a follow on to the previous Seed
This Gem has a collection of perceptions; Treat this Gem as a pointer for gaining your own Insights to do with the questions of “why am I here and what is life all about.” When nearing the end it can become a little more clear that Winning in the Game of Life is more about ‘ Being ‘ rather than ‘ Doing ‘. You can be a Winner in The Game of Life, without any great achievements of fame or riches or positions or power. Do realise that Individual Perceptions as put together here are from various sources and can not define what is truth and what is imagination – these things, you need to decide for yourself. However, fact or fiction, this Seed can be valuable for opening the doors or clearing the way for gaining more Acceptance, and more Patience, and more Tolerance and more Respect for others for bringing forth more Inner Calm, more Serenity and more Inner Harmony for each of us as we pass through even those bumpy periods of our life experiences where nothing seems to make sense. Perhaps simply use this Seed as an Attitude Vitamin for your Advancement towards your own Insights.
This Seed is full of Sage advice for everyone…even though said to be some hundreds of years old, it is still very fitting for today. If you can acquire Kamahl’s recorded version, then play it to your children often, for this will return great life long dividends. If anyone wants to record this as an MP3 and send on to us, then we will make it available to everyone as a free download here on this web site.
This Gem is about gaining some clarity to do with you taking back your power.
You can also send any of these to a friend (but never ever as a judgemental ” you need to change “ message – for that is not so nice karmic energy when it returns as the harvest from such sowing and reaping with placing judgements upon others) …… can send off any one individual Good Seed as an attachment to an email, the Adobe Acrobat PDF Viewer toolbar has an icon to do this in one step. Or you can just copy and paste any bits within an email or Facebook or Your website blog.
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