Armchair Activists

       Can we encourage you to be an Armchair Activist for Goodwill.

   No matter where you are, or what level of spare time you have, you can make a difference for a better world as an Armchair Activist – even during those pesky advert breaks whilst watching the TV in the evenings, or sitting in a prison cell, or laying in a hospital bed, or at school, or at work on smoko, or chatting on social media, or out shopping, or reading the local paper, or on hearing some local gossip, .or even when simply laying on the beach getting some sunshine whilst connecting with Gaia, and breathing the fresh clean air, on your five million dollar private yatch or even on a world cruise  having a good time – every day you can hear or know of someones having a hard time – or maybe has just became another victim of the ever worsening climate changes as caused from Global warming – wherever you see the need, you can do something right now to make a difference..  Wherever we look there is always someone we can see or hear about who might be struggling in one way or another where the uplifting presence of Love and Light will make a differenc..

      Sending vibrations of heartfelt goodwill is simply using your imagination for mentally projecting kindly and loving heartfelt thoughts to the image of that person or place – it will instantly become connected to that individualised energy field atmosphere (the auric field) of that person, or place, or specific location..    Or if you prefer, just sending one of our Seeds (infused with your heartfelt love) as an anonymous upliftment to someone doing it tough, can be a nice uplifting surprise ….. and potentially good karma to set in motion for yourself with thatthe consequences of an uplifting return harvest.   (chickens always come home to roost – what goes round, comes round )     Even by attaching our Peace and Goodwill email footer to your emails, or on a Facebook page, you can add to the Peaceful Harmony in the atmosphere on our Planet.  Because when the received reads those words his or her peaceful energy will radiate into the atmosphere..  This is making a difference – for the invisible transforms to the visibla. – Nice karma to accrue !

    The thing to remember for self motivation with being an Armchair Activist is that every thought formed with the heartfelt energy of goodwill, does linger in the personal aura and atmosphere of the sender, as well as being a blessing for the receiver – and, If allowed, into consciousness, by the receiver this will then become an inner state attractor for more of its equivelently resonating frequency level of life energy.   Then with you as the creator and sender of the blessing, more of those similar thought forms will be attracted to your own auric fields.  The thoughts we form from the invisible nothingness do, gather together to become as one larger and stronger energy form (where clairvoyants can actually see such colours) – when positive and uplifting these can and will cause you more positive upliftment like feeling good within. (lucky you)    

      Try to remember, when from the invisible nothingness, we individually create either the negative or the positive thought forms we are adding that specific frequency into the atmosphere around us, be it either the positive like Compassion, Love and Upliftment, or the negative like Anger, Hate or Fear, and then as with different frequencies around us, each does attract its own resonating similarity – (Like, attract Like) …..thus everything has its own equivelent returning consequences to It’s creator.  What goes round, comes round. 

     And with thie higher vibrational frequency levels of Love and Goodwill with your inner state comes a natural increase of enlightnment.  (because Love is also LIght – Thus to be en-light-ened with The Light of Love)    However, any location with dense levels or heavy clouds of negativity hanging around, such as like a prison or some place with an over abundance of the darker lower nature energy of anger and hate or revenge, then a great level of the higher frequency positive thought forms would be needed for the positive to eventually neutralise ( by raising the frequency vibes) so the positive can blossom – but dont give up, for he wins who endures to the end.

     The choice to be an Armchair Activist is knowing that from us, there are no “ have to ” rules and no demands – this is an opt in and opt out personal choice.  Think of this is a spare moments thing to uplift yourself and to uplift others using the power of Love.  Hopefully, very soon you will discover how a little scent of the rose actually does stay with the hand that gives it, and such good feelings will motivate lots of folks choosing to opt in more often.    It all depends on how much goodwill we each personally perceive the citizens of our world need for collective survival.   With the little understood potentials with the higher frequencies of Pure Heartfelt Love and Light, we can act as acollective to transform much of the bad news scenes that we see on the T.V. news every day.   We can recall how in a past time of hovering dense and dark clouds, The President of The U.S.A. told the people to not be seduced by thought forms with the advice that       ” The only thing to Fear, is Fear itself ”    Such wisdom and common sense would be helpful today for  building global Peace and Harmony.

      Each person reading this will know where their main concerns are and where some enlightenment will help save our planet as a livable environment for passing onto our children and grandcjildren – be the concerns be about groups of human beings, or our animals under threat in the wilds, or any physical location either locally, nationally or globally where more Love and Light and Understandings will make a difference.

    You can also be very active with uplifting individual folks who are going through a hard time, we also have lots of different Good Seeds for this.   You can print out any of them, or copy and paste something as an email message content or even as a Facebook entry – the first group of Seeds for sharing your Love and kindness have a few choices that you might use.  The Love Shower Seed, (this is the 3rd one in that group) is especially suited for anyone seeking to transform the atmosphere of lower nature energy fields into a more clear space where more peace and more harmony would make life better for all – we have also included some of our complete essential messages for sending off as emails, – you can see these below !

    You can also be active with promoting your location as a City of Goodwill – this is something you can do with others in a group or as your own way of making a difference where you live.…..see the special page with ideas.

    You can be active locally and you can also be promoting Global Goodwill ….there are some mini messages as email footers below this intro.  We encourage sending one of these off with every email leaving you  (you can set your email program to attach these automatically)   And with the other three essential message emails below, you can copy and paste the whole message, as an e-mail or even just copy and paste any meaningful bits that speak your own sentiments.   When we, as a society more fully grasp and know what Einstein means with changing the energy vibrations of anything to cause a difference form, we will see how every kindly heartfelt loving thought you create, even in the imagination,, does, there and then becomes a benevolent vibrational influence within the whole of our atmosphere  and thus does benefit all living beings who breathe that air.   This is the Antidote to those who choose to promote Fear.

     If only we had eyes to see, or instruments to measure how the resonance of the higher vibrations do transform the resonance of lower frequency vibrations – for then our scientists would be jumping over the moon, with their greatest discovery of all time…  If you read about How The Universe Works – ( a page on this web site ) – you discover the power that you have right now for transforming the negative hate and Fear to the positive Goodwill for building Global Harmony and Peace. !   To a Goodwill Planet – Nice !

    However you choose to be active as an Armchair Activist – even if it is simply sending your loving thoughts to someone you see on the TV news in a far distant location, know that no such giving is in ever in vain – , for we are all connected as the One Omni-present Consciousness, and your thought energy will be received virtually as it leaves your own field, – for on the invisible dimensions, time as we understand it, does not exist.  With an all pervading consciousness,there is no time, and there is no distance as we know and use it physically.  (Thats why some people have learned to do direct their attention for remote viewing of past, present and future at any location.   When you silently say I You Love to Someone, their personal energy body with their individualized frequency of consciousness will recieve it instantly, yes, even on the other side of the planet. (there will need to be some level of an open mind to allow that energy into that protected personal auric field – remember, that every individual is a soverign being, and being open to receive other or even higher level frequencies, is their business – and not for anyone else to judge)

     One collective action that everyone can join in with (as an Armchair Activist) is to bless any location with a Shower of Love and Light – (especially over your own Town or City or nation and with areas of concern)   Be sure to include conflict zones with lots and lots of Love and Light Showers.   You can use your own creative imagination to do this – or, for a structure or guide to follow, you can use our especially reworded Seed for creatively imagining Love Showers for transmuting the excess of Fear and Negativity hanging around in the atmosphere of our Planet. .  Yet. wherever you choose to create a Love Shower, do realise that the good positive energy you are sending with your creative imagination to that location will also be beneficial for the Wildlife and also the Eco Systems as well as for all of us Human Beings breathing the circulating air of our global atmosphere..   After following the scrip s couple of times, you will be able to flash a virtual video of it all in a few seconds, even with your eyes open – the key is within your intentions.

                             Here is a sample guide for creating Love Showers…….Do not ever do this whilst driving or near machinary…..

     Firstly declare yourself (meaning who you are in essence, as a Soul) to be an open channel for pure love in its highest form.  Now, with a clear intention of sincerely and only wanting  “ for the highest good of all concerned” – meaning not seeking to take away or restrict any personal freedoms or trying to control the destiny of others with your personal beliefs/choices , simply place it all in higher hands, i.e.   “not my way, but Thy way “- meaning the way of the Creator of all that is.     Do this is to keep yourself free of any karmic implications that could include a returning harvest of tears rather than Joy.

      Whilst holding this enlightened attitude, shift your focus to imagine that you are high above your home or village  (you will possibly feel light headed, because now have your focus of attention attuned into the Etheric plane of existence) – now shift in your imagination to be high above the location where your concerns are way, way below on earth  – now use your imagination to see a soft and gentle love shower looking like a pure golden energy of Love and Light flowing out from your heart centre – imagine pure golden love (perhaps looking like tiny golden hearts or light bursts) endlessly streaming from you and gently falling and blending into the atmosphere over the specific area or location or situation of concern for you.

    Then go higher – to imagine being way, way above the Planet, and again imagine the golden rays of pure love streaming out through you and gently falling to join with and transform negativity in the atmosphere over a whole nation, or any areas of conflict – you might imagine your love shower phasing into the atmosphere where choices are made that can bring more compassionate and more caring benevolent outcomes for all living beings – you might imagine lots of love falling around those persons making choices based on profit greed wher such will harm our planet – you might even imagine an ending of greed inspired choices that will cause damages to the eco systems or the animals or the people on our Planet.     

     You can imagine (or pretend) this higher frequency transforming energy of Love and Light slowly drifting down over an area or situation or persons causing you concern – or history shows continuous cycles of pay-back revenge – or any personally perceived threat to Global Harmony, to Global Peace and to Human wellbeing – you can silently  say  “I share pure Love and Light with all beings.”    You can continue with your Love Shower until you imagine the whole Planet bathed in a soft glow of scintillating golden light of love. 

      Please hold / flash an imaginary end picture of Peacfull and Harmony at every spot of our Planet – this may look like a tiny rose pink heart, or a sparkle of pue scintilating Light – whatever, has you feeling good.

      As you do this hold a state of neutral detachment, this will allow the highest pure Love and Light to flow out from your own soul presence, through this your higher nature.  You can do this as a daily time of giving back, or your personal blessing for our planet – and take as long as you like to enjoy the peaceful space this will shift you into.  Remember that this inner Peace you will have shifted into is always present for you – and you can become uplifted by this inner peaceful level of yourself whenever you enter this stillness.  There is no better medicine for feeelings of depression.  And your personal inner peace Is the Peace of our world – this is what the world needs now.

      As you shower the Planet with love, know that when love is in the air, and when people breathe in the loving vibrations from that atmosphere, this presence can uplift to inspire more expressions of the higher nature of those open to love – just like what happens at Christmas time when hearts open and self-interests turn to giving for the sake of love….This is Love being expressed. 


Or something very easy and simple ;  – Just follow this guided meditation with Brian Besco for including your personal contribution for anchoring your Love and Light with the collective activity; The Global Love and Grattude Grid. 

This is included with full permission from Brian..   Copy this web address tinto your web browser;   

               Everything starts from our imagination.  Imagination Rules The World…..  We can use our power of One – that is our imagination for good and benevolent outcomes for making a world of Peaceful Harmony.


     Remember, That Imagination Rules The World..  When each of us, individually and collectively with our imagination, direct our individual Power of One, the consequential outer level changes are called Miracles – they say miracles, because the experts can not understand the higher dimensions from their mental body thinking level.   We, as a society could start to more fully understand the power we each have if and when collectively and in harmony we use the attention to laser-like focus our Creative Imagination on the end result picture of the most benevolent and highest good outcome – that means fully wanting only the very highest and best good for all concerned.   Firstly, we need to get over the old Piscean ways of beliefs and get to know that All Humanity as being equal – the Ones with consciousness shows this as so..   Equality is the way of this New Aquarian Age and is like Nature’s counter balancing to the old Piscean Age mind sets of class and priveledge with use the of wealth and power.  Such beliefs are now past their use-by date.  

     Collectively, ucing our creative imagination as one united force seeking the most benevolent outcomes that will be for the highest good of all concerned, we, as a society united together, can move mountains.   (as the saying goes – because when seeking only the most benevolent outcomes for all concerned, there is instantaneous helping from the Spiritual Heirachy / Angelic kingdom)    We no longer need to be the victims living from fear when we discover our own power of Love and LIght – and when in harmony, used by two or more as One with higher level support) can be a power we collectively have that is greater than the most barbaric weapons of war and self interest mind sets. 

     Please take this away – We who want to can join with another/s to collectively send forth our heartfelt Love and LIght (via our imagination) as benevolent positive vibes for transforming any morphic dark side fields of negative thought forms that are still hanging around in the atmosphere of any location – think of the residues from past history of conflicts from old long ago activities from the lust of seld-interests for more power and money greed.   We can read of the history records of mans inhumanity to man (but, more like crimes against humanity) as expressions of ignorance.   Such locations will benfit from a Love Shower as created by caring folks in their armchairs all across our world – folks who seek to make a difference. without having any more wars.  No more Wars.  

    With this new Aquarian Age influences from the planets lining up their collective power we will have an evolutionary speeding up with break throughs of individual and collective enlightenment – meaning we will see far more evolutionary intelligence, we will realize that there is no need for any more wars (well, unless swayed by the ignorant so they can keep factories busy employing folks to make cruel weapons for wars under the banner of national defense)    We often hear it said that if those who demand and declare wars were made to be the first ones on the front line, that would then probably be the end talk of promoting that war.   So, we say, hurry up evolutionary mass enlightenment !    Hurry up the new Age politcians with mind sets of Equality and Fairness with People before Profit Greed and Self Interests..

    We can create more harmony and more peace as the anti-dote balancing to the Merchants of Fear.   The Atomic bombs are now too big for even considering having more wars anyway.   We do have the potential and wisdom to seek new mind sets for harmony and peace.   This why we encourage you now reading this, to join in, all as equals for making a collective difference for a better world, a Harmonious and Peaceful world of Goodwill. – this is the only way that our childrens children will not need to worry about the end of civilisation..

    We repeat that Enough Love will heal everything.  

      Q – What is enough ? 

     A – When changes happen.

  What can be done right now, today……?

       Please consider attaching any of these email footers to your outgoing emails or send as the message within your Facebook or other social media as a contribution of your energy presence formed as a vibrational tone of Goodwill – every such additional drop of goodwill vibrations into the atmospheric ocean, anywhere in the world, does have a beneficial influence – as we all breathe in the same global atmospher, which in a way is like an atmospheric soup of many, many various morphic fields of thought forms drifting around our planet.;

This is a message designed to be included at the base of your every outgoing email.  Use this email footer as a way to promote positive and uplifting feelings with those who receive your emails.   You can set your email program to auto load this message to all your emails;

Here is another email footer to be sending out to increase the levels of Peaceful Harmony for a City of Goodwill.  Harmony is reflected in the City when the levels of positive thoughts, words and actions foster their equivalent feelings / expressions as the predominant energy in the air.  If you would like to live in a society whith Harmonious Goodwill, then please consider promoting these Seeds for transmuting any old negativity hanging around in the atmosphere for Peaceful Harmony to blossom, then consider having this message at the base of all the emails that you send out…

A Feeling of Respectful Harmony is always noticed in any City of Goodwill . and Harmony can be encourage with little silent reminders as our Seeds of Harmony are designed to be. The more of these gentle nudges that are pinned up in and around a City, in homes, offices, shops, cafes and wherever, then the more these silent influences for building Harmony are present……You might prefer to use this Email Footer when sending emails to conacts residing in your City

You can help promote Global Harmony and Goodwill with this Email Footer. When Understanding and Enlightenment are gained, then Harmony and Goodwill will increase by reflecting the inner transformations. The outer world is a mirror reflection of our collective inner world, and you can help to make a difference for a better world by promoting more understanding and enlightenment from awakening to and expressing more from our Higher Nature. Use this Email footer for making a difference by raising the levels of understanding and higher nature expressions.

To brighten someone’s day, you can add this Email footer with your message… This is one of those wonderful Irish Blessings, passed down from generation to generation.


Or – you can be Active sending off these kindly worded emails today    _ or promote our vision of millions and millions of Armchair Activists.

These 3 emails are for sending to your contacts…this will give them a lift for the day and let them know about our web site.  Click on the email shown here and when it comes up as a full size pdf, you can copy it and then paste it into a new email message.  You will need to add spaces between the paragraphs, and perhaps change the size of the fonts, then it will be ready for you to address.

     (Copy the top image and any following words within the box below and paste this circulating email direct into a new message in your email program)

Greetings…. I send you my thoughts of Peace and Goodwill.

I am a circulating email, making waves of goodwill in the atmosphere as I travel on and on, perhaps all around the world promoting everyone to share thoughts of Peace and Goodwill, to share their higher nature presence. Some say to share our Heart Light …..this is the dimension of each person that seeks only whatever is for the highest good for all concerned in any situation.

Some have a dream where there is enough goodwill in the atmosphere all across the world that as a global family we will collectively reflect higher values, compassion and sufficient caring for really getting serious about regenerating the life sustaining eco systems of our planet….and stop cruelty to animals….and bring respectful caring dignity for all human beings, a picture of Global Goodwill.

Can you imagine the loving vibrations of peace and goodwill increasing to such a level where higher ethical values resolve problems. When all weapons for war become past their use by date, obsolete, no longer needed, turned into plough shears … and then all those gigantic mountains of money (our taxes) and resources being diverted towards healing the eco systems, for feeding the hungry, for eliminating poverty and sickness, to shelter the homeless, to share patents over technology and medical advances, to make right the wrongs of the past, etc. etc.

An impossible dream some will say, but think about the picture of continued increasing negatives…..and what that will lead us to. How do you feel when thinking about your children’s children trying to survive in a world with a Mad Max movie environments……not a nice thought.

To make a difference for a peaceful world, the key is; Peace begins with me. Perhaps the reason for this is because we can only give whatever is present as is our awareness. Yet below the surface of every person is the One Loving presence of Peace and Goodwill. We know this as qualities of the heart, the spiritual heart.

Many are on quests to be more connected / attuned to their inner peace and loving goodwill, with meditation, yoga, movement, or contemplative prayer. Seekers of enlightenment work to let go of fears and clear old painful memories including unhelpful data inherited along with ancestry influences, and whatever else might be clouding over the presence of the Loving presence of inner Peace.

If you are working on clearing for peace to shine through you into your world, and into your choices, you will know how good it feels when a peaceful world is mirror reflecting back to you. This is how Peace begins with each individual – finding / uncovering / allowing their inner peace to shine though as their life journey.

This email is about sowing the seeds for inspiring and encouraging the dream of a caring, loving world where Goodwill is king, where mostly Peaceful Goodwill is mirror reflected back.

Please, can I encourage you to take a few minutes to feel Peace and Goodwill present with you now by allowing the Love to shine out, … we can do this by silently saying to each person and living thing; “From my heart, I send you peace and goodwill.”

As you do this, notice how you feel something good welling up inside. This will be the goodness of your higher nature…it’s a joyful, happy, uplifting delicious feeling when you really open to allow the Loving presence to outflow to yourself and others. You can do it. Everyone can do it.

Imagine a Peaceful Loving world …..We can do it because what we really are, is the Inner Peace we seek. Please, will you forward me to all your mailing list with your heartfelt thoughts of Peace and Goodwill.

P.S. This is one of many Good Seeds seeking to blossom as contributions towards creating Cities of Goodwill all over the Planet …you can freely print out lots and lots of different Seeds for making a better world for yourself and everyone. Check us out at ;


      (And another email ;  Copy the top image and any of the words within the box below and paste this circulating email direct into a new message in your email program)

Greetings .….This is a circulating message of love.

I send you this message from who I am, to who you are, from heart to heart, soul to soul… “I Love You”.  As you feel the energy with these words, I know you will feel uplifted, for we are lifted more into our higher nature as these words are taken in ….. enjoy. I too reach into the Loving presence whilst sending this message of Love. As I think “I love you,’” I too am more filled with Love in that moment.

Did you know that saying the words “I Love You” is giving one’s life essence energy as the healing balm for all of our troubles – your inflow supply is infinite., and the more you give out and share, the more you will have.  For your own healing, say      “I Love you”  to the child within and ask it to let go of everything that brings pain and suffering. Everyone seeks more Love because we know how Love feels so good as these higher energy vibrations somehow dissolve the lower energy troubles.

The more powerful positive vibrations of Love dissolves and clears or heals whatever is clouding over, or is blocking awareness of our higher nature, the wellspring of Love, – thus opening /allowing us humans to feel more of the delightful, happy, joyous, loving, and uplifting, peaceful feelings of the inner Loving Presence, our higher nature.  Focusing attention on love is self nurturing and healing.

Now, if you want to amplify and multiply the good feelings Love brings, take a few moments to recall other times when this life sustaining message was sincerely spoken from the heart – when someone looked into your eyes and said “I Love You”. You can bask in this uplifting and healing energy field as long as you care to hold these same thoughts and words present.  Love begets more Love.

To energise this feeling even more, simply say these three magic words over and over to yourself …….say “I Love you” to yourself, to your inner child.  The more you say this to yourself the better you will feel and like magic, the better things will go during the day ahead.  Stick one of our small size stickers next to the phone to have good energy when you answer it.  To give yourself a wonderful magical life, try keeping these three words going in the background 24/7.

As you do this you will get to see how your own thoughts of Love will have you feeling good – and when you feel good, you naturally share more of your goodness. This is how Love is our simple easy way to build Cities of Goodwill to potentially become Global Harmony and Goodwill. – a world with no need for weapons of war.

If you really want to make a difference for making your own world better, do this; Think of everyone you know, friend or foe, and say “I Love You” to each person as you think of them.  As you do this day after day, you will be clearing and healing all sorts of hurts and causes as the blocks to more fully experiencing your higher divine nature, the Loving presence.

If you use waiting time, TV time, travel time or spare minutes to silently say “I Love You” to yourself, you will soon shift to always find yourself walking on the sunny side and enjoying the delicious roses of life, whilst others are mostly feeling the thorns. This is how any person can give them self a beautiful life.  Design your own life experiences – you can discoverr that The world is full of beauty when your heart is full of love.

I hope you discover how saying “I Love you” over and over and over, and especially to your child within is the way for opening the doors to allow the healing Love to fill you. Then you will feel so good that you will be glad I have sent this to you.

Please give Love a try ….and as you appreciate the differences Love brings, then please consider sending me as an upliftment to the people on your email list – or even your Facebook page ….and to every email address you get from now on ….because more than anything else, what the world needs now, is Love Sweet Love….You can do it, together, we can do it.

Thank you for receiving this message……I Love You.

P.S. This is one of many Good Seeds seeking to blossom as contributions towards creating Cities of Goodwill all over the Planet …you can join in as an Armchair Activist –  freely print out lots and lots of different Seeds for making a better world for yourself and everyone. Check us out at ;


      (And another email;  Copy the top image and whatewver words you want within the box below and paste this circulating email direct into a new message in your email program)

Greetings, …….We invite you to join with us as another Armchair Activist by sending the uplifting presence of love to persons in need of support, and even to those in positions of power or simply to unknown people in trouble spots around the world.  Collectively, we humans, as a  Global Human Family, are all in this together and, we can make a collective difference for increasing Peaceful Harmony and Goodwill across the world – because Love begets more Love.

Many great teachers and wayshowers tell us that love is the answer to every problem – because Love is an uplifting higher vibration energy presence that shifts or expands awareness to our higher nature as is present within the Human Heart – that’s the higher levels of consciousness with every human being and our personal contact with The Source of All That Is.  This is the dimension of us that naturally chooses the more benevolent outcomes for all concerned, including our animals and our planet’s eco systems – hence we include sending the presence of love to persons in positions of power.  ( Can you magine our Governments making our rules from the wisdom of their Higher Nature – image the differences we could have )

The energy presence of love outflows through us whenever our hearts, thoughts and words meaningfully say I Love You, ……. this positive frequency energy of Love can be uplifting to our higher nature where access to the great ocean of Love is ever present and sustaining all life forms.

Our higher nature, is vibrating as a higher dimension of consciousness than the body, the mind and the emotions, and is ever connected to the very presence of Divine Love, the source of goodwill, compassion and kindness, of intuitive wisdom and the reservoir of our virtues.

This is why I hope I can encourage you to share your hearts Love for bringing more higher nature kindness, compassion, caring, human decency, respectfulness and wisdom to places where the TV news reflects very little Love being expressed either individually or collectively. Both victims and perpetrators all need more Love to heal the situations.  Sending or imagining Love Showers over trouble spots and places of concern is an effective energy transformation focus of Armchair Activists –  and you can personally join in.

The power of love shifts attitudes from negative to positive, shifts lower nature motives to higher nature motives of genuine goodwill.  Like attracts like, receiving Love can uplift the receiver to resonate with their own presence of love, to their own higher nature residing within the heart..

Yes, every human being has a higher nature. Dr Hew Len demonstrated this with the evidence of transforming the entire ward of hard hearted criminally insane in an Hawaii prison – and he did this without even physically speaking to any of them.  Being a local Kahuna, he used the old Kahunas method to neutralize the bad energy driving the inmates to their crimes – and now everyone can use this once kept secret understanding for bringing forth similar results of change..

Everyone can copy Dr Hew Len – and with no University training needed.  And do that from any distance to any person anywhere in the world.  Read the book Zero Limits, by Joe Vitale to understand about the power of Love and how it can be directed to cause miracles of change.  This book shows the changes Love brings, and helps towards understanding how it fits within the bigger picture of our higher nature dimension.  Dr Hew Len shows that although we seem to be unconnected with each other, the essence of Love shows how we do share a oneness at the invisible dimension of our higher nature. We want the world to know that everyone can also do the very same thing as Dr Hew Len has been documented with bringing positive changes into really, really troubled lives.  Bravo all Armchair Activists.

With that in mind, consider this;  We see in life how animosity begets more animosity and kindness begets more kindness…….and similarly Love begets more Love, …….this is why you will make a difference.  This is a totally peaceful way to bring changes, by allowing the power of love to inspire higher nature better choices to out-picture as a better world for humans and animals and our eco systems  We never need to fight for Peace…nor pay extra taxes for weapons of war – Bravo Armchair Activists, may you multiply and fast..

Remember, that when from the heart you say I Love You, you are speaking from a greater presence than the limited one whom you can see when you look in the bathroom mirror. If you speak from the heart, the higher intention has you speaking from a higher dimension of consciousness than you may conceive as being who you are. This is why saying I Love You has you feeling good. When spoken from the heart, the positive power of love transforms.  Love can change big time troubles to positive and more benevolent good for all concerned.

Simply focus thoughts of love to an individual or group without any specific demands for change – the essence of Love Itself will inspire change.  Do not try and interfere without specific permission and agreement, do not even try to change other people, even in the smallest way ………(parents of children excepted).

If you send thoughts of Love to someone without any shoulds or shouldn’ts attached, then you are letting Love take care of things, and you stay karma free from any interference in another’s life journey.  Do not use this as an attempt to change others without their consent as it can set in motion an unwanted karmic returning harvest.

If we lift above attitudes or mind sets, we find we can dislike a person’s actions, dislike their personality or beliefs and still send pure thoughts of Love to them because who we really are is of a higher consciosness that these physical, emotional and mental levels of experiencing as a Soul Being.

Remember that the power of Love dissolves lower frequency negative energy to allow more higher nature values to flood ones awareness – this is how transformation happens as the endings of problems.  Here is the understanding of why we are taught that it is far more beneficial for all to just Love their enemies.

The Beatles had it right – what the world needs now is lots and lots and lots of Love. All across the world, so many who are suffering just want to be shown more respect, being shown more human decency, more caring and fairer sharing, more kindly compassion, more justice, more equality, plus just as importantly, more caring for animals and the environment sustaining all life forms.  The use of military power and force will never stop any looming Mad Max world survival of the fittest scenarios – the transformation can only happen from more higher nature choices, especially non-harming more ethical choices by those who have positions to do so – in a nutshell, more Love, and more Love in all ways.

If you trust the power of Love you can make a difference for a better world. Here is what to do; connect with your heart centre, then either silently or out loud say I Love You to the one person, or group of people or institution or situation you choose.  You do not need to know the person, just keep saying I Love You to a persons name/s, or an imagined image, or to a photo / picture for 1 to 5 minutes with 100% total focus on what you are doing.  You might set aside the same time each day for making a difference and as your personal giving to Global Harmony and Goodwill in this simple and easy way.

Your personal efforts can be multiplied exponentially if others join with you as a group energy focus ….perhaps selecting different targets each day or so. If two or more in a group do this together the power is multiplied immensely – we are told that higher help gets activated.  When you do this know that the power of love will be there, instantly.  Trust, and let it go.  Love is the key, because the higher frequencies as the power of Love transforms the lower energy frequencies of negativity – this then allow more connections with the folks higher nature presence – then locally this becomes more Love present. – because Love begets more Love.

As more and more join in this campaign of healing with the power of Love, as time goes bye we will see more kindness, more compassion, more higher ethics, greater wisdom and more loving choices that will slowly transform the affairs of our world to Global Harmony and Goodwill.

As you join in, saying your heartfelt I Love You to the person or trouble spot situation, your imaginings may change to show the Light of love shining with the person or with the situation of concern.  Keep in mind how we are told that enough love will heal everything.

Positive, higher nature choices happen when one feels uplifted and inspired. As love flows though you,  You will benefit the most….because you will feel the Loving goodness filling your auras as you shift more to the quiet inner still peace and more joyful happiness within. These will be the signs of more love present. Whenever you give love, the life energy presence of pure love also stays with the one whom it flows out from.

Your peace is peace for all as you bring more love into the world. Please send copies of me to everyone who wants to make a difference for a better world – if you send me to those on your email list, then surely some of those seeds will blossom for a better world…enjoy. I am from;

**Armchair Activists, are quiet achievers who are making a difference from their armchair for building Friendly Harmony and Peace – we do this by sending out lots and lots of kindly vibrations of Love.   Anyyone can make similar tiny drops in the ocean towards Global Harmony and Goodwill – Remember, such giving to life may not show results today, but your instant reward is that as you give, so you will have within, and at that very moment !

*** May your returning Harvest bring you much pliftment and Feeling Good.

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