Uplift Yourself #3

I am the 3rd in a group of circulating Seeds for Upliftment. From a whole variety of sources we include selected bits and pieces that can be as catalysts to have you feeling more of the joyful happy presence of your higher nature, this makes for a better day.
Use these Seeds to help you feel connected to the peace and goodness of your higher nature. This can bring more acceptance and understandings of oneself, of others and how best to deal with the problems of life. You can use the insights of others to help bring more tolerance and more caring compassion (love) as the primary components for enhancing the friendships and goodwill around your space. Use common sense, do not blindly believe any of these statements. Use anything new or challenging as questions to ponder over and test things out to see what works for you – if something is too far out then just let it go for now.
When acceptance and upliftment are present the rewards and benefits will be as blessings for all of humanity, for being all connected as one, any person’s upliftment is an upliftment for the whole human family. If there is anything here that has you feeling good, then consider writing it in a little book to carry and read often – keep adding to it. Re-read bits when you want to feel your inner strengths, your own joyful happy essence of peaceful goodness.

Underneath it all, when you remove the masks, take
away the defences, guilts, do
ubts, and inhibitions, you
find a beautiful person waiting to experience life
emotionally, spiritually, creatively. You find a person
who cares about a job, others, and living life well –
one who loves and is lovable.

lf we have pleasant thoughts, even when we are
alone, we are in good company.

Robert Schuller’s experiences with people adopting a
worthy self Image gives hope to everyone! Here’s what
Dr. Schuller has to say in his book •Self Love’ :
Discover the power of a life-changing self-image. Your
life will change and the lives of others around you will
change, when a power-generating self-dignity is born
within you. In hundreds of cases I have seen how a
worthy self-image has enabled people to
conquer prejudice, overcome fatigue, lift depression,
raise personal achievement levels, break destructive
habits, conquer worry, fear and anxiety, enthusiasm,
break boredom, overcome personal handicaps, change
actual physical appearances and master grief and

So many cares one loses when one decides not to be
something but to be someone. Coco Chanel

Perhaps the most valuable result of all education is
the ability to make yourself do the thing you have to
do, when it ought to be done, whether you like it or
not. Thomas Huxley

Perfectionism is a perpetual flight into an illusionary
future that can not be attained. Gary Zukav
Who is there that can make muddy water clear? But if
allowed to remain still, it will gradually become clear of
itself…….. Be sparing of speech, and things will come right
of themselves; Lao-Tzu

It’s up to you and me, my friend It’s up to you and me. If
there’s ever to be any peace on earth – It’s up to you and
me. Jill Jackson

Yes, I’m my own best friend. I’ve alway’s been that way,
even when I felt other people didn’t understand me,
because I knew I still had to be true to myself. There were
times when I allowed people to get me off the track about
who I was but I’d analyse myself and find out what was
happening before I got myself into too much trouble. I find
that people who don’t like themselves much are very
difficult to be with. They are constantly searching to find
out who they are, and therefore are never very honest.
They are intellectually floating personalities. Some people
say that being a performer has
something to do with being
your own best friend, but I think for me it was mostly
being without a family and having to find my own way
through life in order to survive. It was the basic need for
healthy survival that made I had
to be my own best friend.
Eartha Kitt

Living love extends unconditionally to all beings. You love
everything and everyone pres
ent, no exceptions.
The best thing to give your
enemy is forgiveness; to an
opponent, tolerance; to a friend, your ear; to your child,
a good example; to a father, reverence; to your mother,
conduct that will make her proud of you; to yourself,
respect; to all men, charity. Benjamin Franklin


I hope you have found something uplifting here. Now I want the chance to uplift as many other people as I can reach to. I want to travel on and on all over the world because uplifting thoughts can shift ones attention to their higher nature and this is the human dimension where we feel the presence of joy, the happy feelings that make life seem better. If you believe that this is something to support, then you can help me to achieve my potential. Please keep me circulating by passing me onto someone else, anywhere in the world. I hope that on every stopover I can bring some encouragement and nice uplifting feelings of the inner peace and goodness and to leave each location better off from my being there. Print out more like me and a whole bunch of other good seeds at www.goodwillpeople.net

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upliftment 3

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