Good Day Tips #1
Greetings…….I am one of many circulating tips with simple things anyone can do for having a good day. Maybe this tip is for you and maybe not. I do hope you at least experiment to see if this shifts you to feeling good, even just a little, for then we all benefit ….because your energy is one with all of life….then pass me on to friend or stranger….because the atmosphere we all breathe is a more uplifting influence as more people attune with their inner goodness. I say inner goodness as a reference to the higher nature of humans, our higher dimension spiritual bodies our attention shifts into when we are feeling good. When someone wishes you a good day, they are wishing you the blessings of your higher nature, the human spirit, the heart ….we call this presence love, our Treasure of Treasures.
Tips for Having a Good Day #1
To have a good day, give this a sincere try. To feel good at anytime, go where you can be quiet and still for 5 minutes or so, and list 10 things in your life right now where you can be grateful. Then ask yourself these 2 questions; ‘What would be different without these things I can feel grateful for’….and ask ‘How is my life better because of these things‘. Then notice how you are feeling your own goodness within. As you do this you will discover how simply shifting the focus of your attention can result in shifting feelings. You are in charge and you can direct your focus of attention on whatever or wherever you want to, you always have this choice. Notice how your attention focus attracts more of the same frequencies, this sowing and reaping can be directed to bring experiences you want whilst ignoring what you don’t want. Discover how your attention is like a powerful prayer, and how your good feelings outflow as waves of uplifting vibrations, bringing you good days.
Tips for Having a Good Day #2
To have a good day, give this a sincere try; Whenever you want to feel good just decide to look for something good. Consider these examples; Two men look out from behind prison bars… sees mud, the other sees stars … one feel down and the other feels up. &, Some folks see the roses and feel good yet some see the thorns and do not feel good. &, Seeing the glass as half full, not half empty, feels better. Experiment and discover how you deciding what your attitude will be can result in good or bad days, of how you are in charge, of your choice to direct your focus of attention on either the positive or the negative….each has different results. Notice how whatever you dwell on attracts more of the same frequencies into your world. Everyone can use this law of cause and affect to cause lots of good days for themself. Discover how your attention focus is as a powerful prayer, and of how your good feelings become waves of uplifting vibrations, blessing all forms of life.
Tips for Having a Good Day #3
To have a good day, give this a sincere try; To feel good about yourself, let your thoughts drift back over the experiences in your life and in hindsight, see how, when considering all the inner and outer circumstances you were aware of at that time, you would have always done the best you knew how, …..Then consider how the same might also apply to others. Realize how many judgements can be invalid and undeserved. As you do this you will discover how using hindsight wisdom can neutralise many, many negative self images. You are in charge and you can use your wisdom to support yourself. You always have this choice. Notice no matter what anyone says or does to you, that you have the authority to use your inner wisdom to rewrite your own history for yourself, because how you think about yourself is all that really matters. Remember, what others say or think of you most often are self reflections from the mirror of life. Let go of past judgements for more good days.
Tips for Having a Good Day #4
To have a good day, give this a sincere try; Pretend that you are someone who loves you totally and unconditionally, say a parent or your own guardian angel ….whilst looking through their eyes, write a list of least 10 good things about you, or 20 or even 30. Do this privately so there is no need to be modest. Then think about these positive qualities you have and notice how you start feeling your goodness within. To uplift your feelings at any time you can use the eyes of love to gain a higher point of view. As you do this you will discover how looking through the eyes of love can bring an end to any negative self images. If ever anyone criticises you, do this simple method to cancel out any negative labels and feel good inside. If you discover how to give caring compassion towards you own self in this way, then life becomes easier. What others say or think of you mostly is only self reflections from the mirror of life ….and you can overwrite others’ nonsense for more good days.
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