To experience the Love of your Guardian Angel
Greetings ….. I am a Seed of Goodwill, circulating for sharing helpful information. As a Seed, I have been conceived with the heartfelt intention that my journey blossoms into more waves of goodwill. Goodwill motivated choices do change our world for the better. Think of the differences goodwill brings, and become enthused with the vision of a future that reflects more life supporting, humane and ethical (higher nature) choices. Higher nature expressions of goodwill are now being reflected more often in decisions made in the names of shareholders and elected representatives. Use this trend as evidence that spreading lots and lots of Seeds of Goodwill and Love and Harmony and Seeds of Peace can fade and diminish all our troubles and strife into past history. With your help for keeping me circulating, and if others also pass me on, I will travel to lots of different homes so that I can have the chance to leave lots of folks better off.
There is a choice that comes along with me, the choice is to honestly try out something new, and to follow the rules that bring successful results. The knowledge I carry to you is not new, for it has been used for eons by some (you may even know someone who seem to have a charmed life) yet it will be new information to those who have not yet learned about their guardian angel. Every person has at least one guardian angel, teachings say that a person’s guardian angel is with them from the moment of their birth and is always present. There are many stories of people actually feeling an intuitive life saving nudge at a time of present danger, and of helpful guidance during the dream state, and stories of angels being a constant companion and source of nurturing / uplifting communications. Your guardian angel will only help to bring forward whatever is for the highest good, or said differently, only whatever is most benevolent for all concerned.
Your guardian angel has total respect for you, thus it fully respects the spiritual law of non-interference, especially with your freedom to choose. Thus to have your guardian angel help you in any situation, you must ask clearly and precisely for what you want, knowing that it will only help bring you the most benevolent outcome, for it will only support whatever is for your highest good. The limits of what you can ask for and more importantly how often you can ask for help, will be whatever limits you decide on. I highly recommend that you do not deny yourself by allowing any nonsense of believing in unworthiness or inequality ignorance, or anyone else’s reasons / beliefs for limiting your good – for any such choices you make will be fully respected and honoured by your guardian angel. Learn about angels and get to trust in how your guardian angel is there for you 100%, does not interfere and brings only the most benevolent outcomes for you and any others involved in your requests (see below). Always remember that guardian angels are aware of a far, far bigger picture of the whole, the oneness of all. Below is a variety of ideas that you can use to stimulate your own thinking about asking your guardian angel to help you. Always show your gratitude by finishing with a thankyou.
Simply voice your requests out loud to your ever listening guardian angel. Remember to ALWAYS request the most benevolent outcome as part of every request. You may want to do this privately. Here are some ideas of what to ask for help with; My guardian angel, I request a most benevolent outcome for a safe and enjoyable drive or flight to (your des-tination) thank you. …..My guardian angel, I request a most benevolent outcome for buying the perfect gift for (person) thank you. There is nothing is too trivial. Use this formula ; 1. Ask for the most benevolent outcome; 2. Say thank you.
Some more ideas for requests are; …buying the perfect pair of shoes…….. a parking space close to the shops…….. the house sold quickly and for the perfect price….. to get the perfect rental accommodation in the perfect location…… to have the perfect words of support or encouragement for an awkward situation …… get the perfect job without too much delay…….. financial income to be a little more than needs plus supporting a favourite charity……. the perfect holiday destination with perfect timing…….. write songs that are uplifting and become hits…. find ways to help save or repair the environment and eco systems….. to improving health and wellbeing……. Meet the perfect partner for freely giving and receiving unconditional love……. for guidance, inspiration and the energy to do something that will leave this world a better place from being here…… spreading love and peace and harmony and goodwill…. etc. etc. etc. Be sure to ask for the most benevolent outcome and show your gratitude with a thank you. If you need to build trust and confidence in something new like this, start with little steps, little things … for yourself how your guardian angel is always there for you and does co-operate in magical ways for supporting you to have a happy, healthy, wealthy life.
When you have made a number of requests and received the help of your guardian angel, and thus find how your life is with new enthusiasm from realising how you are never alone, and never need face anything without higher help, you can again thank your guardian angel (without any request) and Mr Tom T. Moore the person who’s writings became the connecting inspiration for this Seed of Goodwill. It is highly recommended that you read Toms book “ The Gentle Way; A Self-Help Guide For Those Who Believe in Angels.” Read of others requests at his web site Please be sure to pass me onto someone new, anywhere in the world, friend, foe or stranger…. And if you want to spread more Good Seeds, go to our web site and print out as many of me and others, as you want to send off in different directions…. Please help us to reach whoever is seeking to have more love and harmony and goodwill, or make a difference for a peaceful world. I am a Seed of Goodwill from; Our web site has near to 200 Good Seeds to freely print out.
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