To start Waves of Light and Love
Greetings. I carry Goodwill thoughts of Light and Love for you. As a circulating Seed of Goodwill, I am on a journey for making waves of love into the atmosphere. I hope to travel from person to person all over our planet promoting my waves of Light and Love for each person I reach to – that’s you now. My job is also to encourage lots of Light and Love to be sent to those who ask. The kindly thoughts I carry to you are from the last person I was with, he or she may be someone you know or may even be a total stranger. Please be invited to join in these waves of goodwill for better world circumstances. Help fill the atmosphere with uplifting Light and Love. Giving love opens the heart to the ocean of love. With pure intentions you can work in co-operation with the benevolence of the Higher Light – or call it ‘The Force’ if you want to. When lots of love is directed to a person it can lift the attention to the more loftier levels, to one’s higher nature, to the goodness of life where the world seems different. When attention is focused on the good, the heart opens to more love – and more of one’s higher dimension, the inner beauty, one’s higher nature of Light and Love naturally outflows into the environment. As a result all living beings and the environment will benefit from the increase of caring kindly compassion and peaceful vibrations created in the atmosphere wherever my message finds an open mind. Filling the atmosphere with Light and Love as an intention of goodwill, will make a better world. I do hope you join in and add more energy to these waves for building goodwill as the way for peace and harmony.
Here is how to join in the waves of giving and receiving. To ask for Light and Love to be sent to you, write in your identity (full names are not needed) plus your city & country location in the space below. Each new person I go to can then include you to send Light and Love to, as you can now do for everyone I have been with so far. If you do not have a favoured way then try this; first open your heart, shift your attention to the stillness inside and feel the presence of Love and Light, or imagine you are surrounded and filled with scintillating gold and rose pink colours that will extend out to whoever you think of …. Then for each Soul who has previously included their names on me, from the inner Presence speak this intention ; ‘ May the highest light and love be present for ‘…..(initials)…. ‘ of ‘……(location)… ‘ do this for each person I have been with – you might spread this over a few days. Or you might try a different approach such as this ; Tonight just prior to sleep you can ask your higher self (this is easy and a joy for it to do) or your guardian angel to go to each one who has included themselves and offer the gift of love from you. If you wake up feeling really good inside, that could be a sign of sharing blessings on the inner dimensions whilst your body is sleeping. You may remember the dream, or even be consciously aware of the dream as it happens.
When you have finished with me, then give me to another new person anywhere in the world. If you want me to carry your love and light, just hold me to your heart, imagine an image of the person and to it silently say May the blessings of the Highest Light and Love be present for you – or, you could simply ask the Higher Presence to bestow a blessing of whatever will be for that person’s highest good. If you join in these waves of love and goodwill with humility and sincerity, with no desire to control outcomes, do not be surprised if during the days and weeks ahead, and for no apparent reason, you feel joyfully uplifted, or nice feelings suddenly come over you. You may even feel as though you have been touched by an Angelic Being – for this may be someone I reach to, participating exactly as I am promoting and inviting you to participate now – he or she may be sending vibrations of love to those who have joined in creating these waves.
How will you know its happening ? ….. The higher Light and Love will bring different blessings for different people. Feel it in subtle ways, like things seeming to go better at work or in the home, or pressures ease up, or perhaps something bothering you is seen in a new awareness. Or it may be felt as an extra bit of strength or determination to tackle an unpleasant situation. There may be the opportunity of a better job, a misunderstanding may be worked out ….. or the benefit may show up in any number of positive and beneficial ways or opportunities. You might feel a lightness and free flowing as though some weight has been lifted. Your choice to share your heart-light and its consequences from the law of cause and affect will return as blessings for your own advancement and give you a wonderful, beautiful life. Open your heart in gratitude when receiving as you have given to others, as you have asked the equivalent of an all knowing, unconditionally loving, compassionate and benevolent parent to extend a blessing of love to Its child….. Enjoy. See small miracles of perfect timing happen when asking without judgements, without trying to change others, or desiring to control another’s destiny.
Below are the names and locations of those who have joined in so far, if you choose to participate, then include your identity and location, please write small. Use the back when this side is full. P.S. Imagine the difference in world affairs if there were 3 times the love and goodwill present – help make the difference by starting off 3 or more of these waves of love and goodwill and enjoy the returning harvest. The more you send out will be the more that returns to you. See and print more of me at ; May the Force be with you.
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We are making Waves of Love and Goodwill. We hope you join in with us..
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