To promote lots of Lovely Days
Greetings ….May you have a Lovely Day. This kindly wish for you has been sent from someone you may know or may not know. Behind the words are thoughts of goodwill towards you. May you feel some upliftment from my journey. Having a Lovely Day means having a day where lots of love is present for you. Love is the healing, uplifting, sustaining, inspiring, life giving energy presence taking care of all living beings. To know and feel we are being loved is heaven on earth. Those who love the most are the ones who receive the most love in return. Learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all, because a person only gives out love to the level that person loves themself. With love, the giving level becomes the same level of openness for letting love in. So, to have more love, simply increase the level of love you have for yourself – as you do so, you will give out more love and feel more love in return. Yes it really is that simple to have lots and lots of lovely days. Everyone can do this, but to make it easier for you, I have some suggestions to think about and give a try, if you want to.
There are some things you can do right now to clear away some of the causes that restrict or block feelings of love for yourself. The blocks to loving yourself are mostly negatively orientated beliefs which group together and act somewhat similar to endless loop recordings or computer programs that unknowingly run in the background as an ongoing influence upon one’s self image / self esteem and we are told can become like a projection one sees in others as the mirror of life reflects aspects of oneself back. Clearing the blocks to totally loving yourself is probably the most rewarding thing you can do.
Try this; Boldly write these words on top of a page : ‘I have always done the best I knew how, with what I knew at the time and the situation or circumstances I was in – and as I know better, I do better – therefore I Now Totally and unconditionally forgive myself for judging myself for believing / saying / doing / thinking. Then underneath write all the negative belittling or unfriendly things about yourself taken in from others. Things teachers said, criticisms, put downs, names, anything bad. Then include everything you have ever felt guilty about or criti-cised yourself over. Boldly declare this above statement over and over to cancel out every bit of negative image nonsense. Say it firmly, meaningfully and out loud as you cross out each and every thing from that list of negatives. Then to reinforce all the good things about yourself for a positive self image, to attract the good to you, start an ongoing list of everything you can like, everything positive and worthy about yourself and be sure to be overly generous about it. Doing this will increase self esteem and allow normal feelings of love for yourself.
With the clearing of the negatives you can also upload truthful positives to reflect as more love for yourself. You will find affirmations for raising self esteem on the web, be very selective. Below are a few ideas to start with. Pick any that you respond to and say or write out that statement over and over – do this until you fully believe it, no reservations – you will know when you believe it, because it will start to out pictures as unconditionally accepting and loving yourself as being totally worthy and totally loveable. Yes you have the full right to decide what your self image is, after all, it is you who harvests whatever it attracts. If you want an enlightened understanding of who or what you are, then read Eckhart Tolle’s book, A New Earth, for this will dissolve limiting beliefs that become blocks to accepting and loving yourself.
Here are some affirmations to build your self esteem and hence bring more love into your life. “My very existence proves my worthiness and importance…” ” My so called mistakes, or failures, my wins or losses, my achievements or successes, my learning experiences, my beliefs or possessions do not make me better or worse than anyone else…” “My status or position, my parental lineage, nationality, race, creed, or colour, are not who I am in essence and do not make me greater or lesser, or more or less worthy than any other Soul…” “I can accept the Bible teaching that ‘ye are all sons of God’ does apply to me as equally as it applies to every other human being, and I can choose to have this as my overriding attitude towards myself….” The more self esteem you build up, the better life you will give yourself.
To have others wish your kindly thoughts for you to have a Lovely Day, include yourself below. Then one at a time sincerely wish a Lovely Day for each person listed …. They will each receive the vibrations of your kindly thoughts of goodwill. As you give, so you receive…. Enjoy. Please pass me on to a friend, foe or stranger, wishing that person to have a lovely day. You can join in and print more of me and some others for making a better world from my web site ; I hope you feel inspired to have lots of Lovely Days.
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