To support others having a good Day

To support others having a good Day

To-support-others-having-a-good-DayGreetings …..May you have a Happy Day.  Of all the people in the world, someone has chosen you to be the recipient of their wish for you to have a Happy Day. Enjoy. The giver, who you may know or not know, is really sending you their kindly thoughts of goodwill. Wishing you goodwill … this case wishing you to have a Happy Day is wishing that you will feel blessed and enriched, that you feel at peace and good inside. I am travelling all over the world promoting more happy feelings.  Always remember that the whole world becomes a better place when being blessed by the sunshine of your smile as the joy of happiness bubbles up and tickles you inside.

As you absorb the thought vibrations of Goodwill I carry, I hope that you are feeling a little upliftment – you may even feel a little smile coming to your face – for this is a sign that the heart-light and love that I carry from others has been like a catalyst to help you connect with your own inner wellspring of love (the treasure of treasures). Love is that presence of the heart that comes alive when you look into the eyes of your loved ones and new born babies – its that feeling of peace, of joy and goodness that makes life worthwhile. It’s a feeling of connection, of harmony.  Opening this flow is choosing a happy life. The Kahunas of old Hawaii taught this ;  ‘ to love is to be happy with.’ So, here you have the secret ; Simply choosing to love more is to have more happiness. Goodwill is the expression of love….. So I encourage you to allow your heart to share Its goodwill in those little things that make up the day. As you spread happiness to others, or even wish others a happy day, you are creating vibrations of happiness around yourself …. and this makes a happy life.

Although it may be hard to believe, it is said that feeling happy is our natural normal way to be. Exactly as we see demonstrated by little children before being taught to live in fear, or believe they are bad / naughty and all the other scars that reflect as more permanently closed hearts. So, one big key for a happy life is to realise that your self image, or what you believe about yourself is whatever you decide it to be – no one else has the ability to know you so fully as to be accurate – so others opinions are really false. You can change any adopted nonsense negative self image to fully believe in yourself as being totally good and beautiful – and sure, like everyone else you learn from making mistakes. Those fears that block happiness can be neutralised also …. simply realise that fear is mostly False Expectations Appearing Real … thus the thing to fear is fear itself. If you make the effort to be in charge of your inner state these ways, then your natural higher nature, your natural spontaneous happiness will be more present and bubbling to the surface as a blessing for all.

If you do not feel your natural state of happiness most of the time, then there may be some blocks to feeling happy that you can quickly and easily dissolve and clear away with Garry Craig’s simple EFT tapping technique.  This is very effective, anyone can quickly learn the simple procedure, it can be done privately, and does not take much time.  You can print a free how to manual from his web site.  You can also read about how quickly phobias or habits and all sorts of health issues and various blocks to having a happier life are quickly cleared by those who use EFT.  If this interests you, then check out the web site at   Gary Craig is a very giving person.

A sure way to feel happy is to wish happiness for others. Whatever one wishes for another will be the very experiences they themselves get to have more of.  To create lots of happiness for yourself, use the law of attraction which says that your thoughts attract your experiences – use this for your advantage.  Boost your happiness by sincerely wishing happiness for those who have added their names below. Make sure that you mean it sincerely – you will feel happy feelings building and bubbling up inside when you do.  Do this for each person who included their identity and as you do this blessing notice the vibrations around you activating the law of attraction, causing your inner feelings of happiness to multiply. Each person will be blessed with your kindly thoughts. If you want others to do the same for you, then add your name as a way of asking everyone I reach to, to wish you a happy day … and have lots of nice energy sent to you in the days ahead.

Please use me to carry your kind thoughts of goodwill to someone else anywhere in the world. Please give me the chance to bring a little sunshine to someone new. Send me to another person with your wishes to have a Happy Day, even anonymously. You can even send me to an old enemy, or someone you have never met, or someone having a hard time. You can print lots and lots of me and send one out every day as a happy pill to keep you on a natural high. Print more of me at ;    Give yourself more happiness.

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To support others having a good Day
To support others having a good Day

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