To send your Love out to the world
Greetings…. I am a wave of saying I Love You. When said from the heart, “I love you” is energising because it is the energy of life. It has no strings attached – it says that you don’t have to be anything special, nor do anything special to be loved. You are loved for who you are in essence. Life loves life in all Its myriad forms of expression. Without love, nothing would exist. To have more understanding of what is happening when we say I love you to someone or some other living being, imagine that there is a flowing of energy as the life essence in one form is outflowing the energy of Itself, or giving of Itself, to another living form, formed and animated by the same life essence. Love is a good example of how we receive by giving, for humans seem to only receive love to the level as each is open to allow love to outflow through them. This is why giving love is uplifting and energising and gives strength whenever love flows through you. Little children are naturally open to the flow of love until copying grown-ups in the ways that close the heart, but this can change. I hope you will join this wave of sending loving vibrations to those I have been with and then pass me on with your good thoughts to someone near or far so that I can continue my travelling around the world creating waves of love vibrations in the atmosphere, this transforms as harmonious peace.
If you want to experience more love, then I invite you to discover how you, Soul (consciousness) can be a wellspring of pure love. You can increase awareness of love (Soul’s essence) and see the miracles love can bring – to do this use the principle of how like attracts like as a natural way to lift the frequencies of your awareness to more expanded levels of consciousness. You can expand your awareness to the higher frequency vibrations of love by focusing your attention on love – here is how – either silently or out loud, repeat over and over; ‘ Dear everyone I love you ‘ or, ‘ I love you, ’ to every living being / thing you see. Do this for as long as it takes to lift yourself to a higher state of consciousness. You will know when this is working, because you will start feeling the joy of life within, we call it happiness. Ponder on the words of this modem day mystic ; Paul Twitchell is recorded as saying; ” Until you can understand that nothing can happen to you, nothing can ever come to you or be kept from you except in accord with your state of consciousness, you do not have the key to life.”
For dissolving the energy of disharmony, try silently repeating ‘ I love you and wish you the highest blessings ‘ – this needs to be said with sincerity from the heart. You can dissolve residues from conflicts by saying these same words to the person’s photo. Saying these heart-felt words to their image in your imagination can have a similar effect, because consciousness is not restricted by the physical dimension space time constructs. Even old enemies can become friends by creating enough loving vibrations between people this way. You can prove it for yourself – you will know it works when you can think of the person and there are no negative feelings, a neutral inner calm will replace disharmony. As a bonus, other relationships and health will improve because by doing this you will have made more inner space for love to reside. To lift above human frailties, try looking at each person as part of the one essence of life – Jesus pointed to this, advising to love thy neighbour as thyself. When Soul (true self) voices its love for another Soul, it is the intelligent consciousness, the life essence saying truth to Itself and not to the false self image, or what we call the ego. Compassion is a demonstration of Soul’s innate awareness of all Souls being connected as one life / consciousness. Dissolve inequality nonsense of false ego / image separations. The ancient Greeks advised to Know Thyself, and To thine own self be true, as the way to Agape (true) Love, the life giving love that every heart will so desperately seek.
If you need to choose between holding onto a cherished opinion, (i.e. such as an inherited or chosen strong belief, or prejudice, or adopted mind set), or allowing yourself to be free and open to receive more love, I hope you choose love. For to let go of blocks to love will show how a non-judgemental attitude shifts one to the freedom and joy from acceptance. Discover your own easy way to open the heart (door) to fill yourself with divine love. Choosing to give and receive more love will uncover heaven. Love’s expressions of goodwill are needed to save and to repair our eco systems for the children’s children to inherit a planet that is life supporting with peaceful friendly co-existence. If you choose to be part of the solution, join this wave and send loving thoughts by saying “I love you” to each person who has asked for this by including their identities below, and add your name or initials and location, and pass me on. If you join in and if I can keep travelling, you will have lots of love sent to you soon – enjoy. You can print and start off as many of these waves of love as you want to. You can print me and others seeds for making a difference towards a better world all from our web site; Much love to you.
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