To send your Peace and Goodwill out to the world

To send your Peace and Goodwill out to the world

To-send-your-Peace-and-Goodwill-out-to-the-worldGreetings, I bring Peace and Goodwill to you – As a carrier of good vibrations my objective is to travel around and around the word, inspiring people to make waves of peace and goodwill. I hope I can encourage you and lots of people to cause lots more vibrations of Peace and Goodwill in the atmosphere for making things better. Some have a dream that one day there will be such an increase of goodwill in the atmosphere all across the world that it will collectively reflect as higher values / ethics / love, as more caring compassion / respect for all living beings – especially our life sustaining eco systems. Some will resist change and pretend that the ways of the past can continue on (until its too late) – but you can choose to be part of the solution by giving real goodwill to make the difference.

Some imagine that if the vibrations of loving peace and goodwill were increased 3 fold we would turn the tides towards saving this planet as a life sustaining environment for our children’s children to inherit. If genuine goodwill (that’s action, not hollow words) were increased three or four fold then all weapons across the world would become past their use by date, obsolete, no longer needed, turned into plough shears – then by voter demand all those gigantic mountains of taxpayer money across the world, plus all the vast resources would be diverted to healing our planet, to feed the hungry, to eliminate poverty and sickness, to house the homeless, to share medical advances and make right the wrongs of the past. For a safe world with life sustaining eco systems for our children’s children to survive, those with power will make the choices of seeking only the highest good for all concerned. An impossible dream – I say no, not when considering that repeating past history will continue on building the greed-power road to the hopelessness of today’s troubles multiplied.

If you choose to make a difference for turning the tides, for making the dream of higher values / ethics to become a reality, then my invitation to you is this; Take some time out to shift your attention inside your heart, to the space of peace, and when you feel at one with the inner stillness, hold an intention for this presence of love to radiate out as heartfelt thoughts of peace and goodwill to all life ( this means opening your heart to let your heart-light shine as E T came to ask us to ) visualise or imagine these vibrations of love radiating out in a big circle – same as TV stations beam signals out into the atmosphere. You can gently beam out vibrations of peace and goodwill in as big a circle as you can conceive and believe, there are no limits ….then go a step further – imagine your waves of goodwill vibrations being amplified by angelic beings and becoming as a pure white golden hue of divine love bathing the planet, and saturating the atmosphere and transmuting negative thought influences…. then mentally ask that this divine presence of loving peace and goodwill travel to all those who have included their names below – say them one at a time. See how this time of giving becomes a source of upliftment for yourself – notice how this goodness returns back into your life – feel the evidence of sowing and reaping being linked.

Goodwill / expressing love is Soul’s natural nature. Pure love will uplift anyone open to receive. Feeling love is feeling good – and when one feels good, one does good. Some say that the word good is an extension of the word God, and that God is love. This is why love expressed as detached goodwill is the only answer for all our personal and global troubles, sharing your heart-light makes the difference. You can add your name and then send me on my way to another person of your choice with your clear heartfelt thoughts of peace and goodwill along with me. Others I reach to will then send loving vibrations to you over the days and weeks ahead. The returning harvest from planting beautiful seeds into the garden of life will bring you more beautiful days (this is how cause and effect works, so why not use this law for your upliftment). I hope you choose to start 3 waves of peace and goodwill. Print as many of me as you want to start off on journeys to make a better world. Print me and others like me from our web site at ; Peace be with you.

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To send your Peace and Goodwill out to the world
To send your Peace and Goodwill out to the world

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