Love & Peace & Goodwill

Seeds for sharing Your Love and Goodwill with the world around you.

With these Good Seeds you can flood your City with Waves of Love and Peace and Goodwill…

Firstly, to more fully grasp the potential benevolent differences you personally can make simply from spreading some Seeds from this group for Sharing your Loving Goodwill into the world at large, please really consider what this quotation from Keith Allen Kay, saying ;   “ We are not birthed into this world, we are born into an ever new energetic dimension where we with all souls create our world.  Every particle in the perceivable Universe is intrinsically connected to every other particle.   Each particle holds the blueprint for our entire physical body and also the entire Cosmos.  We are each one a masterpiece of Divine Design.   As we breakout beyond our assumptions of separation, we unlock the secrets of life itself, we are one with everything that is.  This life experience is malleable, we can create and recreate our lives over and over again.

That quote tells you how and why using this group of Good Seeds can and will make a difference.   If you believe the world could do with heaps more Love and Peace and Goodwill, then right now you are at the right place to do just that.  These seeds are for sharing your Love and Peace and Goodwill – this is the way to transform the atmosphere for creating a City of Goodwill, right where you live.  These seeds are designed for circulating from person to person – yet, why not post one to yourself every now and then, for after all, your relationship with yourself is your most important relationship. Given the chance, these seeds will blossom many times over.

You can print these out or send them as email attachments – and please do so with as many as you dare to, for each of them can potentially make a difference in the life of someone, somewhere.   As you do this there will potentially be lots and lots of good loving thought vibrations being sent from others to you from wherever these Seeds land along their continuous journeys.    You ca start send out dozens of these to start on their journeys to grow into waves of good vibrations for neutralizing any old influences of negativity in the air.  Some may travel around your own locality and some may travel on and on around the world – each as a potential silent blessing for all living beings. (Remember how every loving thought that goes into the atmosphere does have its beneficial effect upon all living beings, because we are all connected as one) You can include these Seeds in any letters you post, or leave them in a place for others to pick up as a nice surprise, or post to strangers as an uplifting surprise, or slip under an office door for giving someone a nice little lift for the day.

Just send these out into the world to be passed from one to another, this is the way to make a positive difference in the atmosphere we all breathe ….. Be delighted and uplifted yourself with the returning harvest of feeling positive uplifting vibrations of Love and Peace and Goodwill (the sowing and the reaping) – and as others around you are inspired to also get involved, you will enjoy the blessings of living in a City of Goodwill – and it will be you who has helped to make this so.  You will notice the Self Nurturing Seeds repeated here – this is to remind you that sending waves of loving thoughts to yourself and especially to the child within is so, so very important.

This group of Good Seeds will suit Armchair Activists seeking to send kindly thougts to others.   If you double click on any of these Seeds for Sharing your Love and Goodwill, it will then come up a bit larger than full size so that you can read the messages.  You could then copy and paste to another software page for printing out on standard A4 paper.     Or you could paste any Seed into an email blank and send it off to give someone a nice lift for the day.                                     ……….You can use the 3rd Seed formaking a difference with trouble spots that concern you.

To send your Peace and Goodwill out to the worldTo send your Peace and Goodwill out to the world To send your Love out to the worldTo send your Love out to the world To promote Love Showers in your CityTo promote Love Showers in your City
To support others having a good DayTo support others having a good Day To promote lots of Beautiful DaysTo promote lots of Beautiful Days To promote lots of Wonderful DaysTo promote lots of Wonderful Days
To promote lots of Lovely DaysTo promote lots of Lovely Days To promote lots of Feeling GoodTo promote lots of Feeling Good To start Waves of Light and LoveTo start Waves of Light and Love
To experience the Love of your Guardian AngelTo experience the Love of your Guardian Angel To promote using the power of LoveTo promote using the power of Love To Love yourself with Self Nurturing #1To Love yourself with Self Nurturing #1
To Love yourself with Self Nurturing #2To Love yourself with Self Nurturing #2 To Love yourself with Self Nurturing #3To Love yourself with Self Nurturing #3 To Love yourself with Self Nurturing #4 To Love yourself with Self Nurturing #4

The last four Pages of Seeds for giving to yourself are to print out, to cut into 4 and use as caring compassion for yourself – these are the most important and most valuable on this whole web site.  Why – because as you clear the way and open the flow of Higher frequency Love to yourself, you also at the same time open more to allowing yourself the greatest experience we can know – we call it Being in Love,  which simply means to be more fully experiencing the Loving presence within. (As when looking into the eyes of someone your heart is fully open towards, you fully accept without reservations)  We can only accept and experience the love of others, and of our higher nature to the level that we accept and thus love every last thing about ourselves, especially the inner child, – yes with all our so called faults, any such are nonsensical comparisons and must never hider unconditional acceptance of ourselves.  This means to have truckloads of loving acceptance and total forgiveness and highest respect and kindly self talk, for ourselves, about ourselves and to ourselves.   If used with an intent, these last four sets of Seeds can help with healing all the old the hurts and all the past self-judgments / criticisms or self put-down that we may have loaded upon ourselves, Any and all self judgements are like curses that will lodge within and become self imposed hurdles and handicaps for having a happy feeling good life – but you can easy clear them with self forgiveness – or use the Hawaii method called hoóponopono (See the Self Advancement Seed for this simplicity)   As you nurture this most important relationship you will ever have, you will find that you can and will blossom and blossom and blossom even more.

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