Goodwill People


         Our Vision is Global Harmony and Goodwill with Peace in the air.

  For All of us to have a Peaceful Future, there is just one rule –    that we learn to Love one another… – But firstly we must learn to  Love OurSelves...- fully and unconditionally.


    We now have a Game Changer with the new Aquarian Age Perceptions and Understandings of just One Creator of All that is.  If you want to grasp this, try to conceive the concept of an Omni Present, and Omniscient Life Essence and Intelligence in all Beings and Forms, with all connected as One – as an everywhere consciousness where each single atom effects the whole.

   We see this as why he advised; To Love our Neighbour as Our Self & To do unto others as we would want done unto to Ourselves (meaning to sow good karma)  That level of wisdom and common sense is now again voiced from the evolutionary enlightenment of this new Aquarian Age – now, we need logical thought in Harmony with our higher nature’s intuitive guidance.  Though voiced way back when, this common sense is now needed to end the daily T.V. news telling us all to be afraid, to fear the ignorant crazies with guns and weapons or enough atom bombs for assured mutual destruction, plus who knows what secret weapons technology advances will bring.   Our Global Leaders need to demonstrate more evolved awareness of a mutual responsibility that gives all Living Beings and all Eco-Systems some certainty of intelligent survival from real Global Goodwill, for Harmony & Peace.

Yes, this dual message from The Great Way shower, is about having a common sense level of harmony between our logical thinking and our all knowing intuitive wisdom from the Heart, – and to attune with the Love and Light of our Higher Nature as is only accessible through the heart centre.  Attunement with our Heart Brain connection to our Higher Nature, is the only way to have a world with sufficient Peaceful Harmony to allow all Life forms the opportunity for ongoing survival – this includes our kin, our children’s children, the animal kingdom, the Nature kingdom, especially the eco-systems of land, sea and air, to provide the safe sustainable home for us all.  Old beliefs of more and bigger weapons of war for power, or some O.K. to block others from their divine heritage of equal rights to life and love and freedom, will never, ever bring Harmony and Peace.


   Using force and Power is an outdated ego delusion that will always fail…..The time has come for new thinking Diplomats to use Love and genuine Goodwill for promoting fairness and equality to build world Harmony and Peace as a guarantee of survival for all.


                       Image result for happy faceImage result for happy faceImage result for happy face                                 

…… the self destructive power and fate of Atlantis need not be repeated because enough Love with more enlightened values, we of the new age will make our survival happen.    Promoting more enlightened understandings and encouraging more expressions from our Higher Nature dimension level of awareness, is what this web site is all about.  We can imagine the times when the level of Gross National Happiness will be more popularly desired as the Gold Standard measure for evolution and achievement by the leaders of an enlightened society.  We are not political, yet we deeply believe in equality and fairness with first considerations for the most benevolent wellbeing of people, of all living beings and forms having Divine Rights that must come before profit greed.




Take notice how our Clever Universe does always give back a balancing measure and more with our receiving of Love being somewhat equal with our own giving of Love – and also notice how no one is exempt from the cycles of action and reaction.  When you spread our Seeds of Love and Goodwill, you will need to be open to the inflow from the Universe to receive your bounty.   Good Karma is the key for having a good life !


Here we have lots and lots of Seeds to Share Your Heart Light . . .
and lots of Good Seeds to make a benevolent difference for Yourself & to build World Peace from increasing Harmony and Goodwill all over our Planet.


These Seeds are for Sharing your own Love and Goodwill.

Heart_PickMe-TransparentCLICK HERE  For a mix of Seeds for Sharing Your Heart Light … Here are lots of Seeds for spreading Love and Peace and Goodwill.   We have many different Seeds that will appeal to any person with an open heart.  When given the chance these Seeds will shift the awareness to higher levels and more into our higher nature which is ever waiting to give of Itself, both to you and to all life forms – this will transform the atmosphere to a more Nurturing and Healing environment.

CLICK HERE  For some email footers plus 3 drafts of emails that you can  (and hopefully will) send far and wide (and many times over) as an easy way to share the positive vibrations of your Love and Goodwill – and to give others a nice lift for the day. You can send out your good vibes with all your emails, or perhaps to have on your Facebook page.  You can create lots of kind and loving thoughts being sent back to you from all over the Planet as the harvest of returning nice loving feelings – it’s called creating good karma for yourself.  (known as sowing and reaping in religious circles) This is the easy way to send out your Loving Goodwill and your Peace to then be multiplied into the atmosphere of our world.


For Loving Yourself – These Seeds are for Self Nurturing.

Heart_PickMe-TransparentCLICK HERE  For what we think are probably the most valuable Seeds we have that you can make use of for improving your life journey.   Why ? – Because Self Nurturing actually means to be sharing your Love with yourself.  When our cup is full and overflowing, we naturally give of our loving overflow to all living beings – this is the easy way to be spreading and promoting Love and Goodwill as natural as breathing. (most valuable, because you will be harvesting from those Good Seeds you have sown)

More for Loving Yourself – these Seeds are
Tips for Having a Good day.

Heart_PickMe-TransparentCLICK HERE  For a mix of Seeds with Tips for Having a Good Day.   There are lots of little Tips that we each can experiment with for finding what works for us to bring forth the result of feeling in a good space at the end of a demanding day.  Do check out these helpful Tips.

  ….and More for Loving Yourself –
These Seeds are for Feeling Uplifted.

  Heart_PickMe-TransparentCLICK HERE  For Seeds especially loaded with bits and pieces that can Uplift your Spirits at those times when you might be in need of some positive inner nourishment.   So many stories tell us over and over that where there is the desire, people can transform their Inner state from lower levels of depression to more positively feeling ok again.  This variety of mini stories and quotations are more like a collection of gems for staying with more of a positive and optimistic outlook.   These can be sent to a friend in need, or, personally useful at a time of need.


    …and again , More for Loving Yourself – These Seeds are for your own Advancement.

Heart_PickMe-TransparentCLICK HERE  For a mix of Seeds that can be used for your own Advancement.  Use these Seeds for helping to Give Yourself a Good and Satisfying Life.   Have a read through these Good Seeds and you will discover some ways where you can enhance your life, and other ways to avoid some of the pitfalls we each can so easily stumble into without having the knowledge that was previously not so commonly known and used.

These Seeds are for Our Children and Early Teens

Heart_PickMe-TransparentCLICK HERE  For a mix of Seeds for helping your Child have a solid foundation from developing an Inner State that is based upon self supporting inner strengths.

CLICK HERE  For a mix of Seeds for helping your Early Teens or Tweens have solid foundations from developing an Inner State that is based upon self supporting inner strengths.

These Seeds are for Mature Age Teens

Heart_PickMe-TransparentCLICK HERE  for a mix of Seeds to Survive and Thrive whilst phasing into adult society – which at times can be like an Urban Jungle.  As a Teen, you can avoid being a victim of those seeking to take advantage of any inexperience whilst you learn to tip-roe through the sleeping herd of elephants.   You can save a lot of tears by learning how to step into your power with some tips and tricks to succeed and achieve with an open heart – check out these links for giving you an edge with developing your own self-empowerment awareness for dealing with the world at large.



These Seeds are for Promoting Peace from more Friendliness.

Heart_PickMe-TransparentCLICK HERE  This group of Seeds are for Increasing the levels of Friendliness in the atmosphere. You can pin these up where others will read or perhaps give or post these Seeds of Friendship to people you know and to people you may never know, for this will build more bridges of friendship and enhance the existing bridges of friendship between us all.

These Seeds are for Promoting Social Cohesion with More Understandings.

Heart_PickMe-TransparentCLICK HERE  For a mix of Seeds with higher understandings about us human beings, and why we are here.  These have been selected from a mix of past mystics and some highly evolved beings still living on this planet.  Use these Seeds for quantum leaps with understandings as the foundations for building more acceptance, more respect, more friendly compassion – this will increase harmony for building social cohesion that does then build a Goodwill City, a Goodwill Nation – and this builds towards a Goodwill Planet of Peace and Harmony.  More Understanding attitudes are the big keys for Social Cohesion..  Our understandings held at the subconscious level will feed back to reflect on the outer world, as our inner state broadcastings.  Therefore choose the highest levels of understandings to give yourself an ongonig advantage and advancement.

These Seeds are for Promoting Harmony and Respect.

Heart_PickMe-TransparentCLICK HERE  For a mix of Seeds for building more Love and Harmony and Goodwill in the air.  The environment where you live or work does feed back to your Inner State – ( for better or for worse. ) Use these Seeds for building more Loving Harmony and Peaceful Goodwill as increasing feel good in your home, your work place and your community atmosphere.

Armchair-AcvtivistsSmiley-2You may consider being an ARMCHAIR ACTIVIST for Fostering more Peaceful Harmony and more Heartfelt Goodwill.

CLICK HERE  To be involved with making a difference for a better world.  Here are some ideas to start you thinking of how you can get active with making a difference for increasing the levels of Love and Goodwill in our troubled world, and here in our Nation.   There are various ways anyone can be as active as they choose with spreading uplifting vibes, or inspiration and encouragement to those who can benefit from new information – even just doing so from your own armchair with an iPad to your social media friends.  You really can make a difference for inspiring and encouraging a Revolution of the Heart.

Here are some Seeds To transform your location to be a
City of Goodwill.Smiley-3

CLICK HERE  For a mix of Seeds for encouraging an increase of mutually benevolent attitudes and mind sets, with more caring and compassion of Loving Goodwill that can uplift us all, thus transforming the atmosphere where you live or work into feeling more like a City of Loving Goodwill.

 You Can start a Mini Revolution of The Heart In Your own City.

Heart_PickMe-TransparentCLICK HERE  For some encouragement ideas of starting a Mini Revolution of The Heart in your Neighbourhood or City.   Yes you can, with a few friends or even as the power of one person …..and from little things, big things can grow.  Then smile inside as you look out and see the differences that all started from your own efforts.

MandelaQuoteYou can Understand some basics of how the Universe works  -– and why our Seeds work.

Heart_PickMe-TransparentCLICK HERE  To read of how our Universe works and why our Good Seeds do work for anyone who wants them to.   When we can have even a basic concept of how and why something so simple as our Good Seeds can be so helpful for making changes, this then gives a level of confidence that will also help the outcomes one seeks – thus we encourage everyone to gain a basic understanding of the hows and whys.

  We Humans are evolving to more Heartfelf, more Enlightened & more Compassionate values – The Aquarian Age is now dawning……. we can have new hope because of more enlightened mind sets gaining a voice……

Heart_PickMe-TransparentCLICK HERE  To read and understand about the New Aquarian Age Constellation that is now beaming down upon us and transforming our Planet.  It can all look rather challenging with the clashes of values,  – yet turmoils can happen as the old is broken down to allow the new thinking and values to come forth.  The changing times of upheaval may not look so pretty, but we are in good hands, so we can take heart from the positive changes that are prophesied and unfolding.  We see how Peace and Understanding will be the prime basis of our future.

You can read about Us – plus our Hopes and Dreams about saving our Planet from the climate change warnings of potential disasters resulting from business as usual……

CLICK HERE  To read all about us, – to understand our perceptions, about the simple insights that have inspired us with why we do what we do, plus our visions and our hopes for leaving this world a better place from our time of being here.  When the penny drops we can see how it is all a very simple matter of common sense and maths.  This page also has a link to contact us with your constructive comments.

Please let others know that we exist.

Heart_PickMe-TransparentHappy faceCLICK HERE   We try not to be pushy, yet we need those who know about the power of Love and Goodwill, to help with letting the world know about these Seeds so that others seeking solutions can check us out.   Everyone who cares can spread thoughts of Harmony and Peace and Loving Goodwill – this will make a real difference for a better world environment


May your personal Harmony and Peace expand all over our Planet.


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1 thought on “Goodwill People”

  1. My name is Daniel Huppert.

    I am campaigning as an Independent Candidate for Aston. I am most certainly a good will candidate, and have a lot of love for the people. As a man guided by justice, in order for goodwill, peace, love, freedom, truth and justice to prevail, the banker and corporation owned politicians need to either change their hearts, or otherwise be exposed and condemned, which is where I come in.

    One of the best way the people can be free to demonstrate good will, is for the people to be freed from their bonds of slavery to debt, to taxes, to burdensome regulation, to ignorance. My tax and monetary policies will achieve this on the most remarkable way.

    Lots of love and peace to you all.

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